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2013-11-23 9:12 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Yay 20.4 mph on the bike today for 2 hours. I am smoked, but very happy with that for sure. Amazing after just 2 weeks seeing some good things, and being very tired. Was a rough workout. 4x 1:00/1:00 at 23 mph, 2x 12:00 at 22 mph, 2x 15:00 at 20 mph and the rest at 19 mph ish.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-11-23 9:19 PM

2013-11-24 2:41 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Nice 1:40 on the trainer this afternoon. Its freezing outside, so no chance of doing anything outside. did another interval ride, and logged just over 26 miles. I felt FANTASTIC the whole time. I checked my Trainer Road history, and I've done the same 'ride' 2 other times. Today's figures were nearly identical to a ride I did back in March which was 10 weeks into my HIM training for the June race I did. I'll need to keep up the consistency, and hopefully keep building from here and hit the start of HIM training in good form.
2013-11-24 3:29 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
It was a little brisk 10F for my run this morning, 2x 9:00 (1.3 miles) at 7:00 mpm pace, kicked my butt for the rest of the run. At least it wasn't icy.
Next Sunday has faster paces required... ug.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-11-24 6:10 PM
2013-11-24 7:37 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
You're a braver man than I. Wind chill here right now is 0. Can't believe the Patriots & Broncos are playing just a handful of miles away. Must be crazy cold at the stadium.

Hope the pool isn't frozen solid tomorrow AM
2013-11-25 1:44 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Nice workouts all around!

Started off on the trainer this morning, but only made it 30 minutes. Low blood sugar and lack of time to wait for it to come back up and finish. Then off to the pool, where I had trouble finding much energy. But since I had already gone to the trouble to drive over, I decided to finish the *^%$ workout! Yeah, I know, some days are just like that. Tomorrow is another day!
2013-11-25 7:30 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
You guys are doing awesome continuing your workouts in the cold!!!! I hate cold. And Carol, good for you on getting it done.

Steve, you are forever in my head now. Friday before we left, I was pushed for time and the mini-vaca was interfering with my two long runs... and I was in a bad mood...and I had stomach issues. But I just said screw it and went out hard. Everytimes I wanted to slow down, walk, or bag the miles, I kept saying, "No, you've got to be the runner that Steve thinks you are." So I ended up getting 10.6 at very close to race pace. I was slightly off because I had to take a few minutes to make sure that a dog didn't get run over by the school bus or the trash truck but I was close to 10mm.

Tonight I went out for 4*1mile intervals. Why did I think it was be easier than 800s? I managed to get 3 miles under 8mm and 1 mile right at 8mm. I was happy. Now I stink and need a shower.

2013-11-25 8:57 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I've decided to go back to basics with my running, and I'm going back to my couch to 5k plan from ages ago. I've been so out of it for so long, and I don't feel like I'm making much progress with my sporadic runs right now. This way I'll build back up the way I should and when i'm up to running consistently per the plan, it will be time to start my HIM plan. I'm starting at "week 3" so its not completely from scratch
2013-11-26 8:31 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
That's some speedy running Pam! Looking really great for pulling some speed into your mary pace But don't forget that the post T-giving long run needs to be nice and slow .

Mike, sounds like a smart idea re: C25K.

Steve, sounds like the coaching is helping, no??

Feeling cooked so taking a rest day.

2013-11-26 10:31 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hiya!!! Sounds like some great workouts y'all are having! Great to see! Been doing a little running and strength. IT bands still get irritated with runs past 4ish miles. Little frustrating. Also thought Id be in the saddle a lot more but No. As of now ive signed up for NO races for 2014 & im having a hard time with it!!! I had planned to do a local 70.3 but got word that they are not offering it in 2014!! Theres the famous Wildflower long course in May ..but w those hills I've decided against it. Plus it's on my dads bday. Can't miss that! I am however considering New Orleans or Florida 70.3 But none of my tri friends are interested and husband cant make those spring dates for travel. I'm chicken to go completely solo. Im tempted to post a thread about solo triathletes and meet-ups. . I mean you have to have SOMEONE to swap stories with after a big race right? And share a beverage!!! :D So what to do? I need a goal ..and tri-friends who are able to travel! Anyway, everyone have a blessed Thanksgiving Day/weekend with your family and friends.
2013-11-26 11:07 AM
in reply to: EV3110

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hey Elena! Good to see you! I don't have any races on the calendar either, just working on volume goals for swim and bike. Decided to give my run legs some total rest and then see if I can rebuild in 2014. Perhaps that will be the year for both of us . Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
2013-11-26 11:42 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hi guys,

Returning hat in hand. Drifted away after my sprint, was DNS for oly. Hope you will take me back.

I want this to be the year. I want to start early and do more than drag my a$$ over the finish line. I can see myself healthy and trim crossing that line, in a respectable time, ahead of 20%/25% of the crowd.

I'm looking to use one of the structured, detailed plans here. Need help in picking one. Thought I'd do the couch to sprint, but even that one wants me to start with 8 mins. of running. Have taken Steve's advice to heart - start slow. Did 1min run/3 min walk three times and shins and knees felt it.
Figure I'll start and work my way up to what's asked for.

Want it to lead to a beginner sprint or even a beginner oly, but both call for more than it looks like the c2sprint will leave me with.

Hard to get off the couch, but am glad to be back.
Can I jump back in?


2013-11-26 1:23 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mitzi -- good to hear from you! Welcome back!

Do you have a race in mind? If so when is it? How much time until then?

If you are looking to push the reset button on running, I can't recommend this plan enough:
Its a great couch to 5k running plan which is low impact but does the job. I used this when I first started this whole tri thing nearly 4 years ago. I'm also going back to it now to get ramped back up to running again as my leg is getting better.

I like your second paragraph -- that should be your motivational sign for your training. Print it out and post it somewhere you will see it and be reminded of what you want to accomplish!

2013-11-26 2:54 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mitzi!!!!!!! glad to see you back. Yes, come on in and struggle with the rest of us .

Now we need to hear from Samantha. Hoping her surgery went well!
2013-11-26 5:11 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Yay, so glad to have Mitzi and Elena back!!!!!!!!!!

Mitzi, I agree with Mike; you should print that second paragraph and post it anywhere and everywhere. Great goal. We are so glad to have you back with us. Let's make 2014 a great year.

Elena, when is NOLA? A girl needs support. I won’t race it but depending on when it is, my arm could be twisted to go and cheer for you. And I would have no problems with forcing myself to have a drink with you post race. Or pre race. Or the second you finish it. Or while you are racing it. Let me know.

Hm, I was going to do 3 ez miles tonight but this rain has been pouring all day. I think I’m gonna stay in and instead do some intensive stretching.

Ok, everyone else's season is just the oppo of mine. But here is my current plan.
1. The Friday after TG, I will have to sacrifice {cough} time with my in-laws for my 20 miler
2. Dec 7, 10 mile race - 2 loops, hilly. I will need to probably add some miles before or after the race tho.
3. Dec 14, go to Wakulla 50K/50M and pay the whopping $5 fee to run the course with the ultra runners. {Don’t I have a great running group here? They encourage people to come and get their miles in that day so the ultra people have pacers or company. I loved it last year.} My dear friend Mel will be there doing the 50K so I’ll spend some time with her.
4. I’ll have a couple of weekends where I’ll be getting my longs in alone. May be able to work in a local rails to trails run but we'll see.
5. Jan 4, Swamp Forest Trail HM. I will not be racing this but instead treating it as a training run. I don’t know how technical it is and I can’t afford to twist something or get injured before my A race. I think it’s a 6.5 mile loop tho so maybe if I see the first loop isn't bad, I can try to negative split the second loop.
6. Jan 19, Louisiana Marathon. This is my A Race. Dear Steve has me possibly BQ'ing but I'd be thrilled with a sub 4:30. That would still be a huge PR for me.
7. Also, at least by Jan, I’ve got to get back on the bike. Mid March is a target Duathlon. Then near the end of March, I want to be there with my bro when he does 50 mile bike ride for his 50th BD. That would be a HUGE accomplishment for him! And 50 miles on a bike would be huge for me too. But it would be a bigger deal for him since he is not active.

Hope all of you wonderful people have a great Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
2013-11-26 5:38 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Fellow BT'ers

Is your group still accepting members I am currently looking for a mentor group For my IM training. I believe Steve will
Be a good mentor.


2013-11-26 6:03 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Karl, the timing of the mentor groups is that the new round will open up again in mid December. But sure come on in, we won't tell anyone that you are joining out of season. Tell us about your experience, goals etc. Then you can carry over into the December reformation.

Pam 4x 1 mile on 2:00 recover at 8 mpm ish pace rocks. You are getting it done. You are fast when you are being fast... just need that to generalize a bit more on those intermediate runs like you did on that 10 miler. That is like 1 mpm faster than you usually run those I think right?

Carol I hope you are doing some stretches and strength training while you are not running to try to get those muscles and such balanced.

Things I have added include calf toe raises 4x10 10-15 5 days a week with calf stretches, planks, superman, crunches 3x30 moving to 4x40 5 days a week and leg strength and balanced shoulder strength 2x per week in addition to the tubing 4x25 full each arm 3x per week after the swim.

Elena good to hear from you, hope you get those legs back under control 8(. I know how frustrating that can be. Do not underestimate walking (up to 20 miles a week).

Mitzi always welcome even if you drift away or miss a sign up deadline, group never closed for anyone who was previous in the group. If you don' have a marathon stick or foam roller, start those on the shins, do more walking than jogging etc. to get your body used to running again. After my IM I walked for 5 weeks before getting back into running. I was all walk, then 4 minutes walk 1 minute jog, then 3/2,. 2/3, 1/4 all jog (shifting up 1 notch per week.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-11-26 6:34 PM

2013-11-26 7:08 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pam here is some pacing info for you.
5k total time 24:00 (7:44 mpm ish pace)
800 repeats at 3:56= 4:00 (total time) 7:52-8:00 mpm pace
Mile repeats at 7:53--8:10 mpm
Marathon pace 9:08 mpm = 4:00:00
Easy pace 10:00 mpm
Comfortable mid range 5-10 mile runs 9:30 mpm

This is where I would like you to be for a BQ shot. You are there for your 800 and mile repeats, just need to flesh the rest of it out a bit so that you are more comfortable with that 9:30-10:00 for longer runs and 8:30 to 9:30 for moderate distance runs. For your long runs I would like to see 10:00-10:30 mpm for the first half and then 11:30 for the 2nd half, then add another mile to the 10-10:30 each week, stretching that into your overall pace over the next dang down to what 3 weeks?.

Right now I am thinking you are set for a 4:15:00 ish mary for January, but you are so capable of a 4:00:00 with just that little bit more running at a faster overall pace like above.
2013-11-26 7:11 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Fellow Mentorees

My Background:

Family: Married 8 years father of 5 yo. Full tiime victim of the tax system.

Base: I enjoy group riding in centuries and running half marathons.

Races: I started Tri training 7 months ago and along the way finished 2 sprints,1 Oly and
1 Half Iron.

Goals: I plan to finish my first Full Iron in 26 weeks. I am just using the BT standard Full Iron plan.

I can't afford a coach , but mentoring is great help for my first half iron.



Edited by strykergt 2013-11-26 7:19 PM
2013-11-26 8:22 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Hey guys, been trying to follow along with with everyone! My training has been very good, although mileage lower than I'd like it to be but I want to get through the holidays healthy so not stressing volume! HITS is next weekend, and honestly I am not feeling it so I think I will forgo it and just focus on being ready for Oceanside in March! I will also be doing Wildflower with Mitch in May, then IMCDA in June!!!

Karl, welcome to the group! What IM are you doing?

My wife will be having surgery early next year! We are hoping Jan 9th, if all goes well! She is approved from her insurance for bilateral cochlear implants, so she is going to go for it! She's more excited than nervous so, so am I!! The surgery itself is an outpatient surgery, done in LA. then she will be sent home to recover for three weeks, then she comes back and they turn them on! There is a 4-6 month rehab process where they re-teach her sounds and words. It's all overwhelming when I think about it, so I try not to worry and just have faith that it will all be behind us soon!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have a wonderful week of training and eating and spending time with your love ones!! We will be spending the rest of the week in Big Bear! We found an awesome deal on a cabin up fore for 3 nights that has a full kitchen, so we will be cooking turkey and all other goodies up there! I will be bringing my bike, although I have heard they got snow this week so I will probably only be trail running!

Take care


2013-11-26 8:41 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

I am just doing our local HITS Tri (poor mans full iron) I could try for IMTX but it's too expensive and pressure is too much. For the price of one I could do two just incase something happens to the first I still have time and resources for 2nd ,Redman.

Edited by strykergt 2013-11-26 8:42 PM
2013-11-27 6:24 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good morning everyone! It sure is nice to see some of our MIA group members coming back through the door to say hello to all of us! Life by me is never dull and continues to be that way. Sadly, after 3 practices, I already have more basketball drama. I've already had another parent email me about the season...questioning everything that I'm doing. I'm sure this won't be a shock to most of you but I went right back at this parent. To question development of 8, 9, 10 year old kids after THREE practices and actually say that a kid that age would PURPOSELY look at her son and decide "nah, I'm not going to pass to you" during a scrimmage is absurd. I told another coach who I'm friendly with about the email and he just shook his head....he understands that I'm not one of these guys who only cares about my kid. He said sorry about that and good luck Jay. What else could he say. Its stuff like this that makes me just want to stop coaching and do my own thing. As it is, I'm potentially giving up an opportunity to improve my work situation for 8 kids...and even worse I drafted most of my sons friends who know its one of the YOUNGEST kids who I had to take a chance on. Rant off...this has been really ticking me off for the last few days.

Training has been okay but diet is a mess. I went back to Mike's masters workout from last week and got about 1450 yards done from it. I was swimming with my running friend and she was trying to give me all of these pointers (she used to be on a swim team) I tried what she said but I actually found it to be more taxing than what I was doing so I said thanks but no thanks. I've come a long way from not knowing how to swim until 3/2012 so even if I'm wrong with some things I'm doing...I'd rather be comfortable....besides, I'll be hitting up my swim coach for more frequent lessons and she's great at adjusting things while making sure I remain comfortable.

Steve: Congrats on the bike milestone! I know your biggest goal for this coaching gig your doing was to improve you appears so far so good!

Mike: Good idea going back to the C25K plan with your running. I suspect you will increase a lot quicker this time as your baseline fitness level has increased quite a bit.

Elena: Nice to see you back with us. I'm currently in the NO 2014 race group but I do know what races I want to register for. Rest that IT band...I had to stop running for almost a month after my IT flared up during a marathon a few years back.

Carol: How's your goal to 13K coming??

Pam: Looks like you've got some goals to accomplish by the end of the year and early 2014

Jim: Nice to hear from you and great news for your wife! Sadly, getting insurance approval these days is the biggest obstacle toward having a surgery. How's the ETP going? Let me know here or drop me a line...I'm still considering it.

Mitzi: Nice to see you've returned to us. Its not easy for us to just change from lift first, cardio second people to the opposite. I was lfiting after my swim workout yesterday and saw a guy powerlifting at my gym...which is rare. It made me sad because I used to do that and enjoy it but I've made the focus toward triathlon/running. I spoke with him for a few minutes but my joints are happy that I'm not doing heavy weights anymore. Try baby steps this time (which is very hard for us!) so you can try to make some good cardio progress without fighting shin splints etc.

Karl: Welcome to our group. I've had the smaller triathlon vs. bigger triathlon conversation more than once....idk what is best. It seems like a personal decision between location, timing, finances, and how important it is to have x number of racers vs. y number of racers. I've gone back and forth on this internally a number of times.

That's about it for now. I've skipped my long run this week because I expect to play hoops today for the first time since my AT. I'm nervous and lets hope my divorced friend didn't go on a bender last night and forgets about all of us! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

2013-11-27 10:55 AM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Karl, I am not sure if your logs are accurate, but it looks like you are in good shape to start an IM plan. The basic plan for BT tends to be heavy on the swim ok on the run and lite on the bike. If your logs are up to date you need to toss in more intermediate runs to support your longer runs. Tell me about what your nutrition plan is for your IM.

Ya mostly I am just getting my butt kicked daily with my workouts trying to get some speed. It is a different approach than I have used in the past and you can't really do it if you don't already have a decent base. As it is I am doing about 13 hours a week in the offseason.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-11-27 11:10 AM
2013-11-27 2:16 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Karl, welcome! Nice to see a fellow Texan. Now when I complain about the heat in the summer, there will be someone else who gets it!

Steve, I can't help but think that changing things up to focus on speed in the off season will serve you well. Good observation re: my lack of strength/stretch lately. Don't know if this will make sense to anyone but me, but I just had to get away from all things that supported or fed running for a while. But I will only stay there for so long, and strength/stretch work definitely needs to be part of the mix. Ideal time physically is probably now, so will think about integrating more of that starting in December.

Jim, very glad to hear that your wife is going to get the cochlear implants. Sounds like an involved process, but I'm sure it will be worth it for you guys to be able to communicate verbally. Hope you have a great time at Big Bear!

Mike, I also did part of the swim workout you posted today. 2,700 yards, so getting close .

Pam, I think you can wear those paces well! Time to start feeling what your goal mary pace feels like. Have a great post-Thanksgiving long run!

Jay, my hat is off to you coaching youth sports. Ugh, too much drama! Keep your focus on why you are doing it, and remember that the difference you are making for the kids may not be apparent until years later. I know, easier said than done! Hope you have fun on the basketball court! Thanks for asking re: my year-end goals. I let swim goal drift up to 115,000, and am definitely on track for that one. Only need 3,750/week and am swimming 5-6K/week. Cycling goal of 2,000 for the year is also still looking good...skipped a ride this week, but if I get 80/week the rest of the year, I'm there.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

2013-11-27 2:17 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by strykergt Jim I am just doing our local HITS Tri (poor mans full iron) I could try for IMTX but it's too expensive and pressure is too much. For the price of one I could do two just incase something happens to the first I still have time and resources for 2nd ,Redman.

I have not done a HITS event yet, but Mark Wilson, the race director, is a super nice guy and very accommodating! I believe Steve did HITS Napa Valley last year so he could probably comment on how well the event is run. I think HITS is growing rapidly in popularity because they are so much less expensive. M-Dots are very expensive and most of them you have to sign up a year in advance!

2013-11-27 2:28 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Yes HITS run fine events. The only real differences are price, number of folks cheering you on and amount of support on the course. You will have 2-4 portipoties on the bike instead of 8 and you will need to bring your own food on the bike and maybe on the run depending on what they have this year. They tend to have their events at campgrounds, so if you are a camper, you can stay within a couple hundred yards of T1. It is a lot more athlete friendly and a lot less we want to milk you for every $ we can get like IM IMs. I would be doing all HITS IMs if it weren't for the Legacy Kona thing.

Carol, ya I was thinking that if you established good stretching and strengthening habbits now, that when you start back up you will be well balanced for the startup. But not knowing what is wrong is very annoying I am sure.

Hitting LT for a portion of every workout is definately different and draining. I am more core focused after watching a video that demonstrated that you need core strength to keep your body leaning forward during the run. Often your core muscles give out which makes you straighten up and then slow down. Vertical running is not so fast.

Who all has Turkey Trot 5ks coming up?
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