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2009-10-25 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2478137

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 8:24 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-25 1:03 AM

wow Stacie you are up late!!!! how are you?

OH JULES.  how i wish i could have seen this message BEFORE i turned off the computer and try to go back to sleep. 

i could have used some company.

i fell asleep fine, early.  about 9 pm.  we came home from our neighborhood soiree.  so. much. fun.

then it was about 12:00 wide awake couldnt fall back to sleep.

so, i thought id chk my email, my msgs on facebook, and then here in BT.

had a glass of milk.  took two ibuprofen (sometimes they 'relax' me)

when i was looking in my inbox/email i saw someone left me a msg on meetup.com, so i went to chk out the msg/see who it from.

a total stranger left me this msg, that kinda freaked me out.  nothing major. 

the msg said:  'YOU ARE EXTREMALY (misspelled) ATTRACTIVE'

thats it.  nothing else.

i dont know, had any guy here on BT, SOMEONE IVE GOTTEN TO KNOW on a challenge thread or somewhere, sent me a msg telling me how extremely attractive i was i would have been like, WOO HOOO.

but the fact that this came from somone i didnt even know/not someone ive met.  who doesnt even participate in a group that ive participated in, i dont know it just FREAKED ME OUT.

so of course, not being able to fall back to sleep, and not feeling 'well' i started thinking, this guy could show up at one of my MEET UPS, and what he was one of THOSE guys, ya know....YIKERS.

theres a block function on the site, so i can keep him from sending me any more msgs, but....

on the site, i reply what meetings im planning on going to, when/where....

all he needs to do is go to the pages of the groups that im a part of, see if ive RSVP for that particular meet up, and voila he knows where i am and when im going to be there.

im trying NOT to be so anxious...im figuring its was inappropriate, but harmless.

but its got me SO wigged out.

i feel like im going to be 'looking over' my shoulder every time i go to a Meetup, meetup which is SUCH a bummer too.  i really enjoy my Chic Lit Club.  and the biking group.  and the NOW/Eckhart Tolle too.

just when i was starting to 'get out there' more.


any suggestions, JULES, OTHERS as to what i should do?

i just think you cant be too careful, but then again, i dont want to be 'swept away' in sensationalized headlines either.


I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and I'm just a little way over in the middle of the state. I'm just sayin'.

2009-10-25 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2478138

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 8:33 AM ok.  two things i did...to make myself feel safer....

i deleted all my photos out of my album. i just left the 'headshot' that i use for my profile.

this way no peepin' on my UBER attractive self.  the photos were 'harmless' i thought -i actually dont think of myself 'that way' or that other people/guys see me that way.  too many years being the FAT girl/picked last/passed over for school dances et al.

but  maybe i should start.....at least being more 'aware'

i think perhaps it was the picture of me with my superfly MR. W.GRAVES TOTALLY HOOKED ME UP bike that put him over the edge.

and i 'hid' all my meetup groups.  perhaps too late, this 'creep' probably knows what groups i participate in (turns out he belongs to the NOW/Eckhart Tolle group.  i peeked at his groups) but at least no one else can know/find out.

ill just make certain that Tom the NOW group leader nows whats up...im sure he, or one of the other non-creepy fellows will be more than happy to walk me to and from my car on the meet up nights.

i dont know what to think/to do. 

ive not been in this situation before.  i guess im just not sure how 'seriously' to take it.  maybe its harmless, but then again....

kept me up last night.

NEAL, TOM, BILL any chance you guys come and teach this guy a 'lesson'


Good ideas, unfortunately in this age of technology it can be harder to stay safe. I had posted a question in tri talk about taking my iphone with me when I run. Mostly guys were asking "why do you need a phone with you when you run?" I'm thinking... because I'm a girl, and there are some real weirdos out there, that's why.

Stay safe. If you get a message from him again forward it to me, I'm a computer guru and maybe we can track him down and find out who it is.
2009-10-25 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2478295

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
iowagander - 2009-10-25 12:08 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 5:12 AM
iowagander - 2009-10-24 6:07 PM Good afternoon Ghoulies. I spent the day helping some Boy Scouts earn their weather merit badges, and then I snuck in 3.5 miles. Not too bad. Now to figure out dinner...

what a good Scout/Parent you are Tom!

did you ever make EAGLE?

my sons participated in a GREAT cubscout program.

the boyscout wasnt so much, unfortunately.

thanks for doin' your part to raise up our young men WELL.


Ha, I never even made Webelo! My son actually was a late starter in Scouts but he earned his Webelos badge in the one year he was eligible for Cub Scouts, and now he's having a blast with the Boy Scout troop. We're hoping he can earn Second or First Class by the end of this year.

Second or First Class by the end of the year, impressive!

Boyscouts grow up to be GREAT men!

you should be uber proud, DAD.
2009-10-25 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2478383

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
iowagander - 2009-10-25 3:32 PM Hey Ghoulies. I got a nice hilly run of about 6.4 today, putting me over 98%. The team is at 80.5% so keep logging those miles and sessions and let's close this month out strong!

Ann -  Sorry your view from the top was short lived, but I'm taking tomorrow off if you want to try to wrestle your way back up there

Thanks, tomorrow is stretch and strength for me
2009-10-25 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2478148

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
serendipity - 2009-10-25 7:52 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 8:24 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-25 1:03 AM

wow Stacie you are up late!!!! how are you?

OH JULES.  how i wish i could have seen this message BEFORE i turned off the computer and try to go back to sleep. 

i could have used some company.

i fell asleep fine, early.  about 9 pm.  we came home from our neighborhood soiree.  so. much. fun.

then it was about 12:00 wide awake couldnt fall back to sleep.

so, i thought id chk my email, my msgs on facebook, and then here in BT.

had a glass of milk.  took two ibuprofen (sometimes they 'relax' me)

when i was looking in my inbox/email i saw someone left me a msg on meetup.com, so i went to chk out the msg/see who it from.

a total stranger left me this msg, that kinda freaked me out.  nothing major. 

the msg said:  'YOU ARE EXTREMALY (misspelled) ATTRACTIVE'

thats it.  nothing else.

i dont know, had any guy here on BT, SOMEONE IVE GOTTEN TO KNOW on a challenge thread or somewhere, sent me a msg telling me how extremely attractive i was i would have been like, WOO HOOO.

but the fact that this came from somone i didnt even know/not someone ive met.  who doesnt even participate in a group that ive participated in, i dont know it just FREAKED ME OUT.

so of course, not being able to fall back to sleep, and not feeling 'well' i started thinking, this guy could show up at one of my MEET UPS, and what he was one of THOSE guys, ya know....YIKERS.

theres a block function on the site, so i can keep him from sending me any more msgs, but....

on the site, i reply what meetings im planning on going to, when/where....

all he needs to do is go to the pages of the groups that im a part of, see if ive RSVP for that particular meet up, and voila he knows where i am and when im going to be there.

im trying NOT to be so anxious...im figuring its was inappropriate, but harmless.

but its got me SO wigged out.

i feel like im going to be 'looking over' my shoulder every time i go to a Meetup, meetup which is SUCH a bummer too.  i really enjoy my Chic Lit Club.  and the biking group.  and the NOW/Eckhart Tolle too.

just when i was starting to 'get out there' more.


any suggestions, JULES, OTHERS as to what i should do?

i just think you cant be too careful, but then again, i dont want to be 'swept away' in sensationalized headlines either.


It's so creepy when someone does that.  I think you did the right things to protect yourself.  While you should be cautious, chances are it's just some lonely computer geek with no social skills. 

And you should take some comfort in knowing you can probably outrun him.

you bet your sweet bippy i can outrun him, DEB.

thanks for that!

im thinking its the computer geek thing. 

he's single (not that all single men are creeps, im just saying...)

and he left the msg at like 1:30 AM.  im thinking not much of a social life.

course, i was on the computer at 1 AM, so was JULESY and TOM.

what does that make us??  LOL

2009-10-25 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2478167

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
ceilidh - 2009-10-25 8:39 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 8:33 AM ok.  two things i did...to make myself feel safer....

i deleted all my photos out of my album. i just left the 'headshot' that i use for my profile.

this way no peepin' on my UBER attractive self.  the photos were 'harmless' i thought -i actually dont think of myself 'that way' or that other people/guys see me that way.  too many years being the FAT girl/picked last/passed over for school dances et al.

but  maybe i should start.....at least being more 'aware'

i think perhaps it was the picture of me with my superfly MR. W.GRAVES TOTALLY HOOKED ME UP bike that put him over the edge.

and i 'hid' all my meetup groups.  perhaps too late, this 'creep' probably knows what groups i participate in (turns out he belongs to the NOW/Eckhart Tolle group.  i peeked at his groups) but at least no one else can know/find out.

ill just make certain that Tom the NOW group leader nows whats up...im sure he, or one of the other non-creepy fellows will be more than happy to walk me to and from my car on the meet up nights.

i dont know what to think/to do. 

ive not been in this situation before.  i guess im just not sure how 'seriously' to take it.  maybe its harmless, but then again....

kept me up last night.

NEAL, TOM, BILL any chance you guys come and teach this guy a 'lesson'


You did good. I was stalked once and lived in terror. Actually slept behind the couch at night till they caught the guy. Keeping really personal things of the web is good and letting a pal know what is going on is good. Also, don't freak. It probably is a computer geek but taking a little caution is also good. Now...... it is Sunday...... take a breath and have a great non-freak out day.

ROBIN.  im so sorry you went through what you did.  ive heard stories, i think thats why i freaked out. 

i went back and looked at my profile 'objectively' and thought holy crap, somebody could find a lot about me just from the info there.

im DEFINATELY gonna be uber careful from here on out.  not paranoid, but just aware and careful.

it was a great non-freak out day, hanging w my new TRI CLUB peeps, all of whom i 'met' on Facebook first, so theres an upside to the networking that can happen on the internet.

then of course theres BT.

so not everyone is a creep. 


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-10-25 3:58 PM

2009-10-25 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2478304

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
iowagander - 2009-10-25 12:17 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 5:33 AM

NEAL, TOM, BILL any chance you guys come and teach this guy a 'lesson'


I was thinking the same thing. I'm sorry you're having to deal with a creep like this, but it sounds like you're handling it very intelligently. With people walking you to and from your car you should be plenty safe, and hopefully this guy will wise up and just leave you alone. Will this meetup site be able to banish this guy from their site, or is it public like BT?

the site is public, so i dont think they can banish the guy, though i wish they could....

they did have a block function, so i could inform the site moderators that a inappropriate msg was sent and  he'll be blocked from sending me any other msgs.  so that's part is good.....

thanks for being willing to take him out back of the wood shed if needed. 
2009-10-25 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
2009-10-25 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2478219

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
kromanowski - 2009-10-25 9:54 AM Any of my yoga doing ghoulies have any recommendations for good yoga DVDs?


nice going on your 90%  all.  most.  there.

i like the GAIAM series of YOGA videos.  theyre very well made.  i like the ones w Rodney Yee in them.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-10-25 4:05 PM
2009-10-25 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2478259

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
aspeelma - 2009-10-25 10:48 AM 5.58 miles this morning Ghoulies!!! That puts me at a hair over 89% and my longest run EVER!!!


Now, off for a quick shower then taking the kiddos into the Halloween parade.

Have a great day team!!!






2009-10-25 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2478320

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
deehtz - 2009-10-25 12:49 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 5:33 AM ok.  two things i did...to make myself feel safer....

i deleted all my photos out of my album. i just left the 'headshot' that i use for my profile.

but  maybe i should start.....at least being more 'aware'

and i 'hid' all my meetup groups.  perhaps too late, this 'creep' probably knows what groups i participate in (turns out he belongs to the NOW/Eckhart Tolle group.  i peeked at his groups) but at least no one else can know/find out.

ill just make certain that Tom the NOW group leader nows whats up...im sure he, or one of the other non-creepy fellows will be more than happy to walk me to and from my car on the meet up nights.


What a cruddy situation.  Hopefully this will be the end of it.

Sounds like some wise moves to me.  Especially letting the Group leader know the situation.

Being more alert and aware is good.  You don't want to live in fear and let it rule you.  But it is good to be in the habit of taking precautions.

this is good balance to strike, DEE.

being cautious but not living in fear.

i dont want to start 'closing' myself 'off' from good things - like BT, the PTC - because of the occassional creep.


2009-10-25 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2478334

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
deehtz - 2009-10-25 1:23 PM MILESTONE SATURDAY !!   for me

Quick Summary...

Mid August 2009 -  "mid life crisis reaction"   Surprised   led me to commit to a sprint triathlon in 2010
  even "knowing" that I would have to walk the run portion since I had never been able to run even a whole minute as an adult without feeling sick and "pukey"

One week later - heard and tried some wise advise about running.  LBS fellow (and also a triathlete) said to slow waaay down... even slower than my walk.  I tried it and glory be!  it worked.  I could now jog, though very slowly.  My goal became to jog a complete 5k by the end of December.

Mid September - jogging going so well that I moved up my goal to jog a complete 5K by Thanksgiving.

Beginning of October - goal is not only Thanksgiving but to jog the distance at least as fast as I could walk it ...  avg 15 min/mile for the whole distance

October 24th -  JOGGED 3.55 MILES THE WHOLE WAY.  Avg 13 min 48 sec  per mile.  There are markers every .5 mile so I know that my pace was very consistent thru out.

I REACHED MY GOAL A WHOLE MONTH EARLY.   I finally put both the distance and the pace together.  I am SO PUMPED!!     yeahhhh me!!!    LaughingLaughingLaughing






you should be





make sure you do something special to commerate this


2009-10-25 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2478383

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
iowagander - 2009-10-25 2:32 PM Hey Ghoulies. I got a nice hilly run of about 6.4 today, putting me over 98%. The team is at 80.5% so keep logging those miles and sessions and let's close this month out strong!

Ann -  Sorry your view from the top was short lived, but I'm taking tomorrow off if you want to try to wrestle your way back up there


TOM TOPpage was temporary.

way to go TOM getting BACK on top so quick.

ANN.  he keeps you 'hoppin' doesnt he....

we should make a secondary challenge who makes it to 100% first BEFORE/ON TOP OF TOM, WINS!!!!

ready.  set.   ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!


2009-10-25 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2478335

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
deehtz - 2009-10-25 1:24 PM Goal Reached.....   So now what?

I have my first "official" event, a 5k on Thanksgiving.   It is just under 5 weeks away. 

I have been loosely following Higdons 5K Novice.  I am thinking about just maintaining my distance and pace this week ... a sort of recovery week.  Then following the first four weeks of Higdon's 5K Intermediate plan which says it is for improving your 5k time.  The plan has a "test" 5k at the end of week 4 which would time it well for Thanksgiving.  The plan includes one day a week of speed work and three other days of running.  This will be a step up for me.

I am feeling good.  Knees are slightly stiff today but not at all bad.  I felt good at the end of yesterday's run.  Tired but certainly not wiped.

I like working toward a goal.  And I don't worry too much about pushing too hard because I am NOT one to "push until I puke"  Frown   I also really do listen to my body and I do a lot of stretching.

So what do you think?  Should I up my days/week and add in the tempo runs and pace work?   Or is it too soon?  Will four weeks of that make much difference?

i say your READY to go DEE.

that's the 'beauty' of Higdons plans, one does lend itself to the next one 'up'....

and 4 weeks of speedwork will do more than you think.

i did 4 weeks of speedwork and PB my 5K race.

one caveat.....

keep listening to your body.

keep doing what your doing - slow and steady -

set  'reasonable' interval and tempo paces.

make sure your not increasing anything by more than 10%. 



Edited by skrtrnr 2009-10-25 4:27 PM
2009-10-25 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2478443

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
aspeelma - 2009-10-25 3:42 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 8:24 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-25 1:03 AM

wow Stacie you are up late!!!! how are you?

OH JULES.  how i wish i could have seen this message BEFORE i turned off the computer and try to go back to sleep. 

i could have used some company.

i fell asleep fine, early.  about 9 pm.  we came home from our neighborhood soiree.  so. much. fun.

then it was about 12:00 wide awake couldnt fall back to sleep.

so, i thought id chk my email, my msgs on facebook, and then here in BT.

had a glass of milk.  took two ibuprofen (sometimes they 'relax' me)

when i was looking in my inbox/email i saw someone left me a msg on meetup.com, so i went to chk out the msg/see who it from.

a total stranger left me this msg, that kinda freaked me out.  nothing major. 

the msg said:  'YOU ARE EXTREMALY (misspelled) ATTRACTIVE'

thats it.  nothing else.

i dont know, had any guy here on BT, SOMEONE IVE GOTTEN TO KNOW on a challenge thread or somewhere, sent me a msg telling me how extremely attractive i was i would have been like, WOO HOOO.

but the fact that this came from somone i didnt even know/not someone ive met.  who doesnt even participate in a group that ive participated in, i dont know it just FREAKED ME OUT.

so of course, not being able to fall back to sleep, and not feeling 'well' i started thinking, this guy could show up at one of my MEET UPS, and what he was one of THOSE guys, ya know....YIKERS.

theres a block function on the site, so i can keep him from sending me any more msgs, but....

on the site, i reply what meetings im planning on going to, when/where....

all he needs to do is go to the pages of the groups that im a part of, see if ive RSVP for that particular meet up, and voila he knows where i am and when im going to be there.

im trying NOT to be so anxious...im figuring its was inappropriate, but harmless.

but its got me SO wigged out.

i feel like im going to be 'looking over' my shoulder every time i go to a Meetup, meetup which is SUCH a bummer too.  i really enjoy my Chic Lit Club.  and the biking group.  and the NOW/Eckhart Tolle too.

just when i was starting to 'get out there' more.


any suggestions, JULES, OTHERS as to what i should do?

i just think you cant be too careful, but then again, i dont want to be 'swept away' in sensationalized headlines either.


I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and I'm just a little way over in the middle of the state. I'm just sayin'.

a concealed weapon permit.

ANN.  that's HARD CORE.

and to know that you've got my back....

that means A LOT.

thanks, girlfriend.
2009-10-25 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3

alrighty GHOULIEs.

im all caught up on messages.

enjoyed a super wonderful PITTSBURGH TRI CLUB MEETING.

got elected the teams 'welcome wagon', welcoming and orienting all the newbie PTCers, keeping track of membership, that sorta thing.

whadya all think, will i do a good job at that???  LOL.

after the mtg i was gonna drive straight to the Y, but i felt a 'tug' to go home....

it was my sons 13th birthday yesturday.

WHAT a milestone.  i clearly remember bringing him home from the hospital...

to think he's turned 13.


i just wanted to be home with him and the rest of my family to commerate the day.

i can swim any other day.

he only turns 13 once.


2009-10-25 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
course ive been spending the last hour trying to get him to do his homework.....
2009-10-25 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
he's thirteen alright.
2009-10-25 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
not quite how i envisioned commerating the day. 

but.  its all good.
2009-10-25 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3


2009-10-25 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2478498

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washington state
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 2:34 PM

alrighty GHOULIEs.

im all caught up on messages.

enjoyed a super wonderful PITTSBURGH TRI CLUB MEETING.

got elected the teams 'welcome wagon', welcoming and orienting all the newbie PTCers, keeping track of membership, that sorta thing.

whadya all think, will i do a good job at that???  LOL.

after the mtg i was gonna drive straight to the Y, but i felt a 'tug' to go home....

it was my sons 13th birthday yesturday.

WHAT a milestone.  i clearly remember bringing him home from the hospital...

to think he's turned 13.


i just wanted to be home with him and the rest of my family to commerate the day.

i can swim any other day.

he only turns 13 once


sounds perfect Smile   they are lucky to have you in that position.

Pretty special birthday!  Enjoy the milestone.   My youngest step-daughter turns 21 today... DH and I are looking forward to spending time with her and her husband this evening.

Have a super day!

2009-10-25 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2478453

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 1:50 PM
iowagander - 2009-10-25 12:08 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 5:12 AM
iowagander - 2009-10-24 6:07 PM Good afternoon Ghoulies. I spent the day helping some Boy Scouts earn their weather merit badges, and then I snuck in 3.5 miles. Not too bad. Now to figure out dinner...

what a good Scout/Parent you are Tom!

did you ever make EAGLE?

my sons participated in a GREAT cubscout program.

the boyscout wasnt so much, unfortunately.

thanks for doin' your part to raise up our young men WELL.


Ha, I never even made Webelo! My son actually was a late starter in Scouts but he earned his Webelos badge in the one year he was eligible for Cub Scouts, and now he's having a blast with the Boy Scout troop. We're hoping he can earn Second or First Class by the end of this year.

Second or First Class by the end of the year, impressive!

Boyscouts grow up to be GREAT men!

you should be uber proud, DAD.

I'm very proud indeed. He and I are very different in a lot of things, but we have a lot of interests in common as well and that's what I try to focus on. He's a great kid, and it's been fun to watch him grow up, I just wish it wasn't happening so fast, especially since I've had to miss so much with both of my kids due to work.
2009-10-25 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2478455

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
aspeelma - 2009-10-25 1:52 PM
iowagander - 2009-10-25 3:32 PM Hey Ghoulies. I got a nice hilly run of about 6.4 today, putting me over 98%. The team is at 80.5% so keep logging those miles and sessions and let's close this month out strong!

Ann -  Sorry your view from the top was short lived, but I'm taking tomorrow off if you want to try to wrestle your way back up there

Thanks, tomorrow is stretch and strength for me

Me too. I'll definitely need a good stretch after this weekend. Today was my second longest run ever, but I feel pretty good especially considering it was a hilly run.

Great job so far Ann, and I'm looking forward to sharing the view from above 100% with you in no time!
2009-10-25 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2478457

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 1:53 PM
serendipity - 2009-10-25 7:52 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 8:24 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-25 1:03 AM

wow Stacie you are up late!!!! how are you?

OH JULES.  how i wish i could have seen this message BEFORE i turned off the computer and try to go back to sleep. 

i could have used some company.

i fell asleep fine, early.  about 9 pm.  we came home from our neighborhood soiree.  so. much. fun.

then it was about 12:00 wide awake couldnt fall back to sleep.

so, i thought id chk my email, my msgs on facebook, and then here in BT.

had a glass of milk.  took two ibuprofen (sometimes they 'relax' me)

when i was looking in my inbox/email i saw someone left me a msg on meetup.com, so i went to chk out the msg/see who it from.

a total stranger left me this msg, that kinda freaked me out.  nothing major. 

the msg said:  'YOU ARE EXTREMALY (misspelled) ATTRACTIVE'

thats it.  nothing else.

i dont know, had any guy here on BT, SOMEONE IVE GOTTEN TO KNOW on a challenge thread or somewhere, sent me a msg telling me how extremely attractive i was i would have been like, WOO HOOO.

but the fact that this came from somone i didnt even know/not someone ive met.  who doesnt even participate in a group that ive participated in, i dont know it just FREAKED ME OUT.

so of course, not being able to fall back to sleep, and not feeling 'well' i started thinking, this guy could show up at one of my MEET UPS, and what he was one of THOSE guys, ya know....YIKERS.

theres a block function on the site, so i can keep him from sending me any more msgs, but....

on the site, i reply what meetings im planning on going to, when/where....

all he needs to do is go to the pages of the groups that im a part of, see if ive RSVP for that particular meet up, and voila he knows where i am and when im going to be there.

im trying NOT to be so anxious...im figuring its was inappropriate, but harmless.

but its got me SO wigged out.

i feel like im going to be 'looking over' my shoulder every time i go to a Meetup, meetup which is SUCH a bummer too.  i really enjoy my Chic Lit Club.  and the biking group.  and the NOW/Eckhart Tolle too.

just when i was starting to 'get out there' more.


any suggestions, JULES, OTHERS as to what i should do?

i just think you cant be too careful, but then again, i dont want to be 'swept away' in sensationalized headlines either.


It's so creepy when someone does that.  I think you did the right things to protect yourself.  While you should be cautious, chances are it's just some lonely computer geek with no social skills. 

And you should take some comfort in knowing you can probably outrun him.

you bet your sweet bippy i can outrun him, DEB.

thanks for that!

im thinking its the computer geek thing. 

he's single (not that all single men are creeps, im just saying...)

and he left the msg at like 1:30 AM.  im thinking not much of a social life.

course, i was on the computer at 1 AM, so was JULESY and TOM.

what does that make us??  LOL


I won't speak for you or Jules, but I've always embraced my geekiness. I may have been on the football team in high school, but I was also proud to be a band-geek.

Speaking of geekiness... I'm not sure if this counts, but I just realized that I've spent the last hour watching Nickelodeon while folding laundry with no kids in the room. What's really sad is that I'm laughing a lot. Oh well...
2009-10-25 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2478480

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-25 2:13 PM
iowagander - 2009-10-25 2:32 PM Hey Ghoulies. I got a nice hilly run of about 6.4 today, putting me over 98%. The team is at 80.5% so keep logging those miles and sessions and let's close this month out strong!

Ann -  Sorry your view from the top was short lived, but I'm taking tomorrow off if you want to try to wrestle your way back up there


TOM TOPpage was temporary.

way to go TOM getting BACK on top so quick.

ANN.  he keeps you 'hoppin' doesnt he....

we should make a secondary challenge who makes it to 100% first BEFORE/ON TOP OF TOM, WINS!!!!

ready.  set.   ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!


Is this the part where I say a gentleman always lets the lady finish first?
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