BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-09-08 11:56 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Go Suzy, keep it up! You're killing the bike ride

2013-09-08 11:58 AM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by WoodrowCall

Go Suzy, keep it up! You're killing the bike ride

2013-09-08 1:10 PM
in reply to: slornow

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Go Suzy!

Looking forward to following Suzy through her day at IMWI. Looks like she is maintaining a steady 17mph pace through the first 2 check points on the bike.

Have teammate and friends doing 70.3WC and a friend doing Muskoka so I'll be checking in on folks throughout the day.

Suzy's looking good so far!

I've got three friends doing the full at Rev3 Cedar Point (one of whom is currently leading the whole thing!! He's a beast!) as well, and the mom of a friend at the World Championships. Sunday afternoons are SO much more enjoyable when you can check in to see how people are racing!
2013-09-08 1:10 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ok, everyone (especially our crazy-fast mentors) I'd like to talk about pacing, specifically run pacing. How do you pace your run on the following distances: Sprint, Olympic, HIM, IM? I've decided to race my upcoming Sprinternational, then a local Rev3 HIM, then a HM to close out the season, so I'm looking at different pacing plans. My question is: How do you decide your run pace for a given distance? Do you give yourself a HR threshold that you don't cross? Do you go by RPE? Do you want a negative split, or an even split? I was looking at my last Sprint race, and I was really happy with my run pace, 7:35, but I noticed I was able to go down to 6:00 for the last 10th of a mile or so, which seems to suggest I could've pushed harder earlier. Thoughts?

And keep it up Suzy!
2013-09-08 1:57 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Ok, everyone (especially our crazy-fast mentors) I'd like to talk about pacing, specifically run pacing. How do you pace your run on the following distances: Sprint, Olympic, HIM, IM? I've decided to race my upcoming Sprinternational, then a local Rev3 HIM, then a HM to close out the season, so I'm looking at different pacing plans. My question is: How do you decide your run pace for a given distance? Do you give yourself a HR threshold that you don't cross? Do you go by RPE? Do you want a negative split, or an even split? I was looking at my last Sprint race, and I was really happy with my run pace, 7:35, but I noticed I was able to go down to 6:00 for the last 10th of a mile or so, which seems to suggest I could've pushed harder earlier. Thoughts? And keep it up Suzy!

Jamie-good....but tough question. A general rule I have heard is using your time/pace in running events to calculate a pace for the run leg of a tri. Basically in a sprint you would want to run the pace you might keep in a 10K run only race. In an olympic you would use your HM pace and in a 70.3 you would want to use your marathon pace. For IM......?????? I would say that is an approximation depending on weather conditions and how well the bike leg was paced. For instance, in Milwaukee with nice temps I was shooting for 6:50-6:55 pace in the olympic run. Yesterday with temps approaching 90 I was trying to keep it between 7:05-7:15.

In general we are able to sustain a harder/faster pace in a race than we do regularly in training. On my "hard" run days my intervals will typically be at anticipated race pace. So, for an olympic my interval day might be 2 mile easy warm up then 6-8 sets of 1/2 mile intervals @ 6:50-55 on 1/4 mile super easy recovery followed by a short cool down.  I don't jump right into this workout and will build up to that pace and number of intervals over several weeks. When I do these workouts I always wonder how in the hell I'll be able to maintain my interval pace for a whole race. Sometimes I can't but often the workout paces end up being very close to my pace on race day. For a sprint it would be similar but 1/4 mile intervals @ 6:25-30 pace on 1/4 easy.

Leading into AG Nationals the hardest and most unusual workout I had was an alternating bike/run brick. 25 min bike warm up building into some hard 2 minute intervals toward the end. Then main set was 6 repetitions of 10 min bike @255 watts followed by 1 mile run @ 7 min pace. Of course you could adapt the bike to use HR or RPE. That workout essentially gave me 60 minutes of hard biking at watts a bit higher than I would shoot for on race day and 6 miles of hard running. Very similar to an olympic race for the bike/run. Those types of workouts are brutal but go a long way in preparing you physically and mentally for how you will feel come race day.

I always try to build into the run leg of a race. Ideally my first mile will be my slowest. This allows me to get composed, get my legs moving, shift focus to what is in front of me and to hopefully begin dropping the pace. This also keeps me from blasting out of T2 and paying for it later. Yesterday, I actually stopped at the 1st mile aid station to take in a gel, get some water and pour some over my head. I know that walking of jogging and doing that saves time but in the heat I think taking that short break....maybe 10-20 seconds paid dividends over the remaining miles.  I needed to take the time to make sure I was hydrated and fueled for what lay ahead.

Probably more info than you were looking for but hope it helps.           

2013-09-08 2:22 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Randy-Thanks for the info, that's exactly what I was wanting to discuss. In a race, do you think you should be able to sprint at the end, or do you think that means you should've pushed harder earlier in the race. I find that it often makes a difference who's with me. In Raleigh, there was a guy with me at the end who'd been running with me for awhile, and we definitely pushed at the end in a one-on-one race. Do you want personally want to finish strong, or just finish?

2013-09-08 3:48 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by WoodrowCall Randy-Thanks for the info, that's exactly what I was wanting to discuss. In a race, do you think you should be able to sprint at the end, or do you think that means you should've pushed harder earlier in the race. I find that it often makes a difference who's with me. In Raleigh, there was a guy with me at the end who'd been running with me for awhile, and we definitely pushed at the end in a one-on-one race. Do you want personally want to finish strong, or just finish?

In most all races I am able to push harder at the end. Guess the lure of the finish line or the challenge of catching someone allows us to dig deeper. Not always the case as I have had a couple, particularly HIM distance events, where I seriously considered walking when I was in sight of the finish line.....there was nothing left. 

2013-09-08 4:16 PM
in reply to: slornow

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Suzy is off the bike with a bike split of 6:44....only 26.2 to go
2013-09-08 4:17 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Suzy is off the bike with a bike split of 6:44....only 26.2 to go

Go Suzy, you only have a marathon left to go!
2013-09-08 5:03 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncs

Originally posted by slornow

Go Suzy!

Looking forward to following Suzy through her day at IMWI. Looks like she is maintaining a steady 17mph pace through the first 2 check points on the bike.

Have teammate and friends doing 70.3WC and a friend doing Muskoka so I'll be checking in on folks throughout the day.

Suzy's looking good so far!

I've got three friends doing the full at Rev3 Cedar Point (one of whom is currently leading the whole thing!! He's a beast!) as well, and the mom of a friend at the World Championships. Sunday afternoons are SO much more enjoyable when you can check in to see how people are racing!

I heard cedar point changed the swim because of rip tide warnings but I didn't hear what they did?! Do you know?
2013-09-08 5:29 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by glfprncs

Originally posted by slornow

Go Suzy!

Looking forward to following Suzy through her day at IMWI. Looks like she is maintaining a steady 17mph pace through the first 2 check points on the bike.

Have teammate and friends doing 70.3WC and a friend doing Muskoka so I'll be checking in on folks throughout the day.

Suzy's looking good so far!

I've got three friends doing the full at Rev3 Cedar Point (one of whom is currently leading the whole thing!! He's a beast!) as well, and the mom of a friend at the World Championships. Sunday afternoons are SO much more enjoyable when you can check in to see how people are racing!

I heard cedar point changed the swim because of rip tide warnings but I didn't hear what they did?! Do you know?

All I saw is that they changed the swim location this morning to 'the other side.' Don't know if that's the other side of the park or what. They did have to exit swim, take off wetsuits, put on running shoes and run 5 or 6 minutes (or longer depending on your speed, longer) back to transition area.

2013-09-08 5:31 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
And had to carry wetsuit with you during the run back to T1.
2013-09-08 5:51 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
What's Suzy's number? I want to follow now that I can.
2013-09-08 6:08 PM
in reply to: Blanda

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Blanda

What's Suzy's number? I want to follow now that I can.

2013-09-08 6:20 PM
in reply to: 0

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wanted to share someone else you might want to track at Ironman Wisconsin, Kyle Pease.

I met Kyle's brother, Brent, when he came to Augusta from Atlanta to offer us on-course support for a training camp for Augusta 70.3. He works for All3Sports in Atlanta.

Kyle, with the aid of his brother, Brent, is working closer and closer to the finish line at IM-WI. Brent has been pulling, pushing, and pedaling Kyle the entire way. I just heard that they made the cut-off time on the bike with 15 minutes to spare, so they're now on the marathon portion of the run.

Kyle has a website, which can be found here:

They have a Facebook page, with lots of great race photos here:

Kyle is bib # 102 and Brent is #104.

I am in awe of what Brent and Kyle are attempting to do.

Edited by glfprncs 2013-09-08 6:21 PM
2013-09-08 6:24 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks, Nancy! Hope I can catch your friends coming in too. The emotional finishes always get me all teary eyed.

2013-09-08 6:50 PM
in reply to: Blanda

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Suzy is halfway through the run with a total race time of 11:12. Looks like her first half of the run was  approx 2:28. Finish strong Suzy! 
2013-09-08 6:58 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Keep it up Suzy! All those hours, days, and weeks of training are coming close to paying off! Pretty soon, you'll hear those magical words...
2013-09-08 7:03 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Woo hoo! Go, Suzy, go! I always get all verklempt when I watch the finishers some in.
2013-09-08 7:10 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncs

Wanted to share someone else you might want to track at Ironman Wisconsin, Kyle Pease.

I met Kyle's brother, Brent, when he came to Augusta from Atlanta to offer us on-course support for a training camp for Augusta 70.3. He works for All3Sports in Atlanta.

Kyle, with the aid of his brother, Brent, is working closer and closer to the finish line at IM-WI. Brent has been pulling, pushing, and pedaling Kyle the entire way. I just heard that they made the cut-off time on the bike with 15 minutes to spare, so they're now on the marathon portion of the run.

Kyle has a website, which can be found here:

They have a Facebook page, with lots of great race photos here:

Kyle is bib # 102 and Brent is #104.

I am in awe of what Brent and Kyle are attempting to do.

I JUST heard about these guys yesterday. VERY inspiring Reminds me of the Hoyts.

2013-09-08 7:36 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
She should have less than a 10k left now!

2013-09-08 7:38 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Go Suzy! Great job, girl, finish strong!
2013-09-08 8:06 PM
in reply to: leechj

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Suzy's pace looks strong over the last 4 miles. Just a 5K to go!
2013-09-08 8:12 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
3 miles left (she may already be done....)
2013-09-08 8:15 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Watching the finish line. Hope I didn't miss crossing!
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