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2013-11-09 1:45 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: BEER BASH
Well I am not doing the century on 12/8 but I'm doing the metric instead. My friend hasn't trained and won't go the full 100 miles but will do the 100k. I would rather have someone to ride with to make it more fun since it's a ride not a race. Isn't that why we do all of this anyways...for the fun. On the bright side about me doing that many less miles I went and ordered a wetsuit so I can do the sprint the following weekend I figure it will be an easy ride since my friend is out of shape and it will be at a casual pace. I needed the wetsuit anyways for my Jan race so it'll be nice to get more use out of it. I still haven't decided the distance of the January race. I'm shooting for the oly but I'm training for the half just in case. When I sign up mid December I will make the decision what distance. It boils down to how easy it is to swim in a wetsuit and if I think I can do it without getting injured. It's still 9 weeks out and I'll get in a ton more training. Advise anyone?

On a side note...Jeff Galloway is a genius! After checking my ego at the door, I adopted the run/walk method and it was much better. Managed nearly an hour with zero issues and no pain at all. The breaks really helped me out. Plus my pace was better overall even with walking. I did a 4/1 but as my runs go over an hour I am switching to 3/1 to be easier on the legs and keep my HR down.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

2013-11-09 10:44 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: BEER BASH
Originally posted by Burd

I needed the wetsuit anyways for my Jan race so it'll be nice to get more use out of it. I still haven't decided the distance of the January race. I'm shooting for the oly but I'm training for the half just in case. When I sign up mid December I will make the decision what distance. It boils down to how easy it is to swim in a wetsuit and if I think I can do it without getting injured. It's still 9 weeks out and I'll get in a ton more training. Advise anyone?

1. You won't think your wetsuit fits. Find someone who has tri wetsuit experience and can help determine if it fits or doesn't.
2. You won't think your wetsuit fits. It will be tight and constrict your chest.
3. Let some water in, then let some more in, then jump around a bit. Make sure to let the water slosh around inside the suit.
4. Bob around for about 10 minutes; embrace the buoyancy. Don't even try to swim yet.
5. Try to swim.
6. Have a panic attack about how tight the suit is in the chest.
7. Bob around some more until you stop panicing.
8. Call it a day, go home, and have a beer.
9. Go back out the next day and realize how much easier it is to swim in the suit.
10 & 11. Get two more swims in the suit done before the race, and realize how much you hate swimming without it.
2013-11-10 8:53 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: BEER BASH
Alex, reading your post inspired me to get out and get a run in today. first one in many weeks.

My calf only bothers me in the early a.m. after I walk around, the cramp like pain is gone. I've been thinking I should run in the p.m. and check it out, so I did that today. No pain.

I think This thing is all in my head, and I should be running 3-5 times a week. Long way to 50K. That's my new mantra. I have till third week of April to make it happen. Slow and steady wins the race.

Brrr Winter brew by Widmer tonight.

Darren, I wouldn't have made it out of a room like that upright. Kudos to you. Thanks for sharing.

Your swimming? slow is smooth.
2013-11-11 1:21 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: weight training?
Originally posted by kevinbe

Your swimming? slow is smooth.

I am loving the swimming. I am going to hit the weight room for the first time in 4 years tomorrow. Plan is to do the 40 minutes in the pool then just to one easy set each of all the major lifts.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get back to lifting.
2013-11-11 3:29 PM
in reply to: BigDH

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: weight training?
Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by kevinbe

Your swimming? slow is smooth.

I am loving the swimming. I am going to hit the weight room for the first time in 4 years tomorrow. Plan is to do the 40 minutes in the pool then just to one easy set each of all the major lifts.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get back to lifting.

I would advise a "slow is smooth" approach to lifting as well. Work your way into it with light weights and more reps at first 3sets of 10reps. You can do so many things with weights, it really depends on what your after, but I would break it down depending on how many days a week your lifting. If it's 2-3 times per week you could do upper body one day and lower another. If your doing 4-6 days per week, you could do complimentary body lifts such as chest/ and triceps, back/ and biceps/ Legs and shoulders. with any of them, I would start off at light weight and get comfortable with the movements with sets of higher reps. Then slowly increase on the weights and lower the reps as you feel more comfortable. Also, look to hit the same muscle group 2-3 days after working out. This allows rest and recovery, but will also help fight the soreness factor so you don't continue to be so sore. If you push through the soreness at first, it will get better with each time you lift as you get back into it.
2013-11-11 3:54 PM
in reply to: BigDH

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Subject: RE: weight training?
Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by kevinbe

Your swimming? slow is smooth.

I am loving the swimming. I am going to hit the weight room for the first time in 4 years tomorrow. Plan is to do the 40 minutes in the pool then just to one easy set each of all the major lifts.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get back to lifting.

There's so much out there, and so many different theories, that it's hard to pick something, and a lot of it depends on your goals.

If my goal was to build raw strength and mass, I would do something like Stronglifts 5x5 and eat like a pig for 12 weeks, then burn it all off.

I would ignore isolation exercises and most machines. Squats, Overhead Press, Bench Press, Deadlifts, and Barbell rows are the big 5 - compound exercises that will hit your core and every major muscle group.

A personal training session or three is probably money well spent - find the trainer with the beer belly and the quads like tree trunks, and talk to him.

I forgot how much I miss lifting weights - my hand calluses are pretty much gone now . . .

2013-11-12 1:05 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: weight training?
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by kevinbe

Your swimming? slow is smooth.

I am loving the swimming. I am going to hit the weight room for the first time in 4 years tomorrow. Plan is to do the 40 minutes in the pool then just to one easy set each of all the major lifts.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get back to lifting.

There's so much out there, and so many different theories, that it's hard to pick something, and a lot of it depends on your goals.

If my goal was to build raw strength and mass, I would do something like Stronglifts 5x5 and eat like a pig for 12 weeks, then burn it all off.

I would ignore isolation exercises and most machines. Squats, Overhead Press, Bench Press, Deadlifts, and Barbell rows are the big 5 - compound exercises that will hit your core and every major muscle group.

A personal training session or three is probably money well spent - find the trainer with the beer belly and the quads like tree trunks, and talk to him.

I forgot how much I miss lifting weights - my hand calluses are pretty much gone now . . .

Even though I haven't done so much as a bicept curl in 4 years? I have never even done a dead lift. I read the program, looks interesting though.

I went today, for 30 minutes. Did dumbell bench press, leg press, lat pull down, leg curl, leg extension, lunges, pec deck, 3 sets of each.

It felt good.
2013-11-12 2:50 PM
in reply to: BigDH

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Subject: RE: weight training?
Originally posted by BigDH

Even though I haven't done so much as a bicept curl in 4 years? I have never even done a dead lift. I read the program, looks interesting though.

I went today, for 30 minutes. Did dumbell bench press, leg press, lat pull down, leg curl, leg extension, lunges, pec deck, 3 sets of each.

It felt good.

Sorry to the ladies in the room, but there's just something primal and testosterone-driven manliness about lifting something heavy.

I can send you the Stronglifts spreadsheet, which calculates the weight and program for you. It would save you having to wade through the verbal deluge of his emails.

Generally, the program starts out very, very light (like, squatting just the bar) and you add 5lbs or so per session until you can't hit 5x5, then you stay there until you can do 5x5, then you add again. It's one of those things that so simple it just probably works.

I dropped the lifting because squatting three times per week just annhilates the legs, and doesn't make me any faster, and I was running 13min miles at the time. I was also struggling with the bodyweight, so eating at a deficit puts a pretty big damper on muscle and strength gains.

I'll probably do a full 12-week routine after the 2014 season, after IMWI and it's ilk.
2013-11-14 9:41 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: BDAS - Wetsuit Legal Pool Swim!
Masters swim this morning, and the pool heater is broken, so time for a nice, bracing, brisk, wetsuit-legal pool swim. I think my 400 "warmup" is probably close to a PR for me. I ignored the workout today, since it was something like 3x (3x100) with 30sec rest at 0:50 or something ridiculous. I pretty much ignore the times and go by RPE, since the times are for the collegiate swimmers and guys who have been swimming their whole life, not the slowpokes like me.

Instead, I ran a 1,000 time-trial in about 25:00, for a 2:35 average hundred. I'm still so slow and it's bothersome. I don't know if it's a fitness thing, a strength thing, or a form thing. I really haven't gotten noticeably faster this year, and I've been averaging around 5,200 yards a week this year, and it's a lot of disappointment.

In other news, my shiny new Vectors are going to back to Garmin for new pedal pods (2 sets of batteries in less than 20 hours = defective pods), plus two blown tubes on the trainer = grumble grumble grumble. I also broke down and bought a treadmill (a ~$400 Walmart model) that I"m actually pretty happy with - no frills, but the speed seems accurate, and it's better than running in the pitch black icy, windy cold. It's no frills, by my 910xt is more accurate than any treadmill anyway.
2013-11-14 11:03 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BDAS - Wetsuit Legal Pool Swim!

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon Masters swim this morning, and the pool heater is broken, so time for a nice, bracing, brisk, wetsuit-legal pool swim. I think my 400 "warmup" is probably close to a PR for me. I ignored the workout today, since it was something like 3x (3x100) with 30sec rest at 0:50 or something ridiculous. I pretty much ignore the times and go by RPE, since the times are for the collegiate swimmers and guys who have been swimming their whole life, not the slowpokes like me. Instead, I ran a 1,000 time-trial in about 25:00, for a 2:35 average hundred. I'm still so slow and it's bothersome. I don't know if it's a fitness thing, a strength thing, or a form thing. I really haven't gotten noticeably faster this year, and I've been averaging around 5,200 yards a week this year, and it's a lot of disappointment. In other news, my shiny new Vectors are going to back to Garmin for new pedal pods (2 sets of batteries in less than 20 hours = defective pods), plus two blown tubes on the trainer = grumble grumble grumble. I also broke down and bought a treadmill (a ~$400 Walmart model) that I"m actually pretty happy with - no frills, but the speed seems accurate, and it's better than running in the pitch black icy, windy cold. It's no frills, by my 910xt is more accurate than any treadmill anyway.

From what I have seen in coaching a tri swim class, it generally comes down to form for swimming. People with a swim background seem to cut throught the water while those who learned later in life plough throught the water(my wife is a prime example).

How the heck did you blow two tubes on your trainer??? Pinch? Too tight? You are a bad luck magnet for trainer.

Hey running on the ice and snow is a core workout..... Trying not to fall on your a$$....

2013-11-14 12:08 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: weight training?
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by BigDH

Even though I haven't done so much as a bicept curl in 4 years? I have never even done a dead lift. I read the program, looks interesting though.

I went today, for 30 minutes. Did dumbell bench press, leg press, lat pull down, leg curl, leg extension, lunges, pec deck, 3 sets of each.

It felt good.

Sorry to the ladies in the room, but there's just something primal and testosterone-driven manliness about lifting something heavy.

I can send you the Stronglifts spreadsheet, which calculates the weight and program for you. It would save you having to wade through the verbal deluge of his emails.

Generally, the program starts out very, very light (like, squatting just the bar) and you add 5lbs or so per session until you can't hit 5x5, then you stay there until you can do 5x5, then you add again. It's one of those things that so simple it just probably works.

I dropped the lifting because squatting three times per week just annhilates the legs, and doesn't make me any faster, and I was running 13min miles at the time. I was also struggling with the bodyweight, so eating at a deficit puts a pretty big damper on muscle and strength gains.

I'll probably do a full 12-week routine after the 2014 season, after IMWI and it's ilk.

I read up on it. I was a little apprehensive because I was always a 8-12 rep per set, 3 sets per lift, type of guy. But I never really had a plan. The other bit that is a bit strange is 1.5 minute breaks between sets and 3 minute breaks between exercises. I am thinking that is not really a productive use of my time sitting around doing nothing. Do you have any comments on that?

That all said I am surprising myself by how much I like this. Today I spent 10 minutes on the bench press then another 10 minutes on dumbbell presses. I was there for 50 minutes, and did some sitting around and some lower repped sets. So maybe I could get into the 5 X 5 thing.

2013-11-14 12:16 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: BDAS - Wetsuit Legal Pool Swim!
Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon Masters swim this morning, and the pool heater is broken, so time for a nice, bracing, brisk, wetsuit-legal pool swim. I think my 400 "warmup" is probably close to a PR for me. I ignored the workout today, since it was something like 3x (3x100) with 30sec rest at 0:50 or something ridiculous. I pretty much ignore the times and go by RPE, since the times are for the collegiate swimmers and guys who have been swimming their whole life, not the slowpokes like me. Instead, I ran a 1,000 time-trial in about 25:00, for a 2:35 average hundred. I'm still so slow and it's bothersome. I don't know if it's a fitness thing, a strength thing, or a form thing. I really haven't gotten noticeably faster this year, and I've been averaging around 5,200 yards a week this year, and it's a lot of disappointment. In other news, my shiny new Vectors are going to back to Garmin for new pedal pods (2 sets of batteries in less than 20 hours = defective pods), plus two blown tubes on the trainer = grumble grumble grumble. I also broke down and bought a treadmill (a ~$400 Walmart model) that I"m actually pretty happy with - no frills, but the speed seems accurate, and it's better than running in the pitch black icy, windy cold. It's no frills, by my 910xt is more accurate than any treadmill anyway.

From what I have seen in coaching a tri swim class, it generally comes down to form for swimming. People with a swim background seem to cut throught the water while those who learned later in life plough throught the water(my wife is a prime example).

How the heck did you blow two tubes on your trainer??? Pinch? Too tight? You are a bad luck magnet for trainer.

Hey running on the ice and snow is a core workout..... Trying not to fall on your a$$....

I know. This morning there was this lady in the pool doing back stroke and it looked like she was hardly trying. Not a splash. Just gliding along.

There are two many things to remember in swimming. That is why you have to drill specific aspects of form until they are second nature. Sometimes concentrate on kicking, sometimes on breathing, sometimes on stroke start and finish, sometimes on the stroke. My favorite one to do is to try to imagine that I am swimming through the smallest hoop possible, but then my breathing goes to .

Whatever. Ur in the pool and that is all that matters.
2013-11-14 2:09 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: Baby Steps
After a month of solid PT and no running, I ran my first mile this afternoon. After a ten minute walk/warmup, I did one mile of 2 minutes jogging/2 minutes walking. Hip wasn't perfect - but it felt better than it did a month ago.. I was psyched that there was almost no pain after my run either.... So I stretched and ice and my fingers are crossed. If everything goes well - I will get to run another mile on Saturday. Baby steps...

Edited by Qua17 2013-11-14 2:09 PM
2013-11-14 3:13 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: BDAS - Wetsuit Legal Pool Swim!
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Masters swim this morning, and the pool heater is broken, so time for a nice, bracing, brisk, wetsuit-legal pool swim. I think my 400 "warmup" is probably close to a PR for me. I ignored the workout today, since it was something like 3x (3x100) with 30sec rest at 0:50 or something ridiculous. I pretty much ignore the times and go by RPE, since the times are for the collegiate swimmers and guys who have been swimming their whole life, not the slowpokes like me.

Instead, I ran a 1,000 time-trial in about 25:00, for a 2:35 average hundred. I'm still so slow and it's bothersome. I don't know if it's a fitness thing, a strength thing, or a form thing. I really haven't gotten noticeably faster this year, and I've been averaging around 5,200 yards a week this year, and it's a lot of disappointment.

In other news, my shiny new Vectors are going to back to Garmin for new pedal pods (2 sets of batteries in less than 20 hours = defective pods), plus two blown tubes on the trainer = grumble grumble grumble. I also broke down and bought a treadmill (a ~$400 Walmart model) that I"m actually pretty happy with - no frills, but the speed seems accurate, and it's better than running in the pitch black icy, windy cold. It's no frills, by my 910xt is more accurate than any treadmill anyway.

When they aren't chewing up batteries how sweet are the Vectors paired with the 910? I'm with Thor...and would put my money on...too tight which is causing a pinch. Doesn't hurt to check the rim tape when the tire is off.

Now see I know what mine are from...damn broken glass and the last was a piece of a coffee mug that cost me $60 on a new Gatorskin (which I'm still sick over, can you tell). Is it possible to attach a broom to the front forks to sweep in front of me as I pass?
2013-11-14 3:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Baby Steps
Originally posted by Qua17

After a month of solid PT and no running, I ran my first mile this afternoon. After a ten minute walk/warmup, I did one mile of 2 minutes jogging/2 minutes walking. Hip wasn't perfect - but it felt better than it did a month ago.. I was psyched that there was almost no pain after my run either.... So I stretched and ice and my fingers are crossed. If everything goes well - I will get to run another mile on Saturday. Baby steps...

That is outstanding news! Guess the PT is paying off just don't let up. Have you had a chance to get on the bike and test the hip?
2013-11-14 8:00 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: BDAS - Wetsuit Legal Pool Swim!
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Instead, I ran a 1,000 time-trial in about 25:00, for a 2:35 average hundred. I'm still so slow and it's bothersome. I don't know if it's a fitness thing, a strength thing, or a form thing. I really haven't gotten noticeably faster this year, and I've been averaging around 5,200 yards a week this year, and it's a lot of disappointment.

That's a good time. You've got tons of time until IM 2014. Keep at it and you'll whittle it away. Swimming is the one of the three where the effort put in seems to gain the least amount of results as far as time. It still pays to be strong/comfortable doing the distance, but how much time can you really whittle away on the swim in the grand scheme of things. Say you can do the 2.4 at 1:50/100 vs. 2:30/100. What's that come to over 2.4 miles? something like 20 minutes? You can gain 20 minutes in the first 10 miles of a marathon, or the first 30 miles of the ride easier than gains in that dang pool.

Plus, It will all come together with the adrenaline on race day. That'll be worth 5-10 minutes over the distance on race day.

2013-11-15 12:18 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Baby Steps
Originally posted by Qua17

After a month of solid PT and no running, I ran my first mile this afternoon. After a ten minute walk/warmup, I did one mile of 2 minutes jogging/2 minutes walking. Hip wasn't perfect - but it felt better than it did a month ago.. I was psyched that there was almost no pain after my run either.... So I stretched and ice and my fingers are crossed. If everything goes well - I will get to run another mile on Saturday. Baby steps...

Congrats dude. Are you still aiming for the IM.
2013-11-16 8:46 PM
in reply to: BigDH

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Subject: RE: Baby Steps
Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by Qua17

After a month of solid PT and no running, I ran my first mile this afternoon. After a ten minute walk/warmup, I did one mile of 2 minutes jogging/2 minutes walking. Hip wasn't perfect - but it felt better than it did a month ago.. I was psyched that there was almost no pain after my run either.... So I stretched and ice and my fingers are crossed. If everything goes well - I will get to run another mile on Saturday. Baby steps...

Congrats dude. Are you still aiming for the IM.

Yep - I'm gonna do everything I can to make it happen.
2013-11-16 8:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Baby Steps
I went for another 1 mile run today... Unfortunately, the hip is a bit sore tonight.

Luckily, the Iron Man coverage was on today. Inspiring as always. Anyone else see it?
2013-11-16 8:54 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Baby Steps
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by Qua17

After a month of solid PT and no running, I ran my first mile this afternoon. After a ten minute walk/warmup, I did one mile of 2 minutes jogging/2 minutes walking. Hip wasn't perfect - but it felt better than it did a month ago.. I was psyched that there was almost no pain after my run either.... So I stretched and ice and my fingers are crossed. If everything goes well - I will get to run another mile on Saturday. Baby steps...

Congrats dude. Are you still aiming for the IM.

Yep - I'm gonna do everything I can to make it happen.

Go David, way to stay focused and positive. DQ now stands for "don't quit".
2013-11-16 8:59 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: BDAS - Wetsuit Legal Pool Swim!
Originally posted by kevinbe

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Instead, I ran a 1,000 time-trial in about 25:00, for a 2:35 average hundred. I'm still so slow and it's bothersome. I don't know if it's a fitness thing, a strength thing, or a form thing. I really haven't gotten noticeably faster this year, and I've been averaging around 5,200 yards a week this year, and it's a lot of disappointment.

That's a good time. You've got tons of time until IM 2014. Keep at it and you'll whittle it away. Swimming is the one of the three where the effort put in seems to gain the least amount of results as far as time. It still pays to be strong/comfortable doing the distance, but how much time can you really whittle away on the swim in the grand scheme of things. Say you can do the 2.4 at 1:50/100 vs. 2:30/100. What's that come to over 2.4 miles? something like 20 minutes? You can gain 20 minutes in the first 10 miles of a marathon, or the first 30 miles of the ride easier than gains in that dang pool.

Plus, It will all come together with the adrenaline on race day. That'll be worth 5-10 minutes over the distance on race day.

Charles - I completely get the desire to get faster and I agree with Kevin - you will get a lot faster in the next 10(?) months. My suggestion would be to get some coaching or join a master's swim class. Swimming is the leg of the race that really benefits from coaching. That is how you will gain significant time in the pool.

You are a determined athlete and you will make it happen. Onward!

2013-11-16 9:06 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Penalties
Well I stepped on the scale this morning and am up from 167 to 176 and I'm not to pleased about it. I am under my calorie budget each day so I'm convinced it's the 1-2 beers a day. Everything else in my diet is clean and natural. No junk and very little processed foods. I hate to blame the nectar of the gods but that has to be it. I worked so hard to get down from 252 so there is no way I'm letting this slip and get away from me (yes I know I'm still only 176 but it's eating away at me, pun intended). I am imposing something worse than the Coors Light penalty which is ZERO beer until it gets under 170 again then only one or two a week. As tasty as beer is it's just not worth feeling like this mentally.

Got my wetsuit today and it fits like a glove. I have experience wearing wetsuits from diving so it wasn't all that uncomfortable. I put it on and jumped in my pool which is cold as hell right now and it was great. I am going to take it to swim practice and log some yards before my race plus I just may jump in my canal and swim some if no alligators are around Not much boat traffic on my end so that's safe at least.
2013-11-16 9:12 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: BEER BASH
Originally posted by Burd

Well I am not doing the century on 12/8 but I'm doing the metric instead. My friend hasn't trained and won't go the full 100 miles but will do the 100k. I would rather have someone to ride with to make it more fun since it's a ride not a race. Isn't that why we do all of this anyways...for the fun. On the bright side about me doing that many less miles I went and ordered a wetsuit so I can do the sprint the following weekend I figure it will be an easy ride since my friend is out of shape and it will be at a casual pace. I needed the wetsuit anyways for my Jan race so it'll be nice to get more use out of it. I still haven't decided the distance of the January race. I'm shooting for the oly but I'm training for the half just in case. When I sign up mid December I will make the decision what distance. It boils down to how easy it is to swim in a wetsuit and if I think I can do it without getting injured. It's still 9 weeks out and I'll get in a ton more training. Advise anyone?

On a side note...Jeff Galloway is a genius! After checking my ego at the door, I adopted the run/walk method and it was much better. Managed nearly an hour with zero issues and no pain at all. The breaks really helped me out. Plus my pace was better overall even with walking. I did a 4/1 but as my runs go over an hour I am switching to 3/1 to be easier on the legs and keep my HR down.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Nice work Nancy! Bummer about the century - but good for you for sticking with your friend. You will get it done one of these days.

About the wetsuit - I agree with everything Charles wrote. You will probably freak out the first time you put it on. If the wetsuit you ordered fits - it won't feel like it fits. In fact it will feel tight. The first time I swam in mine - I got a little nervous. Follow Charles' advice and take your time getting comfortable. In fact - don't swim until you feel comfortable. When you do swim for the first time, be sure to time yourself so you can see the best part about wearing a wetsuit - it will make you faster. You are going to love it.

Galloway is great. Glad it's keeping you healthy and running strong.
2013-11-17 11:24 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Baby Steps
Originally posted by Qua17

I went for another 1 mile run today... Unfortunately, the hip is a bit sore tonight.

Luckily, the Iron Man coverage was on today. Inspiring as always. Anyone else see it?

Watched about half of it so far. Always fun.
2013-11-17 2:52 PM
in reply to: BigDH

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Baby Steps
Tomorrow, I start volunteering 1 night a week with a local wrestling team. Practice lasts 2 hours and should be guaranteed for 3lb+ weight loss. This is actually fulfilling a life long dream to get into coaching wrestling. Wife and I had always talked about waiting till our kids were more grown up, but the opportunity just happened to present itself.

weight loss is starting to happen. I enjoyed 4 ipa's and a pot roast this weekend, but goal for this week is to get to 195. Hoping to run 3 times for 10 miles this week.

Looking forward to watching IM wrap up. I'm shooting for watching it next Monday after hockey.

Have a good week BDAS!
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