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2011-04-11 1:19 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I miss this group!  Just checking in to see how you all are doing.  Keep on keeping on!  The harder you work now the more you will be able to enjoy the big day!

2011-04-11 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Supposed to do a brick 1 hour ride and 30 minute run today. Weather is rainy with gusting winds up to 40 mph. Tomorrow is a swim day. Should I flip flop days or get out and experience the weather today? My concern isn't so much for the weather, but how affective the ride will be.
2011-04-11 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3439401

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

DV 1 - 2011-04-11 8:21 AM Supposed to do a brick 1 hour ride and 30 minute run today. Weather is rainy with gusting winds up to 40 mph. Tomorrow is a swim day. Should I flip flop days or get out and experience the weather today? My concern isn't so much for the weather, but how affective the ride will be.


I flip flop in that kind of situation. If race day is like that I will deal but it isn't worth the greater chance of an accident on the bike when it is both rainy and windy to me!

2011-04-11 8:06 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Sorry for another (actually two more) questions so early in the day, but.....:

1. The BT plan doesn't indicate brick vs. split am/pm workouts. I assume the more bricks I can do the better. Am I right, or should I be breaking them up for both the benefits of recovery and the ability to push harder on each individual workout?

2. Today's workout calls for a relatively easy bike and a run at "Easy Pace RPE 3." According to the chart below, RPE 3 is walking??? This chart is from an article on this website. Am I really supposed to walk? The top part of the chart would indicate Z3 is intensive endurance, but the bottom clearly says walking.

RPE/HR Zone Chart

Z1 - Zone 1 or Recovery
Z2 - Zone 2 or Extensive endurance
Z3 - Zone 3 or Intensive endurance/muscular endurance
Z4 - Zone 4 or Sub-threshold
Z5a - Zone 5a or Threshold
Z5b- Zone 5b or Super-threshold
Z5c- Zone 5b or VO2 Max

RPE Zone HR ZoneDescription
0 Z1Complete Rest
1 Z1Very easy; light walking
2 Z1Very easy; light walking
3 Z1Very easy; walking
4 Z1Still easy, maybe starting to sweat
5 Z2Starting to work just a little and you can feel your HR rise
6 Z2 UpperWorking but sustainable, able to talk in full sentences
7 Z3Strong effort; breathing labored, but can still maintain pace for some minutes without slowing.
8 Z4Olympic Distance Race Pace for MOP to FOP
9 Z510k effort – very hard
10 Z5+Z5+ = 5k effort and Z5++ = cannot hold effort for more than a minute or two. (almost maximal effort)


Edited by DV 1 2011-04-11 8:22 AM
2011-04-11 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3438752

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kathy caribe - 2011-04-10 4:20 PM
arkmann - 2011-04-10 2:13 PM
kathy caribe - 2011-04-10 8:14 AM

Plan calls for a measly 4 hours of riding.  I had 7 planned.  I'm PR'ing my rides, consistently taking time off previous ones and hitting Z2 but my legs are definitely tired.  I haven't felt fresh legs and that glorious feeling of wanting to HAMMER HARD for a long time.   I do feel strong but I'm wondering if I should dial back the bike dramatically to give more power to the run.  Legs feel strong on the run but I haven't felt glorious and fresh for a long time.  I think I've probably answered my own question but just didn't want to face up to it.

Ride like the wind and as often as you want.  The more miles you got in your legs the better.  Don't even be conscious of the hours you do and just log them in.  You'll be surprised how fast you're gonna be on race day.  When I was following the plan, I did a couple of century rides and 50 mile rides almost every other weekend.  I didn't care which sport focus it was and rode all I want.  I went from 18.5mph on a sprint race last year (my fastest split) to 21.1mph on an olympic race this year.  I didn't expect that and I was surprised I was able to sustain the speed.  In any of the 3 sports, mileage matter...

Oh!  Well, that is good news.  I was sure I should dial down the riding but as long as I'm getting in swim and run I'll keep the kms high.  Thanks!

While I agree that cycling miles make a huge difference on race day, there has to be some balance. If your running is not improving because of all the time devoted to cycling, then it may be time to back off. You also do need to give yourself those recovery weeks, but it sounds like you are dropping the volume appropriately.
In the end, just make sure your cycling isn't at the expense of the other sports. If you feel that you are progressing at all three sports and are happy where you are, keep going.

2011-04-11 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3439471

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-04-11 8:06 AM

Sorry for another (actually two more) questions so early in the day, but.....:

1. The BT plan doesn't indicate brick vs. split am/pm workouts. I assume the more bricks I can do the better. Am I right, or should I be breaking them up for both the benefits of recovery and the ability to push harder on each individual workout?

2. Today's workout calls for a relatively easy bike and a run at "Easy Pace RPE 3." According to the chart below, RPE 3 is walking??? This chart is from an article on this website. Am I really supposed to walk? The top part of the chart would indicate Z3 is intensive endurance, but the bottom clearly says walking.

RPE/HR Zone Chart

Z1 - Zone 1 or Recovery
Z2 - Zone 2 or Extensive endurance
Z3 - Zone 3 or Intensive endurance/muscular endurance
Z4 - Zone 4 or Sub-threshold
Z5a - Zone 5a or Threshold
Z5b- Zone 5b or Super-threshold
Z5c- Zone 5b or VO2 Max

RPE Zone HR ZoneDescription
0 Z1Complete Rest
1 Z1Very easy; light walking
2 Z1Very easy; light walking
3 Z1Very easy; walking
4 Z1Still easy, maybe starting to sweat
5 Z2Starting to work just a little and you can feel your HR rise
6 Z2 UpperWorking but sustainable, able to talk in full sentences
7 Z3Strong effort; breathing labored, but can still maintain pace for some minutes without slowing.
8 Z4Olympic Distance Race Pace for MOP to FOP
9 Z510k effort – very hard
10 Z5+Z5+ = 5k effort and Z5++ = cannot hold effort for more than a minute or two. (almost maximal effort)


I don't think you need to brick more than once a week or once every two weeks. During the week, have time between your workouts so you can give more to each one.
I would do an easy run for RPE 3. Not walking unless you use a walk/run interval strategy.

2011-04-11 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3439290

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-04-11 1:19 AM

I miss this group!  Just checking in to see how you all are doing.  Keep on keeping on!  The harder you work now the more you will be able to enjoy the big day!

What are you training for now? You know you could sign up for a late summer HIM and follow the plan again!
2011-04-11 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3439439

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
wozin8or - 2011-04-11 7:48 AM

DV 1 - 2011-04-11 8:21 AM Supposed to do a brick 1 hour ride and 30 minute run today. Weather is rainy with gusting winds up to 40 mph. Tomorrow is a swim day. Should I flip flop days or get out and experience the weather today? My concern isn't so much for the weather, but how affective the ride will be.


I flip flop in that kind of situation. If race day is like that I will deal but it isn't worth the greater chance of an accident on the bike when it is both rainy and windy to me!

+1 on this. I don't mind so much running in adverse conditions but not on the bike. Hope your weather gets better.
2011-04-11 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3439471

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-04-11 8:06 AM

Sorry for another (actually two more) questions so early in the day, but.....:

1. The BT plan doesn't indicate brick vs. split am/pm workouts. I assume the more bricks I can do the better. Am I right, or should I be breaking them up for both the benefits of recovery and the ability to push harder on each individual workout?

2. Today's workout calls for a relatively easy bike and a run at "Easy Pace RPE 3." According to the chart below, RPE 3 is walking??? This chart is from an article on this website. Am I really supposed to walk? The top part of the chart would indicate Z3 is intensive endurance, but the bottom clearly says walking.

RPE/HR Zone Chart

Z1 - Zone 1 or Recovery
Z2 - Zone 2 or Extensive endurance
Z3 - Zone 3 or Intensive endurance/muscular endurance
Z4 - Zone 4 or Sub-threshold
Z5a - Zone 5a or Threshold
Z5b- Zone 5b or Super-threshold
Z5c- Zone 5b or VO2 Max

RPE Zone HR ZoneDescription
0 Z1Complete Rest
1 Z1Very easy; light walking
2 Z1Very easy; light walking
3 Z1Very easy; walking
4 Z1Still easy, maybe starting to sweat
5 Z2Starting to work just a little and you can feel your HR rise
6 Z2 UpperWorking but sustainable, able to talk in full sentences
7 Z3Strong effort; breathing labored, but can still maintain pace for some minutes without slowing.
8 Z4Olympic Distance Race Pace for MOP to FOP
9 Z510k effort – very hard
10 Z5+Z5+ = 5k effort and Z5++ = cannot hold effort for more than a minute or two. (almost maximal effort)


I don't think you are looking at the right RPE chart:
RPE Description Bike HR Run HR
0 Complete Rest Resting HR= Resting HR=
1 Very Weak: light walking
2 Weak:strong walk, very slow run, easy conversation pace
3 Moderate:easy run, begin to sweat, but can hold conversation throughout
4 Somewhat Strong:still easy, sweating a bit more
7 Very Strong:breathing very labored, but can still maintain pace for some minutes without slowing.
9 Cannot hold effort for more than a minute or two
10 Extremely Strong (almost maximal)

2011-04-11 6:21 PM
in reply to: #3438895

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

cheekymonkeys1 - 2011-04-10 6:23 PM Got my new longest ride to date in today. 40 miles, but oh so SLOW 13.2 mph. Frown

Way to go Girl!!! Time in the saddle counts as much as distance!!!

2011-04-11 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Thanks for the replies.

The whole HR/RPE/etc... seems to have as many answers as you can find people to respond. I've literally found five charts, all with different info on them. I think the one from popracer is closest to the one I'll use.

Unrelated - It turns out that a 40 mph wind in your face pretty much stops you dead in your tracks on a road bike - LOL! It was awesome practice. I had planned to hit the roads, but instead stayed in a few nearby unfinished subdivisions that have decent length paved roads with nothing on either side but fields of nothing. Wind was way too dangerous to be within a few feet of cars.

2011-04-11 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I am in week 9 and looking for a race for the end of the recovery week. I got two choices a 10K or a short dual (2m x 12 miles x 3.2 miles). While the plan calls for a 10k running negative splits on each 5K, my hip is acting a bit funky. Don't want to push it too hard on the 10k, but I know if I go, I will definitely go hard. The dual may be tough due to rain. Thoughts appreciated?
2011-04-11 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3439290

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

akrenik - 2011-04-11 1:19 AM I miss this group!  Just checking in to see how you all are doing.  Keep on keeping on!  The harder you work now the more you will be able to enjoy the big day!

That was nice! Keep checking on us. I'm sure we all could use any extra bit of encouragement we can get. What is next for you?

2011-04-11 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3440046

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2011-04-11 11:51 AM
wozin8or - 2011-04-11 7:48 AM

DV 1 - 2011-04-11 8:21 AM Supposed to do a brick 1 hour ride and 30 minute run today. Weather is rainy with gusting winds up to 40 mph. Tomorrow is a swim day. Should I flip flop days or get out and experience the weather today? My concern isn't so much for the weather, but how affective the ride will be.


I flip flop in that kind of situation. If race day is like that I will deal but it isn't worth the greater chance of an accident on the bike when it is both rainy and windy to me!

+1 on this. I don't mind so much running in adverse conditions but not on the bike. Hope your weather gets better.

I can't flip so much since my swim days are set for T/Th but I would be on the trainer and depending on how hard of a rain the treadmill.

2011-04-11 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3439860

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2011-04-11 8:52 AM
akrenik - 2011-04-11 1:19 AM I miss this group!  Just checking in to see how you all are doing.  Keep on keeping on!  The harder you work now the more you will be able to enjoy the big day!
What are you training for now? You know you could sign up for a late summer HIM and follow the plan again!

Good plan.    I am thinking of signing up for one in October. 

2011-04-12 4:40 AM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
hey buddy im jeyson, trying hard, just roaming around if i can get what it gets to become a triathlete.

2011-04-12 4:55 AM
in reply to: #3441174

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-04-11 8:08 PM

I am in week 9 and looking for a race for the end of the recovery week. I got two choices a 10K or a short dual (2m x 12 miles x 3.2 miles). While the plan calls for a 10k running negative splits on each 5K, my hip is acting a bit funky. Don't want to push it too hard on the 10k, but I know if I go, I will definitely go hard. The dual may be tough due to rain. Thoughts appreciated?

Thats a tough call. The last duathalon I did was 2.6, 14.5, 2.6 and I was running 5k pace. If your hip is bugging you I'd think the 10k might be less stress. Especially if you take the first 5k easy and hit the negative split. Good luck either way.
2011-04-12 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3441514

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2011-04-12 4:55 AM
JoePetto - 2011-04-11 8:08 PM I am in week 9 and looking for a race for the end of the recovery week. I got two choices a 10K or a short dual (2m x 12 miles x 3.2 miles). While the plan calls for a 10k running negative splits on each 5K, my hip is acting a bit funky. Don't want to push it too hard on the 10k, but I know if I go, I will definitely go hard. The dual may be tough due to rain. Thoughts appreciated?
Thats a tough call. The last duathalon I did was 2.6, 14.5, 2.6 and I was running 5k pace. If your hip is bugging you I'd think the 10k might be less stress. Especially if you take the first 5k easy and hit the negative split. Good luck either way.

Hey Pops:

I'm opting for the 10K.  They are calling for thunderstorms and wind (80%  chance) on the day of the dual so my decision has been made for me.  Plan on limiting any running this week to the treadmill and see how things go on Sunday.


2011-04-12 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
As a general question, I know it is "okay" to move the days of training around (in the plan, i.e. I'm in week 8 and I'll move this sunday's workout to Saturday instead) but is it "okay" to move specific workouts around?  I'm very comfortable bricking B+R so I don't think I need more practice at that so I'm thinking of moving specific workouts (S, B, R) around the week.  I plan on doing the practice tri this weekend (and I've done them already in my training) so I wouldn't split that apart, but the other day's workouts?
2011-04-12 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3441359

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-04-11 9:42 PM

popsracer - 2011-04-11 8:52 AM
akrenik - 2011-04-11 1:19 AM I miss this group!  Just checking in to see how you all are doing.  Keep on keeping on!  The harder you work now the more you will be able to enjoy the big day!
What are you training for now? You know you could sign up for a late summer HIM and follow the plan again!

Good plan.    I am thinking of signing up for one in October. 

Which one?  Mine is this sunday and I want more!  I'm registered for a 5150 in may and berlin marathon in september (A race after tri).  Think this is enough?

2011-04-12 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3441656

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

kathy caribe - 2011-04-12 7:26 AM As a general question, I know it is "okay" to move the days of training around (in the plan, i.e. I'm in week 8 and I'll move this sunday's workout to Saturday instead) but is it "okay" to move specific workouts around?  I'm very comfortable bricking B+R so I don't think I need more practice at that so I'm thinking of moving specific workouts (S, B, R) around the week.  I plan on doing the practice tri this weekend (and I've done them already in my training) so I wouldn't split that apart, but the other day's workouts?

I think that's fine.  A lot of that is for practice/familiarity but if you are moving and getting the training in I think you will be fine.

2011-04-12 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I'm loving this BT plan since making the switch last week. Today's swim went great! MS was 3x400 increasing intensity from 2-4 RPE. I decided this morning to really kick the swim's butt and boy did I come through. Final 400 was at a 1:34 pace. Felt like I could have gone a lot farther at that pace too. I think my breakthrough came last week during a breathing drill when I decided to embrace the 2/3/2 breath rate as opposed to strictly bilateral. I use bilateral for wu and easier sets, but when I push it, the 2/3/2 keeps my cardio in check much better and allows me to keep way better position during my breaths. Before, I was lifting my head way too much to extend the length of time my mouth was in the air so I could GASP. Now, it's still labored, but not out of control.

Very good day :-)

2011-04-12 9:33 PM
in reply to: #3443190

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-04-12 7:34 PM

I'm loving this BT plan since making the switch last week. Today's swim went great! MS was 3x400 increasing intensity from 2-4 RPE. I decided this morning to really kick the swim's butt and boy did I come through. Final 400 was at a 1:34 pace. Felt like I could have gone a lot farther at that pace too. I think my breakthrough came last week during a breathing drill when I decided to embrace the 2/3/2 breath rate as opposed to strictly bilateral. I use bilateral for wu and easier sets, but when I push it, the 2/3/2 keeps my cardio in check much better and allows me to keep way better position during my breaths. Before, I was lifting my head way too much to extend the length of time my mouth was in the air so I could GASP. Now, it's still labored, but not out of control.

Very good day :-)

Great pace! Can you please explain the drill using the 2/3/2 rate. thx

2011-04-12 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3443190

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-04-12 6:34 PM

I'm loving this BT plan since making the switch last week. Today's swim went great! MS was 3x400 increasing intensity from 2-4 RPE. I decided this morning to really kick the swim's butt and boy did I come through. Final 400 was at a 1:34 pace. Felt like I could have gone a lot farther at that pace too. I think my breakthrough came last week during a breathing drill when I decided to embrace the 2/3/2 breath rate as opposed to strictly bilateral. I use bilateral for wu and easier sets, but when I push it, the 2/3/2 keeps my cardio in check much better and allows me to keep way better position during my breaths. Before, I was lifting my head way too much to extend the length of time my mouth was in the air so I could GASP. Now, it's still labored, but not out of control.

Very good day :-)

That's an awesome breakthrough, congrats  I think I swam around 1:30 in a race but have never really killed it with that kind of pace in a training session...truly awesome! Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm going to guess that 2/3/2 breath is going to be where you breathe on the same side after a full rotation, followed by breathing on the opposite side after 1.5 rotations (3 arm strokes), and then breathe after another rotation, and repeat.  So if you started your breath on the right, it would go:  right (2), left (3), left (2)...and repeat

2011-04-13 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

2/3/2 or 3/2/3 .....or whatever you call it???

stroke stroke/breath stroke stroke stroke/breath stroke stroke/breath stroke stroke stroke/breath

I get in 7% more breathing and that seems to make a big difference.

2/3/2 = 33% breathing

bilateral = 26% breathing


Edited by DV 1 2011-04-13 7:32 AM
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