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2012-03-07 12:30 PM
in reply to: #4084814

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
acv - 2012-03-07 12:32 PM

Long run advice-

My long runs are over 2 hours now and will only increase in the near future. The weather has been cool and I’ve only needed to take some water out on my runs lately.

But I’m looking ahead to the 26.2 miles and thinking I should start to have a nutrition plan in place for the race. I’m sticking w/ gels since they’ve work for me in the past, although I will have time to experiment in the coming weeks if someone has another suggestion.

I’m not sure what my time will be as this is all new territory for me. I’d be happy with 4 ½ hours at a 10:30 pace. I’m going to need to refuel and my plan is to have a gel every ½ hour and sip water as I go.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Now the fun part begins Adam!  I have a couple of peices of advice that I would give you.  First, find out the brand (and flavor if possible) of what they will be serving on the course and try it out.  If you can use that, it will save you carrying anything in pockets for fuel belt.  Living off the course is a huge advantage.

Your schedule of taking a gel would seem ok to me, but if it were me I would add in a sports drink.  Again, what they are serving on the course would be ideal.  It is cool now, but my guess is that you will be racing in warmer conditions and will want the electrolytes, plus you are probably a little light in carb and calorie replacement just doing the gels. 

You should also train using your nutrition plan and try it over several weeks and runs. One bad run (unless it includes projectile vomiting Cool) shouldn't be used as a final determination that something isn't going to work, nor should one good run determine success with a plan.  Also, try your plan on several shorter but more intense efforts.  Your typical long run wont be done at the intensity of race day, and it is the intensity that usually gives people stomach troubles as the digestive system tends to slow down with a higher effort. 

Finally, when you get something you feel will work, mess with it a little.  Try a little more or a little less to see how you feel. 

Keep us updatedon how your training is going Adam!

2012-03-07 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4084716

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-03-07 11:50 AM
kenj - 2012-03-07 10:34 AM
Wesley12 - 2012-03-06 3:13 PM
gator22 - 2012-03-06 1:39 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-03-06 10:52 AM

Throwing it out there  - Anyone got a good running song that they cannot run without?  I need some fast, moderate, slow (pace)! 

I'm not very into music (big Reba McEntire fan...21 years and, and I normally enjoy ballads, rock ballads, and some country, but other than that I don't really listen to music because it takes me a lot of time and concentration to know the lyrics.  

However, I'm starting a compilation of running songs, not to "listen", but to hear the beats, drums, etc while running.  My mind will NOT shut up when I do long runs, and I've discovered that listening to music for long runs actually helps a lot and helps my pacing too!



It's funny. I hate rap normally but when I run I love eminem til I collapse and dr. Dre California love. So sad. has tons of music and it is set up by miles per minute.  I guess there are some songs that the music helps you stay at 5:00 minute miles and some for 10:00 miles.  Although looking through the website it is sort of surprising some of the ones that they have listed at the 5:00 and 6:00 pace songs.

I had not heard of this site before, I will have to check it out! I am like Kirk, when I run I kind of zone out to the actual music and get into the beat.  I like some of the Eminem stuff, Black Eye Peas, and junk like that.

This is a $2.99 app on the iphone. Looks like its worth the $$$. I'm going to give it a try! BTW Ken....nice run at that incline last night! I know most people don't like incline on the mill, but I ALWAYS run at least at .5%. Otherwise, it just feels like the belt is moving my legs and there is no road under me. Seems to help when I transition outside, I'm usually slightly faster outside vs the mill.

I agree on your incline statement Brian.  For me to get the HR to a similar level on the treadmill at a given pace as outside I need to at least be over 1%.  I figure going higher will make me stronger when I am outside.  You can get a pretty good hill workout on the treadmill too going up to 6, 7 or even higher incline. 

2012-03-07 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4084937

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-03-07 1:30 PM
acv - 2012-03-07 12:32 PM

Long run advice-

My long runs are over 2 hours now and will only increase in the near future. The weather has been cool and I’ve only needed to take some water out on my runs lately.

But I’m looking ahead to the 26.2 miles and thinking I should start to have a nutrition plan in place for the race. I’m sticking w/ gels since they’ve work for me in the past, although I will have time to experiment in the coming weeks if someone has another suggestion.

I’m not sure what my time will be as this is all new territory for me. I’d be happy with 4 ½ hours at a 10:30 pace. I’m going to need to refuel and my plan is to have a gel every ½ hour and sip water as I go.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Now the fun part begins Adam!  I have a couple of peices of advice that I would give you.  First, find out the brand (and flavor if possible) of what they will be serving on the course and try it out.  If you can use that, it will save you carrying anything in pockets for fuel belt.  Living off the course is a huge advantage.

Your schedule of taking a gel would seem ok to me, but if it were me I would add in a sports drink.  Again, what they are serving on the course would be ideal.  It is cool now, but my guess is that you will be racing in warmer conditions and will want the electrolytes, plus you are probably a little light in carb and calorie replacement just doing the gels. 

You should also train using your nutrition plan and try it over several weeks and runs. One bad run (unless it includes projectile vomiting Cool) shouldn't be used as a final determination that something isn't going to work, nor should one good run determine success with a plan.  Also, try your plan on several shorter but more intense efforts.  Your typical long run wont be done at the intensity of race day, and it is the intensity that usually gives people stomach troubles as the digestive system tends to slow down with a higher effort. 

Finally, when you get something you feel will work, mess with it a little.  Try a little more or a little less to see how you feel. 

Keep us updatedon how your training is going Adam!

Thanks Ken - I forgot about adding in the sports drink. I'll try it out on some of the longer shorter runs too - if that makes any sense.Wink

2012-03-07 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4085053

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
acv - 2012-03-07 2:25 PM
kenj - 2012-03-07 1:30 PM
acv - 2012-03-07 12:32 PM

Long run advice-

My long runs are over 2 hours now and will only increase in the near future. The weather has been cool and I’ve only needed to take some water out on my runs lately.

But I’m looking ahead to the 26.2 miles and thinking I should start to have a nutrition plan in place for the race. I’m sticking w/ gels since they’ve work for me in the past, although I will have time to experiment in the coming weeks if someone has another suggestion.

I’m not sure what my time will be as this is all new territory for me. I’d be happy with 4 ½ hours at a 10:30 pace. I’m going to need to refuel and my plan is to have a gel every ½ hour and sip water as I go.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Now the fun part begins Adam!  I have a couple of peices of advice that I would give you.  First, find out the brand (and flavor if possible) of what they will be serving on the course and try it out.  If you can use that, it will save you carrying anything in pockets for fuel belt.  Living off the course is a huge advantage.

Your schedule of taking a gel would seem ok to me, but if it were me I would add in a sports drink.  Again, what they are serving on the course would be ideal.  It is cool now, but my guess is that you will be racing in warmer conditions and will want the electrolytes, plus you are probably a little light in carb and calorie replacement just doing the gels. 

You should also train using your nutrition plan and try it over several weeks and runs. One bad run (unless it includes projectile vomiting Cool) shouldn't be used as a final determination that something isn't going to work, nor should one good run determine success with a plan.  Also, try your plan on several shorter but more intense efforts.  Your typical long run wont be done at the intensity of race day, and it is the intensity that usually gives people stomach troubles as the digestive system tends to slow down with a higher effort. 

Finally, when you get something you feel will work, mess with it a little.  Try a little more or a little less to see how you feel. 

Keep us updatedon how your training is going Adam!

Thanks Ken - I forgot about adding in the sports drink. I'll try it out on some of the longer shorter runs too - if that makes any sense.Wink

X2 on what Ken said..I found out that the products they served during my HIM last year did not fit well with my stomach. So it is best to experiment now during your training..Keep up the nice work..

2012-03-07 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Ken's got some good advice on the long run!

For my first long runs or any long runs I'm experimenting on I usually try to stick to doing loops close to home or where I know there is a bathroom fairly close! I made the mistake of taking chocolate gels without any water!....not good! Lol make sure you wash down gels with water and not sports drink. That usually doesn't work well for your stomach. Get yourself a fuel belt or other hydration system and take an extra gel or energy bar just in case a run turns out longer than you think. It's not a bad idea to have some cash on you either. ID is also a must. I use a road id but also programmed my wife's number in my cell phone and labelled it ICE (in case of emergency). First responders look for this. You may also want to use some body glide in common chaffing spots. It's not something people talk about but common and painful to experience chaffing on long runs. Finally, I always tell my wife how long I expect to be out. She knows things can happen where it may take longer but at least she has an idea when to call the search party out.
2012-03-08 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

You guys ever try to water down your gels?  You can you know.  I didn't know until my coach told me. I love the chocolate ones watered down.  Tastes like chocolate milk, goes down smooth, and you can fit a lot in one of those small bottles they make for gels or even a small water bottle, whatever you can carry. It's like 400 cals a bottle.  I like to use a Fuel Belt with four bottles and put gels with water in a couple of longer runs.  Try the kinds with caffeine too. Caffeine helps with pain control and energy level. Lay off the coffee for a few days before the race for best results. Then you can forage for the rest of your cals.  250 or so is all they recommend per hour to avoid gastric distress but I've read other people recently who say go for it.  Test it out on your practice runs. 

I do the watered down gel thing on the bike too for longer efforts. 

All going well here.  Losing weight on Paleo.  Down 14 since 1/1.  Semi private swim lessons are paying off with Masters help.  Bike is going good. Last FTP test was down about 6% from IM peak.  Run has been really good.  Last night I was blazing compared to last spring.  Thinking the strength work with k bells is paying off.


2012-03-08 8:36 AM
in reply to: #4086237

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-03-08 8:01 AM

You guys ever try to water down your gels?  You can you know.  I didn't know until my coach told me. I love the chocolate ones watered down.  Tastes like chocolate milk, goes down smooth, and you can fit a lot in one of those small bottles they make for gels or even a small water bottle, whatever you can carry. It's like 400 cals a bottle.  I like to use a Fuel Belt with four bottles and put gels with water in a couple of longer runs.  Try the kinds with caffeine too. Caffeine helps with pain control and energy level. Lay off the coffee for a few days before the race for best results. Then you can forage for the rest of your cals.  250 or so is all they recommend per hour to avoid gastric distress but I've read other people recently who say go for it.  Test it out on your practice runs. 

I do the watered down gel thing on the bike too for longer efforts. 

All going well here.  Losing weight on Paleo.  Down 14 since 1/1.  Semi private swim lessons are paying off with Masters help.  Bike is going good. Last FTP test was down about 6% from IM peak.  Run has been really good.  Last night I was blazing compared to last spring.  Thinking the strength work with k bells is paying off.


Nice work Ice!!! keeping the FTP on the bike after losing 14 lbs is a BIG deal. I bet that 14 lbs is a big reason you are running faster too!

I've got a camelback gel flask with my Delaney Plus. I knew you could water them down but never tried. I'll have to give that a try. I love the chocolate too, but have to be REALLY careful with my stomach. Not enough water with them and I'm running for the bathroom!!
2012-03-08 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4086237

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-03-08 9:01 AM

You guys ever try to water down your gels?  You can you know.  I didn't know until my coach told me. I love the chocolate ones watered down.  Tastes like chocolate milk, goes down smooth, and you can fit a lot in one of those small bottles they make for gels or even a small water bottle, whatever you can carry. It's like 400 cals a bottle.  I like to use a Fuel Belt with four bottles and put gels with water in a couple of longer runs.  Try the kinds with caffeine too. Caffeine helps with pain control and energy level. Lay off the coffee for a few days before the race for best results. Then you can forage for the rest of your cals.  250 or so is all they recommend per hour to avoid gastric distress but I've read other people recently who say go for it.  Test it out on your practice runs. 

I do the watered down gel thing on the bike too for longer efforts. 

All going well here.  Losing weight on Paleo.  Down 14 since 1/1.  Semi private swim lessons are paying off with Masters help.  Bike is going good. Last FTP test was down about 6% from IM peak.  Run has been really good.  Last night I was blazing compared to last spring.  Thinking the strength work with k bells is paying off.


Good work Ice,

I have heard people talk about watering down the gels, but haven't tried it myself.  But I do always chase them with water. 

2012-03-08 5:52 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Ice- If you water down the gels, do you still take water with you?  I wouldn't think I would get enough water if it was limited to the little flasks on a fuel belt. What ratio of water to gel do you dilute it to?    thx!

This week has been a great week - already gotten in 2 bikes, 2 swims and 2 weight workouts. my foot is still hurting on occasions (some days more than others) the taping is really helping except for the last time when the tape was too high - definately an art to getting it just right.

2012-03-08 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

UGGGGHHH! Can someone send some warm weather thougths my way? the all time high for the next week is supposed to be 23 degrees. where o where are you spring?

On another note - felt my first earthquake last night and should have an amazing northern lights display due to the solar flare - Alaska is definately different.

Edited by robingray_260 2012-03-08 6:15 PM
2012-03-08 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4087636

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

2012-03-09 4:14 AM
in reply to: #4087609

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-03-08 6:52 PM

Ice- If you water down the gels, do you still take water with you?  I wouldn't think I would get enough water if it was limited to the little flasks on a fuel belt. What ratio of water to gel do you dilute it to?    thx!

This week has been a great week - already gotten in 2 bikes, 2 swims and 2 weight workouts. my foot is still hurting on occasions (some days more than others) the taping is really helping except for the last time when the tape was too high - definately an art to getting it just right.

Nice training this week Robin!!

As far as the weather goes, can't help you.  Ours cant seem to make up its mind as one day it is 60 the next it is in the 30s and snowing.

2012-03-09 4:14 AM
in reply to: #4087641

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

CarlaLThompson - 2012-03-08 7:22 PM Hi!


2012-03-09 4:16 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


Just training this weekend, no races for me!

Is there anyone racing this weekend?  Chime in if you are or just share your training plans!

Spin class first thing this morning then a swim.  Run and strength class at lunch!

2012-03-09 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4087983

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-03-09 5:16 AM


Just training this weekend, no races for me!

Is there anyone racing this weekend?  Chime in if you are or just share your training plans!

Spin class first thing this morning then a swim.  Run and strength class at lunch!

What do you mean by class? Is this like a spin class where everyone is on a treadmill?

2012-03-09 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4088456

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
acv - 2012-03-09 10:45 AM
kenj - 2012-03-09 5:16 AM


Just training this weekend, no races for me!

Is there anyone racing this weekend?  Chime in if you are or just share your training plans!

Spin class first thing this morning then a swim.  Run and strength class at lunch!

What do you mean by class? Is this like a spin class where everyone is on a treadmill?

I can see from the way I worded that how you could make that conclusion.  Actually I am going to go back and run for 4 or 5 miles and then take the strength session we offer here at our work gym.  We have a trainer come in several different times a week and she has different types of workouts.  Todays is strength stations which may include weights or just body weigh type exercises. 

2012-03-09 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
This weekend will be busy!!

I've got swim class in the morning tomorrow. After that I'm going to spin class. I just got hired to help lead outdoor cycle club rides at the local Lifetime fitness. The guy that got me hired is doing the spin class and I kind of feel obligated. After that........who knows. Hopefully, I can slap the bike on the back of the truck and head out to the MTB trails. But I got a little damage from the storms this week to take care of too. So, I'm not sure what I'll have time for. Sunday is the time change, so I'll have an extra hour to run in the morning! Meeting my brother and his wife for breakfast cross town after that. I had a massage scheduled for the afternoon but probably won't make that.
2012-03-09 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Going to play a round of golf in the morning..Then long run/bike training scheduled for this weekend and possible a swim..

TGIF I'm ready for the week to be over..Hope everyone is doing well..7 weeks out from Olympic tri..Can't wait..Tongue out

2012-03-09 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4088646

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-03-09 12:15 PM
acv - 2012-03-09 10:45 AM
kenj - 2012-03-09 5:16 AM


Just training this weekend, no races for me!

Is there anyone racing this weekend?  Chime in if you are or just share your training plans!

Spin class first thing this morning then a swim.  Run and strength class at lunch!

What do you mean by class? Is this like a spin class where everyone is on a treadmill?

I can see from the way I worded that how you could make that conclusion.  Actually I am going to go back and run for 4 or 5 miles and then take the strength session we offer here at our work gym.  We have a trainer come in several different times a week and she has different types of workouts.  Todays is strength stations which may include weights or just body weigh type exercises. 

Wow that's really cool. Only thing I've ever been able to do at work is sneak off for a short run or swim in the bay during the summer.Cool

Edited by acv 2012-03-09 1:07 PM
2012-03-09 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Robin - the warm weather is in the low 70's. Sorry! 

I don't normally water down my gels because some of my rides are too short to add a lot of gels. As I start going longer and longer, then I will try the gel flask thing (but I could do the same with just one gel, so...).  But I do normally take gels with water/HEED, and I'm good. For rides shorter than 40 miles, I tend to eat crackers, beef jerky instead of gels. 


Today was my Graduation Demo Reel interview.  It's the time when I will find out whether I will graduate or not (about 4 or 5 students already is not going to graduate. I think there's more that didn't graduate). Well...


I PASSED!!!   I'm super excited and super happy...BUT....there's still some things that I have to work on the Demo Reel to make it EVEN BETTER. Due to the time constraints (due next week), I'm going to have to skip some of my workouts, including the Pancake ride I was really looking forward to tomorrow so I can maximize my hours to work on this instead of slacking off.

That's the Demo Reel video, but it will look even BETTER. (My presentation is the one that needs a lot more work....I knew that. ;-(   Enjoy!

2012-03-09 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Congrats DJ!!!

2012-03-09 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Very cool demo reel too! Love the slots and the poltergeist tv in the forgotten child's room!
2012-03-10 2:13 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
wooohhoooo DJ  - so awesome!!!!
2012-03-10 12:09 PM
in reply to: #4089501

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-03-09 8:19 PM

Robin - the warm weather is in the low 70's. Sorry! 

I don't normally water down my gels because some of my rides are too short to add a lot of gels. As I start going longer and longer, then I will try the gel flask thing (but I could do the same with just one gel, so...).  But I do normally take gels with water/HEED, and I'm good. For rides shorter than 40 miles, I tend to eat crackers, beef jerky instead of gels. 


Today was my Graduation Demo Reel interview.  It's the time when I will find out whether I will graduate or not (about 4 or 5 students already is not going to graduate. I think there's more that didn't graduate). Well...


I PASSED!!!   I'm super excited and super happy...BUT....there's still some things that I have to work on the Demo Reel to make it EVEN BETTER. Due to the time constraints (due next week), I'm going to have to skip some of my workouts, including the Pancake ride I was really looking forward to tomorrow so I can maximize my hours to work on this instead of slacking off.

That's the Demo Reel video, but it will look even BETTER. (My presentation is the one that needs a lot more work....I knew that. ;-(   Enjoy!

Woot!!!!! Congratulations DJ!  Time to celebrate!

2012-03-10 3:19 PM
in reply to: #4089501

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-03-09 9:19 PM

Robin - the warm weather is in the low 70's. Sorry! 

I don't normally water down my gels because some of my rides are too short to add a lot of gels. As I start going longer and longer, then I will try the gel flask thing (but I could do the same with just one gel, so...).  But I do normally take gels with water/HEED, and I'm good. For rides shorter than 40 miles, I tend to eat crackers, beef jerky instead of gels. 


Today was my Graduation Demo Reel interview.  It's the time when I will find out whether I will graduate or not (about 4 or 5 students already is not going to graduate. I think there's more that didn't graduate). Well...


I PASSED!!!   I'm super excited and super happy...BUT....there's still some things that I have to work on the Demo Reel to make it EVEN BETTER. Due to the time constraints (due next week), I'm going to have to skip some of my workouts, including the Pancake ride I was really looking forward to tomorrow so I can maximize my hours to work on this instead of slacking off.

That's the Demo Reel video, but it will look even BETTER. (My presentation is the one that needs a lot more work....I knew that. ;-(   Enjoy!

Congratulations DJ!  Certainly understandable to put the time and efforts into finishing up the best you can.  The training will still be there when you are done and a week or so wont hurt a thing!!  I enjoyed the video!  Nice work!

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