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2012-03-10 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

How's everyone doing this weekend?  Spent plenty of time in the pain cave this morning.  Looks like our weather might be nice with the time changing to get some evening runs in outside! Woo Hoo!


2012-03-10 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Congratulations DJ!

Wish I could share some of this weather with you Robin.  Today was as close to perfect as it gets.  Low to mid 70s with not a cloud in sight.  I got a good brick in this afternoon.  7.9 mile run followed up by a 42 mile ride.  Would have gone longer on the ride but I had to get back to work.  I think I might go for a short ride in the morning to work out any stiffness and a couple thousand yard swim after church.  First tri of the season coming up next weekend.  I sure hope the weather holds out.

2012-03-10 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4087609

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-03-08 5:52 PM

Ice- If you water down the gels, do you still take water with you?  I wouldn't think I would get enough water if it was limited to the little flasks on a fuel belt. What ratio of water to gel do you dilute it to?    thx!

This week has been a great week - already gotten in 2 bikes, 2 swims and 2 weight workouts. my foot is still hurting on occasions (some days more than others) the taping is really helping except for the last time when the tape was too high - definately an art to getting it just right.


On the run, I wear a Fuel Belt with four flasks.  One or all of them may have gels or Perpeleum depending on the distance.  .Having the gel flask is really good.  Just put one or two in the pockets and I'm good. Yes, I also do water and/or sports drink...But I'm guaranteed whatever cals I carry.  During races I can forage whatever else I want.  But I'm not having to tear gels open or store the packets.  On really long efforts I can just fill the flasks with concentrated chocolate gel and drink water from a bottle with it.  I can get 500 cals in one of those little flasks. I do much better with liquid nutrition than solid.  Far easier on my tummy,

2012-03-11 6:36 AM
in reply to: #4090080

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-03-10 3:19 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-03-09 9:19 PM

Robin - the warm weather is in the low 70's. Sorry! 

I don't normally water down my gels because some of my rides are too short to add a lot of gels. As I start going longer and longer, then I will try the gel flask thing (but I could do the same with just one gel, so...).  But I do normally take gels with water/HEED, and I'm good. For rides shorter than 40 miles, I tend to eat crackers, beef jerky instead of gels. 


Today was my Graduation Demo Reel interview.  It's the time when I will find out whether I will graduate or not (about 4 or 5 students already is not going to graduate. I think there's more that didn't graduate). Well...


I PASSED!!!   I'm super excited and super happy...BUT....there's still some things that I have to work on the Demo Reel to make it EVEN BETTER. Due to the time constraints (due next week), I'm going to have to skip some of my workouts, including the Pancake ride I was really looking forward to tomorrow so I can maximize my hours to work on this instead of slacking off.

That's the Demo Reel video, but it will look even BETTER. (My presentation is the one that needs a lot more work....I knew that. ;-(  ) Enjoy!

Congratulations DJ!  Certainly understandable to put the time and efforts into finishing up the best you can.  The training will still be there when you are done and a week or so wont hurt a thing!!  I enjoyed the video!  Nice work!

Congrats dj! We have an open house today so me, the kids, and the dogs are orphans for a while. Need to sell this house!
2012-03-11 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Daylight Savings Time --- up early and headed to the pool!
2012-03-11 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Hey Folks, just checking in...

I have been tailing a few months off, to see if that is what my hamstring needs.  Got about a month done.  Gonna give it until April, maybe even May.  Going to Folrida for family Vcation in End April, might use tis as a starting point again.

I am trying to stay away, because the temptation is too great & I get tempted to start again, after reading about everyone's exploits.

Anyway, sorry for being deadweight...

This injury stuff is a drag....

Everyone stay well...

2012-03-11 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4090177

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2012-03-10 6:15 PM

Congratulations DJ!

Wish I could share some of this weather with you Robin.  Today was as close to perfect as it gets.  Low to mid 70s with not a cloud in sight.  I got a good brick in this afternoon.  7.9 mile run followed up by a 42 mile ride.  Would have gone longer on the ride but I had to get back to work.  I think I might go for a short ride in the morning to work out any stiffness and a couple thousand yard swim after church.  First tri of the season coming up next weekend.  I sure hope the weather holds out.

Sounds like a nice weekend of training!  Glad your weather is helping!

2012-03-11 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4090679

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
GoGoGo - 2012-03-11 10:37 AM

Hey Folks, just checking in...

I have been tailing a few months off, to see if that is what my hamstring needs.  Got about a month done.  Gonna give it until April, maybe even May.  Going to Folrida for family Vcation in End April, might use tis as a starting point again.

I am trying to stay away, because the temptation is too great & I get tempted to start again, after reading about everyone's exploits.

Anyway, sorry for being deadweight...

This injury stuff is a drag....

Everyone stay well...


You aren't a dead weight.  Glad to hear you are resting.  Sometimes that is the only cure.  Heed your body.

2012-03-11 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4090548

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

abake - 2012-03-11 8:23 AM Daylight Savings Time --- up early and headed to the pool!

I love the daylight savings time, once I get used to it! Hope your swim went well!

2012-03-11 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4090679

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
GoGoGo - 2012-03-11 11:37 AM

Hey Folks, just checking in...

I have been tailing a few months off, to see if that is what my hamstring needs.  Got about a month done.  Gonna give it until April, maybe even May.  Going to Folrida for family Vcation in End April, might use tis as a starting point again.

I am trying to stay away, because the temptation is too great & I get tempted to start again, after reading about everyone's exploits.

Anyway, sorry for being deadweight...

This injury stuff is a drag....

Everyone stay well...

Hang in there, hopefully your plan works and you are ready to go at the end of the down time. 

I understand avoiding the temptation but you certainly aren't deadweight and are welcome here any time my friend!

2012-03-11 6:17 PM
in reply to: #4090535

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
gator22 - 2012-03-11 6:36 AM
kenj - 2012-03-10 3:19 PM
CyborgQueen - 2012-03-09 9:19 PM

Robin - the warm weather is in the low 70's. Sorry! 

I don't normally water down my gels because some of my rides are too short to add a lot of gels. As I start going longer and longer, then I will try the gel flask thing (but I could do the same with just one gel, so...).  But I do normally take gels with water/HEED, and I'm good. For rides shorter than 40 miles, I tend to eat crackers, beef jerky instead of gels. 


Today was my Graduation Demo Reel interview.  It's the time when I will find out whether I will graduate or not (about 4 or 5 students already is not going to graduate. I think there's more that didn't graduate). Well...


I PASSED!!!   I'm super excited and super happy...BUT....there's still some things that I have to work on the Demo Reel to make it EVEN BETTER. Due to the time constraints (due next week), I'm going to have to skip some of my workouts, including the Pancake ride I was really looking forward to tomorrow so I can maximize my hours to work on this instead of slacking off.

That's the Demo Reel video, but it will look even BETTER. (My presentation is the one that needs a lot more work....I knew that. ;-(   Enjoy!

Congratulations DJ!  Certainly understandable to put the time and efforts into finishing up the best you can.  The training will still be there when you are done and a week or so wont hurt a thing!!  I enjoyed the video!  Nice work!

Congrats dj! We have an open house today so me, the kids, and the dogs are orphans for a while. Need to sell this house!

Good luck!!!!!  If you are looking for a new one - I know a house in beautiful Wyoming that would be perfect!Wink

Edited by robingray_260 2012-03-11 6:21 PM

2012-03-11 7:44 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Beautiful weekend here in Chicagoland. I think it was is the 60's today. I actual did a lOng run in shorts!!!

I've been sick most of the weekend though. Skipped more time on the bike and a couple of swims last week. It's a new week though and looks like I'm starting to feel better. I skipped the cold run this morning to avoid getting sicker. It was 32 when I got up!! Waited till the afternoon to get a nice long jog in. I can't believe we had more than a 30 degree swing in temp today!!!!

Richard! Take it easy man! It's always good to hear from you. don't give into temptation! I always have to remind my wife when she takes a lot of time off to start slow. After you run a lot of miles for a while and take time off it's easy to jump back in. But much smarter to ease back in. Sometimes I even have her start at 2 miles three times a week for a while before she starts ramping up. Enjoy the rest and have a fun vacation! :$
2012-03-11 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Ice....I used my gel flask today. I only put one gel in and filled the rest with water, but I only usual do one gel when I'm close to 1:45 on the road. All worked out well though with my stomach and I didn't have to waste water to chase them. I ended up having more than enough water with one 20oz bottle on me in my Delaney plus. Good tip! I knew I should have tried that thing earlier!
2012-03-11 10:47 PM
in reply to: #4091383

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-03-11 10:21 PM Ice....I used my gel flask today. I only put one gel in and filled the rest with water, but I only usual do one gel when I'm close to 1:45 on the road. All worked out well though with my stomach and I didn't have to waste water to chase them. I ended up having more than enough water with one 20oz bottle on me in my Delaney plus. Good tip! I knew I should have tried that thing earlier!

Good to know.  Glad to hear. 

2012-03-11 10:51 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Training has been going really good.  FTP testing was just under 300 so I'm down about 6% over peak.  I have been doing well on the lactate threshold stuff we just started on on the computrainer.  The run has been sweet.  I ran 5 miles with the club run the other night and 3 of it was under 8:40/mile pace, which may not be fast for you but it's flying for me.  I've been taking swim lessons from a tri coach and he has my form much improved.  Problem is I am using so much power now to move forward I have to improve fitness to keep up!  it will all come together.  Funny how I think that I'm doing well - I did pretty good on the IM Wis. swim -  and then I learn more and I see how much  more there is to learn.  I love this sport because of that.  Never a dull moment.
2012-03-12 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4090192

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-03-10 6:29 PM
robingray_260 - 2012-03-08 5:52 PM

Ice- If you water down the gels, do you still take water with you?  I wouldn't think I would get enough water if it was limited to the little flasks on a fuel belt. What ratio of water to gel do you dilute it to?    thx!

This week has been a great week - already gotten in 2 bikes, 2 swims and 2 weight workouts. my foot is still hurting on occasions (some days more than others) the taping is really helping except for the last time when the tape was too high - definately an art to getting it just right.


On the run, I wear a Fuel Belt with four flasks.  One or all of them may have gels or Perpeleum depending on the distance.  .Having the gel flask is really good.  Just put one or two in the pockets and I'm good. Yes, I also do water and/or sports drink...But I'm guaranteed whatever cals I carry.  During races I can forage whatever else I want.  But I'm not having to tear gels open or store the packets.  On really long efforts I can just fill the flasks with concentrated chocolate gel and drink water from a bottle with it.  I can get 500 cals in one of those little flasks. I do much better with liquid nutrition than solid.  Far easier on my tummy,

Do you buy the big jugs like Hammer sells or squeeze individual gels from packages into the flasks?

Oh and how do you tell how much you've eaten - 2 squeezes every half hour or something like that? Or do you actually measure it somehow.

Edited by acv 2012-03-12 4:01 PM

2012-03-12 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Looking forward to getting some runs and bike rides in outside this week with daylight savings time being here.. Yeah!!Suppose to be in the 80's here in GA this week..Crazy!!! Seven weeks out from first tri for 2012..Got to get it moving..Looks like all are doing well..Keep up the great work everyone..
2012-03-12 9:06 PM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Weather has been perfect.  First race of the season this Saturday, Parris Island sprint.  Training has been going well, so I guess we'll see how it works out.  Anybody else racing anytime soon?
2012-03-13 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4093132

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

shake-n-bake - 2012-03-12 9:21 PM Looking forward to getting some runs and bike rides in outside this week with daylight savings time being here.. Yeah!!Suppose to be in the 80's here in GA this week..Crazy!!! Seven weeks out from first tri for 2012..Got to get it moving..Looks like all are doing well..Keep up the great work everyone..

You are right about the crazy weather Tim.  We are setting record highs here this week.  Funny thing, I am flying to San Diego Sunday to our office just north of there for the week.  The weather forcast for here is nicer than there by 20 degrees Sunday!  Go figure.


2012-03-13 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4092787

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
acv - 2012-03-12 5:00 PM
IceManScott - 2012-03-10 6:29 PM
robingray_260 - 2012-03-08 5:52 PM

Ice- If you water down the gels, do you still take water with you?  I wouldn't think I would get enough water if it was limited to the little flasks on a fuel belt. What ratio of water to gel do you dilute it to?    thx!

This week has been a great week - already gotten in 2 bikes, 2 swims and 2 weight workouts. my foot is still hurting on occasions (some days more than others) the taping is really helping except for the last time when the tape was too high - definately an art to getting it just right.


On the run, I wear a Fuel Belt with four flasks.  One or all of them may have gels or Perpeleum depending on the distance.  .Having the gel flask is really good.  Just put one or two in the pockets and I'm good. Yes, I also do water and/or sports drink...But I'm guaranteed whatever cals I carry.  During races I can forage whatever else I want.  But I'm not having to tear gels open or store the packets.  On really long efforts I can just fill the flasks with concentrated chocolate gel and drink water from a bottle with it.  I can get 500 cals in one of those little flasks. I do much better with liquid nutrition than solid.  Far easier on my tummy,

Do you buy the big jugs like Hammer sells or squeeze individual gels from packages into the flasks?

Oh and how do you tell how much you've eaten - 2 squeezes every half hour or something like that? Or do you actually measure it somehow.

I would think that it would be more convenient to use the jugs, but not necessary to do so. 

2012-03-13 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4093202

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2012-03-12 10:06 PM Weather has been perfect.  First race of the season this Saturday, Parris Island sprint.  Training has been going well, so I guess we'll see how it works out.  Anybody else racing anytime soon?

Glad to hear your confidence with your training.  Should go a long way to making your race a positive experience this weekend!  Looking forward to hearing how you do!

2012-03-13 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

My training has taken a bit of a set back in the past couple of days.  Cry  I have been having a minor shoulder issue when swimming and a little bit when doing push ups lately, but nothing that was a big issue if I was careful not to over extend it.  Sunday I beleive when walking the dog she took off trying to get to another dog and gave the arm a good pull.  Didn't think much of it at the time but by Sunday night it felt like the left shoulder joint was full of gravel and over night it really starte aching. 

I went to see my primary doctor yesterday and she reffered me to the ortho doc's.  Originally they couldn't see me until the 26th, but they called this morning and can get me in this afternoon.  That is a good thing since I have almost no range of motion side ways or backwards. Towards the front not too bad.  Ice and advil is keeping the pain in check mostly, but it is still uncomfortable.  I was able to do a run with it yesterday on the treadmill and ride the bike this morning as long as I didnt go on to the aero bars I was ok.  We'll see what they say. 

2012-03-13 11:18 AM
in reply to: #4094116

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-03-13 11:00 AM

My training has taken a bit of a set back in the past couple of days.  Cry  I have been having a minor shoulder issue when swimming and a little bit when doing push ups lately, but nothing that was a big issue if I was careful not to over extend it.  Sunday I beleive when walking the dog she took off trying to get to another dog and gave the arm a good pull.  Didn't think much of it at the time but by Sunday night it felt like the left shoulder joint was full of gravel and over night it really starte aching. 

I went to see my primary doctor yesterday and she reffered me to the ortho doc's.  Originally they couldn't see me until the 26th, but they called this morning and can get me in this afternoon.  That is a good thing since I have almost no range of motion side ways or backwards. Towards the front not too bad.  Ice and advil is keeping the pain in check mostly, but it is still uncomfortable.  I was able to do a run with it yesterday on the treadmill and ride the bike this morning as long as I didnt go on to the aero bars I was ok.  We'll see what they say. 

sorry to hear that Ken. Hope it heals up soon. In the meantime, make sure the doc gives you some of the good drugs!
2012-03-14 12:27 AM
in reply to: #4094116

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2012-03-13 10:00 AM

My training has taken a bit of a set back in the past couple of days.  Cry  I have been having a minor shoulder issue when swimming and a little bit when doing push ups lately, but nothing that was a big issue if I was careful not to over extend it.  Sunday I beleive when walking the dog she took off trying to get to another dog and gave the arm a good pull.  Didn't think much of it at the time but by Sunday night it felt like the left shoulder joint was full of gravel and over night it really starte aching. 

I went to see my primary doctor yesterday and she reffered me to the ortho doc's.  Originally they couldn't see me until the 26th, but they called this morning and can get me in this afternoon.  That is a good thing since I have almost no range of motion side ways or backwards. Towards the front not too bad.  Ice and advil is keeping the pain in check mostly, but it is still uncomfortable.  I was able to do a run with it yesterday on the treadmill and ride the bike this morning as long as I didnt go on to the aero bars I was ok.  We'll see what they say. 

I hope the Dr. had some encouraging news for you!

2012-03-14 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Thanks Kathleen and Brian, nothing too serious or at least as much as I was afraid it could be.  Bursitis in the shoulder and maybe a little tendonitis in the rotator cuff.  He gave me a cortisone shot and referred me for some PT.  I need to lay off the swimming and some of the upper body strength training for a couple of weeks.  I can go back to the running and biking after the cortisone shot has had time to take effect.  I guess if the HR or blood pressure is elevated it can push the cortisone away from the effected area.  24 hours is all, so should be good by tonight, but have another commitment tonight so I will take a rest day and get back at it tomorrow. 


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