Other Resources Challenge Me! » Team Yuengling - Team Goals Rss Feed  
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2005-07-30 8:44 PM
in reply to: #188838

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Extreme Veteran
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Subject: August Team Yuengling Goals

OK, here are my goals for August:

August Team Yuengling Goals:

  • Swim - 8.5 hours 
  • Bike -  17  hours
  • Run -  8.5 hours

These are about 85% of what the training plan calls for in the month.  I think these are reasonably possible to achieve, but will still be VERY challenging for me to find/make the time. 

I hope to have internet access next week while at the beach.  But, since I'm on vacation, I will once again get the month off to a slow start.  Never fear, Anchorboy will hold his own! 

2005-07-30 9:06 PM
in reply to: #211786

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St. Thomas, ON
Subject: RE: August Team Yuengling Goals
Just to keep you guys up to speed, I'm gonna do it basically how Renee did it. Once I've got the teams set (and Yuengling will likely have a couple more people on it), I'll have the captains gather everyones goals, but probably not until the beginning of next week. Until then, let's win July!
2005-07-30 10:01 PM
in reply to: #188838

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Rochester Hills, Michigan
Gold member
Subject: RE: Team Yuengling - Team Goals

I'm in.  Goals:

10,000 yd Swim
120 mi Ride
120 mi Run
6 core workouts

I actually planned this out down to the day.  I've got 30 mile extra ride, and 1 extra core workout.  That's it.  I've gotta stay on plan the ENTIRE month, or it's huge stuff to play 'catch up'.

2005-07-31 3:48 PM
in reply to: #188838

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Extreme Veteran
Winston-Salem, NC
Subject: RE: Team Yuengling - Team Goals
July Challenge Goals Complete!!!
2005-07-31 8:06 PM
in reply to: #212082

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Team Yuengling - Team Goals

WakeMan - 2005-07-31 4:48 PM July Challenge Goals Complete!!!

CONGRATS MARK!  Way to come through and nail all your July goals!!!

2005-08-01 12:35 PM
in reply to: #188838

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: PERFECT MONTH!!!!

Just got off the phone with Lara, who is internetless and in the middle of her move to OR, and has been unable to log her workouts this weekend.  Lara has logged 2 seperate swims - 1 at 2000m (Friday) and 1 at 2400m (Saturday midnight...technically Sunday) to bring her up to 20494.31 for the month. 

This Sunday swim was enough to run the card....everyone has completed their goals for July.

CONGRATULATIONS TEAM!  Incredible month....you all are a great bunch of athletes!  Looking forward to a new month and some new faces too.

Team Yuengling July 2005.xls (21KB - 52 downloads)

2005-08-02 9:52 AM
in reply to: #212737

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Subject: RE: PERFECT MONTH!!!!



Team Yuengling with a very impressive showing: 100% aggregrate goal attainment; all 10 members reached their goals in A3S. Congratulations!

Here's how each team ranked:

  1. Team Yuengling: 100% with 10 members at 100% for A3S
  2. Team Good In-10-tions: 96% with 8 at 100%
  3. Team Thunderbird: 95% with 4 at 100%
  4. Team Crazy Eight: 93% with 5 at 100%
  5. Team Hoss: 91% with 5 at 100%
  6. Team Guinness: 91% with 4 at 100%
  7. Team Lucky Lancers: 91% with 2 at 100%
  8. Team Endless Summer: 87% with 5 at 100%
  9. Team Five Alive: 80% with 1 at 100%
  10. Team Coeur de Leone: 60% with 1 at 100%

Some other interesting and impressive stats:

  • Average goal attainment of all participants = 90%
  • Number of participants who achieved 100% = 52%
  • Number of participants who achieved 90% or > = 67%

Congratulations to all!

(spreadsheet is in the July Tri Challenge Update thread)

2005-08-02 10:32 AM
in reply to: #213727

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Subject: RE: PERFECT MONTH!!!!

Your team needs to come up with a charity for other teams to donate to.



  1. Team Yuengling: 100% with 10 members at 100% for A3S
  2. Team Good In-10-tions: 96% with 8 at 100%
  3. Team Thunderbird: 95% with 4 at 100%  
  4. Team Endless Summer: 93% with 6 at 100%
  5. Team Crazy Eight: 93% with 5 at 100%
  6. Team Hoss: 91% with 5 at 100%
  7. Team Guinness: 91% with 4 at 100%
  8. Team Lucky Lancers: 91% with 2 at 100%
  9. Team Five Alive: 80% with 1 at 100%
  10. Team Coeur de Leone: 60% with 1 at 100%
2005-08-02 10:35 AM
in reply to: #213727

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Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: PERFECT MONTH!!!!

Wow!  It was a lot closer than I thought  The other teams put on a heck of a rally in week 4.  Congrats to all the teams.  Great job TEAM YUENGLING!

We survived tapers, races, heart scares, leg swelling, bad knees, sore calves, tired arms, bad backs, slippery logs, donuts and pepsi for breakfast, biscuits, minor surgeries, gators, bunnies, new cars - both diesel and unleaded, thunderstorms, a hurricane, house hunting, competition with grillmaster, a century ride (in loafers I bet), trips to disney, Vanna White, diets with too few calories, diets with too many calories, and bon bons.

What a hell of a team.

2005-08-02 10:56 AM
in reply to: #188838

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Plant City, FL
Subject: RE: Team Yuengling - Team Goals

Jerry Springer called and wants to know if our team can make an appearance!!

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