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2010-05-27 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

those distances seem a lot more reasonable to me than the distances in the 1/2 Ironman!  I'm hoping to enter an olympic by the end of the season and maybe next year enter a 1/2.

keep putting the time in for the run and before you know it you'll be running marathons


2010-05-27 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2885011

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Jess - congrats on the new job!

Great news about signing up for a race - distances seem nice too. I prefer the shorter races - much better for us swimmers ratio-wise too!

As for running it will come, but it will take time. I had to walk a good portion of the run on my first tri (a sprint) about 6 years ago and never thought I could do a marathon (I would rather swim one!). Now I know I could finish a marathon and often run over a 1/2 distance in training. You will get there!
2010-05-27 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Megan, late happy birthday! Hope you were able to enjoy it with all of the road rash.

Jess, congrats on the job change. I don't know your previous situation, but it's amazing what that can do to one's motivation. Great work getting Superman a bike to ride with you.

Ann-Marie, enjoy the 4-day weekend. I'm certainly jealous.

I'm a week away from my first race of the season and am finally getting my run on since the sprained ankle. I also signed up for a short sprint (400m/11mi/2mi) that is a team race the following week. It'll be my chance to finish a tri in under 1 hr
Also, next week, the outdoor 50m pools opens for the masters group. Fortunately, the pool is literally on my bike route to work. Unfortunately, only the 5am swim is there and I have to leave my house around 4am (or 4:20 if I drive) to get there on time.

I'm really starting to feel the groove.

ETA: I just updated my avatar with a pic I took this morning of a sign on the bike path I take for part of my commute. I get a chuckle of the guy riding in aero on a bike path sign. I guess people shouldn't look at me funny when I'm barreling down the path in aero

Edited by camy 2010-05-27 9:42 AM
2010-05-27 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Lol, Chris, I love the sign!!

I just bought all the paint and things so I can start doing a little work on my bike.

Apparently I just broke the joining link in my chain, so 5 bucks and it's fixed. So I am starting to turn into a bike geek, bought all my tools and things as well, so ready to start pulling things apart over exams. After I study of course!!

2010-05-28 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Happy Friday (and Saturday?) everybody!  I'm going to try to get in some really good training this weekend, so I don't feel to guilty if I slightly (or perhaps a bit more than slightly) overdo it this Memorial Day weekend!  I'm hoping that the fatigued I felt during this am's swim (maybe due to donating blood and being up with a sick dog?) won't follow me the rest of the weekend.

Jess, I'm very impressed with your plan to take apart, repaint and reassemble your bike.  The most I can manage is inflating my bike's tires.  It'll be interesting to hear how your project progresses.

2010-05-30 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I didn't get anything achieved on the weekend

I can't wait to start my new job, where I can have my weekends for ME instead of spending the whole STINKING weekend at work.
I hate being on call.

On a lighter note... I start the bike remodel this weekend. Yay! And looking forward to the 5km fun run too. Should be interesting test for me, considering I haven't had a chance to train the last week or so.

Also, what is Memorial day?

2010-05-31 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Memorial Day is the day we honor those who have given their life in service of the country.  It's a day for BBQs and the unofficial start of summer.
2010-05-31 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Ahhh we have one like that. It's called Rememberence Day, and it's in November.Wish it were summer here. So cold.
2010-06-01 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
So, on my run this am I had a lot of trouble keeping my breath; it was similar (but not quite as bad) to how you'd feel if you were just starting to run after being a couch potato for a while.  Has anyone had that happen to them?  I'm wondering if it is a sign of over training or maybe it was just that the humidity was overwhelming???  Living in Florida, humidity is nothing new and I don't recall it ever making me feel like this before.   Any insights?
2010-06-01 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I rode the Rev3 bike course on Saturday - that is one tough course! Glad I opted out of the 1/2 and doing the Aquabike instead. Can't imagine having to run 13.1 miles after that ride!

Ann-Marie - I sometimes get that shortness of breath you are describing. Usually mine is from allergies, heat/humidity, hills or starting running again after taking a few days off.
2010-06-01 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I got in a nice OWS supported by one of the local clubs. If they were right on the distance of the loop, I'm in for a disappointing swim this weekend. Or maybe, the "race" will get me in gear rather than just lolly-gagging around.

It certainly is Summer already here. My lunch run was @ 92F and the high for the race this weekend is projected to be 102F. At least I don't have to waste money on a wetsuit

Anybody race this past weekend?

2010-06-01 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Megan and Chris,  good luck with your races this weekend; sounds like the heat and humidity are really going to be brutal!

I'm doing a mile ow "race" this Saturday.  THe race is really just an excuse for people to get together to play in the lake and have pancakes and mimosas afterwards.  Should be fun and not nearly as challanging as your races  
2010-06-01 10:00 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I've got a 5km Fun Run this weekend... and I am going to try to run the whole thing.
I am not real fast, so just going to try to finish in under 40 minutes, and I will be stoked

I got my custom made shoes yesterday. God I am so excited.
If you want to check them out, there's a pic on my blog,
They have my name on the side!!! They actually fit my feet!!! YAY!

Going to test them for the first time tonight at PT. Haven't done much training this week due to the weather throwing me around a bit... it's cold, frosty and damn foggy here at the moment, and it's only Day 2 of winter. Definitely not impressed.
Will be much better when I start the new job and have time for morning exercise though!!
2010-06-02 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. I think I'm going to do a sprint or oly on Sunday just to help get me more motivated.
2010-06-03 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I just found out that triathlon Victoria runs a few duathlons over winter. I am thinking of doing them. Might help me work on my running a lot as well...

Will review that after the fun run Sunday, and see how I go. At least having some races and rides and things will help me keep my training up. I hate not having something to aim for. Or something too far away to aim for!!
2010-06-04 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Jess,  I'm like you - I need a race to work towards to keep my motivation.  Good luck on your 5k and good luck to everyone who's racing this weekend!

2010-06-04 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!

I was able to attend a lecture Jordan Rapp (2x Ironman champ) gave at TargeTraining last night on nutrition for racing. He provided some great guidelines on nutrition worth sharing:

-Try to eat about 3 hours before the race start
-~1,000 calories
-high protein, high fat
-try to avoid dairy, fiber, wheat
-examples: protein shake, eggs, dark chocolate bar, banana
-If you use caffeine, take it 20 min before race start (e.g. 1/2 to 1 scoop of pre-race from First Endurance)

-During a race, pace is most important in order to digest nutrition.
-IM pacing 75% of threshold
-HIM pacing 85% of threshold
-Oly 95% on threshold
-Sprint 95-100% of threshold

-Caloric intake during event:
-IM ~350 per hr
-HIM ~250 per hr
-Oly ~100 per hour
-Sprint - none

-Hydration: 1 liter per hour on average (can be H2O, gatorade, electrolyte drink, etc)

-Electrolytes: 1 gram per hour

2010-06-04 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Jess, have fun with the 5k this weekend (don't really know what day you are in right now ).
2010-06-05 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
That's interesting information on nutrition.  I struggle with getting the proper nutrition when I run marathons, so I am always interested in what people who actually know what they're doing have to say on the topic.  thx.
2010-06-06 3:45 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I survived the fun run!!

I didn't quite run the whole way, but I reckon I ran more than half. I struggled with how cold it was this morning
I did get it done in just over 40 minutes, which is a record for me.

Next year I am taking the dog, lol.

I have another one in 5 weeks or so, so I will be able to see if I can beat my time then. I am doing this one on my own too, without Superman, so hopefully will be a bit faster.

The shoes went really well though. I just need to remember that I don't have a boat on one foot now, so I need to rebalance a little bit... but they are going to be so much better. I will definitely wear warmer clothes as well!!

How was everyone's weekend??
2010-06-06 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Jess:  Congrats on your run.  It's funny to hear someone struggling with cold weather when it's so crazy hot here!  I suppose if we want to have perfect weather all year round we all should move to San Diego!  As soon as I win the lottery that's where I'm heading

Weekend was pretty productve for me, especially considering I was recovering from a cold/fever.  I was able to compete in the mile lake swim race.  I didn't come in last (I was a solidily mop), so I consider that a victory!


2010-06-07 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2903175

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Congrats on the fun run! Glad to hear the shoes seem to be worth it.

Yeah, no kidding on the cold. I spent my Saturday contortioning myself around my vehicle in 90-100 temps getting the A/C to work again.

I had my first race of the season and it went mostly well. I'm very happy with my swim & bike, but had some muscle cramps in the quads for a good part of the run. With my lack of run training and sprained ankle this year, I wasn't expecting much for the run. I got off the bike 3'rd in my AG and finished 15'th. I'm not much of a runner to begin with, but never have I been passed like this. I'm not disappointed in the least. Truth is, I don't have the bike or run fitness to have pulled this off without issues.
2010-06-07 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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New York
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend. I finally got in my first tri this weekend, it was held by our local YMCA and they did a great job organizing it and getting sponsors.

As for me I finished 4th overall out of 50 entries, with a time of 1:14.33. The nutritional info that  Megan posted was a big help, I wasn't sure what or when I was going to eat until I read that.
Had a shake, choc bar and shot bloks a few hours before and felt good the whole race.

Maybe not good, but you know what I mean. But, I did learn a lot.

Thanks for all the info that is posted by everyone.
2010-06-08 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Congrats on completing your first tri!  You kicked some serious butt

2010-06-09 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Question... put it out there to all, not just to Megan...

But how important is strength training in the scheme of things?
I mean, I don't swim as much as other triathletes, in the off season once a week if at all. I seem to gain more speed from more fitness, which comes from my running and riding...

But I also do a PT once a week which is a strength session. Should I be adding another one?

I am going to start a "hard core" challenge (core strength, lol, gay name, I know) with my friends starting Wednesday next week (16th of June) and wondering what people think about this kind of stuff.
Oh, and if you want to join me let me know, I'll post the link to the blog post and the instructions.

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