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2009-05-11 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2142942

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
ale_leach - 2009-05-11 10:21 AM
Hi Michael,
I recently found out I am 6-week pregnant! Oh my God...!! I have been reading and researching to see if I could keep training, and as far as I read, exercising is totally recommended and it will be very beneficial for me and for the baby
It seems that when you get pregnant you should keep doing "what you have been doing already". And although I have been training triathlon for nearly 4 years, last year I slowed down very much, and September last year I literally stopped running, and I was only swimming twice a week, and spinning once (now I exercise 5 days/week). 
I started my training plan right when I got pregnant (I didn't know...), so in a way, it means that I have been gradually "increasing" my training load since then and this is my concern. I have been trying to keep an eye on my heart rate and to respect my body if I'm tired... I follow the plan seriously but well, I train for fun, I don't train to be an elite athlete anyway. I asked the doctor and he said it's fine, pregnancy is not a disease.  
I don't know if I will be able to take part in the race in June not because I don't want to (I will be only 3 month pregnant), but because I don't know if I will be able to cope with the training plan/ if I will really improve as I have been feeling gradually more tired every day. It's true some days I have to train so little though! like 14 min running... or 18 min swimming... but still.
When I train I don't feel so tired. I feel really tired when I wake up (even after 8/9 hours sleep), I feel like I weigh a ton!

What do you think?


Well first off..... congratulations!!!!!!!!

So as a dude, here is my pregnant advice (take with a grain of salt)
the only wisdom I have is what my wife went through both times. I remember her doc saying basically what you said of continue what you are doing but don't overesert yourself. I remember her talking heart rate and to keep it in check.

I would take your race as it comes, if you feel like you want to do it, go for it but if it seems like it is just too much, remember the most important thing is "raising" that little one.

Take care of yourself (and pamper yourself a bit too, you've earned it) and keep us updated!!

2009-05-12 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Oceanside, California
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
I am noticing a trend.
I hit my micro-goals really strong at the beginning of the week, then I struggle to finish the week.
This is something that I need to look into...

I got in a good swim, but my run struggled due to calf cramps.
My legs are fresh and feel good.
This usually means that my back/sciatica is about to act up.
I iced my back after my run, but a four miler will be tough.
2009-05-13 3:19 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
First 4 mile run post race and felt good.  Ran with my 8 year-old while she rode her bike home from school.

I signed up for the Grand Rapids Marathon last night.  I definitley have the bug.
2009-05-13 5:24 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
1/2 way to my goal for the week.  2 days of each discipline.  80min bike today if the weather holds up.
2009-05-13 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2147461

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
davidson3 - 2009-05-13 4:19 AM First 4 mile run post race and felt good.  Ran with my 8 year-old while she rode her bike home from school.

I signed up for the Grand Rapids Marathon last night.  I definitley have the bug.

Yep, you're hooked, your life will never be the same (in a good way)

It's amazing how much we can do when we push the human body
2009-05-13 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
I am off to a really good start this week, no missed workouts so far,eating much better, getting enough water, and the weight is slowly trickling down.

How is everyone else coming this week?

2009-05-13 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2079613

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
I am doing good.  Right now I am just building my base up so when July gets here I will start my HIM training for the ironstar nov 8th.  My cycling and swimming feel better everytime out so I feel great about that. 

Right now I am thinking of doing the BT 20 week plan, but I need to add more running because I plan on doing a marathon Jan 18th which will be a little over 2 months after the HIM.  Insert advice here!!

I have a few shorter races penciled in the summer, but I need to see what fits the best.  Although this will be my first official season I have my sights set on Vineman 2010.
2009-05-14 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2079613

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
So far this week is turning into a rest and get better week i guess. Two days in a row i have tried to ride my bike on the trainer but had to stop because my lungs are just not up to it yet. I hope to get a long bike and a long run in this weekend as i am off to the mountains again the weekend after.
2009-05-14 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Rain sidelined my 80 min bike ride yesterday and a veggie burrito sidelined a run last night.  Now that it is sunny and my gut is back to normal it is back to training.  1650m swim this am and looking to do my short run this afternoon/evening. 

How is everyone else doing?
2009-05-14 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2150922

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Oceanside, California
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Between work stress, insomnia, being a family man, and having a hard time with my goal work volume - I start each week strong, then peter out by wednesday.

I work in schools, so work (and hopefully insomnia) should start to get better in a week and a half.

Hopefully, I can focus on family and training in June and July.
2009-05-15 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Hey all - haven't been around.

My mini-goals are to get back with the program. Starting Sunday, I will log my food. I will stop comfort eating. I will follow my training plan.

2009-05-15 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2079613

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed

Next week goal for me will be to do flip turns every other length when swimming .. see how that goes .. i just realized i forgot to weigh in on Wed .. But i am thinking i have gained a few pounds with this cold .. have to work on that as well

2009-05-16 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
It has been a much better week for me than the last few. 4 of 6 on getting up and eating a healthy breakfast at home, and I am hoping to hit all my workouts and I even added a swim and a bike for extras.
2009-05-16 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
I ran a 5k today for the first time in almost a year, WOW did that hurt.

Next race for me is my first tri of the year in two weeks. Who is racing soon???
2009-05-17 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Hit all 6 workouts this week (2 of each) plus an extra run Saturday for kicks.  5k in 6 days.  Trying for a PR of sub 23:00/ maybe 22:00.  Any suggestions on my 2 runs on Mon and Wed?  I want speed!
2009-05-21 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
So...are we done?  It has been a week since anyone has posted.

2009-05-21 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2079613

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Oceanside, California
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
So far, this week was a let down from last week. My low back has been been bugging me, and the Redondo Tri is swim heavy in the ocean. (They call it, "equilateral" where all three legs should be about the same time.)

For this reason, I have been trying to up my swim time (which is my strength).

My new goals for cycling are to conquer my local hill "Godde Hill".

On my next attempt, I want to get to the top and come back down.
Second time, I want to go up down the other end, and come back up it on the other side.

Running has sucked with the back.
2009-05-21 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2079613

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed

I have been able to do pretty much everything I have wanted to do this week, but RIDE.  I broke a spoke on Monday so I took my bike in to get a tune p and front tire trued (hopefully they can).  I need to start signing up for some local races before they fill up. 

2009-05-22 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2079613

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Been a strange week so far. I did manage to work on flip turns when i accually got to the pool.
2009-05-23 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2079613

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Did a 5k race in Grand Haven today.  I did not feel the best and went for a 13 mile bike ride last night, but I managed a PR of 21:54.  Got all 6 workouts in and an extra run (5k race plus 3 miles).
2009-05-24 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2165486

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
davidson3 - 2009-05-21 10:01 AM So...are we done?  It has been a week since anyone has posted.


Sorry, I'll take the blame on this one, I have been swamped at work and have slacked on here. Will do much better this week.

2009-05-24 10:46 PM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Went up to some friends cottage this weekend and rode back home, added on about 15 miles to hit and even 100. Summer is almost here, time to really start pushing gang!
2009-05-25 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2079613

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
This weekend i was in the mountains rock climbing. So lots of cardio work but not too sport specific. My quads feel like i have beat with a hammer Glad its swimming tonigt and not running..

UPS tried to deliver my wetsuit on thurs but i was gone when they arrived so i missed it. Now they have no record of it anywere so I am worried I will not have it for my upcomming race. Considering the weather we have had i dont think it would be a good idea to try and swim without one.
2009-05-25 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Happy Memorial Day gang!
2009-05-25 11:54 PM
in reply to: #2079613

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Closed
Got my week off to  a very nice start. First OWS of the year for an hour and then 13.1 mile run at night, hope everyone has a great week. Last week of May and June is knocking on the door. Its race season kids, are you ready???
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