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2008-02-09 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Good question em73 - for me 1. If I planned for and committed to a workout and a distance to run, say, I do it. No way will I go through all that effort just to short shrift myself. 2. music - the music gets me there every time 3. break it down into smaller pieces - just keep running until that light pole and then walk, maybe. That kind of thing. How about you? And congrats on your successful week.

Edited by BabsVa 2008-02-09 2:42 PM

2008-02-10 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

x2 what babs says about 'smaller groups'.   Sometimes I do intervals from light pole to light pole-just to get me back home.  But, admittedly,  I'm not too driven by clocks/distances.  If I want to go see what the end of a new street looks like-I go.  Lastly (and this may get me in trouble) - sometimes I DO stop to smell the roses along the way.    Somedays the karma just isn't there and If I can't enjoy it-why bother.  Surprised    I do these runs/swims/bikes to IMPROVE my life, not to add another burden to it.   The motivation will come if you're serious.  How much motivation depends on HOW serious.   But remember-I'm a middle aged slacker!  Cool  

Also, if it was supposed to be easy-everybody would be out doing it. 

2008-02-12 9:55 PM
in reply to: #1200281

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

That's a good question monica.  In my case I design these elaborate detailed training plans that look good on paper but the reality is that most days I do what I feel like.  If the weathers nice I'll run outside even though it may be a swim day.  I'm not at all competitive and do this stuff just because I like it.  I know what it takes to get faster/better but I really just want to have fun and finish the race without hurting too much.  I guess that's my motivation on any particular training day. 

Back to your question - to keep myself from quitting a tough workout I use imagery.. I imagine myself crossing the finish line of a race with crowds of people cheering for me.. that works good on long runs.  I also think about all the people out there training a lot harder than I am and not quitting, or people who are less able than I am who are out there working hard.

I do have a thing about even numbers though.  I log my running in miles and like to have whole numbers  - and will rarely run less than 3 miles unless it's a short planned brick run.  A lot of my runs will be 4, 6 or 8 miles because they are loops on the roads around my house.  My biking I log in minutes and like them to end with 5 or 0 ie. 30, 35, 40.  I do have weird numbers in my swim logging because I log in yards but sometimes swim in a 25 metre pool and convert the total to yards which gives strange numbers.

2008-02-16 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: Feb. 16 - spring is coming soon !!!

I've had enough of this winter.  We've had more snow this year than we've had in years.  It's cold outside.  I'm sick of the trainer.  This is my first winter of biking and I want to get back outside.  My first outside ride last year was March 23 - I'd like to get out there before the end of this month if the snow would melt.  I may just buy some new cables for my old mountain bike so I can ride outside earlier.  I know most of you do ride outside most of the winter,  I'm sure Nats can sympathize with me though. 

We've got a couple of missing group members.  Steve has been off for a while (sczerny) and our super fast runnergirl Lori (wyldrunner) is buried under a pile of work with her new job.  I hope they will return to BT and our group, or at least are finding time to train.

 Everyone else looks to be doing great despite some injury and illness.  Keep up the good work.

Discussion question -  What is your weakness/limiter and what are you doing to improve it?

I'll go first.  I haven't really identified my limiter but I need to improve my bike speed and strength. My HIM in June has a hilly, challenging bike course.  I'm doing strength intervals on the trainer now, and plan lots of long hilly rides when I can get outside.  I may try to get down to ride the course once or twice before the race.

2008-02-16 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1215860

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Extreme Veteran
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Subject: RE: Feb. 16 - spring is coming soon !!!
cathyd - 2008-02-16 11:35 AM

I've had enough of this winter.  We've had more snow this year than we've had in years.  It's cold outside.  I'm sick of the trainer.  This is my first winter of biking and I want to get back outside.  My first outside ride last year was March 23 - I'd like to get out there before the end of this month if the snow would melt.  I may just buy some new cables for my old mountain bike so I can ride outside earlier.  I know most of you do ride outside most of the winter,  I'm sure Nats can sympathize with me though. 

We've got a couple of missing group members.  Steve has been off for a while (sczerny) and our super fast runnergirl Lori (wyldrunner) is buried under a pile of work with her new job.  I hope they will return to BT and our group, or at least are finding time to train.

 Everyone else looks to be doing great despite some injury and illness.  Keep up the good work.

Discussion question -  What is your weakness/limiter and what are you doing to improve it?

I'll go first.  I haven't really identified my limiter but I need to improve my bike speed and strength. My HIM in June has a hilly, challenging bike course.  I'm doing strength intervals on the trainer now, and plan lots of long hilly rides when I can get outside.  I may try to get down to ride the course once or twice before the race.

I TOTALLY sympathize with you Cathy! I wanted to go run outside for a quite a while but the snow removal crews are taking quite a long time to clean the white stuff accumulating in Toronto for the past couple of weeks.  I wanted to take my 8 km run outside today; it is sunny albeit a little chilly but the streets are not safe enough for me to venture out.  I will once again resign to the treadmill run.... sigh...

My limiter is running altogether. My swim and bike times are good but my runs kill whatever gains I have made in the previous segments. I made a contract with myself to run at least 3 times a week, doing one tempo run, one steady run and one LSD run a week. If I chose to add a 4th running session, it would be a second steady run.  I think this plan will improve my running skills and form.  Good think I joined a running clinic, I find this helps quite a bit.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has sent me little inspires over the past couple of weeks.  I don't always reply to them (how rude!) but I do look at your logs and I have to second Cathy by saying kudos to you all and keep it up!

2008-02-16 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Discussion question -  What is your weakness/limiter and what are you doing to improve it?

Swimming-without question.  However, I'm making pretty good gains on that.  I'm with Cathy-I don't see myself as being 'competitive' and I have a funky, 12 hr work schedule as well.   I quess my limiter is my (sometimes) lack of focus during my workouts and training in general.  I like to stop and smell the roses (or drink a beer...or 2).   BT and this mentor group has been the best thing to happen for me in a long time.  I feel naked if I don't do SOMETHING for training.  Looking at all you gals pound out 2000 yrd swims, 60 minute treadmill and 2 hr trainer sessions makes me feel kinda sheepish if I run 3 miles and call it good.  Since I've joined you all I've dropped 8 pounds and am starting to look fairly respectable for a 45 yr old.

2008-02-17 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Cathyd you are doing great with your biking! And all your workouts. Can't say as I blame you for being impatent for winter to end - you have logged some serious time on the trainer. I am impressed. You are gonna be great when you get out there on the road. Look, if you want to ride outside come to Virginia. Most of the winter is seasonable to ride outside if you bundle up and we have got hills for ya, oh boy do we have hills.

As far as my limiter. This is a dangerous question for me to ask myself. Why? Because I will say all three sports are my limiter. But I am not letting myself think negatively anymore. So I will say - confidence. That's my limiter. Isn't it obvious? I would really like to work on my swimming this winter, I should be at least a little faster. There are reasons why I am not, and I am hammering away at them.

What about the flip side of this question. What are our strengths?

Hey as far as the missing persons in our group - come back! Come back! But anyway, maybe we should invite some new fresh blood, whaddya think?
2008-02-23 8:50 PM
in reply to: #1166036

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group -Fundraiser


To my new friends from BT: 

On March 1-4,  I will be in Moab, Utah for a Lance Armstrong cancer benefit (  Each of the four days will feature a 45-60 mile ride through some of Moab's beautiful landscape (last year average temps were 25-30 degress...burrrr).    I'm asking for your help with this most worthy of causes.

I wouldn't impose on any of you if I didn't feel it was important.  thanks.   jeff

Edited by jeffnboise 2008-02-23 8:52 PM
2008-02-24 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Discussion question -  What is your weakness/limiter and what are you doing to improve it?

Hi everybody - right now my limiter is my running (well, and the fact that I don't own a bike).  I'm working my way through a 12 week run focused program, and it's been hard, but so worthwhile.  I just had probably the best run of my life in a local 3 miler...  and I still have 8 weeks to go.

2008-03-04 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Ack!! It's been forever since I've posted to our mentor group thread!

My input to a couple of the discussion questions....

On what keeps me going during a workout: I find if I have something long and boring scheduled, like a long trainer or treadmill session, it helps me to sort of break it up into little chunks. Maybe it's speed intervals, or maybe it's playing with the elevation on the treadmill, or something like that. So, I might do something like bike hard for 3 minutes, recover for 2 minutes. You do that six times, and before you know it, you've been on the trainer for a half hour! Throw in a 15 minut warm-up and 15 minute cool-down, and you've got an hour of trainer time! For longer outdoor run and bike efforts, I think about my nutrition - so I'm watching the clock for when my next "scheduled" intake of water, sports drink, gel, etc. should be. That way I'm sort of just thinking in terms of 15 or 20 minutes at a time.

As far as what's my limiter.... Well, I guess I would have to say it's my speed, overall, in all three sports!! A year ago, I definitely would have said running, but my running has come a long way, and doesn't suck quite as much as it did when I started tri training! I would say I'm at a point right now where I'm pretty equivalent in all three events, at least in terms of where I fit vs. the competition in my AG, which is probably somewhere near the front half of the MOP. Not podium worthy in most cases, but reasonably respectable. I feel like I can stand to make the biggest gains on the bike right now. I think I still have a little room for improvement on the run, but don't expect I'll ever get very much faster than I am now. Same for the swim, and at this point, I'm not sure I would get as much return on my time investment working on my swim as I would working on the bike and run. If my bike and run ever get to a point where shaving a few seconds per 100 off my swim time would matter, then maybe I'll put more effort into faster swim times....

I've been doing a good job, for the most part, of meeting my goal of at least one outdoor bike ride per week. Spring is definitely getting closer here in Southeastern PA, and pretty soon I hope all (or at least most) of my riding will be outdoors. I'm glad I was able to keep that up over the winter. I think it will help come HIM time...

Hope everyone's training is going well! I took a look at everyone's logs, and everyone seems to be getting into the swing of things now that spring and summer are approaching. Great job, everybody!

2008-03-15 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Hey, have I been dropped from the group or can I come back?


2008-03-16 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Come back! Come back!
2008-03-19 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
This sounds like a great um challenge: Bare Hare Sprint Triathlon, August 23, 2008, Reidsville, North Carolina.

At the Bar-S ranch. Say it out loud: "Bar-S." Say it with a North Carolina accent. Now you get it!

So, who's in.
2008-03-20 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1280625

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Leave it to Babs to give me just the inspiration I needed!!!!! I am in if you are!!!!Wink  I better start some serious training!  
2008-03-21 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

YAY!! Lori is back!

OK group, spring is in the air, lets regroup our mentor group and our training.

sczerny - hasn't logged or posted anything in months, I think we've lost him for good.

Lori - is back, running again.  How is the job going?  Have things settled down so you are able to get some training time in again?  What are your immediate training goals, and what kind of race season are you planning?  We are here for you and will be checking in on your log often.

Jeff - has been doing well in the pool and sticking to his plan of having fun.  I see lots of races coming up for you. You'll do great.

Jenny - you are  a training animal !!!  You will beat the Bear !!

Nats - training steady and doing great in the water.  We'll be watching for that mississauga half marathon race report !

Barbara - is just fabulous.   You are so in touch with your body and ramping the mileage up safely. We're all rooting for you, come April 1st, to register for that HIM.

Monica -  after that awesome vacation that made us all jealous you have been getting in some workouts.  We'll be watching your logs and inspiring you.  Spring is here, time to get ready for all those races you have planned !

As for myself, I got a spot in the Muskoka 70.3 in Sept (racing with Nats!) so I dropped the plan for a June HIM.  My new plan includes a half marathon in May (with 3 people from work), a sprint in June, my hometown tri in Aug, the Sept HIM, and depending on my recovery a half or full marathon later in the fall (probably Niagara Falls Oct. 22).  The other exciting news in my life is that our daughter is expecting our first grandchild at the end of Oct.  So 2008 is looking good.

Hope everyone is enjoying  your Easter weekend.

2008-03-22 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Gak! Yes it has dawned on me that I may actually race. Started cruising the net for tris and trail races within a reasonable distance. Uh oh! Tried on a wetsuit today. P.U. rubbery smell. I looked like Cat Woman in that thing (minus the tail and the thick black eyeliner).

Glad you all are back. There are some long lonely hours ahead, and it's nice to have company, even cyber company.

2008-03-23 8:07 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

I hope we're back!   After a not-great week (husband sick, me almost-sick and trying to stay healthy) I'm right back to it with a lovely little brick today.

 Got a 5 miler coming up in two weeks, and a 10K the end of April.  I'm really trying to focus now so that I have a better summer. 

2008-03-26 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1090940

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
ACK!! I just found out my kids have a piano recital on the same day as Black Bear! I don't think I can miss it -- I wouldn't WANT to miss it! I am SOOOOOOO BUMMMED right now! I've been working REALLY HARD and have been looking forward to this race, and now -- looks like I won't be able to do it

I'm going to see if there is another half sometime in June I can work into my schedule... It's gonna be tough, my husband is swamped at work and will be until late July, which may make getting away for a weekend to do a race further away difficult. Hopefully I'll be able to work something out... stay tuned....
2008-03-26 7:12 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Oh Jenny that is a tough one. You have been working so hard!!!
2008-03-28 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1295979

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Jenny.. I feel bad for you.  My alternate June race was Tupper Lake but that would be pretty far from home for you and it's at the end of June. 

One big problem I'm finding with triathlon is that you have to plan your races so far in advance, and the rest of my life isnt' scheduled that far ahead.  I have to register and pay for races before I know if I can get the time off work, or if there are conflicting events in my life (weddings, family obligations) to work around.  I guess I'm not used to planning so far ahead.

Good luck finding another race Jenny.

2008-04-02 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

A new month is here and we have sunshine.  I think it might really be spring this time.

It seems Lori has gone missing again. Everyone else looks to be doing great.  Monica is the owner of a very nice (and gorgeous blue) bike. 

My official HIM training starts at the end of this month.  I'm still tweaking the plan to fit around my work schedule and available pool times at the Y.  We looked at another gym where the pool would be available all the time for laps but the cost is higher than what we pay now and it is farther for both of us to drive.  The Y is much closer to my work and to home so I think I stick with it for now.

We should all be outside riding soon if not already.  I've been riding outside for a couple weeks although a few of those rides were pretty chilly.  I'll be out this week for sure.  How are you all doing?

2008-04-03 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1090940

Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed
Hey doing well over here in Virginia. Been riding out a few times which really helps the spirits, doesn't it - that trainer stuff was getting old. Made a few mistakes already integrating training plan into life - surely that will always be a challenge but I think I learned a lesson. So I treated myself to a couple HRM-free workouts and just had fun. Great.

Hey tomorrow (yes, Friday -?) is Jeff's first tri. Good luck Jeffinboise!
2008-04-07 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Hi everybody. I am indeed back, but I have soooo much to catch up on.  I will try to go back and read through the posts and get to know what you all have been up to in my absence.   From a quick glance, it seems like you are all doing very well.

A new quarter starts today, and my workload is considerably lighter.  I am dropping from working about 53 hours per week to about 24.  The money is dropping too, but that is a whole 'nother story.  Right now I prefer poor to frazzled, tired, and out of shape.  I should be able to get back to regular training, but the run today revealed just how out of shape I have gotten in 10 weeks.  It is amazing and discouraging.


2008-04-08 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

Hey, Hey! The gang's all here. 

Looks like everyone is doing great-I can't begin to tell you all how grateful I am to have such nice 'virtual' friends.  Although, I'm confident if I met any of you in person, I'd like you even more.  Spring has sprung in Boise and I'm looking forward to a great season.  jeff

2008-04-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1090940

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Citrus Springs, Florida
Subject: RE: cathyd's group - Closed

It is so great to feel like I am coming back.  I missed you gals (and Jeff too Wink).  Everybody seems to be doing so well!! You are all really inspiring to me right now because I have SUCH a BAD ATTITUDE about starting over.  The new guy I am dating is super supportive.  He has been riding his bike with me while I run, which is no small feat considering I am going so slowly that he can barely stay upright.  There is nothing like a "C'mon let's go out for a run" from someone else to get me moving when I am lacking in motivation.  

I went to Michigan last week and really felt for all of you people in the cold weather climates. It snowed a little one of the days I was there and when I went out to run, I about froze.  You all must really be dedicated.  I will take the heat any time.

Monica, congratulations on the new bike. That is always fun.

Jenny, that is a tough break with the recital.  Yikes.

So, now I have updated my goals.  I found a race I want to do up in Michigan at a place called Hell.  It is a 50k and looks like lots of fun, so I do have a goal out there.  I also have found a neighbor who will let me use her pool for swim training for the price of chlorine, so I consider that a deal.  I am looking forward to getting back to the tri training so that I can enter the set of races I enjoyed so much last fall.  

Hopefully I am back on track for good.  I have learned my lesson.  As Cathy pointed out in my log, and which someone needed to tell me a few months ago, "some things are more important than money." 


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