BT Development Mentor Program Archives » lrobb's group full - the work is plentiful, success is guaranteed! Rss Feed  
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2008-05-11 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1351842

Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

I took a pass on my first tri - I was sure the OWS would be too freaky for me. So I practiced all summer, and now I've got my first OWS tri a week from today. At this point, I am pretty confident, but will be nervous. I do have a plan - just get through it. Stay to the back and outside, away from other people. But the water will be chilly so swim fast! I am glad to have a wetsuit for several reasons. I will be more confident with it (and warmer). Good luck Danielle. When is your race?

2008-05-11 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1386443

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Cashmason - 2008-05-07 3:08 AM

Way to go Tiny!

Now all you have to do is learn how to unclip... wink.

At least you had the good sense not to fall on the wife.

I would like to say that I had something to do with avoiding my wife. The correct statement was my wife had enough sense to avoid me.
2008-05-12 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
20 mile super slow run today. At least got er done. Legs not too bad after a cold bath.
2008-05-12 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1397751

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Cashmason - 2008-05-12 5:47 PM

20 mile super slow run today. At least got er done. Legs not too bad after a cold bath.

Awesome. You don't screw around when you decide to go for a run, huh?
2008-05-12 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1395304


Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED



My 1st tri is The Nations Triathlon on Sept. 14th in Washington D.C. Everyone, including my husband, think I have lost my mind.  My only goal is to finish. Since I'm just starting I have alot of questions about how much I should invest financially, specifically in regards to the bike and any other gear I may need. Any advice?

2008-05-12 10:50 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

Your husband and your friends are right, you have lost your mind. At least you found a group of us also looking for our minds somewhere. Every triathlon, you look around and you see a few brains just laying on the side of the road, fell out of some poor racers head a few minutes ago.

The staff usually comes along after the race, picks em up and donates them to charity.... wink.

Do you have access to a bike, either your own or a friend or relaitves? That is the big expense, and for your first race you can get along with anything with 2 wheels, pedals and brakes. You also need a bike helmt. A cheapie from Wal Mart is just fine. More expensive ones dont protect your head any better, they just have a better paint job, and maybe more slots to keep your head cool.

You could race in a swim suit and pull shorts and shirt over them for the bike and swim if money is an issue.

No need to spend big money on a sport if you are not sure you are even going to enjoy it.

If you decide you like it, and have money to spare, this sport can be expensive. All depends on if you are willing to spend several hundred dollars or more to shave 5 minutes off your race time.


2008-05-13 6:15 AM
in reply to: #1398009

Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Buckcam - 2008-05-12 9:16 PM



My 1st tri is The Nations Triathlon on Sept. 14th in Washington D.C. Everyone, including my husband, think I have lost my mind.  My only goal is to finish. Since I'm just starting I have alot of questions about how much I should invest financially, specifically in regards to the bike and any other gear I may need. Any advice?

I found a used road bike on Craig's List that is just fine for now. My husband, too, was skeptical about all this but now I catch him kind of bragging about me and the training I'm doing :-) Get with a tri club in your area to practice OWS. And learn lots of stuff and meet people, maybe training partners.
2008-05-13 6:16 AM
in reply to: #1351842


Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Thanks for the advice. I'll buy the more expensive bike if I finish my first and want a second. You guys are awesome!
2008-05-13 6:48 AM
in reply to: #1398475

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Buckcam - 2008-05-13 6:16 AM

Thanks for the advice. I'll buy the more expensive bike if I finish my first and want a second. You guys are awesome!

Running shoes, helmet, bike, goggles. That's all you need, and they don't have to be fancy.

Last year a girl showed up at the club sprint duathlon (3k/24k/3k) with a shiny new mountain bike from wal-mart, having decided she wanted to do a duathlon the night before. She barely broke 3 hours, but she got a standing ovation when she crossed the finish line for toughing it out and finishing.
2008-05-13 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1398497

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
lrobb - 2008-05-13 7:48 AM

Buckcam - 2008-05-13 6:16 AM

Thanks for the advice. I'll buy the more expensive bike if I finish my first and want a second. You guys are awesome!

Running shoes, helmet, bike, goggles. That's all you need, and they don't have to be fancy.

Last year a girl showed up at the club sprint duathlon (3k/24k/3k) with a shiny new mountain bike from wal-mart, having decided she wanted to do a duathlon the night before. She barely broke 3 hours, but she got a standing ovation when she crossed the finish line for toughing it out and finishing.

I just purchased some Speedo goggles from Target the bigger ones with much more visability and they are much much more confortable than the typical poke your eyes out goggles.

They are similar to these:

These are tyr but mine are speedo and cost about $15 and I love them. I have no idea how efficient they are as far as speed goes but I will sacrifice what ever it is for confomt plus I am slow anyway.

2008-05-13 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Tiny, those are usually called swim masks. I have one by Aquasphere. I like mine a lot. The ones I got from Tyr leaked.

I like masks better than googles for the same reason you do, they are more comfortable. I doubt at our level they make any difference in speed at at all.

If you do an open water race, there is a very good chance you will get kicked or elbowed in the face. Masks hurt less, and for me are easier to put back in place. No one is trying to hurt you, they are just trying to move as fast as they can, and you happen to be somewhere near them and they hit you accidently.

I am a slow swimmer anyway, so I get to the outside and back to avoid that as much as possible.

Most folks like up to take the shortest line to the nearest bouy. The people front row middle of the pack are the ones who get hit the most. If you are between anybody and their line to the buoy and they are faster than you, you will get swum over.

2008-05-13 11:17 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
550 yards swimming before the aqua aerobics class kicked me out of the pool, then an hour of weights.

Javelin tri bike goes into the shop on Thursday to be assembled. I tried to do it myself, but the brake cables are way loose and I don't know how to tighten them, and they go over rather than under the handlebars.

Purchased my first wetsuit from Promotion today. Should arrive in a week.
2008-05-14 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

While Transporting my bike the seat ended up lowered I tried to set it back to where it was.  I noticed a small discomfort outside my left knee after my Sunday ride. So I am guessing I need to raise it up a little bit more from what I've read.  Closest bike store is 1 hr drive and are closed by the time I get off Work.

After yesterdays run I noticed slight discomfort on backside of knee I have never had that before.  Wondering if it could have been from not enough stretching. I waited about 1 hr after swim before doing the run.  Ice took care of problem.

Any advice?

2008-05-14 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1401330

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Dwayne - 2008-05-14 7:27 AM

While Transporting my bike the seat ended up lowered I tried to set it back to where it was. I noticed a small discomfort outside my left knee after my Sunday ride. So I am guessing I need to raise it up a little bit more from what I've read. Closest bike store is 1 hr drive and are closed by the time I get off Work.

After yesterdays run I noticed slight discomfort on backside of knee I have never had that before. Wondering if it could have been from not enough stretching. I waited about 1 hr after swim before doing the run. Ice took care of problem.

Any advice?

It'll be easier to do this if you have a trainer: with your bike shoes on, put your heels on the pedals, and pedal backwards. Your legs should straighten out and your heels should maintain contact with the pedals. Obviously this is only a very rough estimation, and can be greatly affected by your shoe/cleat setup, but it'll probably put you in the right neighborhood. I would gather from the symptoms that you raised your seat too high.
2008-05-14 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1351842

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
As far as all of us having lost our minds - the old man told me I was OCD as I dragged my our of bed this morning at 5:30 in order to get in laps and weights before work.
I got home after 11 p.m. last night because I had to get bike and run in.
And resting heart rate has dropped from the 90's to the 50's!
OCD and mental illness pays off!
2008-05-14 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1401723

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
wswope - 2008-05-14 8:03 AM

As far as all of us having lost our minds - the old man told me I was OCD as I dragged my our of bed this morning at 5:30 in order to get in laps and weights before work.
I got home after 11 p.m. last night because I had to get bike and run in.
And resting heart rate has dropped from the 90's to the 50's!
OCD and mental illness pays off!

Congrats on dropping your resting heart rate that much. Your resting heart rate tells a lot about your fitness. Your max heart rate doesn't tell you anything about your fitness level. You can be very fit and have a high or low max.

Your OCD is funny to me. I live in Orange County, and I told my non tri friend that I joined the OC Tri club. He said that was the first honest tri club name he had heard. All triathletes were Obsesive Compuslive. In truth maybe not all are, but in at least our club, a high percentage of us are OC.

2008-05-14 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
I do think we all are - who else would follow these training regimin for months and then race in cold water with a bunch of other nuts?
2008-05-15 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Leesburg, VA
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
If my wife could convince me to be as OC about other things in my life she would be a happy woman. I am flat out OC about my training which is providing great results so far. Not only in weight loss which is obvious but is how I feel not only while training and but even when I am not training.
2008-05-15 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Congrats Tiny.

Sometimes there is something postive to say about being OCD.

I think most of us here think you are normal, and are just as obessive about our training.

Heck, I don't even have any races on the radar, and still love to train.

Just signed up to volunteer for the all women's Danskin tri at Disneyland next month.

I figure it's good Karma to volunteer at one race for about every five that I race. Its a way to pay back the triathlon community.
2008-05-16 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1406051


Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

I think my OCD is the only thing that is going to push me through this training. OUCH! I can't move my legs. I guess I'll just have to swim more.


Tin: Congrats on the weight loss. Hopefully I will be right behind you.

2008-05-16 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Orange County, California
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Picked up the new bike today. Boy are the handlebars low. A good 4 inches below the saddle height.

Got seat height dialed in. Seat has me singing soprano though.

100 degrees today.

2008-05-16 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED

Hi Kids!

Sorry I've been MIA! Family, work and just life. I've been logging and lurking.

lrobb: I've been running! Thanks for giving me that little kick the other week.  I ran 6.5 miles today. My longest run...ever and a little over 10 min miles.  

Glad you got your bike Cash.  I like mine, downhill and all.

I posted photos in my album of me and my friends from work at the mini tri. We have 2 new tri recruits.

Off to bed!

Have a great weekend everyone 


2008-05-17 6:01 AM
in reply to: #1408163

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
Cashmason - 2008-05-16 8:32 PM

Picked up the new bike today. Boy are the handlebars low. A good 4 inches below the saddle height.

Got seat height dialed in. Seat has me singing soprano though.

100 degrees today.

That's a healthy amount of drop. Don't be afraid to adjust the saddle tilt to relieve the pressure. Also, make sure there's not tension on the front or back of your shoulders. A well-fit tri bike is a pleasure.
2008-05-17 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1351842

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Swan Valley, Idaho
Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
question- how do you get over the first shock of cold water? I tried the hotel pool this morning and the water had to be low 60's. Now I'm worried about the race next Saturday. I'll have a wetsuit but the thought of that ice water in the face makes me quit breathing sitting at the computer - any ideas?
2008-05-17 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1408509

Subject: RE: lrobb's group - CLOSED
You will be fine, you just need to acclimate to it. It is a shock at first. Give yourself time, swim around head up breast stroke, then gradually dip your chin in, keep swimming, dip your chin in again, gradually more and more of your face, let yourself eventually slip into freestyle - it's OK to breath every stroke at first. Before long you will be swimming as usual.

Practice this week.

Don't you LOVE the wetsuit? :-)
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