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2008-06-17 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1464337

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

gremlin327 - 2008-06-13 7:12 AM Happy Friday all!! So who is still with us on this forum? I only seem to have 4 fairly active participants. We need more chatting.

I have  been lurking because I was feeling bad for myself and the inability to knee is finally feeling better and have found that stretching a lot is a MUST to keep it from flairing up again.  Ironically no sooner do I start to feel better than I have three weeks of really sick kids.  Each of my two boys ended up with a terrible virus that had high fever for over a week.  It kept me at home with them and no way to get out to train.  Thank goodness they are better now and so I am able to get back to my training.  Today was day two back at the gym and the knee is feeling great. I have to work up my distances gradually and hope that I have enough time to do that before the sprint triathlon on July 27.   I have reassessed my goals again...originally when I decided to do a triathlon, the goal was to just finish.  Then as I progressed through the training, my goal was to finish in less than 2.5 hrs, now my goal is back to just finishing.

2008-06-17 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Hey good to have you back Randi!  Injuries are frustrating; but I'm glad you're feeling better now!  I completely empathize with you on the sick kids thing.  I've been lucky so far, my sons have stayed pretty healthy lately.  But my dad has  been my primary babysitter during training and he just messed up his back pretty nasty, so I may not be able to rely on him as much.  It's definitely a challenge working around the kid's schedules AND work.  I hate that I often end up on the treadmill or spin bike at work during lunch because it's my only free time, but I guess it's the only way to get it done sometimes.  Hopefully your knee stays strong and you keep on track for July 27!
2008-06-18 6:45 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Hey all, I am in a contest to win a free wedding, please help me win!
2008-06-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
DONE!  That is AWESOME Gary, I really hope you guys win!  Courtney is beautiful; you really deserve a dream wedding!
2008-06-18 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Thanks, and yes, she is :-)
2008-06-18 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1372061


Southern California
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Hey Gary, I just voted for you. I hope you win!!!

Edited by jjpipp 2008-06-18 3:41 PM

2008-06-18 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

I went to vote but for some reason when I view the website, it does not give me the option to vote...there is text that says vote for us but no place to click...I will keep trying.

Good luck and hope you win!

2008-06-18 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Thanks. You actually click on, "Vote for Us" I have gotten this alot today, it is not very intuitive.
2008-06-18 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1474661

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
2008-06-18 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Oh, I guess I did that before because when I did click on it and it seemed like nothing happened.  Then the vote for us text disappeared.  Seems I was able to vote for you a second time...when do they announce the winners?
2008-06-18 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Well, I had a busy day today as far as training.  I got up at O'dark thirty again this morning and dragged my butt to the gym.  I decided to give the treadmill a try with walking/running. I was doing great with the walking but the running just hurt my knee too much.  I managed to go for about a mile on the treadmill then got on the bike but was not "feeling" it so I did some stretching and then headed out onto the track to turn some laps while my husband finished his bike "ride".  Brisk walking seems to be fine for my knee but the running just hurts too much so I am accepting that I might just have to walk the run portion of the triathlon.  I will keep at it but won't be pushing too hard since I don't want to end up in PT again.

After getting home from the gym with my husband, I turned around an hour later and headed to the pool with my boys where I swam laps in the outdoor pool which is a totally different experience than swimming inside.  I am glad to have this chance to work outside and adjust to the sun glare.  I think I might need tinted goggles.

I am tired and a bit sore but really glad now to be back to training.

2008-06-18 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1474867

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Wow Gary, yes your fiance is beautiful and your story is brimming with love and inspiration! Enjoy the engagement and the wedding planning, it goes so fast!

2008-06-19 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
So get this, there I was today cruising through the grocery store (Hy-Vee) to get some stir fry ingredients and who do I meet..........LAURA BENNETT

She was there signing autographs. I thought I was too old for autographs but there I was chatting with her about triathlons and Des Moines and the Olympics. She was so nice and down to earth. I heard that most professional triathletes were like that but I really didn't believe it.

2008-06-20 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

How neat!  And cool that she was so approachable too!

I had another follow-up for my shin yesterday.  He was concerned b/c I still have some tenderness, so he did another xray, and the bone still looks good.  He's giving me the green light to keep training and start weaning off the air cast as I see fit.   So that made me pretty happy!  The downside was that the appointment took so long I had to skip my lunch workout.  Bummer. 

2008-06-20 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Ok question for anyone that can help:  any suggestion son dry-land training that will help my upper-body strength in swimming?  This is my inherent problem.  Everyone that watches me swim says I have great form.  But I've NEVER been fast.  So it's not like I can get faster by working a ton on form.  Even as a competitive swimmer, I couldn't lift as much as my teammates in the weight room, no matter how much I tried.  Then again I'm not so sure our lifting regiment was really that great for swimming anyways. 

I just don't feel like each pull is really propelling me FORWARD the way it should be.

Weights?  Yoga?  Something else??? 

2008-06-20 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
If you do a search on youtube for triathlon training there are some videos that show some strength training for swimming using resistance bands. You basically do the motion of overhand swimming to strengthen the muscles you use on the pull. I have tried it a bit and really feel it in my shoulders.

I will let Gnu weigh in on this before I jumped in and tried it. Just thought I would pass along the info.

2008-06-20 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Forgot to ask my question.

First congradulations on the engagement. And was going to vote for you but the other couple had a picture with horses in it. JK I voted for you.

With regards to the bike ride that I have stupidly signed on for with you and the Gopher, I have a gearing question. Currently my bike is stock everything and I have a 50/36 settup. I have very little training with hills. And by very little I mean the hills are little. I would say that they are about 8 to 10 % grade at best and not longer than a few hundred yards. So this will be a big change for me. I am riding these hills like crazy trying to get ready for this ride.

Is my granny gear, a 36/23, gonna cut it? Oh and I know we are tri training but I am drafting like a mother on this ride. Heck I might even hold onto your seat post.

Thanks for the invite and good luck with the contest. Can I vote more than once?
2008-06-23 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1479504

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

triguynewbie - 2008-06-20 6:33 PM Oh and I know we are tri training but I am drafting like a mother on this ride. Heck I might even hold onto your seat post.

 Ha!  Everyone's training going ok?  I was able to do 12.5 miles on the bike Sat!  Had a sub-par run on Sunday though. 

2008-06-23 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I did my longest ride ever yesterday. It went great. I really pushed hard and it felt great. I love riding in the rain. Anyway I think I am finally over this Flu thing and can resume training as normal. Good luck to all with training.
2008-06-24 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
OK guys, sorry for the absence. I was in Chicago for a family party and did not have much computer access.

1. Laura Bennett - that is so cool! I did the same dorky thing at FLIM 70.3 with Nina Kraft, got a picture with her and chatted about gear. Also saw Greg Bennett in transition at St. A's chatting with people and just being a normal guy. So cool!

2. Strength training. Not sure if you get Triathlete Magazine or Inside Triathlon Magazine but there are some articles recently about this. I will pull them out tonight and find what month. There are whole articles about strength training for tri. As stated by Mike, bands are awesome. Also I think they do alot of lat pulls and pully work. I'll find it and get back to you.

3. Clermont... It is going to kick all of our butts. I am gearing down... You have a 36 up front? You sure it is not a 39 or do you have 3 gears? Stock gearing is usually 53/39 front and 11-23 back, making granny 39/23. This is OK for the ride, but as mentioned, I am going to do what I can to run 39/27. I did my 105 in San Antonio hills with my 42/23 (OUCH!!!!!) so you will be ok. If you do have a 36 up front and ride 36/23, you will be in really good shape. There will be drafting. This is a time in the saddle training ride. I expect to form a nice consistent pace line the whole ride. Aslo, last I checked, there were quite a few people going, so it may break into 2 groups, which is OK. This is all a long way of saying, I would not worry about it, you will be fine. I suspect you will surprise yourself.

All right, back to work... I'll look through the magazines tonight. First I am going to Chainwheel Drive, I may buy a new bike tonight if it fits me!!!! YAYYYYY!!!!!

Edited by gremlin327 2008-06-24 2:55 PM
2008-06-25 7:48 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Thanks Gary; I have a few therabands that I use for other stuff but sounds like I can develop a program for my upper body too.

 I am planning on and OWS in 2 weeks near the part of Lake Erie that the race will be in.  So here's my dumb question:  what do you DO in an OWS workout???  Like I said this is Lake I go out and back some?  Or swim along the shoreline?  How do you know how far you've gone?  My friend is coming along to keep an eye on me, so I won't be by myself.  Just wasn't sure what I should do once I get there!!

2008-06-25 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
OK, you are scaring me. If you are in the water alone, please, please, please.... swim along the shore. I really hope your friend can swim or there is a lifeguard close. Please wear like a bright PINK swim cap... did I mention you are scaring me....

You should swim along the shore anyway, because then you can gauge your distance. If there is not a road or anything you can drive your car on, then guesstimate. You know how fast you run at a "normal workout pace". Say for ease of math, you run 10 min/miles. Then before your swim, put on the kicks and run for 2.5 mins, then stop and put a flag up or something you can see from the water. Bam! Quarter mile(ish). Then, walk back to where you started and swim. If you want to swim 1/2 mile, swim up to the quarter mile, turn around and swim back. If you want to swim farther, turn around again and keep going, in 1/4 mile increments until you are tired. This does 2 things. Keeps you close to shore, keeps you close to your starting point.

My OWS are along the shore and I swim between 2 stop signs on a causeway (I start right in the middle of them) they are .7 miles apart. Down to 1 sign and back is .7, down to the other and back is another .7 for a total of 1.4. I am never farther than 200 feet from shore and never deeper than 3 feet of water. I also swim with like 8 people

I still have not dug my magazines out, but I will... Sorry :-(

Let me know how it goes!

Edited by gremlin327 2008-06-25 7:55 PM
2008-06-25 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1488496

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I'm a serious newbie at OWS but I do have some tidbits to share with you from the first couple that I did. I don't know your swimming background so bear with me if I'm too beginnerish in my tips.

1) The first time out don't plan on swimming much. I'm not saying you won't put in a good workout but I can tell you the first time I went out I expected to swim 800 meters and I barely got in 150. I was so nervous, the water was cold and the wetsuit felt constricting. I spent 20 minutes in the water along the shoreline mostly where I could touch just getting used to the feel of things. I felt like a loser because I always get mad at myself when I can't complete what I set out to do. Just take it easy and stay by the shore.

2) Take some ear plugs. During the first couple of swims I did, every time I stopped in the water to catch my breath and look around a bit I got really dizzy. I'm talking laying in bed and needing a foot on the floor drunken dizziness here! It went away when I put my head back in the water but it was very disorienting and messed with my mental fortitude. I didn't want to wear ear plugs in the lake because I wanted to hear what was going on around me but it was the only way I could stop from feeling nauseous when I took a break or got out of the water. If someone knows how to cure dizziness without the ear plugs please let me know!

3) Swim with someone else who is a better swimmer than you are if possible. It helps you to relax and that was so important to me.

We did pretty much what Gary suggested regarding measuring distance but my husband walked off the distance between 2 landmarks on the shore. We kept our eyes on those and had a pretty good guess of how far we were going.

Good luck on the swim - relax and enjoy it no matter how far you go!
2008-06-26 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1487252

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
gremlin327 - 2008-06-24 3:53 PM

3. Clermont... It is going to kick all of our butts. I am gearing down... You have a 36 up front? You sure it is not a 39 or do you have 3 gears? Stock gearing is usually 53/39 front and 11-23 back, making granny 39/23. This is OK for the ride, but as mentioned, I am going to do what I can to run 39/27. I did my 105 in San Antonio hills with my 42/23 (OUCH!!!!!) so you will be ok. If you do have a 36 up front and ride 36/23, you will be in really good shape. There will be drafting. This is a time in the saddle training ride. I expect to form a nice consistent pace line the whole ride. Aslo, last I checked, there were quite a few people going, so it may break into 2 groups, which is OK. This is all a long way of saying, I would not worry about it, you will be fine. I suspect you will surprise yourself.

I am sure about the gearing. My front is stamped 50/36 but you had me second guessing so I checked the scientific way and counted them. It is definitely 36 up front and not a triple. I have an 11/23 rear so that is pretty standard. I have been and will be hitting the hills to get ready. Can't wait, I think it is going to be a great ride.

For flatter races I would like to get a larger gear front. I was thinking about doing a few local bike races that a pretty short and flat. There were several downhills on my last ride that I would overspin in 50/11. Would a 53 up front make much of a difference?

As always thanks for answering all the newbie questions.
2008-06-26 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
  Alright, I'll find someone to swim with.  Another BTer that is doing my race said he would go with me; I also have a coworker doing this race as part of TnT, maybe I can piggyback on one of their OWS workouts.  I don't want to add any mores stress to your life Gary!Wink
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