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2009-01-09 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1896926

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
kimk - 2009-01-09 8:19 AM

How is everyone doing? I'm off to the trainer and going to body pump today! Haven't t gone to pump in a very long time so I am going to feel it!

Sherm~ way to go getting back to splashin! Do you train with HR? My HR is way up there with everything I do. Yesterday I ran 2 miles 2x(issues with the TM!) 2nd time I went on the track and my HR avg was 154 and max at 178. I was running around a 8:45 mile. Do you have the different zones? If I were to do a LT test(think that's what its called) 30 min all out run that you can hold the pace could you tell me my zones? but even if I know them I can't seem to keep the HR in the right place. I'm the same way on the bike. any help on this?

To everyone Happy Training!

Yes to I think every question you had. You do the test and I will calculate your zones (actually I will cheat and since I have a traininng peaks account it will do the work for me) but let me know

2009-01-09 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1896926

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
kimk - 2009-01-09 8:19 AM

How is everyone doing? I'm off to the trainer and going to body pump today! Haven't t gone to pump in a very long time so I am going to feel it!

Sherm~ way to go getting back to splashin! Do you train with HR? My HR is way up there with everything I do. Yesterday I ran 2 miles 2x(issues with the TM!) 2nd time I went on the track and my HR avg was 154 and max at 178. I was running around a 8:45 mile. Do you have the different zones? If I were to do a LT test(think that's what its called) 30 min all out run that you can hold the pace could you tell me my zones? but even if I know them I can't seem to keep the HR in the right place. I'm the same way on the bike. any help on this?

To everyone Happy Training!

Want to add on that. For the run test, warm up for about 10-20 min and then add in a few strides (going 5k or harder pace for about 30 yards) and then get full recovery between each just to get the HR up there and then hit your watch so you get the avg HR just for the 30 min all out and then do a 10 min or so cooldown.

Biking has a similiar test. Usually a similiar warm up and then either 20 min all out or some do 2 x 20 with a short recovery between doing the same wiht the watch to get the avg HR during the work. Many times bike HR zones are lower than running HR zones

2009-01-09 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Family is gone and my husband got the go ahead from the surgeon last night to drive. Yeah. I packed all healthy foods in my bag today and my workout clothes. Probably a swim but I packed my tri suit so I could jump on the bike too if I wanted without having to change twice.
2009-01-09 12:30 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hi everyone! I apologize for being MIA, things were kinda crazy over the holidays. Looks like everyone is doing well, training hard. I still need to figure out and get used to the training log on here. I am still using the old-school pen and paper!

Training is going well so far. Ran a nice early morning 8 mile run today. Group swim later on tonight with my Team in Training group (1800-2000yrds). Had a tough spin class last night, I was sweating buckets!! Carving out time to get it all done is still a challenge. But I'm working on it.  Another run planned for tomorrow morning if the weather doesn't go south. Either one more swim after tonight's or some time on the trainer this weekend and that should wrap up my week. Laughing

I'll check back in soon. 


2009-01-09 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
First week back after the holidays is in the books. Tuesday there was a slip on the diet but the training has been in check and followed pretty close. Except there has been no swimming. The pool is still closed for the drain modification. I was also supposed to do a LT time trial run on Wednesday but I was under the weather. Instead I ran the football stadium steps albeit much slower than last year.

I have a long run and a long ride (4.5 hours) planned for the weekend. I also hope to get out to a lake for an OWS in the wetsuit.
2009-01-09 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I made it to the gym for a 40 min swim workout (will post in a sec).

Today was also the first day back on my Weight Watchers and tracking all of my foods. Someone brought us dinner (our last one darn) and they included Oreos. I had 3 with a glass of milk and counted them. Yes I know they are not good for me but I'm also being realistic. I CAN NOT live without another bite of chocolate for the rest of my life.

If the master fitter is in tomorrow I am going in for a bike fit at noon. Since I have to take time out of work to do that then I will probably do my 40 minute TM run when I get home. Oooh, yeah my favorite.

Speaking of running. I would love to improve on my October time for my March race. It is the same course so I will know if I improved. I don't know if I have tried to run for longer than a minute at a time before (ok since high school PE). As I have mentioned, I managed to do R1/W1 for 45 minutes. My time for the 3 miles was 45:10:00. I'm not looking to get down to sub 30 or something for the one in March but I would like to shave some time off. So some questions:
1.) What is a reasonable goal? I have no clue.

2.) How would you guys go about this. I know there are lots of opinions. I'm not looking for a "right" answer just some thoughts. I've thought about the following:
a.) Run for as long as I can and then do a 1 minute walk
b.) Run for a planned longer time with still a 1 minute walk between the runs
c.) Keep my 1 minute run but decrease the length of the walk

2009-01-09 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1898906

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim


I would start by increasing your run time to maybe 1.5 minutes and keeping your walk at 1  min.  So, a 1.5R/1W.  Then, when you feel comfortable, raise the run higher to 2 mins.  I don't think I would decrease the walk time because it's a good time to rest.  Just my opinion though.


2009-01-09 11:16 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
2009-01-09 11:36 PM
in reply to: #1897752

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
stlboilermaker - 2009-01-09 1:30 PM

Hi everyone! I apologize for being MIA, things were kinda crazy over the holidays. Looks like everyone is doing well, training hard. I still need to figure out and get used to the training log on here. I am still using the old-school pen and paper!

Training is going well so far. Ran a nice early morning 8 mile run today. Group swim later on tonight with my Team in Training group (1800-2000yrds). Had a tough spin class last night, I was sweating buckets!! Carving out time to get it all done is still a challenge. But I'm working on it.  Another run planned for tomorrow morning if the weather doesn't go south. Either one more swim after tonight's or some time on the trainer this weekend and that should wrap up my week. Laughing

I'll check back in soon. 


Sounds like some solid mileage Irwin, great job!

2009-01-09 11:38 PM
in reply to: #1897977

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

microspawn - 2009-01-09 2:41 PM First week back after the holidays is in the books. Tuesday there was a slip on the diet but the training has been in check and followed pretty close. Except there has been no swimming. The pool is still closed for the drain modification. I was also supposed to do a LT time trial run on Wednesday but I was under the weather. Instead I ran the football stadium steps albeit much slower than last year. I have a long run and a long ride (4.5 hours) planned for the weekend. I also hope to get out to a lake for an OWS in the wetsuit.

I can only dream of that right now, we are expecting sub zero actual air temps coming next week Frown

2009-01-09 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1898906

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

craftyazgal - 2009-01-09 9:09 PM I made it to the gym for a 40 min swim workout (will post in a sec). Today was also the first day back on my Weight Watchers and tracking all of my foods. Someone brought us dinner (our last one darn) and they included Oreos. I had 3 with a glass of milk and counted them. Yes I know they are not good for me but I'm also being realistic. I CAN NOT live without another bite of chocolate for the rest of my life. If the master fitter is in tomorrow I am going in for a bike fit at noon. Since I have to take time out of work to do that then I will probably do my 40 minute TM run when I get home. Oooh, yeah my favorite. Speaking of running. I would love to improve on my October time for my March race. It is the same course so I will know if I improved. I don't know if I have tried to run for longer than a minute at a time before (ok since high school PE). As I have mentioned, I managed to do R1/W1 for 45 minutes. My time for the 3 miles was 45:10:00. I'm not looking to get down to sub 30 or something for the one in March but I would like to shave some time off. So some questions: 1.) What is a reasonable goal? I have no clue. 2.) How would you guys go about this. I know there are lots of opinions. I'm not looking for a "right" answer just some thoughts. I've thought about the following: a.) Run for as long as I can and then do a 1 minute walk b.) Run for a planned longer time with still a 1 minute walk between the runs c.) Keep my 1 minute run but decrease the length of the walk

What are you currently doing running? What I am looking for is how much have you been doing and for how long and how do you recover from it. What I would say is if lets say now you are going out and R1min and then W1 for 20 min. Keep trying to build on that. Next time out maybe 23-25 min and so on.

Use the 10% build rule of don't increase whatever your longest is by more than 10% per week.

Then I would try for maybe 1.5 min R and 30 sec walk and keep playing with it til it is more run than walk and eventually it will be all run and you'll be bragging to us how you blew away your goals Cool

2009-01-10 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Good to see you back Irwin

James~ I'm with Sherm on that one......ows??? won't be doing that for a while!

Jill~what Sherm said! 10% is a good rule to follow. Also way to get back to WW. You commented about the Oreo cookies....Yes you can have them! Just allot the points for them, if I had to stay away from chocolate for the rest of my life it could end now! Remember it is a lifestyle not a diet. Eat the things you love.....within moderation (3 like you ate....and not the whole package) and as long as they fit into your points.

As for me I rode the trainer and went to body pump yesterday......I forgot how sore I am after pump! I can't lift my arms! Today I teach a running club....I'm excited but not sure what the levels of the kids are. Should be interesting. Plan on getting in a 4.5 miler.

Sherm~ After class I will do my all out test. I did one for the bike to follow Jorge's plan.

Have a great day everyone


2009-01-10 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Thanks for the run advice. Today is going to be a busy day. Someone (everyone for that matter) make sure to ask me if I got in my training today so I feel accountable. It will be easy to flop when I get home.

Kim=we have body pump offered at our gym. I should do it but I don't like changing out the weights. Hmm, just had a thought=If there are enough I could set up two bars with different weights on them and keep them near me I admire you for all the exercise you get in. Great job you have.
2009-01-10 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hey everyone,

It has been a rough week.  Was off to a great start and got food poisining Tuesday.  Been a tough few days.  Today was the first day back since Monday to train.  I did not push it ot hard, still don;t feel great.  There was no way I could sit in the house all day again, with out doing something.  I got in some light wieght training on chest and Tri's.  Did a 35 min bike ride with a 5 min warm/cool.  Got in 11 mils.  Not great, but at least I broke a sweat.

 Everybody seems to be haveing pretty good success getting to the training.  I agree with Kim(I think, The passionate note).  No excuses!!  

Question- What is a good or normal RPM when riding.  I am sure there are a lot of variables, but just some common rules of thought for how fast I should be going.  Or what is a good time per mile?

Have a great weekend everybody!!!!

2009-01-10 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

I hope this one actually posts.  I am not sure why the last two did not show up???

 I left for work Friday at 6:15 and got home at 12:05 (midnight).  Long day at school, 4 basketball games to work, then the swim team's bus broke down and had to pick them up in another bus and bring them back.  So, no training Friday.

 But I have a pretty productive Sat. I always look forward to my Sat runs...I get to do it in the am, but no pressure to do it at O'darkthirty, so I feel rested from enough sleep and I have not been on feet all day.  I left the house with the intention to swim before ran, but there was a youth swim meet or something at the pool. So,  I rode my bike....felt great decided to turn the workout into a pseudo of the bike and ran. It was probably slightly longer than 10 min in between the two activities, so not a true brick, but the first time I have ever stacked two activities back to back like that.  I now know what everyone else has referred to when they describe the sensation of feeling like a newborn giraffe....or a druken stork trying to walk after a 1000 mile flight of delievring babies.  I was off balance, legs were heavy, did not seem to want to work right.

 Interestingly enough my time was not terrible and my goal was to run 1m or maybe 1.25, but after the first lap (ran at the track so I could know my exact distance, splits, and time to get a good judgment after biking) I stared to feel better, and settled in a nice cadence after lap two and went 1.5 miles. My time was very slow, but I backed it down after I started to feel better so I could run longer.  I am very pleased and pumped...I biked for 17 minutes (3.5 miles) and ran 1.5m in 16:50.  Then I lifted -- did the circuit thing again.

 Hope to go swim later before the Panthers play at 8.

I actually feel like I may actually be able to do this thing later in the spring -- I am so encouraged today!  I felt quite a bit stronger on the bike.  I know my distance is still low, but I riding farther than the plan calls for. I was able to come out the saddle several times on the hills ( could not come out of the saddle hardly at all last week).  I could have ridden further without much trouble, but I knew I wanted to run and lift for sure today.

Sorry this is so long, but I had a good day!  May not measure up to others, but right now my measuring stick is myself and I am getting stronger and can see improvement. My body is responding in a positive manner.  Gotta get on the swim -- I neglected that area this week.  Can still get one in today and tomorrow though.

 Have a great weekend everyone!

2009-01-10 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Great -- it posted.


Question --- I just logged my ride and run this morning. I knew my run time was slow and I am pretty sure my bike time is slow -- 12mph.  I am not hung up on comparing myself to others yet, but to those with I not pushing enouhgh or does this seem like a decent beginning time for now?  I have only been riding for 2 weeks.  Mon Dec 29 was the first time I have ridden a bike for the purpose of training.

2009-01-10 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Jill~did you get your wo in? Most of our classes are pretty full...don't think we could get away with 2 bars. Yep on the job...and I've made the commitment to myself that I am worth longer putting myself 2nd  last in my family!


Jon~not sure what's going on with your posts. way to get the wo in! Great outlook you have! You are right we are all somewhere different in our fitness level/time/training. Being consistent is the key for all of us. Happy to hear about your great day! I'm proud of you!

Drew~ glad to hear you are feeling better.

As for cadence....I was told anywhere from 75-100 rpm is the avg but that it is individual for everyone. I have never checked my cadence but I know by the speed I avg it is consistant...I should figure it out. I'll do that today since I didn't get my run in....Sherm I'll get you my numbers by Monday I hope!

I taught the running club was great! The group of kids I have are motivated and most have a great base of the kids ran under 7 min mile on our first class! I was only able to run with them a few laps because I spent most of the time observing their form. We did a few drills and some other stuff...had a blast with them. I had to fill in for basketball so couldn't get my run in. i will either do the run outside with the dog or ride the trainer before bowling.

Edited by kimk 2009-01-10 3:14 PM
2009-01-10 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Got the swim in also.  Only swim of the week, but I got it in.  I was quite frustrated at first...cold not seem to find a rythm, could not breathe, I was trying to concentrate on hih elbows, quick return, head in my arm pit (or "pocket", and I was overwhelmed.  On top of still very much struggling with swimming in general.  But after I swam the 100 that the plan calls for, I settled in, was more relaxed, took a little more time with each length and found that I actually felt fairly decent about the last 150.  I quit worying about breathing on both sides and just breathing without raising my head too much and taking in more water than air!  The irony is that I swam a lot better when swimming in this manner than when I tried to go out, do everything, and see how fast I could swim 100yds.  I chalk this up to a lesson learned.

 My big concern is that know I would have trouble if I had to go out and swim 500 yds any time soon.  Good thing that I don't any time soon (at least not too soon).

I keep reading in other threads and posts that the swim will come in time...I am going to trust that advice because the swim is definitely my weakest area by far, and that is really saying something because I have a long way to go in the other two.

But, I am looking to the next swim so I can see I can make any adjustments and continue to progress.

2009-01-10 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1899641

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
dbryson13 - 2009-01-10 1:43 PM

Hey everyone,

It has been a rough week.  Was off to a great start and got food poisining Tuesday.  Been a tough few days.  Today was the first day back since Monday to train.  I did not push it ot hard, still don;t feel great.  There was no way I could sit in the house all day again, with out doing something.  I got in some light wieght training on chest and Tri's.  Did a 35 min bike ride with a 5 min warm/cool.  Got in 11 mils.  Not great, but at least I broke a sweat.

 Everybody seems to be haveing pretty good success getting to the training.  I agree with Kim(I think, The passionate note).  No excuses!!  

Question- What is a good or normal RPM when riding.  I am sure there are a lot of variables, but just some common rules of thought for how fast I should be going.  Or what is a good time per mile?

Have a great weekend everybody!!!!

Yes many different opinions on this. I am more of a big gear masher and for both of my IM rides my cadence was barely over 70. Many suggest being around 90-100.

2009-01-10 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1899687

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
jtflash - 2009-01-10 2:29 PM

Great -- it posted.


Question --- I just logged my ride and run this morning. I knew my run time was slow and I am pretty sure my bike time is slow -- 12mph.  I am not hung up on comparing myself to others yet, but to those with I not pushing enouhgh or does this seem like a decent beginning time for now?  I have only been riding for 2 weeks.  Mon Dec 29 was the first time I have ridden a bike for the purpose of training.

Sounds good on the biking. You need to build a base cause it sounds like your new to biking. Make sure you are comfortable but feel like you are working it. Just keep building "time in the saddle" and after you get comfortable with riding ( a few weeks or months even) then add more intensity to your rides. Riding you can safely build up a lot faster than running and stay injury free.

2009-01-11 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Once again, no swimming was done - cold (40's)and rainy on Saturday morning.

The training plan called for a hilly run on Saturday. It had rained much of the night and the ground was wet. There was also a light mist coming down. I decided to head to the gym and do my hill work on the treadmill. I have established a base line with the 'alpine trail' on the treadmill. It is a challenging workout. However, there is never any down hill on the treadmill -only less up hill.

Got to the gym at about 9:00AM and it was closed. Completely dark in there. I had assumed that the gym would be open on the weekends even though classes are still not in session. Well, you know what happens when you assume - sometimes you are wrong.

Ran my errands and by the time I got home the sun had started to peek through the clouds. Put on some old trail running shoes (I need a good pair of trail running shoes - yeah, like I need more shoes) and decided to run the only hills that are nearby - the mountain bike trails. It was fun but I was soaking wet and muddy and grimy almost immediately.

After about 12 minutes I made it to the circuit that I like to mountain bike on. It is hilly with several switch backs but pretty short. I ran the first lap and timed the effort (4 minutes). I took a 60 second rest interval and repeated. This time I clocked in 30 seconds faster - I was now reacquainted with the route. Again and 8 seconds faster than the previous. I did this a couple more times. The rain started to pick up and my glasses were fogged up. I headed home and called it a day with about 5 miles delivered.

Long bike ride for tomorrow (4 1/2 hours) .

2009-01-11 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I got my 40 minutes in on the TM. It wasn't a run by any means. I only got up to 3.5 MPH. But I did get 40 minutes in. Considering I didn't feel like doing anything I will count it as success

I did my bike fit yesterday. He put on a shorter stem and that seemed to put less stress on my shoulders. I'm anxious to go out for a ride.

Since I ended up using 3 rather than 2 rest days this week I have my choice today for either an 80 minute bike ride or a 24 swim and 48 bike but it doesn't have to be a brick. We have a lot going on today so I probably won't get to the gym so that means the bike. Goal for this next week is to get in all 5 days. It will be so much easier now that family is gone and my husband can drive. No excuses now except being lazy and that isn't a real excuse. LOL.

Irwin-sounds like you are back in the zone.

James-hopefully the pool will be fixed soon. Have they given you a date? Great job getting out in the rain for a run. You get some awesome long work outs in. 4.5 hours on the bike. I'm trying to figure out how to get in an 80 minute today with everything we have going on. Great job!

Michael-sub zero. I don't think I could do any outdoor training with that kind of weather. Yuck. We are supposed to be around 68 today. Tomorrow is 71. Gotta love Arizona. I'm following the 20 week plan and they follow the 10% rule for minutes. I'll just keep trying to increase my run times slowly. That would mean first by actually doing some running unlike last night

Drew-sorry to hear about the food poisining. Way to get back at it. I too had heard 90-100 RPM on the bike. When I went for my fit yesterday the fitter said you want to be consistent as you can with your cadence.

Jon-that was a long day on Friday. Actually you did do a brick yesterday. The 10 minutes in between is what they call transition. With my Tri group we have one girl who is the master of transitions. I can't remember what her transition times are but something like 1-1.5 minutes comes to mind. Do what works for you. Gotta start somewhere. You will do the Tri in the Spring! Is that understood! Have the attitude that to finish is to win. It is not a race against others. It is to prove to yourself you can do it. Most of the Sprint distance races don't have a time limit on them. Who cares if you are last. It's a race against yourself. The swim will get easier. You were focusing on too many things at once. Just focus on one at a time for a few laps then pick something else to focus on but not all of them at once. Before you know it they will come together. Also, some days will be easier than others. I am still learning and whenever I seem to try to put it all together it seems to fall apart. Eventually the breathing will become second nature or so they say. It has gotten easier but I still have to think about the breathing. I struggled on Friday with my swim but the one before that was better. Go figure....

Kim-wow sounds like you had an awesome workout yesterday. I envy your job. You can't just tell everyone sorry we won't be having class today. Forced workouts.
2009-01-11 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Drew-I couldn't remember from earlier posts what your race goals for this year were and was wondering why you had such long workouts. Ah ha-you have two IMs scheduled. You go boy! Maybe in my next life
2009-01-11 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Stupid question...  Getting ready to buy a bike.  Don't see any of them with pedals.  Are they extra?
2009-01-11 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1901039

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

K Robert - 2009-01-11 6:10 PM Stupid question...  Getting ready to buy a bike.  Don't see any of them with pedals.  Are they extra?

Depends where you are looking. At a shop sometimes they will throw them in, from a brand website you'll have to get them but some have packages that come complete. Are you familiar with clipless pedals?

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