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2009-04-11 12:13 AM
in reply to: #2077581

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Lauren -

 I agree with Lynn that it may have been the chlorine fumes and even the chlorine in the pool.    I feel the difference if a pool is poorly ventilated and highly chemical!    The other thought I had was were you well hydrated and fed?   I have a tendency to get to feeling like that if I don't eat regularly and drink enough water...and if I work out on top of that, I would be in the same boat as you!   

Hope you are feeling better now.

2009-04-11 1:49 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
My first thought was nutrition. Did you eat before you left the house? And have you been drinking enough water? My second thought is nerves. How nervous are you about the swim? Try listening to what the little voice in your head is saying while you are at the pool, as well as before and after. I do something very similar to myself when I'm on the bike. It can be soooo frustrating and scary. Hang in there, remember to take it one stroke at a time, and everything will be ok. (((hugs)))
2009-04-11 5:10 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Melon Presser
Subject: Just Checking In
Manatees, you are so awesome in bringing up issues and questions and responding to each other. Both Beth and I adore this fantastic team that is off to such a great start. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Also a reminder to change the subject line to whatever it is you're talking about or responding to so it's easier to read through the replies
2009-04-11 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Lauren - Sorry to hear about the swim. You've already gotten some great insight into what might have happened. I know how hard it is to try to take up swimming/biking as an adult. Hang in there, it will get better!

2009-04-11 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2077572

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
LaurenCO - 2009-04-10 11:48 PM Hi all! It's been reading all the posts, what a great, active group!

I had a scary experience at the pool this am, not quite sure what to make of it. I want to start off by saying I am a true and honest beginner in every area of tri except the run. The past month I've been biking is first since I was a preteen and this am's swim was my 4th swim since I was probably 10 yrs old. And even then, I'm sure I just splashed around, prob. never swam a lap in my life until I decided to do a triathlon.

Anyways, this was the first time I swam 2-3 laps in a row. I was gasping, feeling out of breath and really winded. I would take 3-5 m breaks and then try and swim a couple more laps. Well, after 20m I took a big break and all of a sudden I felt lightheaded, nauseated and dizzy. I thought i was going to pass out, it took me awhile to get out and feeling shaky I dried off, changed and left (thankfully H was w/ me so he drove home). I had a pounding debilitating headache the rest of the day and felt "off". I still feel kinda shaky. Any ideas? It really scared me. And now I'm more hesitant than ever about swimming.

PS  I am on a list to start swim lessons soon, hopefully this will help me.


Lauren-I have nothing new to add to every one's advise and suggestions. Just wanted to say, that I hope you're feeling better. Hang in there.
2009-04-11 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2077787

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
slow turtle - 2009-04-11 8:16 AM
LaurenCO - 2009-04-10 11:48 PM Hi all! It's been reading all the posts, what a great, active group!

I had a scary experience at the pool this am, not quite sure what to make of it. I want to start off by saying I am a true and honest beginner in every area of tri except the run. The past month I've been biking is first since I was a preteen and this am's swim was my 4th swim since I was probably 10 yrs old. And even then, I'm sure I just splashed around, prob. never swam a lap in my life until I decided to do a triathlon.

Anyways, this was the first time I swam 2-3 laps in a row. I was gasping, feeling out of breath and really winded. I would take 3-5 m breaks and then try and swim a couple more laps. Well, after 20m I took a big break and all of a sudden I felt lightheaded, nauseated and dizzy. I thought i was going to pass out, it took me awhile to get out and feeling shaky I dried off, changed and left (thankfully H was w/ me so he drove home). I had a pounding debilitating headache the rest of the day and felt "off". I still feel kinda shaky. Any ideas? It really scared me. And now I'm more hesitant than ever about swimming.

PS  I am on a list to start swim lessons soon, hopefully this will help me.



I don't know if this will help, but I wanted to tell you how I first started swimming. The local high school swim coach is an old friend of mine, so I went to her pool to train. She watched me swim & gave me a few pointers on improving my stroke. I swam on a team in Jr. High, so I had the basic stroke down. Then she had me swim one lenghth of the pool every 60 seconds for 1500 yards. This was not hard at all. I didn't get winded or feel like I had so long to swim. It gave me about a 20 second break every 25 yards. After 3 training sessions of that, she gave me a kick board and had me swim 2 lengths of the pool (50 yards), and kick 1. Did that for 1500 yards. She said to keep the kick really easy with the board.  Once I had mastered that, again, after about 3 workouts, she had me swim 4, kick 2. Once that was easy, I was ready to start a beginner sprint program on BT. It took me 3-4 weeks to get from 0 to training plan, but it was good way to ease into it. Breaking it down made seem a lot less intimidating. Good luck and keep on trying. Hope maybe this was helpful.


2009-04-11 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: todays wrkout
hello everyone.  just zooming through, im on my way in a few for our family swaree for Easter

did a dialed back 2 hr spintacular today.  i was just WHOOPED after this week, and my foots been cranky.  better not to push it.  thankfully the next two are brick/taper weeks for me.

minis coming up - April 26, SUPER SILLY EXCITED, as this will be my VERY FIRST tri experience.


my dh just asked me to be on his team for the PGH Adventure Tri (and just who is the triathlete in the family??  LOL)  3 mile kayak, 10 mile bike, 6 mile run.

guess who gets to do the RUN.  silly me, picked the short straw. 

his boss is doing the kayak, and dh is doing the bike, probably using MY bike   so i guess that's like im really doing two legs, right, if he's riding MY bike.  crack me up.

hope you all are having a great day!
2009-04-11 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Stacie, that adventure tri sounds like fun. When is it? Does your h bike much?
2009-04-11 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2077572

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
LaurenCO - 2009-04-10 10:48 PM Hi all! It's been reading all the posts, what a great, active group!

I had a scary experience at the pool this am, not quite sure what to make of it. I want to start off by saying I am a true and honest beginner in every area of tri except the run. The past month I've been biking is first since I was a preteen and this am's swim was my 4th swim since I was probably 10 yrs old. And even then, I'm sure I just splashed around, prob. never swam a lap in my life until I decided to do a triathlon.

Anyways, this was the first time I swam 2-3 laps in a row. I was gasping, feeling out of breath and really winded. I would take 3-5 m breaks and then try and swim a couple more laps. Well, after 20m I took a big break and all of a sudden I felt lightheaded, nauseated and dizzy. I thought i was going to pass out, it took me awhile to get out and feeling shaky I dried off, changed and left (thankfully H was w/ me so he drove home). I had a pounding debilitating headache the rest of the day and felt "off". I still feel kinda shaky. Any ideas? It really scared me. And now I'm more hesitant than ever about swimming.

PS  I am on a list to start swim lessons soon, hopefully this will help me.


dear me LAUREN.  how are you feeling now?  i hope better.

nothing more i would add.  the other manatees had lots of great feedback for you.

just hoping your are well today.

2009-04-11 11:47 AM
in reply to: #2078033

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-04-11 11:41 AM Stacie, that adventure tri sounds like fun. When is it? Does your h bike much?

hi CATHY.  the tri does sound like fun doesnt it??  im excited.  wish i could do all three events myself, but it will be fun to do it as a team too.

its on May 30th.

as for husband, he doesnt bike all that much.  when we go out as a family in the summer, and every once in awhile on his own if the weather is nice on a weekend, here and there.

BUT, hes naturally athletic.  my guess, w no trng/preparation he'll lay a more competitive time than i will in my bike leg for my mini come the end of the month.

gotta hate love that.

though, he was MORE than willing to 'give' me the run leg. 

he might be swifitier than me, but i can beat the pants off of him endurance-wise
2009-04-11 12:28 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: Bike, training? and general info
Stacie - the race sounds like fun.   I almost bought a kayak last year when I was searching for some kind of fitness, but I get a bit claustrophobic and it didn't feel good to be tucked inside that boat!   I really just wanted to get one to paddle around the lake near white water for me.    I keep meaning to tell you that my sister's name is Stacie and she spell it the same way.

A Bike ? - I went to a LBS yesterday and learned a lot.   The owner was really nice and a past bike racer.   He wasn't into a hard sell and said he would keep his eyes open for a used bike for me.   He mostly deals in Trek bikes.   My question is:  when I was negotiating on the Cervelo Tri bike, the guy I was talking to said a 51 frame would fit me fine - I am about 5'6".  When I was measure - just inseam - at the store yesterday,  it came out that I would need a 56...or possibly a 54.   The LBS said I should look into a WSD since my inseam is long.   I am not necessarily questioning his wisdom, but since I am so new to all this I thought I would check it out here....does this sound right?   I think it strange that the experienced Tri guy would want to sell me a 51 without even asking measurements.  Oh, and the LBS said he would not recommend me starting out with a Tri bike as they are so specific in their use and not easy/fun to ride just for riding.  He said they are built to have you all scrunched up in aero form so not really a multipurpose bike.

Training? -  I have 11 weeks to train for the Sprint Tri I was looking at.   Do you think I can do it?  Is there a 9-11 week plan I could follow?   I have a 13 wk plan I found here at BT.  I will have to tweak any plan though because I don't expect to get to a pool more than 1x/wk until the first of June.

I did get to swim yesterday.  It was a very nice pool, but rather pricey for my budget!  $9 for each time!   I wish I lived closer because they have an awesome weight room that would come in handy.    My thoughts were that I would plan a shopping trip 1x/wk to one of the bigger cities that have a pool and workout while there.   My next swim is Tuesday morning - I think that pool is free - then I will have a 1.5hr wait until my chiro appt.   Anyway, I got in 1000yds and it felt really good.   I would love to have someone with knowledge outside watching me, but I tried to keep in mind all the tips given here and in the videos and I think, other than building endurance, I am doing ok.   Guess I should thank my mom who got me all that private coaching when I was young!   I did have fun, too!  In fact, I think the lifeguard thought I was strange because I kept laughing.  It just felt good to be in the water again and my fitness level has increased since I tried swimming in late January.   The other fun thing was that I had never swum with goggles before!!   WOW!  You can keep your eyes open, they don't burn and you can really see!!

Thanks for all the clothing tips yesterday.   I will just keep swimming in my Speedo for now, use my bargain Izumi shorts if I ever get a bike and go to Sierra Trading store every time I get to Cheyenne - that bargain barn room is the best!


2009-04-11 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2078081

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Bike, training? and general info
ranchrunner - 2009-04-11 1:28 PM
Training? -  I have 11 weeks to train for the Sprint Tri I was looking at.   Do you think I can do it?  Is there a 9-11 week plan I could follow?   I have a 13 wk plan I found here at BT.  I will have to tweak any plan though because I don't expect to get to a pool more than 1x/wk until the first of June.


There's a 10-week plan on ( that is pretty good. I used their plan to train for my Olympic, and I liked it because it was bike-heavy and that's the big portion of every triathlon. It has 2x/week swim, which you could just lump together in one.

Glad you had a good experience at the LBS. I'm sorry, but the other tri guy is smoking crack. And the LBS speaks the truth--better to be on a road bike if you're just starting out. I'm still on a road bike myself; some triathletes spend several years on them (even pros!) before going to a dedicated tri bike.

Also happy to hear about your swim experience!

2009-04-11 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2078118

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Subject: 11 wk training plan
THANK YOU!!!  For that training plan.  It is perfect!  So detailed...just what my frazzled brain needs.   Also wanted to say thanks to both you and Beth for telling me to have FUN in the pool.   I tend to be ultra competitive and push too hard.   I wanted to run and train and Tri for fun and fitness, but I get wrapped up in it all and then the fun part goes flying out the window!  

Now, I just need an angel to drop a perfect used bike in my lap!  Laughing
2009-04-11 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Pittsburgh Urban Adventure Race

Welcome to the 1st Annual Pittsburgh Urban Adventure Race. Presented by Urban Adventures, this race will be a don't miss event of the season! Your team of three will hike, bike, and paddle to great locations throughout Pittsburgh on a secret course that's only revealed minutes before the start of the race!


Teams of three compete in coed, all-male, and all-female divisions. Distances for this 3 hour course are approximately 10 miles biking, 3 miles paddling, 5 miles trekking/running, plus mystery challenges. Early registration fee is $70 per person and includes your team canoe, paddles, life jackets, maps, t-shirts and a great post race party. Special team awards will be given to the top three finishers in each division. The race will also include the REI Mystery Treasure Hunt for great prizes to discover while out on the course! Limited to the first 50 teams. Race in one event, or in the entire series. We race rain or shine. Send your entry form in early to reserve your team's spot.

[guess its canoeing not kayaking.  men and details....]




what is TREKKING pray tell?  if i have to use a compass to find my way around im toast.


im more of a know where im going what im doing WAY in advance kinda of gal    but im GAME.

gonna be an ADVENTURE thats for sure.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-11 1:40 PM
2009-04-11 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2078133

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: 11 wk training plan

Sharie, I am sure you will find the perfect bike for you.  it will just happen.  I got my bike used and it was because of this site.  I was able to pick up a bike from one of the Cancer Agency's after it was used in the Cops for Cancer Tour.  I got a great bike at a nice price and they get money to put towards next years bikes.  I might be 5'6" if I am wearing tall shoes hahahah and I am on a 52. 

 I am not an expert on bikes by any means but this is to others bikes people  if they are saying she could be on a 56 or 54 could that bike be running 650cc wheels?  Would that make a difference over a 51 on 700cc.

Also road bike and tri bikes geometry are different and that could also account for different sizes in frames

2009-04-11 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2078081

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Subject: RE: Bike, training? and general info
ranchrunner - 2009-04-11 12:28 PM Stacie - the race sounds like fun.   I almost bought a kayak last year when I was searching for some kind of fitness, but I get a bit claustrophobic and it didn't feel good to be tucked inside that boat!   I really just wanted to get one to paddle around the lake near white water for me.    I keep meaning to tell you that my sister's name is Stacie and she spell it the same way.


i really want to kayak.  we have two great flat water lakes nearby that are perfect for it.  one of these days....

as for the sp of the name, thats so neat.  not too many Stacie's spell it that way so its a treat when 'meet' one of them

2009-04-11 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2078147

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Subject: bike specs
Well, the tire size is the same on both - 650 - but the difference in the tri frame vs. the road frame might make some difference.    I think I will put a WTB on the classifieds here at BT.
2009-04-11 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2078143

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Victoria BC

WOW anything that involves a mystery would be interesting to participate in.  I like how it says TREKKING and running not just running.  Maybe you have to climb a mountain or something and get to run down lol.


Anyway this sounds like it will be a great time.  Good luck to you and your team and you will have to let us know how it went.

2009-04-11 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2078148

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Bike, training? and general info
I took a 2 day kayaking lessons a couple of years ago.  It was an absolute blast so much fun.  The only part that turned out to be work and not fun was when we had to flip the kayak over tap the bottom *which was now above water* 5 times then push out of the kayak.  Then we have to get back in and pump it out once it was flipped back over.  They aren't that easy to get into out on the water.  They hold lots of water and the little pumps don't pump a lot of water.  It took a long time but was a great time.  I would really like to do a kayak vacation  along a coast and explore all the little hidden bays and stuff.
2009-04-11 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Changing subject title
I just noticed you are all changing subject bar and I am not lol I should start doing that as people pointed out it is a great way to see what the post is about.
2009-04-11 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2077565

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Crystal Pool
ShawnC13 - 2009-04-10 8:31 PM

Hey TR where abouts did you find info on Private lessons at the Crystal?  I want to look into that.

I just called them, explaining I was learning how to swim for my first tri, so they hooked me up with a competitive swimmer who had experience doing tri's herself ...
Just give 'em a call. ;-)

It was a few years ago - but I THINK it was about $35 for the 3 lessons?

2009-04-11 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2078149

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Melon Presser
Subject: Bike Classifieds
ranchrunner - 2009-04-11 2:45 PM Well, the tire size is the same on both - 650 - but the difference in the tri frame vs. the road frame might make some difference.    I think I will put a WTB on the classifieds here at BT.

Also scour the classifieds on

Their classifieds move a lot faster than BT's.
2009-04-11 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Melon Presser
Subject: Long Bike Ride
I just got back from a 3:15 bike ride with four mammoth hills and a nasty headwind on the way back ... but boy it was FUN!!!
2009-04-11 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: swim advice
Thanks for the training idea. I am going to jot that down and give it a try!

And a big thanks to everyone else for their ideas. It may well be the smell of the chlorine or maybe a bit of dehydration plus nerves. It is still freezing cold here in CO< so I am not getting thirsty and drinking enough water, I think.

And finally, I'll be gone all day tomorrow....

so HAPPY EARLY EASTER to everyone! (if you celebrate it).

Edited by LaurenCO 2009-04-11 2:43 PM
2009-04-11 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2077994

Subject: RE: todays wrkout
skrtrnr - 2009-04-12 10:09 AM hello everyone.  just zooming through, im on my way in a few for our family swaree for Easter

did a dialed back 2 hr spintacular today.  i was just WHOOPED after this week, and my foots been cranky.  better not to push it.  thankfully the next two are brick/taper weeks for me.

minis coming up - April 26, SUPER SILLY EXCITED, as this will be my VERY FIRST tri experience.


my dh just asked me to be on his team for the PGH Adventure Tri (and just who is the triathlete in the family??  LOL)  3 mile kayak, 10 mile bike, 6 mile run.

guess who gets to do the RUN.  silly me, picked the short straw. 

his boss is doing the kayak, and dh is doing the bike, probably using MY bike   so i guess that's like im really doing two legs, right, if he's riding MY bike.  crack me up.

hope you all are having a great day!

Wow, sounds like so much fun! I'm jealous Cool

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