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2009-06-08 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2196314

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Dan's upcoming Tri
Welcome to the group Dan.
You seem to have good training for the run, but I did not see anything about the swim.
As far as the bike portion, people will be competing on all kinds of bikes.  However, I would caution you to ride something you are comfortable with.  In other words, I wouldn't advise borrowing someone's bike on race day and figuring to have a good race with it - comfort and speed wise.  You would at least want a couple of good rides first to get angles and seat heights squared away.
For my first Tri, I had a choice of my one-year old mountain bike or my 18 year old road bike.  I chose the old road bike for: better aero positioning, thinner tires, better gears and ratios.
All that said, your will learn a lot from your first race no matter what bike you ride.

Some say to spend money on tires for your mtn bike.  Well, I suppose, if you have money to burn.  I'd say to save that money and put towards a new/used bike after your race.  See if you enjoy the sport and the three events together; if so, then invest accordingly.  If you like Tri's, then you just spent money on a pair of slick tires that you may never use again cuz you will buy a bike.

One more thing, consider practicing a ride and then a run - often referred to as bricks.  Does not have to be large distances with each, more to get used to the different muscles in use durnig a race - and the very odd (sometimes almost painful) feelings when starting to run after biking.

And remember -- HAVE FUN!

2009-06-08 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2199406

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Welcome to the group Chris. 

I was an absolute slug this weekend.  The only thing I exercised was my stomach!!!  Back to work this week ...  After much procrastination I ordered a new 2009 Dawes Lightning 2300 road bike (18 speed, with aero bars & clipless pedals & full warrantee) on ebay for $595.

   I know this is a low end tri bike, but I visited a local bike shop first and was told their cheapest road bike was over $700.  I would have had to spend another $100 for the clipless pedals and another $100 for the aerobars (assuming Tim couldn't find his old clipons that he so generously offered me).

I will let you know how I like it once it gets here.   I also ordered a wetsuit (the water in NJ stays cold until mid-to-late August) for $190.  The only thing I have left is a trisuit & the clipless bike shoes.  Any suggested websites for the trisuit?  I have been looking around and haven't found many ...

2009-06-08 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2199748

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Frederick Maryland
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

TIM, no bib # yet.  Get it when I check in on Friday I guess.  Starting to freak a little!!  I'll be in the Clydesdale Division (45-49).  They say the Choptank swim is tough.

Any taper tips anyone!  I'm definitely lowering the workouts and going to try to get a couple open water swims in.

I got a sleeveless wetsuit for the longer swim, but now I'm not sure if I'll stick with the borrowed full suit.

JOEY, great 10K pace.  8:08s are good in my book.
KERI, the girl parts just get tougher over time!  I ride a hard saddle, and as long as your on your sit bones, you get used to it.
CHRIS, Welcome!

2009-06-08 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2201722

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Frederick Maryland
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Xterra wetsuits has a half price deal.  just enter NATRI (Nations Tri).  They have a pretty liberal fit/size/return policy.

2009-06-08 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2201884

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Wow!  Thanks.  I was able to cancel my previous noname wetsuit (it hadn't shipped yet) and ordered the xterra suit for half price (only $10 more than noname brand)!

I didn't see that discount code you gave me anywhere on their web site but it worked!

-- Charlie1
2009-06-08 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2151526

New user

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
The workout plan I am using has me doing swimming and biking on the same day.  Do I need to do the bike immeadiately after the swim or can I do one in the a.m. and one in the p.m.?

2009-06-08 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2202865

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Frederick Maryland
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
unless it calls for a 'brick', then some period of rest/break is probable.  for me, it's when I can get the time in!  good luck.

2009-06-08 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2202263

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Frederick Maryland
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?
Sweeet!  glad to help.  you'll like the suit.   bouyancy is a big plus in the water.
2009-06-08 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2202865

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL

wkwl2714 - 2009-06-08 2:58 PM The workout plan I am using has me doing swimming and biking on the same day.  Do I need to do the bike immeadiately after the swim or can I do one in the a.m. and one in the p.m.?

Like Charlie2 said, unless it tells you to do them back-to-back, then you don't have to.  I'll do double workouts on 4-6 day/week, and I rarely do any immediately back-to-back for most of the year.  I typically only do them b/c of time/schedule contraints.  When it comes to the last 2wks prior to the race, I'll throw in a couple bike-run bricks.  Outside of using shorter races to prep for longer ones, I don't think I've ever done a swim/bike combined workout.  It certainly wouldn't hurt, and an occassional workout like this may be smart, the pool I swim at isn't conducive to biking afterwards.


2009-06-08 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2201722

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

Woohoo Charlie1....congrats on the new ride!!!  Enjoy it!!!

2009-06-08 10:52 PM
in reply to: #2151526

New user

Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
Thanks for the help Tim and Charlie2

2009-06-10 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
Gah!  My neck is killing me.  Last Friday I had my first long swim and worked on my bi-lateral breathing and I've been paying the price for 5 days now   When I first started swimming a bit longer I pulled something on the right side it was the bottom of my neck/shoulder/upper back and felt like a bigger muscle.  This time it feels like my neck is in a charlie horse on the left side.  It is on the front/side/back of my neck/clavicle/shoulder.  I took Aleve for the first time in my life, I've been using Arnica and Tigerbalm and even bought a massager.  This morning my range of motion is about 50%.  I already missed 2 training days and NEED to get in the pool today.  Has anybody else had anything like this?  If so, what got you through?  Any suggestions to help?  I've also been taking lots of hot showers which seems to loosen things up and improve range of motion but only for a short time.
2009-06-10 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2206882

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
Ouch, sorry to hear about your neck!  My neck used to "go out" on me a couple of times a year so I know how painful it can be.  It's funny,  ever since I started exercising last year I haven't had any more episodes.  For me, I would walk around with my head tilted to one side for a couple of days.

I used to ice it and then heat, but really the only thing that helped was time (which is exactly what you don't want to hear!).

Feel better ...

2009-06-10 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2206882

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL

Keri -

Similar to Charlie1, I have a lot fewer back/spine/neck issues now that i work out.  That said, I still tweak something once or twice a year.  For me, nothing works better than a visit to the chiropractor.  I usually feel good within 2-3 days after a visit.  Besides cost, the one thing I've found with chiropractors is that it seems to work for some and not for others.

And be sure to have your hubby massage the area each night


2009-06-10 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2201877

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

URGuilty - 2009-06-08 11:11 AM

Any taper tips anyone! 

Ya the Choptank is fun!  Try to use big landmarks for sighting.  The years I was down there they had a big boat at the turnaround...and they you can sight some structure on the land on the way in.  Pay attention to the current before you start and note if it may push you off course or not.  Being able to breath on either side can help too if the current is coming from the side.

As far as taper, I like to keep the same routine (i.e. about the same number of workouts and at the time of day), but I then reduce the duration and intensity of these workouts.  I always take the 2nd day before the race as a rest day (so Friday in your case) and I do a short workout the day before the race (typically a 30' bike and 15' brick run) with a couple short efforts at race effort with ample rest.  Something like 3x3' efforts on the bike with 2' rest in between, and then on the run I'd do 2x2' at the beginning and one at the beginning of mile 2.  Do the efforts at race effort (so it'll vary depending on the race distance) and do the rest easy.  Make sure you get ample sleep on Fri night as you know the quality and quantity of sleep on race night is never great.

Best of luck.


2009-06-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
Hey Charlie2,
do you have any more web sites and discount codes for a trisuit (one piece) & clipless shoes?  Do most of you folks order tri products via the web (i.e. bodyglide, bib belt, etc.)?

beautiful engagement photos!  I am using your training log as an incentive to get my @ss in gear!

If only they would let me run up & down the bus aisle during my morning & evening commute...


2009-06-10 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2208265

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
OOOPs, Tim, I meant to include you on that engagement picture comment!   Sorry!

2009-06-10 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2151526

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL

I just might have to make an appt with my trusty chiropractor.  He adjusted me when I had this on the right side and it still took a week to get better but it did get better.  I think I'll see how tonight and tomorrow morning go and maybe call him in the morning.

At this point I can't get on my bike because I don't have enough range of motion to check for cars. 

Where are these engagement pics???


2009-06-10 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2208265

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Extreme Veteran
Southeast, PA
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL

Charlie1 -

Here are some discount codes;;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread  Code: BT-W

I think there are some other here on BT, but I couldn't quickly find a list.

Finally, get on's email list.  They have sale after sale after sale all year round.  If you are patient, you pretty much never have to pay full retail at Performance.

I'm about 50/50 online vs brick-n-mortar.  I tend to try and buy things in the store and then when I need to replace it (or I know specifically what I want) I shop it online.  We have a good bike shop here so it makes it easy to get educated on bigger ticket items.

No problem re: the engagement pics...I know that I am "marrying up" anyways

2009-06-11 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2198974

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

KeriKadi - 2009-06-06 11:58 AM

Thanks Laura!

Anybody in our group racing this weekend?

I went for my long (for me) ride this morning my quest to find comfort for my girlie parts continues.Frown


Keri, any luck with your girlie part issues? I have notoriously had problems with comfort, regardless of the saddle I use (I've been through four between the road and tri bike). Tim and I joke around that I have a third lip because of the size welts I get. I haven't been able to get to the bottom of the problem myself, and it is truly frustrating. I have found that once you start having problems, it just continues for the rest of the season, until I don't ride with as much frequency. I am guilty of not trying out new saddles or products recently though. Do you use butt butter or body glide? That helps somewhat. If you need to chat more about it, you can always PM me and we can brainstorm.

2009-06-11 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2201877

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?

URGuilty - 2009-06-08 11:11 AM

Any taper tips anyone!  I'm definitely lowering the workouts and going to try to get a couple open water swims in.


Hmmm....taper tips:

Make sure you also lesson the intensity of the workouts. Throw in some short duration race-pace efforts (for instance, 2-minutes at race pace) and keep the rest at a comfortable or easy pace. Also, keep yourself hydrated and well fueled. Avoid eating any foods that cause GI issues, heartburn, etc, and I wouldn't stray from your normal diet. Guess its probably a little late for all of these tips; it is Thursday! Good luck, you will do great!!!

2009-06-11 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2208342

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL

KeriKadi - 2009-06-10 3:48 PM


Where are these engagement pics???


You can see them here:

2009-06-11 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2208265

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL

fontaic - 2009-06-10 3:22 PM Hey Charlie2,
do you have any more web sites and discount codes for a trisuit (one piece) & clipless shoes?  Do most of you folks order tri products via the web (i.e. bodyglide, bib belt, etc.)?

beautiful engagement photos!  I am using your training log as an incentive to get my @ss in gear!

If only they would let me run up & down the bus aisle during my morning & evening commute...


Haha, thanks! Sometimes, working out is a bit of a disease for me. I am really motivated to stay on top of working out.

2009-06-11 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2209877

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Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet? - FULL
gymnutt03 - 2009-06-11 9:06 AM

KeriKadi - 2009-06-10 3:48 PM

 Where are these engagement pics???


You can see them here:

VERY nice pictures.  You guys are so cute!  And the setting is perfect.
2009-06-11 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2208049

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Frederick Maryland
Subject: RE: konichiwa's mentor group - Are we having fun yet?


Thanks for the advice.  I'll take it.  I am worried about sighting, so hopefully they will have the boat again.  Can't breathe bilaterally (need too much oxygen!)  Paying attention to the current is a great tip too, that way I can favor the opposite.

One taper question, "race effort" always seems slow.  I look at race results for Clydesdales and see 9:15s as the top run time.  Something about 10:00/mi 'race effort' that just doesn't seem right.  seems too easy.  and what would a w/u be?  11:00/mi?

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