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2010-01-05 5:52 AM
in reply to: #2593011

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Thanks all for the advice about which week to start on.

My plan for the week as it stands (weather permitting, it's been clear for a week down here but I hear we are in for a bit of a blanketing tonight!)

Mon - Squats & Lunges (in place of cycling until I can replace rear derailleur) and a strength session
Tue - 13min Run and 500m swim (drill focused)
Wed - Squats & Lunges + Strength session
Thur - 18min Run
Fri - Day off
Sat - 22min Run and 700m Swim (Part drill, part endurance)
Sun - 9mile Cycle (assuming part has arrive and been fitted)

2010-01-05 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2594249

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
RogerWilco - 2010-01-05 2:17 AM
Cav1965 - 2010-01-04 10:13 PM

Tues – triathlon club (please find some rotation drills for me to practice)

Hi Cav, my current focus is still on my swimming and mainly on rotation. I use fingertip drag, single-arm, breathe every stroke drills (learned this one from Science of Triathlon DVD, it feels real weird) for this. If you learn-find out any new drills or tips please share it. I am curious to hear and try new ones.

Swim on the side is useful for body roll. I swim with my right side facing the bottom of the pool, right hand straight ahead, left arm at my side. I do six kicks, then breath and bring my left arm up to the front, pull with left and roll to the other side.

So, six kicks left side, six kicks right side, breathing each turn.

Helps me a lot with the rotation, as it is basically an exercise in being overrotated.
2010-01-05 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: Christmas break over....get back ON IT

Hello Ya'll!!

    WHEW! It has been a whirlwind 2 weeks since my last true training day and I feel every single minute of not training. Had all 7 of my biological children, plus 2 extra "adopted" children the week of Christmas then left for a week in California for a mandatory learning experience. The hotel I booked said on their website that they had "cardio equipment"....guess they must have meant the stairs in between the floors.
   I've seen all of the chatter about bodyfat content and training plans. The last time I had my body fat tested w/the calipers and tape measure, I was around 16% at 142 pounds and 5'3". My BMI is ALWAYS off the charts but as  rule I think it is hogwash. If my bodyfat says I am sitting at 16%, but the BMI calculator says I am "obese", I tend to go with the bodyfat measurement.
   Distractions abound and it looks like tomorrow will actually be my first day back to training. Should I try to pick up my 4 mile a day average, or back it off for a day or two? My go hard or go home mentality is telling me that it should be a 4 miler, but common sense may reign supreme. We shall see. Buying some good quality running shoes are my first priority. Black toenails are just NOT SEXY! LOL

See ya'll later...have a great week!

2010-01-05 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2556591

New user

Port Moody, BC
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed

Hi All,

Trying to fulfill a NY resolution by finding the time to post on this forum... so.... hope everyone is well and had a great Christmas and New Years break.

Tammy - in respose to your post up above... I'm not a coach so I can only answer as to how I would approach for myself. If I went 2 weeks without any activity I wouldn't go straight back to the same distance/effort as before. I'd keep the distance the same but insert some low intensity intervals. So for example if I ran for 30mins before.. maybe I'd start by doing 3 sets of 8min run / 2 min walk.

Pattie & Burak - Thanks for the inspires, appreciate it   I'm going to make the time somewhere to go through everyone else's training and send out some inspires of my own.


2010-01-05 5:21 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Well, I was hoping to restart swimming this week, but the University pool where I go is only open 8-9 and 1-2 when I'm at work.  I have to wait 2 more weeks for them to be open at night again!  So, I am going to give running a try tonight.  This will be my first run in two months since taking off for chiro treatment for a sciatic nerve problem.  I plan on warming up big time inside, then outside walking 3, running 3, walking 3 and running 3, then walking another minute or two until I get home.  I did do a 2.5 hour walk a few days ago and felt some minor sciatic pain, but it was minor compared to what it was and it was not as far reaching either.

Tammy, I'd say take it easy for the first run or 2 back, then see how you feel from there!

Edited by ferretracer 2010-01-05 5:22 PM
2010-01-05 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Uh, 2.5 miles, not 2.5 hours of walking...sorry bout that!

I did just get back and did the 3 walk, 3 run, 3 walk, 3 run

I did feel the pain in my hammy, glute while running, but only on contact.  The chiro must be helping because it was not nearly as bad as it had been!  The 12 minutes covered about .9 miles (I just missed my .5 mile turn around).  I think I may try to do this a couple times a week, slowly increasing the run time by 30 seconds here and there depending on my sciatic pain.

Overall, I was pleased!!

2010-01-05 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Glad to see everyone back after the holidays!  It can be so hard to get re-started after a break.  I'm having a tough time just convincing myself that I *do* need to go to the gym every day.  It's simply habit and I got out of the habit.  Today's strength training testing went well and I'll be plugging those numbers into the calculator to determine what I need to be lifting during this phase.  I  have a feeling that I was not putting enough weight on there.  Hmmm, slack much? 
2010-01-06 1:56 AM
in reply to: #2595278

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
neuronet - 2010-01-05 7:59 PM
Swim on the side is useful for body roll. I swim with my right side facing the bottom of the pool, right hand straight ahead, left arm at my side. I do six kicks, then breath and bring my left arm up to the front, pull with left and roll to the other side.

So, six kicks left side, six kicks right side, breathing each turn.

Helps me a lot with the rotation, as it is basically an exercise in being overrotated.

Hi Eric, thanks for the tip. In fact I saw that drill everywhere, especially TI videos but somehow it was not to my liking. But now that you say it is useful I will give it a try.

This morning swim session saw me doing sprints for the first time in years and years. I tried to do a 6x50 sprint with 45-50 seconds rest between them but I could not finish 4th. The times were 45, 46 and 47 seconds for the first three. With time it should get better. I really feel that my swimming technique is getting better but I have to wait till my next time trial to see the results.
2010-01-06 2:06 AM
in reply to: #2596338

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
rowdypaint - 2010-01-06 2:25 AM ...I'm having a tough time just convincing myself that I *do* need to go to the gym every day.  It's simply habit and I got out of the habit.  ...

In "Science of Triathlon" Wes Hobson suggests posting your triathlon/fitness specific goals to everywhere you look often, like fridge door, computer, bathroom mirror, car rearview mirror, etc. I think constantly seeing your goals may ease up your struggle with yourself.

May be worth a try.
2010-01-06 12:45 PM
in reply to: #2594319

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Decided not to run yesterday in favour of doing it today. Mistake! Everything is covered in about 8 inches of snow.
Tried using the treadmill, but my legs stiffen up much quicker than when I run outside. Guess if the snow doesn't ease up I'll just have to get used to using it.
2010-01-06 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2595508

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New user
Subject: RE: Christmas break over....get back ON IT
TTucker - 2010-01-05 7:21 PM

Hello Ya'll!!

    WHEW! It has been a whirlwind 2 weeks since my last true training day and I feel every single minute of not training. Had all 7 of my biological children, plus 2 extra "adopted" children the week of Christmas then left for a week in California for a mandatory learning experience. The hotel I booked said on their website that they had "cardio equipment"....guess they must have meant the stairs in between the floors.
   I've seen all of the chatter about bodyfat content and training plans. The last time I had my body fat tested w/the calipers and tape measure, I was around 16% at 142 pounds and 5'3". My BMI is ALWAYS off the charts but as  rule I think it is hogwash. If my bodyfat says I am sitting at 16%, but the BMI calculator says I am "obese", I tend to go with the bodyfat measurement.
   Distractions abound and it looks like tomorrow will actually be my first day back to training. Should I try to pick up my 4 mile a day average, or back it off for a day or two? My go hard or go home mentality is telling me that it should be a 4 miler, but common sense may reign supreme. We shall see. Buying some good quality running shoes are my first priority. Black toenails are just NOT SEXY! LOL

See ya'll later...have a great week!

Hi Tammy good to hear from you, black toe nails are deffo not sexy! Don't go back to it straight away build up, good suggestion about keeping the distance and reducing thye intensity, thats the route I follow and it works well, less than a week back and I'm at former levels

2010-01-06 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2593163

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
neuronet - 2010-01-04 9:00 PM
Cav1965 - 2010-01-04 2:02 PM
neuronet - 2010-01-03 11:37 PM Back to training after a fun vacation. I did some light workouts, back acting up badly past two days but did a light swim today that usually makes the pain go away.

I sometimes wish I didn't have a lower back Undecided
Eric - I am in a similar situation regarding my lower back, so I know how you feel. Have you a decent stretching routine or access to a swiss ball, really helping me. Let me know and I'll post some routines. Mine is improving since I started a fortnightly massage, also a hot water bottle is easing the discomfort.

My physical therapist gave me some great core exercises (not even sure what they are called). I had stopped doing them consistently, have to keep them up or else the pain returns. Gotta be sure to do them at least once a day.

I don't have an exercise ball I should probably get one.
Consitency is King - go to it!
2010-01-06 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2594249

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
RogerWilco - 2010-01-05 8:17 AM
Cav1965 - 2010-01-04 10:13 PM

Tues – triathlon club (please find some rotation drills for me to practice)

Hi Cav, my current focus is still on my swimming and mainly on rotation. I use fingertip drag, single-arm, breathe every stroke drills (learned this one from Science of Triathlon DVD, it feels real weird) for this. If you learn-find out any new drills or tips please share it. I am curious to hear and try new ones.
With my swim coach tomorrow night for some rotation drills will pass them on, sounds lik you're doing a good job already
2010-01-06 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2596335

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New user
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
ferretracer - 2010-01-06 12:24 AM Uh, 2.5 miles, not 2.5 hours of walking...sorry bout that!

I did just get back and did the 3 walk, 3 run, 3 walk, 3 run

I did feel the pain in my hammy, glute while running, but only on contact.  The chiro must be helping because it was not nearly as bad as it had been!  The 12 minutes covered about .9 miles (I just missed my .5 mile turn around).  I think I may try to do this a couple times a week, slowly increasing the run time by 30 seconds here and there depending on my sciatic pain.

Overall, I was pleased!!
Well done Erik, make sure you manage the siuation and keep those sretches going
2010-01-06 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2598100

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
sicone - 2010-01-06 6:45 PM Decided not to run yesterday in favour of doing it today. Mistake! Everything is covered in about 8 inches of snow.
Tried using the treadmill, but my legs stiffen up much quicker than when I run outside. Guess if the snow doesn't ease up I'll just have to get used to using it.
Stav I know the feeling, ice and snow everywhere here too. Stretching before and after the treadmill should help
2010-01-06 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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New user
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Hi Folks

Currently in the middle of 'the big freeze' here in the UK, never seen so much snow and ice as we've had for a couple of weeks, pavements and minor roads all covered so no chance of running so gym is the order of the day, really impacting training. Tried the treadmill earlier but the pain from my knee was too painful so had to stop after 5 minutes..damn frustrating, swimming and spinning for a while.
Looks like you've all knuckled down to training this year, well done team!

2010-01-07 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Thick ice on the paths, gym/pool closed due to dangerous roads and driving conditions. Can`t set the trainer up 'cos I'm looking after the kids because school is closed.
   Seriously thinking about eating a full box of chocolate fingers !!!
2010-01-07 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Fleetwood, PA
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
NO CHOCOLATE FINGERS- EW, yucky, gross!!!!  Let's try to avoid all foods with sugar in the top 3 ingredients!  Cutting out sugar almost completely since September '09 has made a huge difference in my overall energy level, reduced my food cravings to almost nothing and I dropped a lot of weight.  Just say NO!!
2010-01-08 4:23 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
Came to the conclusion that I hate the treadmill enough to go out into the snow for a run this morning! Ran a bit slower than normal to make sure of my footing, but glad I went out.
2010-01-08 4:27 PM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group -
Thank you to everyone providing some guidance! Between my body telling me that the go hard or go home mentality just wasn't going to work and the CRAZY cold weather I haven't ran more than 3 miles...Makes me a bit CRABBBY but I will get over it.

The ironic part is since I am running shorter distances, my overall time per mile has improved! It's like doing mandatory speed work when it is only 20 degrees outside. I feel GREAT though so will probably push for a 5 miler on Sunday. My logic behind this is that since 3 is pretty comfortable and 7 is pushing my limits (the last time I ran it 2 weeks ago) I should be alright at 5. I'll take it slow and not expect a PB or anything...since I have realized I AM ONLY HUMAN.

Will do some swimming soon. Was supposed to meet up with another member for some tips but had complications...Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
2010-01-09 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2603900

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group -
I also found that after building up my running to 30mins at about a 9:30 pace then going back down to a 12min run I was able to increase my pace to just under 9/mile. Seems like a good idea to build up endurance at a certain pace then go back down and increase your pace (if that makes sense)

2010-01-09 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2604503

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group -
Stavros, you should be doing both long duration and speed work together. Long runs increases your endurance and with time you start running faster at same RPE/HR. This is especially true if you are new to running. What is your weekly running program?

This morning I read in the newspaper that it was the coldest days of last 30 years in England. You have been saying this, but it should be very cold indeed if it makes news in Turkey. So, it must be really hard to run as you want to.
2010-01-09 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2601362

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Subject: RE: Sugar/Chocolate

     I tend to agree with you about the refined sugar! After the birth of my 7th child 2 years ago I implemented a 60/30/10 intake (protein/carb/fat) and absolutely ZERO refined sugar. I lost about 50 pounds and acquired some pretty serious muscle. I've since changed to a more friendly complex carb split to maintain my weight because the lack of carbs really drained my energy levels and is no good for running.
      I've still been prone to sugar cravings and find it's best to occasionally give in to them so as not to go on a sugar binge. My biggest temptation are the peanut butter cups at the check out in the grocery store!!
2010-01-10 12:17 AM
in reply to: #2556591

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Subject: RE: Cav's Group - Closed
My seasonal job is finally over.  And I am feeling a 85% from the sickness just before the new year.  I have asthma so the bronchitis has really taken out my lungs and any chance of running, biking or swimming.  I have been spending about 30 minutes a day doing core and upper body exercises to keep my body going a little until my lungs can handle the cardio.  I am definitely feeling the strength conditioning because my seasonal job was pushing carts and it has become much easier to push the carts and lift people purchases into their cars.  I am thinking about starting the running and biking again in the next day or two.  Should I work my way up again or start where i left off.  Also if anybody has any questions about cooking or food, I have a culinary degree and last job was as an executive Chef I would be happy to answer any questions.

Edited by FreakingPuertoRican 2010-01-10 12:18 AM
2010-01-10 4:52 AM
in reply to: #2604785

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Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Cav's Group -
RogerWilco - 2010-01-09 4:41 PM Stavros, you should be doing both long duration and speed work together. Long runs increases your endurance and with time you start running faster at same RPE/HR. This is especially true if you are new to running. What is your weekly running program?

This morning I read in the newspaper that it was the coldest days of last 30 years in England. You have been saying this, but it should be very cold indeed if it makes news in Turkey. So, it must be really hard to run as you want to.

I've just finished week 2 of the 16 week 3xbalanced sprint program, so I am doing a short and a long run each week.

Weather wise it dropped to -22.8 C (-9 F) in Scotland the other day, but only -14C (7F) in London, so it was a little chilly!
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