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2009-12-24 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Happy Holidays all!!

2009-12-25 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and a "speedy" New Year to all. 


2009-12-25 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Hope everyone had a great Xmas! I did get a run in this morning while everyone was still asleep. Hills and Hills - I think my parents need to move to a flatter area
2009-12-26 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Hi People,
I thought I'd check in. I'm still at my parents' place - where the nearest neighbor is a quarter mile away. I had a great tri-themed holiday, having received some UnderArmour apparel, a SwiMP3 system, and a Nike+Ipod Transmitter thingy. I'm trying to set my training plans for 2010. I know that January - April, I'll have my intermediate swimming lessons, so hopefully I'll be able to improve that portion of things.
More later.
Take care y'all!
2009-12-27 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
We got SNOW!!! Broke out the yaktrax this morning for the first time this year and went out early. It was like running in sand. Still had to walk a lot of the really slippery areas, not worth taking the chance. It's still coming down outside.
2009-12-27 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2578806

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Nice job getting out there. Had to use mine a few times this year. Christmas morning used them for a run in 3" of slush, feet where soaked when I got home.Got Kettle WorX for Christmas and tried the abs workout. That is a tough workout.

2009-12-27 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2578187

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
xTriRiTrix - 2009-12-26 1:06 PMSwiMP3 system
I'm a little jealous. One of my buddies has one and really likes it. Let me know how you like swimming with it, I may end up getting myself a late Christmas present
2009-12-27 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2578814

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Lumber Dad - 2009-12-27 9:54 AMNice job getting out there. Had to use mine a few times this year. Christmas morning used them for a run in 3" of slush, feet where soaked when I got home.Got Kettle WorX for Christmas and tried the abs workout. That is a tough workout.
Is that the kettle ball workout? How did you like it?
2009-12-27 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Nice job getting the workouts in in  the weather.  I am dreading going back to Wisconsin on Tuesday. Ugh!
2009-12-27 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2578933

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
abake - 2009-12-27 12:24 PM[
Is that the kettle ball workout? How did you like it?
www.kettleworx.comThis is the DVD workout for the kettle ball. I just did the abs workout and it was tough. I also got the: core, resistance, cardio and fast fat burn. Haven't tried any of the others yet. Will see how they go.
2009-12-28 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2579192

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Good Monday morning everyone!

So is everyone getting back into the training mode or are we waiting till next Monday?

2009-12-28 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2579906

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Was able to get a pretty solid training week in last week 2500yd swim, 60 miles bike and 30 miles run.  BUT, this week will be a little tougher since I will be out of town Wed-Sunday.  Minimal biking and swimming this week and running when I can.  Half marathon on 1/10 so important workout this week is 12 mile run with final 3 miles at sub 8min/mile pace.  Not sure when, how or where I will get that done.  The holidays are fun but there is some comfort in getting back into the ususal schedule.  Wonder if I will be saying that next Monday?    

2009-12-28 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Back on it. Half marathon in eight weeks and it's time to bump up the mileage.  Could use some thoughts on how the experienced triathletes develop schedules; I have sort of looked around on the net and there are so many different options.

Ideally there would be 3 swims, 3 or 4 bike, and 4 runs plus 2 or 3 strength sessions a week.

I am reading  Joe Friel's Triathletes Bible and am intrigued by the concept of prioritizing races and periodization.  Anyone do this?  it seems to make sense but does involve quite a bit of planning far in advance.
2009-12-28 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2579978

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
abake - 2009-12-28 9:58 AM Back on it. Half marathon in eight weeks and it's time to bump up the mileage.  Could use some thoughts on how the experienced triathletes develop schedules; I have sort of looked around on the net and there are so many different options.

Ideally there would be 3 swims, 3 or 4 bike, and 4 runs plus 2 or 3 strength sessions a week.

I am reading  Joe Friel's Triathletes Bible and am intrigued by the concept of prioritizing races and periodization.  Anyone do this?  it seems to make sense but does involve quite a bit of planning far in advance.

I have gone through a few of the triathlon books, then I found "Be Ironfit" I used for my 1/2 IM and full IM. I liked the way the workouts were set up. Even though I am not doing a full or 1/2 this year I still follow the same kind of schedule just adjust the distances. For me it worked good having the long run and bike on the weekend. Some people don't like to do them back to back so if you have the time you could do one of your longer workouts during the week.

Let me know if you want more detail.
2009-12-28 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
My training starts next week as I am still in NJ until the 1st. I have a group ride on the 4th (25 mi), and I get to try out my new toy - Garmin 305! Then I will start swimming.  I'm going to try to fit in two runs this week and some core workouts.   So for now, I'm just taking it easy and having fun. I can't wait!

2009-12-28 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2580217

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
then I found "Be Ironfit" I used for my 1/2 IM and full IM. ILet me know if you want more detail.

Yes please, that would be great.  Thanks!

2009-12-28 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2580238

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
my new toy - Garmin 305! 

Ooooh, you'll have a LOT of fun with that!
2009-12-28 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2579978

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Ideally there would be 3 swims, 3 or 4 bike, and 4 runs plus 2 or 3 strength sessions a week.

Here is a base program that you could modify for your needs.

Monday - off or weights
Tuesday - swim & run
Wedensday - bike & short run (optional)
Thursday - swim & bike
Friday - swim & run
Saturday - long bike & short run (optional)
Sunday - short bike (optional) & long run

I still use the same basic program where I lift on Monday, bike on Wednesday, Friday & Sunday. Run on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Then try and fit a swim on Tuesday or Thursday or both.
2009-12-28 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
That looks like a manageable schedule.  I like how there is the short run/long ride and long run/short ride sequence on the weekend. 

Do you cut back every third week on distance?
2009-12-28 2:33 PM
in reply to: #2580546

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

Do you cut back every third week on distance?

Yep, you could cut back on the distances or cut out some of the optional workouts.
2009-12-28 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2579906

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Rockford, MI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Trying to get back on it.  Still learning how to freestyle swim.  I'm starting up the running program soon and will hit the bike at the Y toward the end of Jan.

2009-12-28 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2558347

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
I've been able to keep it up last week and so far this week. We fly back to Wisconsin tomorrow - go right back into teaching Spin on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Add on a 5K on Thursday and a 5K on Friday. Yikes Surprised!
2009-12-28 9:47 PM
in reply to: #2558347

Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
My official start date will be the first.  Have a little weight loss competition going on at work so it will be teh best time to start.
2009-12-29 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed
Good morning all!  Hope everyone had a great Christmas/holiday.  Back to work this morning was tough.  I only got one run in over the weekend, in the snow of course.  It's running in soft sand.  Hope Santa was good to everyone!  I got some random training stuff that I can't wait to use!
2009-12-29 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2558347

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Lumber Dad's Group - Closed

I got a couple questions.

1 - Is this too much for first swim? 1000 meters (my pool only has 25 meter pool vs yards) - warm up 2x50, main set (4 times each): one arm drill - 1x25, catch up - 1x25; Core (3 times): 8x25; warm down - 4x25 easy. OR    800 meters - WU 2x50; MS (4 times each) 1x25 Catch up, 1x25 Streamline kicking; Core: 8x50 frestyle swim; WD - 1x100 easy.   I'm thinking about doing the 800 meter one, and just kind of go with the flow. Maybe cut the drills to 2 times each.

     I will not be focusing on speed or anything, just seeing where I'm at.  If I feel it's too hard, then I'll have to cut back. If I feel it's too easy, I can just add a bit. I just don't know what to expect until I'm in the pool. I'm just not too sure about doing drills for first swim, hence why I'm asking you guys.

2 - Because my pool is 25 meters, so should I set my training logs to meters? That kind of throws off when I see everyone else's logs when they go by yardage.  meters in a yard. So, basically does it really matter the difference? Should I keep it at meters because that's my pool size? (EDIT: Duh, I meant the other way around...not more yards in a meter. I knew that. Undecided)

3 - Is there a website or something that can explain all the BT terminology for Strength Training? I see "Prone Planks" - but what's the difference between that and "planks", or what the heck are the different exercises since they're different from what I see online/books.  Or should I just add my own terminology to something that *I* know what it means?

Edited by CyborgQueen 2009-12-29 3:38 PM
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