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2010-01-12 9:03 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

It saddens me to see a Donkey group mentor's thread go to the 2nd page.  This just ain't right.

2010-01-12 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Tempo Runs Suck!

Why is this group so quiet?
2010-01-12 2:22 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Hey all,

Did not get up this morning for my swim.  My stomach did not feel right and I did not want to swim my 1200m with an upset stomach.  So, today is my day off and I will get the swim/lower body/core workout in tomorrow.

Not sure why this group is so quiet, maybe we are all busy working out and getting our off-season training in.

Brian's comment on tempo runs bring a question to mind.  I was not heavily involved in running until I joined the Marine Corps and then it was not an optional exercise.  So I have not been schooled in the running terminology and drills.  Where can I find out more information about "tempo runs" and "negative splits", etc?  I want to educate myself so I can get faster and not get injured.

Hope everyone is having a good day.  My day at work is not fun at all.  I would rather be working out.

2010-01-12 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
OK...what is all this "bump" stuff about?
2010-01-12 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2610092

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Wade, BUMP is a gohst post if you will designed simply to raise the thread from the depths of the page.  A thread is raised to the top of the page when a new post is added. I think it stands for something like... Bring Up My Post, maybe. 

Eric, Sorry to hear about the gut.  I am following a 1/2 marathon plan that incorporates 3 runs per week, a long run, a tempo run and a speed run, or intervals.  I don't know much, I'm a wannabe runner, but I got my plan and learned about this stuff from runners world.  Here is the link to my plan with good descriptions of the 3.  I think these are basic training principals that can be applied to the bike and swim as well.   Here is what they say about tempo runs...

Tempo Runs:
The tempo run does two key things for you: "It enables the runner to keep running at a faster pace," says Pierce. "And it also trains the runner to keep running beyond his or her comfort zone, which is what a runner must do in a race." The key here is a good relaxed warmup jog, then a gradual shift into your tempo pace, followed by a relaxed cooldown jog.

Here is the link...,7120,s6-238-244--9369-1-1X2X3X4X5X6X7-8,00.html

Happy Reading!
2010-01-13 6:17 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Bottom of page one, I could hardly find the group.

Good workout for me this morning.  Back in the pool for the first time in a long while.  Short (1200m) swim followed by lower body and some core.    Swim was a little rusty, my muscles will be feeling it later today.  The core is pretty good and I will hopefully see some good results.

Have a great day everyone, keep the posts coming.

2010-01-13 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2611087

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Richmond VA area
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Got another run in after work. It is getting better slowly now that I am getting more consistant. If I can keep getting out there to run I will start adding tempo runs and some longer runs to get me back to 10K distance at least.

The word of the day is perseverance.

2010-01-13 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Sorry for the lack of posting and inspires my fine friends............have to confess to suffering a letdown of sorts after watching that fantastic Packer game on Sunday game, bummer the beloved Pack lost tho............anyway, time to taper now for the marathon weekend on the 23rd and 24th..............who else has stuff coming up?

2010-01-13 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2610140

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

mchubri` - 2010-01-12 2:50 PM Wade, BUMP is a gohst post if you will designed simply to raise the thread from the depths of the page.  A thread is raised to the top of the page when a new post is added. I think it stands for something like... Bring Up My Post, maybe.  ...

"Bump" the post up to the top of this forum so it doesn't get lost/forgotten.

"Set" is just a play on the process, using a volleyball term, i.e. bump, set, spike.

Make sense now?

2010-01-13 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Latest weather report for Houston marathon this Sunday...start time 38 degrees, high of 50 and sunny. Man, all my usual excuses are going away. I still have that tender calf thang I can pull out if my PR doesn't materialize.
2010-01-13 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2611968

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

HereForALaugh - 2010-01-13 12:41 PM Latest weather report for Houston marathon this Sunday...start time 38 degrees, high of 50 and sunny. Man, all my usual excuses are going away. I still have that tender calf thang I can pull out if my PR doesn't materialize.

tender calves come in handy dont they? 

whats your gameplan for it?


2010-01-13 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2611968

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Richmond VA area
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I still have that tender calf thang I can pull out if my PR doesn't materialize.

Are you wearing compression sox or sleeves? I bought the SLS calf sleeve and have been wearing it when I run. The extra support seems to help.

Good luck and God speed.
2010-01-13 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Bath, Maine
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Mchubri, fan-tastic article. Can't wait for the thaw so that I can get back to running. The indoor track thing isn't working well, so my runs are getting shorter and shorter - although I'm doing okay speedwork. Hotel gym this week in Anaheim. - R
2010-01-13 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2612102

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
RecTri - 2010-01-13 1:33 PM
I still have that tender calf thang I can pull out if my PR doesn't materialize.

Are you wearing compression sox or sleeves? I bought the SLS calf sleeve and have been wearing it when I run. The extra support seems to help.

Good luck and God speed.

I bought one yesterday and wore it around the house a bit. Felt great on my calf but it put my foot to sleep. I'll buy the next size up today and see how that works. Gotta try something.
2010-01-13 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2612018

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
djdavey - 2010-01-13 1:00 PM

HereForALaugh - 2010-01-13 12:41 PM Latest weather report for Houston marathon this Sunday...start time 38 degrees, high of 50 and sunny. Man, all my usual excuses are going away. I still have that tender calf thang I can pull out if my PR doesn't materialize.

tender calves come in handy dont they? 

whats your gameplan for it?


I'll be alright if it's just hurts, it's when it acts like it wants to knot that causes problems. If it gets too bad I just roll more back on my heels, but that automatically cuts 20 secs/mile off my pace.
2010-01-13 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2612222

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

HereForALaugh - 2010-01-13 2:25 PM
djdavey - 2010-01-13 1:00 PM

HereForALaugh - 2010-01-13 12:41 PM Latest weather report for Houston marathon this Sunday...start time 38 degrees, high of 50 and sunny. Man, all my usual excuses are going away. I still have that tender calf thang I can pull out if my PR doesn't materialize.

tender calves come in handy dont they? 

whats your gameplan for it?


I'll be alright if it's just hurts, it's when it acts like it wants to knot that causes problems. If it gets too bad I just roll more back on my heels, but that automatically cuts 20 secs/mile off my pace.

a - I LOVE COMPRESSION SOCKS!!!.  i took the cheapo route tho and got mine from walgreen's!!!  would recommend those for everyone!!!

b - be careful when changing your gait and stride, sometimes that can muck someone up more.................not all the time tho, just be careful!

2010-01-13 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I know we have a few swimmers here, can anyone suggest a basic training plan for me?  I can do the swim, not with much grace, but I can put in a 2:00/100 over 1000yds.  I am planning to get back in the pool in Feb, haven't swum since October.  I've run out of coaching and Masters options, I tried them all.  I will take a 2 day clinic sometime in the spring at a local college but I don't want to wait till then to get back in the water.

Any basic plans, training methods, when or why I would use fins or a pull bouy etc.  would be greatl appreciated. 

Are Total Immersion DVD's worth it?  Has anyone tried them and if so, which ones should I get? 

BTW, work has totally F'd my training plan this week, I hate when that happens. 1 out of 3 days so far, I was shooting for 5 of 7!
2010-01-13 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2612515

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

mchubri` - 2010-01-13 4:36 PM I know we have a few swimmers here, can anyone suggest a basic training plan for me?  I can do the swim, not with much grace, but I can put in a 2:00/100 over 1000yds.  I am planning to get back in the pool in Feb, haven't swum since October.  I've run out of coaching and Masters options, I tried them all.  I will take a 2 day clinic sometime in the spring at a local college but I don't want to wait till then to get back in the water.

Any basic plans, training methods, when or why I would use fins or a pull bouy etc.  would be greatl appreciated. 

Are Total Immersion DVD's worth it?  Has anyone tried them and if so, which ones should I get? 

BTW, work has totally F'd my training plan this week, I hate when that happens. 1 out of 3 days so far, I was shooting for 5 of 7!

still time, you can do it!!!! as far as swimming goes, i am not a strong swimmer by any means as my strengths are more the run then the bike.........and i used a coach as well.  we have some strong swimmers in this group it sounds like so how about it guys?!?!!?  can we help each other out?

2010-01-13 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Best run ever today!  Wish running always felt like that! 
2010-01-14 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Hey all,

Had a great workout today.  Wanted to go further and faster on the run but then I told myself to stick with the plan and avoid more injuries.  I really don't want to get shin splints and tigh calves again.

Ann-Marie:  Awsome to hear that you had a great run.  Any advice you can pass on to us to help our runs be great?

Wade:  Let me know how those compression socks work out.  I tried on a pair of compression sleeves (2XU) at IM Lousiville (spectator not competitor) and they felt pretty good.  I would love to find something that helps the tightness in my claves and maybe my shin splint recurring issues.

Brian:  I am not an expert on swimming, but last year I was in a support group with a former collegiate swimmer, Sesh.  Below is what he passed on to us when I asked the same question.  I have modified his advice a little bit and use the ladder drills he talks about a lot.  I don't do IM stuff, just can't get the butterfly to work for me.  I try to mix up my swim workouts everyday, just to so that it is not boring and gives my mind something to think about.  Below is what he passed on to us, sorry that it is a little long:

There are three things you can work on when swimming.

1. Form

2. Endurance

3. Speed

My typical swim, when I'm figuring them out on my own, would be a warm up, drills, and a main set.  So, every single day I swam, I worked on form.  Then, I'd either be working on endurance or speed. 

Form:  The drills were real basic stuff.  Kick drills, single arm, catch-up, etc.  Stuff you probably do in a masters class or are included in swim workouts you can find just about anywhere.  My endurance sets had a broad range.

Endurance:  These main sets included all sorts of stuff.  For a while, a favorite of mine was a 500 free followed by a 400 IM.  I'd reapeat that as many times as I felt like.  Sometimes I'd do ladders.  Maybe it was 500,400,300,200,100.  When I got ambitious, it was 2000, 1500, 1000, 500 (I only did that once ).  You could do 8x200 or 5x300... whatever, as long as you swim longer sets at a nice relaxed pace.  And by relaxed, I don't necessarily mean easy.  It means a pace that you can hold for the entire time.  For example, if you're doing 4x400 and you're fastest (really hard effort) 100 time is 1:30, then you might want to hold a 1:45-1:50/100 pace for each 400 yard set.  I also work in sets with paddles in endurance swims.  Sometimes a 500, sometimes a few 200s.  Paddles are easily my favorite swim tool because they really can build your strength and endurance as well as point out a flaw in your pull.  They also make you feel like you just got done lifting weights.  LOVE THEM!

Speed:  You absolutely have to work on form and endurance to go fast, but you also have to swim fast on occasion to go fast.  My favorite/most grueling speed set is 20x50 sprints.  Pick any number of 50s you'd like to do, though.  It's also fun/painful to do any number of 100 or 25 sprints as well.  Descends are another great set to do.  Basically, you swim a 100 with the first 25 nice and easy, the second 25 a little faster, the third even faster, and the last 25 should be a sprint.  Do a few of those and you'll be feeling it  

Stuff like this is completely within your ability right now.  You're swimming over 1600 yards regularly, so there is ample yardage to work in some good stuff.  For a form/endurance example:

200 wu

6x50 drills (single arm, catch-up, fist, finger tip, kick, pull)

400, 300, 200, 100 ladder

100 cd

That is 1600 yards.  If you want to go bigger (and of course I suggest you do! , then start the ladder at 500.

A form speed example:

200 wu

6x50 drills (single arm, catch-up, fist, finger tip, kick, pull)

2x100 sprint

100 ez

8x50 sprint

100 ez

8x25 sprint

100 cd

That's a pretty good speed workout that will wear you out.

Basically, my advice to anyone is to find your comfort zone in the water.  Find a pace that you can hold, is comfortable and lets you feel like your stroke is clean and efficient.  That's your endurance swim pace.  Toss in some speed workouts for a few weeks (but keep doing those endurance swims!), then see if you can't bump that endurance pace up, or see if you can't bump that endurance yardage up (hold the same pace if you go up in distance).  It'll probably suck for a while, but when that becomes comfortable, repeat the process.

The fun part is, the faster you get, the more and more and more you have to do just to gain even a little bit of speed
2010-01-14 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

Not to make the previous post any longer, but below are a couple of links to BT Swim programs:

Beginner programs -

Intermediate programs -

Swim Drills -

Swim Q&A with by -

I might do some of these myself, looks like some good information.

2010-01-14 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2613467

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

You da man!  That is a lot to digest, I will sit down with it tonight to try to formulate a plan for myself but I will have questions for you.  Thanks so much for digging all that up and posting it!

2010-01-15 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Great post Eric...good stuff. I've got a month or so to digest it and get a plan together for when I start my 20wk program next month. Thanks
2010-01-15 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Anybody work out today?  I did not get my swim in this morning due to a 6am Men's Bible Study, but plan on getting out of work a little early (4ish) and getting in my 1200m, plus lower body weights and core.

I thought I would throw this question out to see if anyone has any experience.  I am looking for a new pair of shoes, I currently run Asics Nimbus 10 (neutral) and I tried on a pair of Newtons at the IM Louisville gear buy.  I liked how they fit, but I heard that they really tear up your calves because they change your running style to more midfoot instead of heel strike.  I am hesitant to drop $150 on a pair of shoes that I have never run in before, especially if they might change my running style.  Remember that I have recurring shin splints and tight calves anyway. 

I anyone has advice on the Newtons or even the Zoot's (I saw some on sale for only $68) I would love to hear it.

2010-01-15 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I got a decent lift in today and spent  a bonus 15 minutes on a spin bike.

I know nothing about shoes, I've been meaning to visit a local run shop to have my run analyized for nearly 2 months now. They do a whole video analysis to determine what kind of runner you are, yadda-yadda-yadda.  I know I'm running in the wrong shoes, I just need to take the time , talk to someone who knows what they are doing, see what shoes will work best for me and get them without breaking the bank.  

Good Luck!  
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