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2010-02-16 3:03 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Yes, consistency.  I haven't got it either.  After posting about how jolly great I am i have gone down with a cold, sore throat, bad head and aches everywhere. So, no training yesterday or today and I hope to do some gentle stuff on Wednesday regardless. I am very sleepy with it too so i have to save my energy for work. Still,  reading other posts i am encouraged that I an not the only one.
Just going to boil the kettle for another lemsip. Smile

2010-02-16 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2674407

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Well, it may not make it better, but it gives me some relief to know that I am not the only one who has life getting in the way of training. But Rob has great advice in reaching those little or big milestones.

A little bragging but insight to my training - I could only swim 25 meters in July of 2008. Really. I swam for about 2 months and then stopped swimming for the winter months I then swam during the summer of 2009 without much focus, but continued to increase my distance abilities. I finished my first sprint at the end of the summer and today I can do over 1000 meters on any given workout at a pretty good pace. So yes, it takes time, but just like eliminating your walking you have to reflect on where you started and where you are now.  There is only room for improvement.

As for my goals now. Continue to try and have focused workouts. I think 1 Mar I may try a different workout plan that will continue to help me in preparation for my summer sprint series.

As for races I have a mini duathlon I am participating in this weekend. 1.5 mile run, 10 mile bike, 1.5 mile run. I am dong this one just for fun and to compete against a few guys I work with. A little office bragging rights. lol.  Then next month I have a trail run duathlon with a 1 mile climb up a rock at the end. Some may call it a small mountain. Either way. These 2 races are just to keep me interested until summer. Training gets really boring and the excitment of racing is what really drives me.

Keep working towards those milestones!
2010-02-19 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2676652

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

I've had another "life getting in the way" week, with some unexpected time killers that popped up, but things seem to be calming down no.  That's just part of the deal - we are not professional triathletes, so we do the best we can with the time we have available.

Good luck this weekend Zane!

2010-02-19 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Yes, good luck Zane. And let us know how it went.
2010-02-20 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2589783


Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
I am trying to put some money together for a road bike.  Any suggestions on a bike for around $1,000.00?
2010-02-21 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2684035

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

You can get a pretty solid road or tri bike for that amount, especially if you look for used deals on Ebay.  I have to believe you could get a nice carbon frame, with Ultegra components.

2010-02-22 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

The race went very well. I placed 1st in the fat tire division and 37th overall out of about 100 on the short course. I posted all the info to my race log, but total time was 1:06.

Never again will I let my friends suck me into competing with them on a mountain bike, on a road course, when I own a roadbike. lol. It stinks to come off the run ahead of alot of people only to be passed about 100 times. Funniest thing is those guys with the full disc wheels.  You can hear them coming and then they whip by you like you are standing still.

All and all I am very pleased. Not because I somehow managed to get first, but because I felt really strong and prepared for the race. Sure it was a short course, but this was only my second race and I am learning alot of little things each time.

Funnest part of the race - I got passed by a fellow fat tire participate about 2 miles from the end of the bike. I then passed him on run 2. Him and I joked about it after the race. I am still uncertain if he really knew he was ahead. Good stuff.

Next race is another duathlon at the end of March.

2010-02-22 10:18 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Rob - Forgot to ask, besides the slow week, how is P90X going?
2010-02-23 3:37 AM
in reply to: #2687410

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Congratulations Zane!  Sounds like a you had a great race!  It must be a good feeling to get out there and realize you're prepared, strong, and ready! 

Hope the rest of your races this season go as well.

2010-02-23 4:15 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Well done Zannard. Sounds great. And coming first - brill.  I'm not competing at all till May. Still - i probably need the time ha ha.

So, how many days have you given yourself of afterwards or do you have to get straight back to training?
2010-02-23 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Grats Zane, I am ready to get started myself although I dont feel ready physically, I do want to see the process more than anything else. I am a little concerned though. Everyone I talk to about the tri I am looking at say they have never been colder in thier life(still a bit cold for Texans in early March). Think I will keep a close eye on the weather. We already have recieved more snow here in east Texas than I have ever seen in my life this year.

2010-02-24 8:04 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

I agree it seems to be colder in Texas this year than last.  I can't wait to get outside and play for all my training.  One of my motivaters to train in the summer is I get to go from my windowless building to an outdoor swimming pool. I also work on my tan, "bonus" 

I wish you good luck with your up coming race. I looked at your race log. I assume you are looking at the one in Athens?

Do you have a time goal or another goal for your race?

2010-02-25 5:13 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Nice work Zane! Did you beat the guys from your office?

Gotta say I'm jealous of those of you who are already into race season, although it does sound like it might be pretty chilly still, even in Texas.

The P90X program is still going pretty well.  Again, I don't think I'd recommend the whole program to someone just getting started in triathlon, as it is very time consuming and that time is probably better spent on specific tri training. For me, it's a way to shake up the routine, and to get my body into a better shape to re-launch my tri and running seasons.  I've lost ten pounds, which is pretty good considering that I'm just over six feet tall and was at 177 when I started two months ago, and also good considering that I definitely have more muscle than I did before. I'm supposed to take my day 60 picture this weekend and see how it compares to the day 1 pics. 


2010-03-03 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
We've all been a bit quiet this week. Is it because we are all busy training? I wish that were my excuse. I am just jogging along and managing about half of my planned training every week. I must get my bike out on the actual road soon - it will be May and my first race before i know it!!

Hope to hear from you all soon

2010-03-03 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi Jennifer,

I wish I could say I've been so busy training I haven't posted but...I'm struggling on the run too. 

I tried to take it outside and OMG I about died.  I went by myself the first time and I think I beat myself mentally in the first 10 steps.  As I took those first few jogging steps, all I could think of was that this was too hard and was going to hurt too much.  I lasted about 3 minutes and quit and started walking.   This burned since on the treadmill I was jogging for 25-28 minutes straight so I figured I could at least go  for 15 minutes outside.  I tried again a few days later with my husband and managed to jog 1/2 mile, walked a 1/2 mile and then let him talk me into sprints between street lights for a 1/2 mile.  I almost died.  But I didn't.  We did another 1/2 mile jog and then cooled out.  So this was better, but my lord, was I sore for the next few days.  So I skipped a run. 

Then I weighed.  8 weeks of working out and I lost 2.6lbs.  That's it.  Killed my resolve pretty thoroughly. 

So Monday's run was very half hearted.  Soon as it started to hurt, I quit.  My right shin felt weird at the 5 minute mark, so I walked.  I am a quitter. 

Last week I swam 10,000 yards total and it was easy, worst part was making sure my suit was dry before I had to swim again.  I don't like putting on damp suits.  Brrr.  Monday, I figured its not like I'm losing any weight doing this so I only did a mile.  Told ya I was a quitter. 

Today, I tried to get back on track.  Did 5k this morning on the tm, wu 5 min, run 8, walk 2, repeat 2 more times and then I finished the rest of the mileage with a 4 min run, 2 min walk, 4 min run, cd.  Took me 47:47.  Pathetically slow.  But I did it.  Changed and jumped in the pool and knocked out 2500 yards in 50 minutes with a killer set of 900yds that included some all out 100's with fins and some ucky all out 200 yd kick sets.  My legs were toast after that set.  Had lunch with the husband and then came home and took the bikes out around the neighborhood.  I went 8 miles which is the furthest I've gone but we also stopped to look at some house models and took a tiny break too.  I am still slow as molasses on the bike but I'm getting less scared.  I am hoping to get slick tires for the bike in a month or so.  Hopefully that will help. 

I'm going to try my best to recommit and just let go of the baggage.  I'm disappointed that I didn't lose more weight but, honestly, I didn't watch the diet too close.  I just figured going from hardly anything to so much would help but...weird thing tho, all my clothes fit better and I have had several people tell me I look like I've lost weight but the scale is not showing that much lost.  I'm also going to keep going outside to run about 2x a week and not expect too much and just be happy with the fact that I'm outside adn I'm doing something.  I need to keep a more positive outlook, 2 months ago, I couldn't jog to the end of the block!

Hope everyone is having a good week and that training is going well.

2010-03-04 12:47 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Hi Ronda,

Reading your post, you don't sound like a quitter. You sound like the rest of one step forward and about 21/2 back!1. But you keep trying..therefore you haven't quit.  But, i too am getting the concept that a lot of this training lark is in your mind and not your body. When I'm running on the treadmill and checking my heartrate..its only two beats above my fast walk rate after 5 mins of 'running' i am assuming my body is managing fine..its just me that is feeling like i can't go on!

And I'm sure this weight thing is just a number. If you are feeling better, and people think you are looking thinner, who cares what the scales actually say. and I bet your fat % has dropped!

And .. we must remember that we are doing this for fun!! Its supposed to be enjoyable. What's most important at the end of the day..cycling 8 miles non stop or spending good time with your hubby, even if you have a stop or two.    Wow, I think I've convinced myself  now!!Laughing

Also, i was mooching round internet the other day (also an important part of tri taining) and found some t-shirts that say 'slow is the new fast', I so want one of those.

Well done ronda Smile


2010-03-04 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Ooh, I totally want one of those shirts too! 

I know its mental because when I check my hr, like yours, its not even really elevated.  So, I figure I am just going to have to buckle down and keep at it.  Its a new month so that's my goal.  To just keep doing it.


2010-03-07 12:04 AM
in reply to: #2589783

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Sorry Zane for not replying back to your post and yes my goal was to finish. lol

I did do the Athens tri today and it was an absolutely perfect day for it, not too hot or cold.

My goal going into this thing was to see how its done since I've never done a tri or even seen one for that matter. I learned a lot and had a great time doing it. Lots of lessons learned for the next one. I filled out a race report although I dont know how to tell yall to find it.
2010-03-07 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2705992

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Ronda - it seems like most women I know don't lose weight very fast when run or tri training, but they do notice the change in clothes being looser. As Jennifer said, I would bet that you have lost fat and gained some muscle, and over time you'll see the scale move.

As far as the mental aspect of running: I have been running consistently for six years, have run marathons, ironman, etc., but still get those thoughts of "This sucks, I hate this, why am I doing this" at the beginning of a lot of runs. To me, I just have to shut out those thoughts and start running, and eventually you settle into a groove and it doesn't seem so bad. Keep at it, you are doing great and making great progress!

2010-03-07 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

Tommy - A huge CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on completing your first tri!

Here is the link to his race report so people can check it out:

You can find the race reports in that part of the forums, but there are so many people on BT now that most reports quickly end up on the second page and get lost in the shuffle.

Sounds like T1 will be an area for improvement, and yeah, I would bag the heartrate monitor and just go by feel for future races.  Your T2 was pretty speedy - some people like the elastic laces, but personally I just prefer my shoes to be a little loose anyway, so I keep them tied but can still just slip them on in T2.

Congratulations again!

2010-03-08 2:28 AM
in reply to: #2712270

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
jstdoit - 2010-03-07 6:04 AM Sorry Zane for not replying back to your post and yes my goal was to finish. lol I did do the Athens tri today and it was an absolutely perfect day for it, not too hot or cold. My goal going into this thing was to see how its done since I've never done a tri or even seen one for that matter. I learned a lot and had a great time doing it. Lots of lessons learned for the next one. I filled out a race report although I dont know how to tell yall to find it.

Yes, well done Tommy - you did brill. Now i have something to aspire to in may. If only it would all be over for me after 1 3/4 hrs. Well, we'll see.

2010-03-08 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Tommy- Great job on your first race! I think your overall time was pretty darn good. Congrats.

Ronda - Don't beat yourself up. I agree you can't forget we do this for fun. I know some days it seems as if it is too much to take on and you don't see any results, but consistancy over the long term will get you to where you want to be. A year from now you probably won't even know what the fuss was all about. Justs keep going.

I haven't posted for awhile and must say my exercise routine has been lacking for about a week and a half.  I caught a serious sinus infection that took me down last weekend and lasted strong throughout the week.  I am still trying to kick it today, but managed to get a short run in. I am normally a pretty heathly person and it pains me to sit on the sideline. But I honestly counldn't do much of anything. I also had to get the H1N1 vacination (military thing) which I think aggravated the situation.  And they say it doesn't make you sick. That's crap. Either way, I'm getting back on the horse.

Oh. and my wife loves those bungee shoe laces.  I bought some but haven't installed them. I like how normal shoe laces feel too. Although they did cause me some problems on transition when I slid my foot into my shoe and my tongue pushed down to my toe. I just stopped and fixed it. I think I lost a whole 10 seconds. whoopiedeedoo.

Have a good week!    
2010-03-10 12:08 AM
in reply to: #2715360

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
Thanks Zane.

Hope you're feeling better!

Here's to a good week for us all!

2010-03-15 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2589783

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Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed

How's everyone doing this week? Any races coming up this weekend for anyone?

For me, I'm just transitioning back into tri training after my P90X experiment. It's been a very early spring here in Maine, so I'm ready to get back out there.

2010-03-16 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2589783

Subject: RE: Maine Rob's Group - Closed
So what do you really think about the P90X experience? As I said before I only made it to around the 70 day mark.  It really got boring for me in front of the tv every night. I know tri training is time consuming, but P90X just seemed to eat up hours. I guess i can break up the tri training at different times of the day where P90X was everyday in the evenings for me.

Either way, did it work for you?

No races for me this weekend. I have another duathlon next weekend. Not sure how competitive I will be at this race, but will be a huge challenge and lots of fun.

So is it done raining in Maine? lol

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