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2011-01-12 7:00 PM
in reply to: #3294360

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

apwsalem - 2011-01-12 9:19 AM Back at it on the eliptical today.  First day back since the dreaded COLD set in last week.  My Whole family got it including my husband who is also training for the triathlon.  He's not too happy right now.  I am bummed with this little setback and was only able to do 30 minutes on the eliptical today, but I am glad to be getting back on track.  I think this evening I may try to get another short workout in. 

Hope everyone is having a good week.

Glad you are feeling better!

I have to ask why the eliptical?  You are a triathlete you should swim bike or run

2011-01-12 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3295684

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

lrunfit - 2011-01-12 4:40 PM

Glad to hear everyone is getting in their workouts. I got in a run today and a spin.  I am staying with my parents in California right  now and the area they live in there are a lot of hilly, windy roads and a lot of cyclists.  Next time I am here I am going to have to rent a bike and get in some riding!

and bring Tammy along....

2011-01-12 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3295903

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

You asked " why the eliptical"...I have one in my basement.  I wasn't sure how I would do with my breathing in the pool due to my cold and I was a little unsure about how much coughing I would do so I just decided to stay in my own home today. 

Thanks for the advice and encouragement.  It's nice to be called "a triathlete".  That was a first for me  I am planning on getting in the pool and back on the bike Friday. 

2011-01-12 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3295968

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

apwsalem - 2011-01-12 7:33 PM

You asked " why the eliptical"...I have one in my basement.  I wasn't sure how I would do with my breathing in the pool due to my cold and I was a little unsure about how much coughing I would do so I just decided to stay in my own home today. 

Thanks for the advice and encouragement.  It's nice to be called "a triathlete".  That was a first for me  I am planning on getting in the pool and back on the bike Friday. 

ok...good excuse

Let us know how the rest of the week goes!

2011-01-12 8:29 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
mmmm...tomorrow is an off day...resting HR was up to 58 this morning..up from 50!  I need rest....too much excitement in my life...hee hee!
2011-01-12 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3296080

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

jjkatzenberger - 2011-01-12 8:29 PM mmmm...tomorrow is an off day...resting HR was up to 58 this morning..up from 50!  I need rest....too much excitement in my life...hee hee!

gotta love a girl who takes her rhr

2011-01-12 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL all honesty...the increased rhr could have been from the late night out having wine with my friends.  Oops,
did I really openly admit that!  Oh well...I will take a day of rest anyways Innocent
2011-01-13 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
How are you all managing nutrition?  Do you follow any specific plan?  I'm really struggling and I think I need better structure (and perhaps some will-power .  I've looked into sports nutritionists but I'm not sure the expense is worth it.  Thoughts/ideas?
2011-01-13 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

Hey...the elliptical rocks

I would love to hear ideas on nutrition. 

2011-01-13 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
I second Lisa!  I would love to know what supplements or nutrition drinks everyone uses either before, during or after racing.
2011-01-13 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL

Ahhh... nutrition... a fun topic!

First of all everyone is different and everyones body responds  a little differently to different things.

This is what I like

Before.... usually not much if I ahvent eaten Ill have a few sharkies or gu chomps or whatever.  During this season I did use a product called no explode.... I liked it but not really convinced of its benefits...maybe a mental thing

If you work out early you should really have a little of something..esp if its over an hour.... some banana, sip some gatorade....

I dont usually take anything unless its 90 min or more or maybe Id take something during if I had a hard workout earlier and felt underfueled.  I like powerbar gels for running....added benefit they are on the ironman course.  Sometimes if I get sick of gels I like Honey stingers...they are the bomb....also like these on the bike.

Depending on how long my ride is determines what I will take.  Most of the summer when I was training for 70.3 or less I just took a bottle of infinit (go to my blog there is a discount code).... you make your own formula.  Now that I have my formula right I really like it.  This is what I use during races and will use if for Ironman distance...ill do 4 or 5 bottles and maybe a clif bar and a banana.

Once are over that 90 min mark...usually aim for about 100 cal/hr on the run a little more on the bike.  Again...some need more some need less.

If its really hot Ill use endurolytes also... Im not a huge fan of them but they seem to help some...just dont overdo it.

After I like plain old choc milk the best..... the gatorade recovery drink is ok too.  The rule is to get a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protien

Thats me anyways...


2011-01-13 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Well daily in the morning,  I always have whey protein either mixed in my cereal or if I yogurt only will then have a protein shake.

 not necessarily before a workout.   I have a glass of No-Xplode  been doing this for like 9 months.   If It's going to be a loong  hard workout  I will sometimes have a second glass later in the day. 

I try to think about potassium levels a lot.  To help guard against cramping.  So I will get this from many sources. (tomato juice,  banana, supplements)     

big believer in Omega-3   so besides eating a lot of fish, I also supplement this in capsule form in the am and the pm.

Ok so before a short race,   lots of water,  some gatorade (which I don't have ordinarily as I'm a type 2 diabetic)  BUT I want to make sure my blood sugar is a lil higher.     If its a warmer day I may use a gu before the race.    Also will have either a banana or 1/2 clif bar. 

During a shorter race  I go water only.    1/2 marathon I will alternate water/gator aide.   and take a gu before the race and another about 6 miles in.   I also carry some power bar gel blasts.  and will  eat  a couple of every other mile.

marathon   about 4 GU depending on temp. (plain water after GU, gatorade when no gu) more gel-blasts  some endurlyte caps as well.   I will again alternate gatorade/water 

Olympic- one bottle gatorade   one bottle water only   2 gu taped on bike  and some more gel-blasts.

Half Iron-  2 bottles infinit, 1 bottle plain water,  4-5 GU on bike,  gel blasts and endurlyte caps.    Will take sports drink at bottle exchange depending. 

After hard regular workout  try and have another protein shake.

Sometimes if I have failed with enough protein I will then have a Casein protein shake before bed.    If not, then banana. 
otherwise  after race drink is  BEER!      

Anyhow not sure that answers the nutrition question to the point.  But essentially this how i normally think about it.    I'm actually always experimenting a bit with the above to see if there is a better way.

Edited by oriolepwr 2011-01-13 8:41 PM
2011-01-13 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
I guess I'm a minimalist as far as "nutrition" (in the sport-specific sense of the word) is concerned. Day to day, I don't follow any particular diet; just try to eat a variety of healthy foods.  A big challenge is that I really dislike sweets and am lactose intolerant. Both appear to be some kind of genetic thing--both my mother and I get nausea and stomach cramps from anything beyond small amounts of sugar (sucrose) or milk.  We find the taste of most sweet things uncomfortable and disgusting. I think we lack some enzyme to digest these kinds of sugars. I can eat fruit with no problem (thank goodness); she can't. 

This makes it hard for me to use products like gu, gel, and recovery drinks.  So I pretty much rely on natural stuff like fruit, juice, and PB sandwiches!  Before a morning run or bike, I eat an energy bar (a brand without refined sugar) or banana if it's 90 minutes or more; otherwise maybe a glass of juice or just water. (Hydration is more critical here.)  I never eat while running, regardless of distance--it doesn't sit well. I do have a few kinds of elecrolyte drinks I can tolerate so I take those on longer runs; otherwise just water. On long bike rides I sometimes take another energy bar or banana and this works out okay.

Not a morning person so breakfast is a challenge unless I've worked out first. Plus my aversion to sweets puts me off most American breakfasts! Love the pho (rice noodles with beef and lots of spices) here.  After workouts, I usually have cereal with soymilk and throw in some banana chips and cashews; sometimes toast with peanut butter and bananas, plus some fruit juice.  The whole chocolate milk thing would make me really ill! 

I realize I'll have a real challenge if I do longer distance tris, finding something I can tolerate to give me enough energy to finish! 

2011-01-13 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
geez....Tammy and have nutrition down to a science!!!  Here I thought just having a bowl of Wheaties before a race was good enough....hee hee!

Seriously...I know better than that!  I will have to look into the supplements you mentioned.  I drink chocolate milk after every workout, like Tammy, Always!!!  I take omega-3 and eat alot of Salmon and fish.  I also take glutathione...a strong antioxidant I got from my chiropractor, as well as magnesium and vitamin D+ calcium since I have a collarbone to heal...yet again.  I try to eat as clean as possible but still need some greasy fries or what I call a "free" day.  It helps stave off the cravings.

When I do half marathons I drink water alternate with gatorade and lots of a packet every 3-4 miles...I seem to need it.  Before every race I always have a cup of coffee, cliff bar, banana, and 12 ounce is my magic potion..hee hee.  I have a very fussy stomach and have learned that is the best pre-race meal.

Post-race....I love a great burger and beer!!!!  You know beer has cromium and Runner's World says it is great for runners!!!
2011-01-14 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
I am just learning about nutrition during races.  Basically that is my biggest challenge. I am fine at th shorter distances - sprints or half marys. bonk although at Boston I was a little more successful.  This year I am going to have to experiment some more.  Training for Boston I found out a lot about what DIDN'T work.  So....water and endurolytes are my drink of choice on the run. I don't handle gatorade at all! Heed works on the bike though and I am going to try Infinit this year. 

After trying pretty much every gel that exists I foud that Shot Blocs are a better option especially beacause I can take one at a time and it is not all messy like gels.  This year I want to try some "real" food while I run like raisins, pretzels, etc.

I workout super early in the morning but I still have bread w/PB before I do workout and breakfast which is usually cottage cheese and bread after.  I did find last year training for Boston that if I ate a little bit of turkey and soy milk (I am latose intolerant as well) RIGHT after a long run it seemed to help. I also like the gatorade recovery drink.

2011-01-14 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Thanks for the excellent advice.  I think I fuel appropriately before workouts and races, but maybe not enough or not the right kinds of things during.  I used to use a lot of Clif shots but I don't really like them, although as someone else mentioned, the Clif Bloks work well for me since they are less messy and they don't taste so syrupy.  I'm probably going to experiment with more "real" food items during long workouts this spring.

How do you guys manage general nutrition in general, outside of workouts?  Do you follow a specific plan or calorie count every day?  As I'm getting older, I really struggle with cravings and binge eating, especially in the middle of the night (I work primarily overnight shifts). Obesity runs rampant in my family and I swear every day is a battle to prevent myself from going the way of my predecessors!  It's been so hard hard to manage and I'm beginning to think I need a rigid diet plan to control this.   Thoughts/experiences?

2011-01-14 5:38 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
I certainly don't follow any diet or plan, other than avoiding what makes me sick! (Which makes for a pretty healthy diet, if one takes calcium supplements. Too bad I can't market whatever quirk of DNA makes me hate sweets!)  I do try to pay attention to getting enough protein, animal or vegetable. I find that a lot of my running and tri-buddies don't, esp, if they're vegetarian, and they seem to get sick or injured more often. Basically I follow the food pyramid--2 or 3 servings of protein, 4-6 of carbs, 4-6 of fruits and veggies; try to stick to mostly unprocessed foods. We have a great cafeteria at school where you can create organic Dagwood sandwiches of roast chicken and turkey, veggies, hummus, etc. One challenge is that, beyond our school cafeteria, it's hard to get whole-grain anything here in Vietnam. Otherwise, Vietnamese food is really healthy and suited for me--lots of lean protein and fresh veggies, no dairy, and very little sugar.

I think if cravings are a struggle, the best thing is not to leave the food around the house. If you must indulge, buy only a small amount of really good stuff.  Making sure you refuel after workouts also helps. Sometimes if I don't, I end up with the late-night munchies!  My guess is that rigid plans would make you continually think about what you eat--probably not healthy. I can see doing a food diary for a week or so just to look for patterns, but not long-term. Food should be about nourishment, not stress, programs, and deprivation. Maybe consulting a nutritionist (one who works with athletes) would be helpful. 

Edited by Hot Runner 2011-01-14 5:41 PM
2011-01-14 8:55 PM
in reply to: #3257156


Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Got in an 800 meter swim tonight! Short run tomorrow and spin again on Sunday. Rainy this weekend here. My plantar fascitis seems to be irritated again slightly on my left foot I will have baby it a bit. Probably time for new shoes. Have a great weekend everyone. As far as nutrition I am still on a major weight reduction plan. Balanced carb 80g and protein low fat. I will have to adjust as I get closer to race day.
2011-01-14 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3299663

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
SpottedCow - 2011-01-14 11:39 AM Thanks for the excellent advice.  I think I fuel appropriately before workouts and races, but maybe not enough or not the right kinds of things during.  I used to use a lot of Clif shots but I don't really like them, although as someone else mentioned, the Clif Bloks work well for me since they are less messy and they don't taste so syrupy.  I'm probably going to experiment with more "real" food items during long workouts this spring.

How do you guys manage general nutrition in general, outside of workouts?  Do you follow a specific plan or calorie count every day?  As I'm getting older, I really struggle with cravings and binge eating, especially in the middle of the night (I work primarily overnight shifts). Obesity runs rampant in my family and I swear every day is a battle to prevent myself from going the way of my predecessors!  It's been so hard hard to manage and I'm beginning to think I need a rigid diet plan to control this.   Thoughts/experiences?

Cliff blocks are good but sticky to me.  the power bar gel blasts are not sticky taste good as well.   But you cant beat a GU (or variant) for QUICK efficient energy shot.   The cliff blocks and their variants  will not deliver that energy as quickly.   To me they really have different purposes.

Cliff blocks/gel blasts/sport beans  etc are glucose "maintenance"     GU's are "I'm low and need to come back" energy sources.    That's the way I view them.  

general nutrition/eating/binges etc:    I think everyone battles this.  I also do not believe that it "runs in families"   Sorry to say it in this way.   Its a cop out.   too easy to say.     You can say that my family is not good at the fundamentals of nutrition and exercise.   Thus I need some help in this area.    Perhaps you get upset reading it  this way.   I hope you look at this from the positive side.  You are not destined to become obese.  it just does not HAVE to happen.    So its about choices. 

  Personally I hate the idea of eliminating all temptation (the old throw away everything in the house that is bad for you)     My kids and wife do not have to eat the way I want to.  Its their choice. So they do not need to do this.  It would only make them rebel anyhow.   I also think that elimination of temptation is unrealistic  cause as soon as you go away from home or wherever  there it is.  Bad food choices all around you. 

 In my opinion and it IS only my opinion.  The best method is to simply just decide one food item at a time to eliminate or better yet substitute with.     The"eat this, not that"  method.   Then once you have decided to eliminate say  coconut creme pie out of your life  then its gone.  FOREVER!   get it down to just the "nitty gritty items"   there are some items I will NEVER eliminate.    But initially you really do not know what these are till it gets DOWN to the "nitty gritty"     Also along the way, you find new things that you never would have eaten and never knew you really love.    I have to say one thing I will never eliminate from my life though I do not have it but rarely.  KEY LIME PIE!  Damn I said that out loud.  ha!     oh and beer.      So dieting is not a good word.    Modification....  that's a better word  as they say its a life style choice.

For your overnights.  You simply need to bring the food you like that is also healthy.  its just not as easy as convenience foods.  Plus they would never have it available  cause most people just are not going to choose it.  You have to bring it with you somehow.

Again sorry to be so blunt about this.  I just see so many people that look at this subject as diets and deprivation.   there is so much good food to eat out there that also tastes great.  you can eat a ton of veggies and binge on that ya know?   eat as much as you want  you will not gain weight from it.

You are active as we all are.   Motivation for me comes by telling myself over and over that 1 pound= 2sec per mile.  Everything you put in your mouth will either help your speed or it will hurt it.   Don't eat enough good stuff and your muscles cannot get stronger.   Eat poor choices and clog your arteries which will lower blood flow.   Will this food item make me faster or slower?

But sometimes I give in.  we are human and it IS food after all.    If losing once in a while enables you to win more often, then give in! Just limit it. and then do not feel bad about it.    if it does not, well then ya gotta be stronger.  its up to you.

2011-01-15 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3300837

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Ok.. I am going to agree with some of what Dave says and disagree too . First of all I have struggled with an eating disorder and probaly still have some eating issues. I also went to school a few years when I was thinking about being a dietician!I think the shot blocks do work like a gel.... They hit you pretty fast. The difference is that the gel is approx 100 cals where the shot block is what....30?Also I think what Dave is really trying to say is that eating should be a way of life not a deprivation or substitution. Ok maybe he's not saying that but he should.I rarely eat crap....but if I want it I would never not have it. I want a cheeseburger a beer and fries...that's what I have. I find I usually won't eat it all anyways. We are triathletes we train hard and we deserve it.I find for the most part I feel much better and perform better when I eat better. One of the best ways to look at eating is to try toneat what a caveman would eat. I know this is often unrealistic in daily life, but it's a good thing to keep in the back of your mind.Yes being leaner makes you faster but don't forgo energy for it. You cane take in fewer calories and stillnhave energy to train hard.... Just have to put some thought into it.Now I know Dave has given up a lot of things...... Maybe he should tell us how that's going???? There are things I should give soda being the number 1. I also need more variety in my diet but I'm not gonna get crazy about it...maybe come closer to ironman I will try.....
2011-01-15 6:29 AM
in reply to: #3257156

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Ok...when I typed that it had spaces and paragraphs.... iPad...meh.

2011-01-15 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
I have been scouring the internet looking at wetsuits.  I can't decide what to buy...full or sleeveless, what brand, and what I should be looking for in a high quality wetsuit.   

After the swim portion of a sprint tri in September (yes, you would think it is warm enough) at Devil's Lake and I pretty much froze every appendage off my body...I absolutely will have a wetsuit this year!!! 

Beside the fact I was one of only a few idiots without a wetsuit at this tri...never again!

Soooo...thoughts on tri wetsuits????  Undecided
2011-01-15 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3257156

New user

Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Think I am back on track now......4 mile run today  I feel GREAT!!  Hope you all are having a good weekend!!
2011-01-15 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
Wet suit thoughts?    well its good to use them in triathlon.  Makes you go faster and stay warm.  That is all I have.  Sorry.  lol

Seriously:  Ok  I really thought initially that a full suit was the way to go. I bought a full xterra vector pro  model.   it was expensive and supposed to be really good.   Was it?  well I suppose that it is but I found that full suits just wore me out.  any tightness in the shoulder area just is a drag for me.   It also was harder for me to get out of.  And to top it all off it was just plain expensive.

So what did I do?  I then saw a sale and bought ANOTHER wet suit.  This time a sleeveless cheap version  the xterra volt.  U can get one for $99

Its been great.  I really have found that I am warm despite the no sleeves.  sure sometimes at the start my arms begin cold, but they warm up once the gun goes off.   I get out of the suit much easier/faster  I find that there is also less of the angst  regarding wow is it going to be too WARM?  for a wetsuit?    (I swear other than Racine and Kansas, every single tri they have been borderline as to if wetsuits could even be used)   Well for me anyhow I just found that the sleeveless is just more practical .    

If I were to do it all over again.   I'd buy the sleeveless volt for $99   why spend more?   if its not good enough for you, then u still have the sleeveless option for warmer tri's  and did not spend an arm and a leg to get it.  You can then buy a sleeved suit.  I would not pay much for a full suit cause you probably would opt to use the sleeveless.  Just sayin. 

      Xterra is simply a wonderful company to deal with as well.   They send it to you quick, if it does not fit  send it back and they will send you another no big deal.     Are others better?  I don't know  probably yes.     But I'll stick with Xterra    great peeps!

Edited by oriolepwr 2011-01-15 3:56 PM
2011-01-15 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3257156

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Subject: RE: Tripletmom01 Group FULL
yup...was looking at the xterra today for $99 online.  Thinking that will be the way to go.  Thought full sleeve might be good but I suppose I probably would be better off sleeveless. 

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