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2011-04-21 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3459708

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Here's my first race report - first tri, first off-road tri, first time riding a MTB in a race:

This was one of the craziest things I have ever been involved in. But I made it and I was not dead last: 116th of 124 overall and 31st of 33 in my age group. Plus, I tore past a 65 year old woman and 80 year old guy on the run… BOOYAH!

Here are the results:

Swim 10:23: More of a controlled drown than a swim, never did an open water swim before and never swam in a pack. I kept getting kicked and running into people so I could never really get a rhythm going and basically flailed my way through the swim. At one point I took a heel in the nose which knocked my breathe out and needed to do some back stroking to regain composure. I made it through however. At one point I was totally freaking out but I kept it together. The swim was very mentally challenging for me.

Bike 45:50: My mountain bike is broken and I cannot use either the small or large chain ring. There is also something wrong with the middle ring and the gears keep slipping. I will need to get the thing repaired before the next race. Also, I have never ridden off road before. I handled all but one hill fine. Problems occurred when (a) I got lost for a little while (b) I ran into a tree and sand pits and got knocked off the bike a few times and (c) the chain fell off due to the above gearing issues. I think if my equipment works and I follow the trail signs I’d be better off. I know I can improve substantially here with a little practice.

Run 27:40: This went fine. Looking for a sub 30 min run so I am pretty happy here. Since I was so slow on the bike my legs did not have that “brick” feeling I usually have after a practice bike-run transition. No reason I cannot get the run time under 27 minutes.

Summary: Total time: 1:23:53. I am happy with myself for completing this. I had originally signed up for 1 tri in September, which I intended to be my only race figuring I’d need at least 8-9 months to train. However, I wanted to “test the skills” and figured what the heck. I had never swam until 6 months ago, never really biked and have no real running background. I am a football player for crying out loud! I am still reflecting on whether I had “fun” last night. I will certainly pursue the sport for this season and then further reflect on it over the winter. The swim was very grueling not because of the swimming but because of the inability to really swim. Without any open space it was difficult. Any how, those are my thoughts.

2011-04-21 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3459697

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Artist - 2011-04-21 6:29 PM
rizer22 - 2011-04-21 2:51 PM

uhcoog - 2011-04-21 10:30 AM Rizer I have some buddies trying to get me into mountain biking.  Told them I don't have enough time and money to keep up with my current addiction, I don't need another.

It definitely helps with bike control!! And it's fun to get dirty sometimes!

getting dirty is what its all about

MTBing 5 miles is like road biking 20.  there are basically two speeds, 100% and 120%

2011-04-21 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3459298

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-21 1:10 PM
(and if I don't pee twice I'm not drinking enough).

Well, that's very individual dependent. Some people will pee less, some will pee more, there is no magic number which indicates hydration levels. I think it's important for people to realize this and be flexible when it come to the IM bike. A lot of nutrition "plans" and companies have AG athletes consuming too many calories and fluid on the bike which can result in GI distress on the run at best or complete GI shut down at worst. Sometimes, assuming the weather isn't extreme, it's best to drink to thirst. the concept that once you are thirsty it's too late is a fallacy and very few people suffer severe dehydration during an IM, most are sidelined by drinking too much out of fear of dehydration.

For the record, I have completed 4 Ironman's and have never pee'd during the race. I retain fluids aggressively, it's a real time saver.
2011-04-22 5:17 AM
in reply to: #3459802

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

bryancd - 2011-04-21 7:57 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-21 1:10 PM (and if I don't pee twice I'm not drinking enough).
Well, that's very individual dependent. Some people will pee less, some will pee more, there is no magic number which indicates hydration levels. I think it's important for people to realize this and be flexible when it come to the IM bike. A lot of nutrition "plans" and companies have AG athletes consuming too many calories and fluid on the bike which can result in GI distress on the run at best or complete GI shut down at worst. Sometimes, assuming the weather isn't extreme, it's best to drink to thirst. the concept that once you are thirsty it's too late is a fallacy and very few people suffer severe dehydration during an IM, most are sidelined by drinking too much out of fear of dehydration. For the record, I have completed 4 Ironman's and have never pee'd during the race. I retain fluids aggressively, it's a real time saver.

This is a really good point.  In my experience the best way to avoid GI distress is to practice race day fueling every time you train.  You're essentially "training your gut" to take in the fluids and calories. My plan is based on two sweat tests (which reveal that I'm a heavy sweater).

If you up or change the fluids and calories on race day, it can be a recipe for disaster (and stops at every port-a-pottie on the run). 

2011-04-22 5:20 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Morning everyone!  Day off of work for me.  Long key swim this morning (lots of 100s and 200s for time) and then a recovery bike with Jeff-y later today. 

In even more excitement the plan for this afternoon is to clean out the garage and color eggs (the coloring eggs part is fun).

I'm really getting excited first tri of the year (St. Anthony's) is a week from Sunday.  It'll be interesting to see what I can do.

2011-04-22 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Sprint triathlon tomorrow packet pickup this evening.

I've always been a "nervous" person and get some fun stomach issues when I get nervous...sort of already starting. I know everyone has certain levels of nerves before events (be it work, school, sports, weddings, etc.). What can I do between today and tomorrow at the start to get through this a little easier?

2011-04-22 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3460165

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-04-22 6:20 AM

Morning everyone!  Day off of work for me.  Long key swim this morning (lots of 100s and 200s for time) and then a recovery bike with Jeff-y later today. 

In even more excitement the plan for this afternoon is to clean out the garage and color eggs (the coloring eggs part is fun).

I'm really getting excited first tri of the year (St. Anthony's) is a week from Sunday.  It'll be interesting to see what I can do.

i should have swam this morning but i piad bills and did crap i have been putting off as the kids and wife are out of teh house and i have a day off. 


2011-04-22 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3459298

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Ha, ha, hopefully they will give use gloves or something . . . I am excited, I know alot of people racing.
2011-04-22 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3459737

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Thats awesome . . . take any victories you can get!!!
2011-04-22 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
So tomorrow will be my first run really in a little over 2 weeks (2x2 painful miles last week doesn't count).  I am thinking do the treadmill in case any issues pop up.  Last long run was 9.5 miles 2 weeks ago.  What distance should I try to do tomorrow assuming I can still do the 13.1 on May 7th???  Thoughts
2011-04-22 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3460325

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-22 9:14 AM

Sprint triathlon tomorrow packet pickup this evening.

I've always been a "nervous" person and get some fun stomach issues when I get nervous...sort of already starting. I know everyone has certain levels of nerves before events (be it work, school, sports, weddings, etc.). What can I do between today and tomorrow at the start to get through this a little easier?

Good luck tomorrow!!!!!!

2011-04-22 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Finally, we have decent weather on the weekend (well, today is Friday and we are closed )  Did 2 hours of yard work this morning, then 28.7 mile road ride.

About mile 18, I reach the peak of a hill, and suddenly hear this dog bark getting closer and closer.  I turn my head and see a huge a$$ German Shephard coming at me. I need to check the garmin later.  I bet my HR spiked. Thankfully it was at the top of a hill that immediately started a descent.  I started pedaling as fast as I could, and that damn dog actually ran into the street and almost got hit by a car.  I don't understand why people don't tie up their dogs that they know have a consistency to do that.  That'll be the last time I go that route

Tee Ball practice at 5:30.

I actually decided to skip tomorrow's Route 66 Series MTB Race.  It's  1 1/2 hour ride away, and it's another sprint type race.  Average time should be 30 minutes or less.  Plus it is supposed to rain hard.  As of right now, not interested.  I'll let you know if I change my mind tonight.

2011-04-22 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3461306

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

That is a great story . ..  and I bet you HR did spike!!!

I frequently run into deer when ride in Barrington Hills by my house.  They just stand there and stare, but you can't just choose a side to ride on to pass them (since you don't know which way they will go), so I was yelling, "BEEP, BEEP", hoping that would work.

2011-04-22 3:48 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
Du tomorrow. Have to leave here at 5 am to drive over the mountain. I hope the weather holds for this. I have not gotton much done in training as I am trying to heal my tri short issue from last Sunday. It is a fairly flat course so I should do ok at least on forst 5k and bike portion. We will see how second 5K goes.
2011-04-22 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3461306

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
rizer22 - 2011-04-22 1:54 PM

Finally, we have decent weather on the weekend (well, today is Friday and we are closed )  Did 2 hours of yard work this morning, then 28.7 mile road ride.

About mile 18, I reach the peak of a hill, and suddenly hear this dog bark getting closer and closer.  I turn my head and see a huge a$$ German Shephard coming at me. I need to check the garmin later.  I bet my HR spiked. Thankfully it was at the top of a hill that immediately started a descent.  I started pedaling as fast as I could, and that damn dog actually ran into the street and almost got hit by a car.  I don't understand why people don't tie up their dogs that they know have a consistency to do that.  That'll be the last time I go that route

Tee Ball practice at 5:30.

I actually decided to skip tomorrow's Route 66 Series MTB Race.  It's  1 1/2 hour ride away, and it's another sprint type race.  Average time should be 30 minutes or less.  Plus it is supposed to rain hard.  As of right now, not interested.  I'll let you know if I change my mind tonight.

Hate loose dogs. I had an encounter with a little one charging me. In our town it seems like people with little dogs seem to think they don't need to be restrained cuz they are small. Glad the Shepard didn't get a piece of you/
2011-04-22 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3460325

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-22 7:14 AM

Sprint triathlon tomorrow packet pickup this evening.

I've always been a "nervous" person and get some fun stomach issues when I get nervous...sort of already starting. I know everyone has certain levels of nerves before events (be it work, school, sports, weddings, etc.). What can I do between today and tomorrow at the start to get through this a little easier?

Good luck tomorrow-and just breathe and focus on other things until then.

2011-04-22 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3461432

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Good luck with the DU tomorrow, and to all other racers... remember the key to the DU is not going to hard on teh first run when all the adrenaline is pumping. 

kelly and I had a nice easy ride this morning, it was cold!

2011-04-22 4:55 PM
in reply to: #3461414

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Artist - 2011-04-22 4:48 PM Du tomorrow. Have to leave here at 5 am to drive over the mountain. I hope the weather holds for this. I have not gotton much done in training as I am trying to heal my tri short issue from last Sunday. It is a fairly flat course so I should do ok at least on forst 5k and bike portion. We will see how second 5K goes.


Good luck.  Race is just like training -- only faster.  You'll be great.

2011-04-22 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3460325

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
abqtj - 2011-04-22 9:14 AM

Sprint triathlon tomorrow packet pickup this evening.

I've always been a "nervous" person and get some fun stomach issues when I get nervous...sort of already starting. I know everyone has certain levels of nerves before events (be it work, school, sports, weddings, etc.). What can I do between today and tomorrow at the start to get through this a little easier?

Good luck!  Eat light tonight nothing crazy in the stomach and keep it simple tomorrow morning.  It'll be over before you know it.

2011-04-22 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3461229

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

carrie639 - 2011-04-22 3:09 PM So tomorrow will be my first run really in a little over 2 weeks (2x2 painful miles last week doesn't count).  I am thinking do the treadmill in case any issues pop up.  Last long run was 9.5 miles 2 weeks ago.  What distance should I try to do tomorrow assuming I can still do the 13.1 on May 7th???  Thoughts[/QUOTE

I would actually split the run up into 2 runs.  Try for 4-ish miles in the morning and another 4 in the afternoon.  Even thought the runs will be split, the cumulative volume will still be there.  That way you can gauge how you feel and get a "long" run in without increasing the risk of injury that comes with the fatigue of doing it all at once.

2011-04-22 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Good luck to all the racers this weekend!!!!!!!

2 of my children are sick, so we called off travel plans for the weekend.  I'm running the Cleveland 10 miler tomorrow morning.  Wish me luck, friends

2011-04-22 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3461576

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-04-22 4:36 PM

Good luck to all the racers this weekend!!!!!!!

2 of my children are sick, so we called off travel plans for the weekend.  I'm running the Cleveland 10 miler tomorrow morning.  Wish me luck, friends

sorry to hear about the sick kids-have a great race you will do well Jennifer
2011-04-22 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3436066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Update on my dad from this previous post:

abqtj - 2011-04-01 9:32 AM

Weight off my shoulders today:

Bad timing, today being April Fools, but I assure you I'm not joking.

My Dad had prostate cancer in 2002, which required surgery to remove the prostate and after that he was deemed cancer-free. Follow up PSA tests showed a level of 0, which is what it should be, especially with not prostate.

A couple of weeks ago, his blood work came back with a PSA of 13...YIKES!

He met with an oncologist and they scheduled a bone scan and a head/neck/torso scan this past Monday. His follow up visit was today, where he got the sorta-good news.

well, not bad news, all things considered.

They didn't find anything on the scans, no tumors or anything. They did some a couple of spots on his lungs, but they think that's from childhood pneumonia he had when he was 3 or 4. Or possibly tuberculosis from the past.

His blood work came back normal, except the PSA is still showing 11.8

They are scheduling him to have a PET scan of the prostate area (well, where it was) sometime next week to see if maybe there's just some microscopic cells left behind or something. If they find something, it will likely be radiation treatment for it (unless something dire pops up I guess). If they find nothing, the oncologist is recommending hormone treatments.

So not bad...


So, Dad got his results back today.

This scan (I think it was a SPET scan??) came back all clear as well. :beer:

So, they are going with "microscopic cancer cells". Since his cancer was such a slow-growing one to being with, they aren't terribly concerned. But, he'll begin Radiation treatment soon. He has to meet with the Radiation office sometime next week I think and then being his treatments.

He's not positive, but it should be 6-8 weeks, 5 days a week of getting nuked around his junk.

After that, they will just monitor him and if his PSA levels increase some, they will add in Hormone shots. If they sky-rocket for whatever reason, then Chemo could come in to play, but unlikely.

All in all, not a bad result, really. Just means he won't be visiting in June like normal, but that ok.

2011-04-23 6:00 AM
in reply to: #3436066

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

Happy Saturday everyone!  Heading out on a long ride in an hour (schedule is 3 hours, we are going to try to do 55 - 60 though so it will be longer) followed by 30 minute run.  Might be rough, I've only done 2 t-runs this year so far.  And both were after a much shorter ride and only 15 minutes.  But I'm gonna get it done, hopefully in style too. Wink

Tomorrow is a 90 minute run, and I'm going to hit the trails this week.  I have not run trails since my hamstring injury so I'll be taking it super easy.  But I love trail running and miss it.

What does everyone else have planned?  Good luck to all those racing.  And an early Happy Easter too.

2011-04-23 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3461968

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2011 Part 2 - CLOSED

wanted to ride for a few hours early but it was 40 and raining, so, if tehre is no baseball, hit the gym for a swim and spin with a couple more hours on the trainer this evening.  if baseball, lots of timde on the trainer tonight, root for good movies.

good luck to all who are racing

Edited by jsklarz 2011-04-23 6:16 AM
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