BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD Rss Feed  
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2012-04-06 11:09 AM
in reply to: #4133602

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

ebshot - 2012-04-06 5:18 AM Totally off topic/random question but I know Yanti is the dog whisperer so here goes.  Anyone have any advice about what to do with a dog that has major anxiety when riding in the car?  Our (almost) 2 y/o Labradoodle is a mess whenever we have to take a ride.  He has gotten a bit better but he still drools like a mad dog.  It's gross and I feel bad for the pup. 

Also, does anyone use an auto harness or other implement while transporting their doggies?  Our cavapoo likes to sit on my lap while I drive but it's drives me nuts. 

agree with Yanti on the crate training.  Go slow, make the crate a safe place with treat rewards just for checking it out at first, then going in, then having the door closed, then short periods of time in it, etc. Sstart with the crate in house and move to the car when comfortable.  You could try the samewith the car--Put him in the car when you are not going anywhere and give treats (or whatever his motivation is).  Get him used to car as a happy place.  Sit with him at first, then he is alone with you standing outside, then alone while you go in the house for a few minutes, then short trips.  As you can see, a ton of work--worth it or the drooling is tolerable?? 

2012-04-06 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4133481

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
ukweeble - 2012-04-06 3:10 AM

Room for a little 'un?

Don't want to be left behind, alone, in the darkness of the archived group.Cry

Besides, i seem to be the only Tri virgin and if i'm going to lose it, i would like it to be with you.

Oh my, I thought I had scared you off for sure! Glad to see your back, I wasn't sure who I was going to harass if you didn't show.
2012-04-06 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

Is there room in the group for one more?

This is my second year of tri-ing and (unfortunately) I didn't discover BT last year until after my inagural race.  Yanti you are one of my fave posters so may I pleeeeeeaaaaase join?

A bit about me: 

Hi, my name is TJ and I'm addicted to triathlon (hi TJ).

I am (almost) 45 years old (according to USAT i'm already there).  I have an amazing husband of 24 years who is VERY supportive of my tri-habit (obsession).  We have two grown boys who live at home or don't on any given week.  I'm not a hockey player but we do billett for the local team, the New Mexico Mustangs (so in addition to my own kids I have hockey kids at home and scattered around the world). I have two dogs and two cats. One of the dogs (black lab/german shorthair mix) is my running partner.

I started running about 5 years ago to lose weight (lost about 35 lbs) then last year my SIL talked me into doing Tri for the Cure-Denver.  I thought I was doing it as a favor to her but once I started training I was hooked.  I went on to do a few more sprints in the summer/fall.

My current training plan is the OLY 2/week with a swim focus (because I swim like a rock) and my "A" race is the Moab Tri in early June. Other races this year: Baker to Vegas in April (running relay), Jay Benson Tri in May (sprint), Tri for the Cure-Denver in August (sprint), and probably 2 or 3 other sprints thrown in (and maybe HITS Lake Havasu OLY)

I live in New Mexico and am (generally) able to train outside year-round.  However, I do end up doing trainer rides in the winter because of the shorter days.

I (like so many others) struggle with fitting in full time work, family stuff, church stuff and training.

And I LOVE poutine (discovered that on a mission trip to Canada)

2012-04-06 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

On the trainer this am and hoping to fit in a swim later.  Had to take a rest day yesterday just too fatigued.  Heading out of town for an agility trial in a couple hours.  Longish run tomorrow--hopefully no snow in Kelowna!

Went for a wetsuit fitting yesterday--I'm renting for my sprint next weekend.  Wow, not easy to get into!  Tried on 3 different, all felt ok, but going with the Orca Equip.  Looking forward to the added buoyancy, because I am a sinker!! 

Ok, so being a Manatee virgin, I am going to need some help with the lingo...I'm assuming the references to pop tarts are because you use them for energy, but what the heck is a piglet??? 

2012-04-06 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4134101

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
rrrunner - 2012-04-06 9:22 AM

Is there room in the group for one more?

This is my second year of tri-ing and (unfortunately) I didn't discover BT last year until after my inagural race.  Yanti you are one of my fave posters so may I pleeeeeeaaaaase join?

A bit about me: 

Hi, my name is TJ and I'm addicted to triathlon (hi TJ).

I am (almost) 45 years old (according to USAT i'm already there).  I have an amazing husband of 24 years who is VERY supportive of my tri-habit (obsession).  We have two grown boys who live at home or don't on any given week.  I'm not a hockey player but we do billett for the local team, the New Mexico Mustangs (so in addition to my own kids I have hockey kids at home and scattered around the world). I have two dogs and two cats. One of the dogs (black lab/german shorthair mix) is my running partner.

I started running about 5 years ago to lose weight (lost about 35 lbs) then last year my SIL talked me into doing Tri for the Cure-Denver.  I thought I was doing it as a favor to her but once I started training I was hooked.  I went on to do a few more sprints in the summer/fall.

My current training plan is the OLY 2/week with a swim focus (because I swim like a rock) and my "A" race is the Moab Tri in early June. Other races this year: Baker to Vegas in April (running relay), Jay Benson Tri in May (sprint), Tri for the Cure-Denver in August (sprint), and probably 2 or 3 other sprints thrown in (and maybe HITS Lake Havasu OLY)

I live in New Mexico and am (generally) able to train outside year-round.  However, I do end up doing trainer rides in the winter because of the shorter days.

I (like so many others) struggle with fitting in full time work, family stuff, church stuff and training.

And I LOVE poutine (discovered that on a mission trip to Canada)

I'm a bad Canadian, I think poutine is wrong--just never could enjoy the curds.  Now fries (chips) and gravy on the other hand, that is very right.  But you mustn't EVER put ketchup on at the same time.

2012-04-06 11:39 AM
in reply to: #4134113

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
bcraht - 2012-04-06 12:26 PM

rrrunner - 2012-04-06 9:22 AM

Is there room in the group for one more?

This is my second year of tri-ing and (unfortunately) I didn't discover BT last year until after my inagural race.  Yanti you are one of my fave posters so may I pleeeeeeaaaaase join?

A bit about me: 

Hi, my name is TJ and I'm addicted to triathlon (hi TJ).

I am (almost) 45 years old (according to USAT i'm already there).  I have an amazing husband of 24 years who is VERY supportive of my tri-habit (obsession).  We have two grown boys who live at home or don't on any given week.  I'm not a hockey player but we do billett for the local team, the New Mexico Mustangs (so in addition to my own kids I have hockey kids at home and scattered around the world). I have two dogs and two cats. One of the dogs (black lab/german shorthair mix) is my running partner.

I started running about 5 years ago to lose weight (lost about 35 lbs) then last year my SIL talked me into doing Tri for the Cure-Denver.  I thought I was doing it as a favor to her but once I started training I was hooked.  I went on to do a few more sprints in the summer/fall.

My current training plan is the OLY 2/week with a swim focus (because I swim like a rock) and my "A" race is the Moab Tri in early June. Other races this year: Baker to Vegas in April (running relay), Jay Benson Tri in May (sprint), Tri for the Cure-Denver in August (sprint), and probably 2 or 3 other sprints thrown in (and maybe HITS Lake Havasu OLY)

I live in New Mexico and am (generally) able to train outside year-round.  However, I do end up doing trainer rides in the winter because of the shorter days.

I (like so many others) struggle with fitting in full time work, family stuff, church stuff and training.

And I LOVE poutine (discovered that on a mission trip to Canada)

I'm a bad Canadian, I think poutine is wrong--just never could enjoy the curds.  Now fries (chips) and gravy on the other hand, that is very right.  But you mustn't EVER put ketchup on at the same time.

Oh goodness, if there is an awesome idea that came from Canada, it is fries and gravy Ice hockey is pretty cool too. Oh yeah, one more thing would be my family(Banting). There's probably more stuff to like about Canada, but that is my top three.

2012-04-06 11:50 AM
in reply to: #4134101

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
rrrunner - 2012-04-07 12:22 AM

Is there room in the group for one more?

This is my second year of tri-ing and (unfortunately) I didn't discover BT last year until after my inagural race.  Yanti you are one of my fave posters so may I pleeeeeeaaaaase join?

A bit about me: 

Hi, my name is TJ and I'm addicted to triathlon (hi TJ).

I am (almost) 45 years old (according to USAT i'm already there).  I have an amazing husband of 24 years who is VERY supportive of my tri-habit (obsession).  We have two grown boys who live at home or don't on any given week.  I'm not a hockey player but we do billett for the local team, the New Mexico Mustangs (so in addition to my own kids I have hockey kids at home and scattered around the world). I have two dogs and two cats. One of the dogs (black lab/german shorthair mix) is my running partner.

I started running about 5 years ago to lose weight (lost about 35 lbs) then last year my SIL talked me into doing Tri for the Cure-Denver.  I thought I was doing it as a favor to her but once I started training I was hooked.  I went on to do a few more sprints in the summer/fall.

My current training plan is the OLY 2/week with a swim focus (because I swim like a rock) and my "A" race is the Moab Tri in early June. Other races this year: Baker to Vegas in April (running relay), Jay Benson Tri in May (sprint), Tri for the Cure-Denver in August (sprint), and probably 2 or 3 other sprints thrown in (and maybe HITS Lake Havasu OLY)

I live in New Mexico and am (generally) able to train outside year-round.  However, I do end up doing trainer rides in the winter because of the shorter days.

I (like so many others) struggle with fitting in full time work, family stuff, church stuff and training.

And I LOVE poutine (discovered that on a mission trip to Canada)

(in chorus) Hi, TJ!

1. Flattery will get you everywhere with me.

2. Considering you've actually read my posts and yet STILL want in, doubly so!

3. Welcome to the Manatee Madness!

2012-04-06 11:54 AM
in reply to: #4133916

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
TriAya - 2012-04-06 9:54 AM
KansasMom - 2012-04-06 10:21 PM

Good morning (good afternoon, good evening??)

My husband is working today and I took my little one to daycare, but the rest of us are home today and Monday. Hooray! I'm working myself up for a 26 mile bike ride outside -- it's 46 degrees. Burrr. But since I have my first tri next Saturday, and it starts at 9:00, and I'll be on the bike at around 9:15 a.m. soaking wet, I figured I had better get out there and start suffering.

My 11 year old volunteered to dump a bucket of water on my head first. He's so thoughtful. Tongue out

Chips and gravy sounds too evil. But I'll probably be thinking about it for my whole ride. Thanks so much for that, Yanti.

You're probably already out riding, but TRUST ME on this one--yes--it is a very good idea to go out there and do it in that weather for better prep next weekend Hope you have a great ride! And what a thoughtful son, indeed. Heh.

I tend to think of piglet.burger.piglet.burger on long or hard efforts ... but it might be chipsgravy.piglet from now on ...

I'm back and completely chilled to the bone. But it was a good ride. I'm starving now, so my thoughtful son and I are headed to Subway.

He has no sympathy for me. I checked the weather forecast for next Saturday and it will be about 45-50 with a chance of rain. I looked at him and said, "I sure hope it won't be raining next Saturday." He barely looked at me and said, "What do you care. You're going to be wet anyway."

So, HTFU, I guess.

Off to Subway!

2012-04-06 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4134103

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
bcraht - 2012-04-07 12:22 AM

On the trainer this am and hoping to fit in a swim later.  Had to take a rest day yesterday just too fatigued.  Heading out of town for an agility trial in a couple hours.  Longish run tomorrow--hopefully no snow in Kelowna!

Went for a wetsuit fitting yesterday--I'm renting for my sprint next weekend.  Wow, not easy to get into!  Tried on 3 different, all felt ok, but going with the Orca Equip.  Looking forward to the added buoyancy, because I am a sinker!! 

Ok, so being a Manatee virgin, I am going to need some help with the lingo...I'm assuming the references to pop tarts are because you use them for energy, but what the heck is a piglet??? 

Pop Tarts ... use for energy ... understatement I am obsessed with Pop Tarts. I have to very carefully monitor my addiction to them. It's not easy. Terrible weakness. Can be so manipulated with Pop Tarts ...

A PIGLET! SQUUUUEEEEEEEE!!! Most often a piglet refers to a delectable boy, but it is technically a gender-neutral, age-neutral, species-neutral term. Girls can be piglets (or piglettes, if you prefer). Grandpas can be piglets. Babies and puppies are DEFINITELY piglets!

And piglets, for sure, are piglets. Really, a piglet is any warm juicy yummy living thing. So as much as I love snakes and spiders ... they are not piglets.

2012-04-06 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4134175

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
KansasMom - 2012-04-06 10:54 AM
TriAya - 2012-04-06 9:54 AM
KansasMom - 2012-04-06 10:21 PM

Good morning (good afternoon, good evening??)

My husband is working today and I took my little one to daycare, but the rest of us are home today and Monday. Hooray! I'm working myself up for a 26 mile bike ride outside -- it's 46 degrees. Burrr. But since I have my first tri next Saturday, and it starts at 9:00, and I'll be on the bike at around 9:15 a.m. soaking wet, I figured I had better get out there and start suffering.

My 11 year old volunteered to dump a bucket of water on my head first. He's so thoughtful. Tongue out

Chips and gravy sounds too evil. But I'll probably be thinking about it for my whole ride. Thanks so much for that, Yanti.

You're probably already out riding, but TRUST ME on this one--yes--it is a very good idea to go out there and do it in that weather for better prep next weekend Hope you have a great ride! And what a thoughtful son, indeed. Heh.

I tend to think of piglet.burger.piglet.burger on long or hard efforts ... but it might be chipsgravy.piglet from now on ...

I'm back and completely chilled to the bone. But it was a good ride. I'm starving now, so my thoughtful son and I are headed to Subway.

He has no sympathy for me. I checked the weather forecast for next Saturday and it will be about 45-50 with a chance of rain. I looked at him and said, "I sure hope it won't be raining next Saturday." He barely looked at me and said, "What do you care. You're going to be wet anyway."

So, HTFU, I guess.

Off to Subway!

My hat is off to you.  I lived in Omaha for 6 years but wasn't doing triathlons then.  I can't imagine racing in that chill and not drying off!  Here in NM we are at about 5% humidity so we dry pretty fast after the swim.

2012-04-06 12:01 PM
in reply to: #4134175

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
KansasMom - 2012-04-07 12:54 AM
TriAya - 2012-04-06 9:54 AM
KansasMom - 2012-04-06 10:21 PM

Good morning (good afternoon, good evening??)

My husband is working today and I took my little one to daycare, but the rest of us are home today and Monday. Hooray! I'm working myself up for a 26 mile bike ride outside -- it's 46 degrees. Burrr. But since I have my first tri next Saturday, and it starts at 9:00, and I'll be on the bike at around 9:15 a.m. soaking wet, I figured I had better get out there and start suffering.

My 11 year old volunteered to dump a bucket of water on my head first. He's so thoughtful. Tongue out

Chips and gravy sounds too evil. But I'll probably be thinking about it for my whole ride. Thanks so much for that, Yanti.

You're probably already out riding, but TRUST ME on this one--yes--it is a very good idea to go out there and do it in that weather for better prep next weekend Hope you have a great ride! And what a thoughtful son, indeed. Heh.

I tend to think of piglet.burger.piglet.burger on long or hard efforts ... but it might be chipsgravy.piglet from now on ...

I'm back and completely chilled to the bone. But it was a good ride. I'm starving now, so my thoughtful son and I are headed to Subway.

He has no sympathy for me. I checked the weather forecast for next Saturday and it will be about 45-50 with a chance of rain. I looked at him and said, "I sure hope it won't be raining next Saturday." He barely looked at me and said, "What do you care. You're going to be wet anyway."

So, HTFU, I guess.

Off to Subway!

Thoughtful, and smart, too!

2012-04-06 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

Hi Manatees! I would really like to join your group! My name is Brie, and I'm a total TRI newbie.  I come from a running background, having completed two marathons (Nike Women's in San Fran, Oct. '09, 5:17 and Hampton NH Rockfest, Oct. '11 4:52).  I've done numerous halfs, always run my hometown's July evening 10-miler, but found that just running was kind of boring for me, to the point that I wasn't exercising nearly as much (especially after the fall marathon).  My stepmom had done a pool sprint tri last spring, and I though...hmmm...maybe I could do one?  Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can!

Family status:  I'm a newly wed (10/29/11 - the day of the infamous Halloween snow storm up here in Mass.) and have been with my new husband for almost 8 years.  We live in Haverhill, MA with our two cats.  I'm 30 and a full-time lawyer - no kids on the horizon!

Current training:  I joined a triathlon training facility in January to begin my training.  I swim with my coached group every WeEdnesday, ride on a computrainer with a coached group every Tuesday, run with my track group every Wednesday, and group stregnth boot camp on Friday AMs.  I try to fit in a second swim (have NOT been successful), a second ride (have NOT been successful) and a second run (relatively successful) during the week as well.  I'm preparing for a spring tri (the one my stepmom did) on May 13, which is a 250m pool swim (easy beans), 10 mile bike and 5K.  I had absolutely no swimming skills before now, which was actually a blessing I think, because there were no bad habits/muscle memory to break.  So I've come a LONG way in the last 3 months.  I just need to work on getting in the pool more.  I also just bought a new road bike, so now that the days are getting (a little - e.g., 53 degrees) warmer, I'm going to get out on the road and get used to riding with the clipless pedals (yikes!).  Running...well, I would like to get some longer distance in on Sundays, but just haven't had the initiative.  In June, I plan to start working on my open water swimming, since I have no OWS experience.

Last years races:  Irish Feet Are Running 5 miler, Yankee Homecoming 10 miler, Hampton Rockfest Marathon

2012 races: JCC Tri By the Sea Sprint, May 12, Marblehead, MA; DAM Tri Sprint, July 14, Amesbury, MA; Yankee Homecoming 10 miler, July 31, Newburyport, MA; Cranberry Tri Fest Olympic, Aug. 25, Lakeville, MA.  Also, "try the tri" with my tri club, every wednesday evening in June & July (to practice my OWS!)

Weight loss:  After my first marathon, I was down to 129lbs (on my 5'3" frame) and was thrilled! But I slowly creeped back up to 140, and then was up near 150 after my honeymoon - I thought that was fake vacation weight that would fall off, but I think it doesn't work like that now that I'm getting older.  Whatever the reason, it did NOT fall off and I'm still around 145, which is a good 15 lbs more than I'd like.  I am really more focused on getting my old clothes to fit comfortably again (I"ve got about 5 suits I can't wear...arggh...but refuse to buy a "fat" suit!!) and just feel firm and fit.  Actual pounds/clothes size are honestly not that important to me.  So, hopefully by focusing on my eating habits - which have been a total disaster - PLUS the tri training, I can get my butt back in shape!

I'm really looking forward to following along with other people's training and getting some advice and support as I tackle my first tri training season!  Thank you!

Brie (aka ArielLilB)

2012-04-06 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4134139

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
cdban66 - 2012-04-06 11:39 AM
bcraht - 2012-04-06 12:26 PM
rrrunner - 2012-04-06 9:22 AM

Is there room in the group for one more?

This is my second year of tri-ing and (unfortunately) I didn't discover BT last year until after my inagural race.  Yanti you are one of my fave posters so may I pleeeeeeaaaaase join?

A bit about me: 

Hi, my name is TJ and I'm addicted to triathlon (hi TJ).

I am (almost) 45 years old (according to USAT i'm already there).  I have an amazing husband of 24 years who is VERY supportive of my tri-habit (obsession).  We have two grown boys who live at home or don't on any given week.  I'm not a hockey player but we do billett for the local team, the New Mexico Mustangs (so in addition to my own kids I have hockey kids at home and scattered around the world). I have two dogs and two cats. One of the dogs (black lab/german shorthair mix) is my running partner.

I started running about 5 years ago to lose weight (lost about 35 lbs) then last year my SIL talked me into doing Tri for the Cure-Denver.  I thought I was doing it as a favor to her but once I started training I was hooked.  I went on to do a few more sprints in the summer/fall.

My current training plan is the OLY 2/week with a swim focus (because I swim like a rock) and my "A" race is the Moab Tri in early June. Other races this year: Baker to Vegas in April (running relay), Jay Benson Tri in May (sprint), Tri for the Cure-Denver in August (sprint), and probably 2 or 3 other sprints thrown in (and maybe HITS Lake Havasu OLY)

I live in New Mexico and am (generally) able to train outside year-round.  However, I do end up doing trainer rides in the winter because of the shorter days.

I (like so many others) struggle with fitting in full time work, family stuff, church stuff and training.

And I LOVE poutine (discovered that on a mission trip to Canada)

I'm a bad Canadian, I think poutine is wrong--just never could enjoy the curds.  Now fries (chips) and gravy on the other hand, that is very right.  But you mustn't EVER put ketchup on at the same time.

Oh goodness, if there is an awesome idea that came from Canada, it is fries and gravy Ice hockey is pretty cool too. Oh yeah, one more thing would be my family(Banting). There's probably more stuff to like about Canada, but that is my top three.

OMG and we are talking Poutine?!?!?! I LOVE poutine. The best I ever had was recently when I was in Austin Texas for south by southwest (music festival) they had a venue called "Canada House" where everything from the beer to the bands that played were from Canada. Anyway, the poutine had fried cheese curds mixed in. It was to die for. 

2012-04-06 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4134214

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
ArielLIlB - 2012-04-07 1:14 AM

Hi Manatees! I would really like to join your group! My name is Brie, and I'm a total TRI newbie.  I come from a running background, having completed two marathons (Nike Women's in San Fran, Oct. '09, 5:17 and Hampton NH Rockfest, Oct. '11 4:52).  I've done numerous halfs, always run my hometown's July evening 10-miler, but found that just running was kind of boring for me, to the point that I wasn't exercising nearly as much (especially after the fall marathon).  My stepmom had done a pool sprint tri last spring, and I though...hmmm...maybe I could do one?  Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can!

Family status:  I'm a newly wed (10/29/11 - the day of the infamous Halloween snow storm up here in Mass.) and have been with my new husband for almost 8 years.  We live in Haverhill, MA with our two cats.  I'm 30 and a full-time lawyer - no kids on the horizon!

Current training:  I joined a triathlon training facility in January to begin my training.  I swim with my coached group every WeEdnesday, ride on a computrainer with a coached group every Tuesday, run with my track group every Wednesday, and group stregnth boot camp on Friday AMs.  I try to fit in a second swim (have NOT been successful), a second ride (have NOT been successful) and a second run (relatively successful) during the week as well.  I'm preparing for a spring tri (the one my stepmom did) on May 13, which is a 250m pool swim (easy beans), 10 mile bike and 5K.  I had absolutely no swimming skills before now, which was actually a blessing I think, because there were no bad habits/muscle memory to break.  So I've come a LONG way in the last 3 months.  I just need to work on getting in the pool more.  I also just bought a new road bike, so now that the days are getting (a little - e.g., 53 degrees) warmer, I'm going to get out on the road and get used to riding with the clipless pedals (yikes!).  Running...well, I would like to get some longer distance in on Sundays, but just haven't had the initiative.  In June, I plan to start working on my open water swimming, since I have no OWS experience.

Last years races:  Irish Feet Are Running 5 miler, Yankee Homecoming 10 miler, Hampton Rockfest Marathon

2012 races: JCC Tri By the Sea Sprint, May 12, Marblehead, MA; DAM Tri Sprint, July 14, Amesbury, MA; Yankee Homecoming 10 miler, July 31, Newburyport, MA; Cranberry Tri Fest Olympic, Aug. 25, Lakeville, MA.  Also, "try the tri" with my tri club, every wednesday evening in June & July (to practice my OWS!)

Weight loss:  After my first marathon, I was down to 129lbs (on my 5'3" frame) and was thrilled! But I slowly creeped back up to 140, and then was up near 150 after my honeymoon - I thought that was fake vacation weight that would fall off, but I think it doesn't work like that now that I'm getting older.  Whatever the reason, it did NOT fall off and I'm still around 145, which is a good 15 lbs more than I'd like.  I am really more focused on getting my old clothes to fit comfortably again (I"ve got about 5 suits I can't wear...arggh...but refuse to buy a "fat" suit!!) and just feel firm and fit.  Actual pounds/clothes size are honestly not that important to me.  So, hopefully by focusing on my eating habits - which have been a total disaster - PLUS the tri training, I can get my butt back in shape!

I'm really looking forward to following along with other people's training and getting some advice and support as I tackle my first tri training season!  Thank you!

Brie (aka ArielLilB)

That made me laugh! I hear you. Welcome to BT, tri, and the Manatees, Brie!

P.S. I do love a nice brie.

2012-04-06 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4134257

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Asalzwed - 2012-04-07 1:32 AM

OMG and we are talking Poutine?!?!?! I LOVE poutine. The best I ever had was recently when I was in Austin Texas for south by southwest (music festival) they had a venue called "Canada House" where everything from the beer to the bands that played were from Canada. Anyway, the poutine had fried cheese curds mixed in. It was to die for. 

Schtop. Hungry. Can't sleep. Out of chips. Need!!!

Hey, you know Sakura-Con is in town? That's right up your alley!

2012-04-06 12:39 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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New user

Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

Howdy!  I'd love to join the Manatees if there's still room! 

I'll have to post my info a bit later.

Peace & Grooviness!


2012-04-06 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4134275

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
feelingroovy - 2012-04-07 1:39 AM

Howdy!  I'd love to join the Manatees if there's still room! 

I'll have to post my info a bit later.

Peace & Grooviness!


And I like that song! (Now I can't get it out of my head ... ) Welcome, Valerie! (rhymes with Manatee ... don'tcha think?)

2012-04-06 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4134265

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
TriAya - 2012-04-06 12:35 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-07 1:32 AM

OMG and we are talking Poutine?!?!?! I LOVE poutine. The best I ever had was recently when I was in Austin Texas for south by southwest (music festival) they had a venue called "Canada House" where everything from the beer to the bands that played were from Canada. Anyway, the poutine had fried cheese curds mixed in. It was to die for. 

Schtop. Hungry. Can't sleep. Out of chips. Need!!!

Hey, you know Sakura-Con is in town? That's right up your alley!

Mmmmmmm, only the people that attend Wink

Funny you mention that though, Jen has to cover for a few of her employees that are attending today haha

2012-04-06 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
What is everyone doing this weekend? Anything exciting!?!
2012-04-06 12:54 PM
in reply to: #4134286

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Asalzwed - 2012-04-07 1:46 AM
TriAya - 2012-04-06 12:35 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-07 1:32 AM

OMG and we are talking Poutine?!?!?! I LOVE poutine. The best I ever had was recently when I was in Austin Texas for south by southwest (music festival) they had a venue called "Canada House" where everything from the beer to the bands that played were from Canada. Anyway, the poutine had fried cheese curds mixed in. It was to die for. 

Schtop. Hungry. Can't sleep. Out of chips. Need!!!

Hey, you know Sakura-Con is in town? That's right up your alley!

Mmmmmmm, only the people that attend Wink

Funny you mention that though, Jen has to cover for a few of her employees that are attending today haha

Sorry, but the Gothic Lolita Tea Party is sold out.

Not kidding. It really is sold out.

I do hope there's a Nyan Cat somewhere, though. Pop Tart + Cat + Rainbow + Bad Music = YANTI'S FAVORITE WORST INTERNET MEME

2012-04-06 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4134297

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
TriAya - 2012-04-06 12:54 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-07 1:46 AM
TriAya - 2012-04-06 12:35 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-07 1:32 AM

OMG and we are talking Poutine?!?!?! I LOVE poutine. The best I ever had was recently when I was in Austin Texas for south by southwest (music festival) they had a venue called "Canada House" where everything from the beer to the bands that played were from Canada. Anyway, the poutine had fried cheese curds mixed in. It was to die for. 

Schtop. Hungry. Can't sleep. Out of chips. Need!!!

Hey, you know Sakura-Con is in town? That's right up your alley!

Mmmmmmm, only the people that attend Wink

Funny you mention that though, Jen has to cover for a few of her employees that are attending today haha

Sorry, but the Gothic Lolita Tea Party is sold out.

Not kidding. It really is sold out.

I do hope there's a Nyan Cat somewhere, though. Pop Tart + Cat + Rainbow + Bad Music = YANTI'S FAVORITE WORST INTERNET MEME

Ohhhh boy the Nyan Cat. I am going to have to make you a photoshop masterpiece sometime. 

2012-04-06 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4126290

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

Yay! I'm back in.  I guess I should re-do the bio thing again.

Keye (wushunut)

As my sign-in name suggests I was once really into the martial arts.  Practiced Cuong Nhu (vietnamese style) throughout junior high, highschool, and part of college.  Then I discovered wushu which is what I practiced up until my mid-20s.  My athletic background consisted of being a sprinter/hurdler in HS and recreational cycling, again up until my mid 20s.  In college I started having knee problems, which I now know was ITBS but it was enough to stop my running completely.  I then turned to lifting and I put on mass and put it on quickly.  I went from a 6ft tall bean pole at 168lbs to 190lbs in about a month.  Then I graduated, got a job where I sit all day and took up competitive Mountain Dew drinking.  Not good.  Weight kept going up until I hit my peak of about 240lbs and this time it was anything but muscle mass.  Let's see, what else? I'm an ABC (American Born Chinese) that grew up in the DC area but now live in NW Florida.

Family Life: Father of two kids (3yo daughter and 6month old son) and married to a wonderful woman who is a doctor in the Air Force (which is why we're in NW Florida).  We are a multiracial family with me being of Chinese heritage and my wife being Caucasian.  My kids will be/are mixed-up mutts that we adore.

Current Training: I'm "supposed" to be doing a 22 week Olympic plan but got sidetracked due to a month's worth of travel in March.  Hoping to get back on track in April. Currently swimming, biking, and running and hoping to pick-up where I left off.  Running is my weakness so I'm working on that.

Last Year's Races: My First Tri at Eglin AFB which really was my first tri.  Came in 2nd for my AG in the Rookie division!  Did a "backyard tri" put together by our local tri club.  Ended the season with the Destin Tri which ended up being a Duathlon due to pretty rough waters in the Gulf that morning.  Placed 2nd in the Clyde category for that race. Did a few 5Ks here and there.

2012 Races:

Pensacola Sprint Tri 5/19(?) still up in the air on this one

My First Tri @ Eglin AFB (6/16)- doing this again except I'll be in the "veteran" category.  Just want to beat my time from last year.

TriWaco Olympic(?) (7/26) - not sure about this since my wife was planning to do this one again too.  Unfortunately she's "on call" for deployment this year which could limit her ability to take leave. 

SanDestin Tri - another sprint in September

Destin Tri - Last sprint of the season in October.

Also plan to do some more 5ks and maybe a 10k.

Weight Loss: My wife getting pregnant with our first child was the tipping point for me.  I decided that I would NOT be that dad that sits on the couch and not be able to play or keep up with his kids.  Started running again and did a round of P90X to get going.  Then my wife deployed to Iraq for 6 months and the temporary single dad status ended my exercise time.  My wife, on the other hand, had plenty of time to run and train in the desert and came back ripped and in the best shape of her life.  She trained for an Oly while deployed (got to swim in Saddam's pool!) and came back and rocked it. I had to get back on the wagon again.  Started training February of 2011.  Went from about 230-235lbs and am hovering right around 210-215lbs.  Clyde for life?  Probably doesn't help that I haven't changed my diet at all.  I'm starving all the time now. That said, my fitness has improved tremondously.  I started out running(shuffling) at a 11-12min/mile pace over three miles and can now run 6-8miles at 9min(ish) pace. Hoping to get better there.

Anyways, thanks for reading my wall of text!

2012-04-06 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4126290

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open

Just caught up.

Drat.  Now I want poutine.  Might have to settle for homemade chicken fried steak and gravy tonight!Sealed


No real weekend plans for me.  I've been tinkering with my bike fit a bit more.  Slammed the stem and bought a Fast Forward seat post.  Seems to help.  I may go out for a ride to see how it feels.  There's also a 5K tomorrow morning I'm debating about doing but I haven't been running much lately so I'm afraid about being disappointed with my time. 

Otherwise it's church tonight and then on Sunday.

2012-04-06 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open
Does anyone else feel a little uncomfortable saying poutine too may times aloud? 
2012-04-06 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4126290

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - Open



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