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2013-05-21 8:50 AM
in reply to: dchill1

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Wow, just able to log on BT. Still shut out of my training log.
I bit overwhelmed with getting all you guys/gals straight, but reading and checking back on your intros. I know it will come. Am really impressed with so many of you.
Am reading your race reports and training.

Me, worried about my sprint in a month. Took my bike out for the first time in 2 years and it was like all my time on a stationary bike was for nothing.

Have read some people talking about fear of swimming and my first thought was "really, what is there to be afraid of?" Now I realize that I'm afraid of everything. Just ordered a wetsuit. What if it doesn't fit, what if I hate it, what if I can't swim in it. I'm afraid of riding my bike on the road, afraid of cars. Still haven't run outdoors where I will be challenged by hills. B*tch, b*tch, b*tch.

Making small progress with swimming - again, no open water swims yet.

Sorry for dumping on you all

2013-05-21 10:59 AM
in reply to: Baowolf


Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hey there--too late to join? I'm new to tris--I did two opens/supersprints just to see what it was about and have signed up for a sprint on June 9. Getting nervous

2013-05-21 12:32 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Yes the group is still open. I want to get a few more in group before we close the door.

Mitzi, all the things you are feeling we have been through. It is part of the process. Just go slow and get your comfort level up and the rest will take care of itself. Cars will generally try to not hit cats, dogs, joggers or bikers if they can. There are some distracted or crazy drivers out there, but probably not something you wan't to think about too too much. The best things you can do is wear your helmet, drive defensively, anticipate car doors opening in front of you, objects on the road and make your intentions known. Like for instance if there are some cars parked on the side of the road, don't bob and weave in and out as you go around them, pick a line outside the parked cars and stick to it that way the car behind you knows where you are going and doesn't have to guess what you are going to do when you approach a parked car. Pick roads with wider shoulders if you can.
2013-05-21 12:43 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
hey Mitzi,
I am a newbee to this, so I am trying to get everyone in the group straight and all of there names.
What I found is the important thing is to just train. Your stationary bike training was good for something. Just be consistent and then read and listen to the different members of the group. I have been on here for 1 week and have learned a lot. Good luck! You will do great in the sprint

Samantha- That is some mega miles you got going on!!! Keep up the great work!

Hey everybody! Hope your weeks going good so far. I did a modest 15 miles on the bike becuase I had a late start after work. Worked on some hills and did some intervals. Averaged out at 18.5. I got a run today, and I am taking vacation to Orlando on Thursday, so I am trying to plan my training on vacation.

Any suggestions about some basic Olympic tri training goals I should focus on?
2013-05-21 12:53 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hi Guy and Gals! I'm still alive but the reality of work has certainly effected how much I post and workout. Unfortunately, I have a lot of double shifts in my future so I can get the time off to go to the White Mountains (NH) in July. My wife and I got a timeshare up there a few years ago...its really nice.

Anywho, I've been keeping up to date on the posts that everyone else has posted.

Our rockstar Samantha just keeps on crushing her training...even a little too much according to Steve!

Mike: Crappy bike experience with the jerk driver. I'm glad it was you and not me because I definately would've followed that guy to his house (if possible) and probably would've hurt him

Pam: bummer on the broken toe after you seemed re-energized. Hopefully, you can still train while that thing heals up for you.

Steve: I feel your pain on the when did XX miles become so long!

Mitch: I'm really happy for you! You keep on increasing those miles methodically and getting yourself back to the shape you want to be in!

Carol: You seem to be focusing on the bike a lot more than last session. Hopefully you are enjoying that

Joe: Congrats on the race!

Mitzi: Agree with Steve completely. You are having pre race jitters. The work you've done is helping you but it is different to do bike work on a stationary bike vs. on the road.

If I missed anyone, I apologize.

Today was a good workout day for me. I did my strength training followed by 35 on the elliptical, 10x125@10 swimming, and a quick 10 miler on the bike. The swim was pretty hard today; I worked hard on the elliptical and weights prior to it...hopefully that will help me improve down the road. Tomorrow I plan on going on a 30 mile bike ride...unfortunately, that will be all due to PT after...but only two weeks of that left! Good news on a personal level, a running partner of mine had her first bike ride last night and is putting her foot into the triathlon world...this has been two years in the making for her..super happy!

Thats about it for now. Hope you all are having a good day!
2013-05-21 12:58 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Originally posted by MuscleMomma

Wow, just able to log on BT. Still shut out of my training log.
I bit overwhelmed with getting all you guys/gals straight, but reading and checking back on your intros. I know it will come. Am really impressed with so many of you.
Am reading your race reports and training.

Me, worried about my sprint in a month. Took my bike out for the first time in 2 years and it was like all my time on a stationary bike was for nothing.

Have read some people talking about fear of swimming and my first thought was "really, what is there to be afraid of?" Now I realize that I'm afraid of everything. Just ordered a wetsuit. What if it doesn't fit, what if I hate it, what if I can't swim in it. I'm afraid of riding my bike on the road, afraid of cars. Still haven't run outdoors where I will be challenged by hills. B*tch, b*tch, b*tch.

Making small progress with swimming - again, no open water swims yet.

Sorry for dumping on you all

Dearest Mitzi- welcome to the club. The process is a funny thing and it's important to remember it is a process. Everything you do is moving you toward your goal, except sitting on the couch eating bon bons. I still struggle with fears when I have a ride to do in traffic and I've been out there quite a bit, but Steve's right about cars not wanting to hit you. Something that helped me was knowing the laws about biking. For example, I know I'm allowed to yield at stop signs so I don't have to completely stop. If someone doesn't like it, too bad. I also know I have as much right to be on the road as the cars so they need to get over it. However, I also believe its crucial to be a good biker. So be predictable to the cars. Don't swerve and such like steve said. Also find places you can ride that doesn't involve cars. Even if you have to drive to get there. That way you have a place to go when your nerves about traffic are getting the better of you. Then other days get out there and remember you can't control everything. ;-D wetsuits make swimming easier. And your upcoming tri will be a success no matter what simply because you reached the starting line. And always share your thoughts with us BC we have all been there and might have a perspective that you will benefit from. Phew...enough said for now.

2013-05-21 1:06 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hey y'all! (can you tell where I live?)

Jared, great job on your race, and sounds like you are hooked!

Cheryl, sorry about no race, but sounds like a good call by the RD.

Blosika, welcome!

Mitzi, what the others said...we've all been there. Find yourself a safe bike route if you can and make that your "go to" ride. Wide shoulders are great, and the time of day you ride makes a huge difference in traffic, at least around here. Overcoming fears is one of the great things about triathlons IMO. OK, so it's greater AFTER you overcome them, but really the process is good for us I think.

Hey to everyone else. Sorry, but short on time to post so can't should out like I'd like to. 25 years ago today, I married the love of my life. We are celebrating big, and heading to Vancouver tomorrow for a much anticipated vacation. My parents have been kind enough to stay at our house to take care of most of our dogs, and be here in case my FIL has a crisis. My biggest workout "plan" is a self paced 10K around the seawall/Stanley park (because I think that's about how far it is), and renting some cruiser bikes with hubby. May not be able to post much, so will just wish everyone happy training, resting, and racing!
2013-05-21 1:08 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
I love that Quote.
Perseverance produces Character.
So true

2013-05-21 2:12 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
We've got good group here Mitzi. Keeps me motivated and sane. Keep on asking questions and voicing concerns. We've all been there...

Congrats Carol - 25 years is amazing!!!

Welcome Blosika

Good to see you Jay

Great swim and run for me this morn. My swim stroke is really coming back. Gonna have to start with the Masters classes soon!
Ran on the treadmill 4.5 miles. I can't believe i was actually able to stay on that thing so long. paces were very good tho. 8:30, 8:30, 8:00 7:30.
Last mile was very, very hard... Used to just chill with 7:30's, now it's the max but I did it...
2013-05-21 2:13 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Jared, when are you due! My second will be here early Oct /. late Sept. congrats!
2013-05-21 2:17 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Congrats, Carol!!!

Mitzi -- when I signed up for my first tri, I could not swim (at all!!) or run. I survived, and was rather motivated to get the basics down so I could finish. You can do this, too!!!

2013-05-21 3:03 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Mitch- We are due October 7 and just found out the baby is a girl!!!! Her name will be Avery super pumped.

My wife says she is kicking so much that she might be practicing swiming more than me!
2013-05-21 4:13 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Congrats on the anniversary Carol! Yal have a great time on vacation, you have plenty of time to train when you get back.
2013-05-21 6:05 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Jared - we are having a girl as well. Eva on Oct 2nd. Ours is kicking a lot more than the first so we may be having a swimmer as well!

2013-05-21 8:27 PM
in reply to: blosika

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Happy Tuesday everyone! Wow there is a lot going on with everyone. Baby's, training, nerves, 112 milers, races, anniversaries... It's good to see it all happening. Congrats to all!

Busy busy here too. Getting in a little training in the mornings, but I've mostly been unpacking and figuring out up from down both at work and at home. Gonna hopefully get a good ride in tomorrow before work and then a swim afterwards. Everyonr, keep up all the hard training! Stay safe and have fun!
2013-05-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Mitch and Jared.- I love the excitement I hear through your words about your growing wee ones. How very sweet to have little girls to love and be loved by. And both names are so lovely!

Carol - congrats are due to you and Kerry! You are the minority these days which makes it so precious. Enjoy vaca!

My run last night was sub-par. Set out to do 15 miles in 3 hours BC I'm not doing any longer than three hour runs, but I didn't make it. Just couldn't go faster. So I made it 13.8. I'll see how my last one goes after a recovery week.

Today I'm working a double so no training. Tomorrow I'm gonna fit in a swim bike run after work. Thursday I work them drive to Canada. Looking forward to lots of fun and fitting in some recovery workouts.

2013-05-21 8:50 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Thank you all for your kind and thoughtful words! I did manage to get 8 of my 9 workouts in last week. This is my recovery week, still workouts for me.

Carol, Thank you for noting my holiday and a super congrats for your anniversary. Hope you have a wonderful time.

Mitch and Jared - so exciting to be expecting. No one complained more than me but now I really miss it. I used to love feeling them move and rubbing my belly.

Welcome all the other newbies!

I'm feeling so frustrated that I can't get onto my training log. Still giving me an error message. I'm writing them down, but I like seeing them on my calendar.


Edited by MuscleMomma 2013-05-21 8:51 PM
2013-05-21 11:01 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Grats everyone on RL stuffs, anyvesaries, new children, good spousal faction and fewer people in the MASH unit than last round. Hope that toe heals to at least functional quickly. No idea how long it takes a toe to heal. Welcome new folks. Folks newer to triathlon please don't be intimidated by Samantha's training and bail the group. Everyone is on their own path and we can support you even if it is a walk to 3k plan.
2013-05-21 11:49 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Originally posted by Baowolf

Grats everyone on RL stuffs, anyvesaries, new children, good spousal faction and fewer people in the MASH unit than last round. Hope that toe heals to at least functional quickly. No idea how long it takes a toe to heal. Welcome new folks. Folks newer to triathlon please don't be intimidated by Samantha's training and bail the group. Everyone is on their own path and we can support you even if it is a walk to 3k plan.

Yes, new folks, please do not be intimidated by my training volume. Believe me, and ask Steve and Carol, where I was two years ago - right where many of you are right now. And this group is a large part of how I'm reaching my goal/dream of doing an IM, so stick around and see where you might be in two years

Mitzi - 8 of 9 is fantastic!

Edited by anthalynn 2013-05-21 11:50 PM
2013-05-22 12:26 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hello friends! Hi to those who just joined. Happy 25th Carol! Yay babies! Exciting swim stuff Mitch! Samantha..another high five for those cray-cray workouts! YOU GO!! Glad to read positive sprint tri report from one of you! ..(compared to mine below )

Mitzi- Your fears are real. Its natural to be fearful, just don't let it stop you from accomplishing your goals. We are getting old fast and we don't want fear to hold us back from doing what we want to do!..No regrets.

So I had a sprint tri Sunday and it was not pretty. Did this one last yr and was my absolute favorite. I felt ready for this race.

Swim .75 : around a peninsula. Swimming to the first buoy was awful for 2 reasons: sun & onset of panic! Less than half way to first buoy I started to feel that "feeling"...panic!. I can sense the onset of a panic attack before it gets too out of control. So I rolled onto my back, took a few deep breaths and strokes and when ready, got back to the swim. Didn't happen again. Yay for that. My goggles were not tinted and we were swimming directly into the sun! Could not for the life of me sight that first buoy!! Finally when I knew it was around me somewhere, I actually stopped swimming and yelled (aloud but to myself mostly) "Where the F... is the buoy????!! I look behind me and see that I had PASSED IT already..probably 20 yards!!! Was so mad. Continued on and sighting the rest was fine. Seemed like the longest swim ever. When exiting the water I said "OH that just sucked!!".. apparently louder than I thought b/c there was a roar of laughter from the people standing on boat launch. Seriously thought this was one of the worst swims for me. Turns out it was one minute faster than last year. How? no idea. Time: 28 minutes

Bike 16 miles: Sigh. I'm just confused! Seriously confused. I've been really trying to get in a lot more time in the saddle... In 2012: 1098 miles. 2013 so far: 830 miles. I pushed as hard as I could for this ride. The terrain was no different that what I usually train. Turns out I was 2 min SLOWER than last yr! TWO min slower. I seriously could not stand to see that extra 2 min! It hurt. I just don't understand it. Time: 102 min (15.4 mpm)

Run 5miles: There is good news. I was thrilled with my run. 45:39=9:15pace

Overall time: 2:19. (Last year 2:24). Yes I am proud of my 5 min gain. Why not on my bike, don't get it. What gives?

Edited by EV3110 2013-05-22 12:29 AM
2013-05-22 7:07 AM
in reply to: EV3110

Blairstown, NJ
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Congrats to the expecting Dad's. Soo exciting.

Carol - Happy aniversary. What a wonderful milestone. Wishing you many more.

Mitzi - finding the balance is tough and many time requires just letting go.... I was in very poor shape just 2 years ago and struggled to swim one length of the pool. It will all come together with a little persistance and a plan.

Elena - I have heard of race courses being changed just to deal with the sun glare. Hopefully your race will do the same. Swimming is tough enough without adding to the stress levels. Congrats on the 5 min improvement though. That is something to celebrate.

Taking Sunday as a recovery day seems to be enough for me to swing into some easy workouts. Biked 12.93 Monday, and ran 3.26 and swam 1500 yrds yesterday. Starting to warm up around here at over 80 degrees the sweat was really pouring by the time I finished the run and was very happy to get in the pool.

Steve - My goal is a HIM this year with a target on Shoreman 1/2 on Sept 7. I also have a sprint July 27th. To me I would like to see good time improvement on my sprint and figure the HIM will be a first with no real pressure to meet a particular time (under 7 would be nice). Wondering about the approach to training. Do I build for the HIM and figure speed will come? I really want to increase frequency which means I might have to cut back on the long distances a bit to start. Given my time constraints it is hard to fit in 2x3x4 without sacrificing something. This is beginning to sound like a classic train on distance, or time philosophy question but your thoughts??

2013-05-22 7:14 AM
in reply to: EV3110

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
New folks -- I was you less than 3 years ago. No doubt it takes time, and may not always work out as quickly as you may hope, but keep at it. Those little gains you make, and see, are just the first steps forward in your journey. As Steve said, we are all on our own path, so enjoy it, cherish your improvements, and reach beyond what you think you can do. It is amazing to see how your perspective can change as you take those steps forward.

For me, it was swimming. I could *NOT* swim at all when I signed up for my first tri. Never had a lesson, and my first 25 yard pool (at age 43, no less) swim took me 37 strokes. Yes *37*. I don't know how it was possible. Thinking I had to swim 400 yards in that first race was incredibly intimidating. Come race day, I did it, and after I finished that race, it was without a doubt one of the best feelings of my life. I'd met my goal, but even better, had come to realize the barriers I saw at the begiinning were illusions, put there by self doubts. Just keep on taking those steps. I'm now at the point where 400 yards is a warm up, but I never forget there was a time that seemed like an unscalable peak. Its good to apprecatie what you've done, not matter what it is. And have FUN!

As for me today,I feel like a kid who is trying to cram for a big upcoming test knowing I've probably not studies as much as I should have to this point. For a number of reasons, I've had inconsistent training, and while the swim & Bike should be OK, the run will likely be miserable. I'm preparted for this, and will continue to work on everything for the next few weeks, but I'm looking to just finish, and not reinjure myself.
2013-05-22 10:20 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Elena, bike takes a lot of intensity to get faster, it just does. You can cruize thousands of miles at your comfortable speed and you won't get that much faster. You won't get a dropoff in speed in longer races, but your pace won't increase until you are doing intervals 2-3 x per week on the bike. It is hard and it sucks but it is true. Grats on 5 min even with some mishaps. Sometimes you can follow other swimmers if you cant see because of the sun, but ya they can't see either so that makes it hard too. Sometimes you can get a landmark off to the side you are breathing on or whatever.

It is really really really hard to improve speed while increasing distance. So ya you are going to have to either put in 25 hours a week in workouts to get speed an endurance or just train as you can for the HIM knowing that you are getting stronger, that you might see some improvement in the Sprint, but that you will survive the HIM. Lilke with Samantha's IM, she couldn't go 2x as far and go faster at the same time. Once you are HIM fit, then you can start working on speed at that distance. I think I dropped an 45 min from my first HIM to my 2nd (granted the first one was hill and 105F, but still).
2013-05-22 10:21 AM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Bike lastnight was crappy, still too fatigued, swim however was good right after the bike how does that work? Ya I got some calories in me, but still.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-05-22 10:22 AM
2013-05-22 12:12 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Open
Hello all, I am back.

Sorry for such a long hiatus. With work and my injury I have been pretty heads down. I hope there's room in this new group for me.
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