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2014-01-03 2:08 PM
in reply to: dace

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New user
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
I had a 15 minute break between meetings today to check out Chronometer. This looks like a winner. Lots of foods to choose from and the micro and macro nutrients tracking is great. I will absolutely download it when I get home. Thanks.

2014-01-03 2:10 PM
in reply to: ccmpsyd

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Forgot to post this up earlier.  Feel free to friend me, follow me, etc



Twitter: uhcoog1031

MFP: scott091501



2014-01-03 6:49 PM
in reply to: crissy_jo

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by crissy_jo

Originally posted by MechEChick

And I feel so much better when I eat healthy, highly nutritious foods. In fact I'm going to go make up a few days worth of breakfast veggie mini quiches right now.

Do you have a recipe for these?

Why yes, yes I do.

2014-01-04 11:26 AM
in reply to: 0

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed (TrainerRoad FTP)
Finally did my first TrainerRoad FTP test. I got a cadence & speed sensor for Christmas so I could use Trainer Road with my new (used) indoor trainer. Every time I tried to jump on and do the test I was interrupted, and I have had a stomach bug for 2 days, so... finally the stars aligned and I got my 1 hour FTP test in. I would like to add in they call this 1 hour test an "8 minute Test" and I find that to be SO misleading. For those of you who have not experienced trainer road you are supposed to max out for 8 solid minutes twice during a 1 hour ride. All I can say is the last 2 minutes of each of those 8 minutes are ROUGH!

I'd also like to state that my power is WAY off the suggested 200 watts. As in WAY under. So after I was done riding I checked (measured) my tire circumference and found it to be slightly larger than listed for my default tire size, so that will help my numbers go up once corrected, and I would like to believe my FluidTrainer2 was more resistance than any other fluidtrain2 in the world and that is my other issue. I'm sure that's it. Hee-hee. I think my average Watts were 80 during the 8 minute test. When I do a spin class my average watts over the entire 1 hour class including warm up & cool down is upwards of 180 watts (and on one spin bike it is nearly 300 average watts - but I think that one is a little off). But this watt thing really shouldn't matter because whatever watts it gives me on TrainerRoad, only relates to my training on TrainerRoad. 80 Watts on TrainerRoad might equal 200 Watts on the spin bikes in the gym. So after my near death experience this morning determining my FTP I was told it is currently 68, and my LTHR is 166. I guess these numbers will drive my target watts during my training over the next few weeks. All interesting info that I would have no idea how to use on my own, but I guess the people at Trainer Road know how to put it to good use.

So now that I am done writing a book on my experience, what has your experience been like for those of you using TrainerRoad? How often did you retest your FTP? How quickly did you see improvements and how much improvement? Did you find the watts to be way off, or somewhat similar to what you would see on a spin bike at the gym.

Edited by crissy_jo 2014-01-04 11:28 AM
2014-01-04 2:03 PM
in reply to: crissy_jo

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed (TrainerRoad FTP)
Originally posted by crissy_jo

Finally did my first TrainerRoad FTP test. I got a cadence & speed sensor for Christmas so I could use Trainer Road with my new (used) indoor trainer. Every time I tried to jump on and do the test I was interrupted, and I have had a stomach bug for 2 days, so... finally the stars aligned and I got my 1 hour FTP test in. I would like to add in they call this 1 hour test an "8 minute Test" and I find that to be SO misleading. For those of you who have not experienced trainer road you are supposed to max out for 8 solid minutes twice during a 1 hour ride. All I can say is the last 2 minutes of each of those 8 minutes are ROUGH!

I'd also like to state that my power is WAY off the suggested 200 watts. As in WAY under. So after I was done riding I checked (measured) my tire circumference and found it to be slightly larger than listed for my default tire size, so that will help my numbers go up once corrected, and I would like to believe my FluidTrainer2 was more resistance than any other fluidtrain2 in the world and that is my other issue. I'm sure that's it. Hee-hee. I think my average Watts were 80 during the 8 minute test. When I do a spin class my average watts over the entire 1 hour class including warm up & cool down is upwards of 180 watts (and on one spin bike it is nearly 300 average watts - but I think that one is a little off). But this watt thing really shouldn't matter because whatever watts it gives me on TrainerRoad, only relates to my training on TrainerRoad. 80 Watts on TrainerRoad might equal 200 Watts on the spin bikes in the gym. So after my near death experience this morning determining my FTP I was told it is currently 68, and my LTHR is 166. I guess these numbers will drive my target watts during my training over the next few weeks. All interesting info that I would have no idea how to use on my own, but I guess the people at Trainer Road know how to put it to good use.

So now that I am done writing a book on my experience, what has your experience been like for those of you using TrainerRoad? How often did you retest your FTP? How quickly did you see improvements and how much improvement? Did you find the watts to be way off, or somewhat similar to what you would see on a spin bike at the gym.

OK - so I am basically in your same place - got the sensor for xmas, did the FTP test and was way under the 200 FTP. So far I've only done some of the low FTP endurance rides, and I have to use a real light gear to do those and stay in the power zone. I imagine it will be much more telling when I do some of the power rides to see if the zones are right for me. I have no idea about spin bikes at the gym - haven't used those.
2014-01-04 5:26 PM
in reply to: uhcoog

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, Florida
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Dace - Is cronometer an app or can I only access it on the computer?

Michele - got some Huma gels this afternoon and will try them. I did use Vega Sport pre-workout energizer this morning before my 9.4 mi run and it was great. No stomach issues at all (which I usually get with Gu). I prefer to do my early morning workouts on a near empty stomach, but when I get into longer sessions, I need to have some fuel in my stomach. Like Scott, I usually run at 5 AM, up at 4 and out the door at 4:30. Scott - could you please post the recipes for the oatmeal bake and muesli that you mentioned?

Crissy - thanks for the veggie quiche recipe.

Great story to share: A newer runner in our area is getting ready for her 1st marathon and has been struggling with her long runs. She connected to a FB group that I'm in and this morning 15 of us showed up in shifts to get her through her 18 miler. She couldn't believe all the support she got from strangers (no longer strangers!). Turned out that there were others needing support after reading the post and there were 2 others that showed in a similar situation. We even had transportation to & from the different stops. I love to see the support of other athletes, especially supporting those just getting into the sport. I certainly feel that way about BT and this group!

Cheers, Brenda

2014-01-04 5:47 PM
in reply to: Brendab

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, Florida
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have?

Thanks, Brenda
2014-01-04 6:53 PM
in reply to: Brendab

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Brendab

I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have?

Thanks, Brenda

There are many bike/tri websites that offer good deals on bike components. Always good idea to read reviews too. I have Profile Design, which is a pretty reputable brand. There is no need to break the bank on them.

What distance do you plan on racing in the near future? Reason I ask is because I have been told that the time/speed benefits from areo bars during sprint/oly races are really negligible. I have also been told (by a reputable source) that one can go faster if they ride on the drops of a road bike vs areo bars on short course races. The benefits of areo bars can be seen, however, on long course races. So, depending upon the type of helmet you have, you may want to invest in a good areo helmet, as they really help riders, vs areo bars. The reason, apparently, that areo bars don't really add that much in terms of time reduction/speed is the differences in the geometry/design of a road vs tri bike.

Riding in the drops, however, is tough to do throughout the course of a race. Not sure I could do it.

Hope this helps

2014-01-05 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4916036

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Brenda, that was a great story! What a fantastic group to come together to help a fellow runner! I just love that!

As far as I know chronometer is not an app.
2014-01-05 10:13 AM
in reply to: 0

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Brendab

Great story to share: A newer runner in our area is getting ready for her 1st marathon and has been struggling with her long runs. She connected to a FB group that I'm in and this morning 15 of us showed up in shifts to get her through her 18 miler. She couldn't believe all the support she got from strangers (no longer strangers!). Turned out that there were others needing support after reading the post and there were 2 others that showed in a similar situation. We even had transportation to & from the different stops. I love to see the support of other athletes, especially supporting those just getting into the sport. I certainly feel that way about BT and this group!

Cheers, Brenda

What a neat story! Thanks for sharing!

Edited by MechEChick 2014-01-05 10:13 AM
2014-01-05 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4924460

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
I have been away for a few days with a lot going on in my life. Seems Ike there has been a lot of great discussion going on.

Nutrition: I am also a myfitnesspal user (dangerjim71 if you want to friend me). I used the mfp app and exercise to lose about 75 lbs. I eat a lot of lean meats, fruits and veggies as well as low fat dairy. Huge bags of frozen chicken breast and frozen veggies are staples in my hectic lifestyle. Unfortunately, a lot of junky food crept into my house over the holidays but it's almost gone. ;-) I will look into that Skratch Labs book. Any other good nutrition cookbooks out there for endurance athletes?

Support: if you haven't found a local triathlon club already stop what you're doing and find one right now!!! If there is no tri club near you find a swim bike or run club as it's likely to have at least a couple triathletes in the mix. I can say without a doubt that I wouldn't have made it out of the water of my HIM last summer if I hadn't done so much open water swimming with our tri club. The swim conditions were brutal but I had already swam worse conditions with our club so I knew I could do it.

Bike volume: I'd agree with what has been said about bike volume. The training plan I followed last year was almost half bike training. When race day came around I felt great on the bike and had no problem getting off and running. I love riding anyway so it was fun. The real challenge is to keep your intensity up. It is easy to just enjoy the ride and not keep the intensity up. Definitely a good idea to train with a HRM, power meter, or at the very least a GPS to track avg speed so you can measure your performance somehow.

2014-01-05 1:26 PM
in reply to: Brendab

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Brendab

Great story to share: A newer runner in our area is getting ready for her 1st marathon and has been struggling with her long runs. She connected to a FB group that I'm in and this morning 15 of us showed up in shifts to get her through her 18 miler. She couldn't believe all the support she got from strangers (no longer strangers!). Turned out that there were others needing support after reading the post and there were 2 others that showed in a similar situation. We even had transportation to & from the different stops. I love to see the support of other athletes, especially supporting those just getting into the sport. I certainly feel that way about BT and this group!

Cheers, Brenda

Brenda, that is awesome you have a group willing to do that and that you did do that!

We have a pretty good running group where I live too. Unfortunately they meet up about 20 minutes from my house, and I'm a lazy runner, that's 40 minutes out of my day to travel to meet them, most of my runs would be over in that amount of time, so I never meet the group for runs. I lucky enough to have a paved bike/run trail out my back door that links up to more trails that cover the entire city, so I usually hit that, or run some flat single track about 2 miles from my house and commune with nature.
2014-01-05 1:42 PM
in reply to: 0

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Dangerjim71
Support: if you haven't found a local triathlon club already stop what you're doing and find one right now!!! If there is no tri club near you find a swim bike or run club as it's likely to have at least a couple triathletes in the mix. I can say without a doubt that I wouldn't have made it out of the water of my HIM last summer if I hadn't done so much open water swimming with our tri club. The swim conditions were brutal but I had already swam worse conditions with our club so I knew I could do it.

We do not have a club here, but there is one in a town an hour away that seems pretty active. I started a FB group for open water swims in my neck of the woods (we are mostly limited to June/July/August in Nebraska) so swimmers and triathletes can meet and swim together. I know a gal who will be swimming the English Channel this year - the whole thing - and has been swimming for hours and hours at a time. I can't imagine doing that, as 750 meters seems plenty far enough to me.

Originally posted by Kristen

OK - so I am basically in your same place - got the sensor for xmas, did the FTP test and was way under the 200 FTP. So far I've only done some of the low FTP endurance rides, and I have to use a real light gear to do those and stay in the power zone. I imagine it will be much more telling when I do some of the power rides to see if the zones are right for me. I have no idea about spin bikes at the gym - haven't used those.

I requested that the guys at Trainer Road take a look at my settings and they corrected my power curve. I guess there are two options for my trainer, and of course I chose the wrong one. They corrected the watts and my FTP from 68 to 170 I believe. You might have the same issue. Look through the entire list of trainers and see if there is a BETA option and a another option to select for your trainer.

Edited by crissy_jo 2014-01-05 1:48 PM
2014-01-05 2:16 PM
in reply to: Brendab

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Brendab

I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have?

Thanks, Brenda

Ok, I should have quoted everything at once instead of adding post after post.

Brenda, Depending on the race I agree with whoever it was (I forgot who mentioned this) the aerobars maybe a moot point. I did a few sprints last year, and my courses had tons of turns and were quite hilly. I bought aerobars to put on my cx bike for the last race of the year and I'm not sure they helped me due to the nature of the course. If you race flats and straight courses they might prove advantageous, or longer courses. I think you planned to do a long race this year, right? So they would be worth the purchase.

They also take a couple of rides to get used to and a couple more to feel like you can go all out on them. I felt really awkward using mine the first time and went slower than usual, but gained confidence with each mile.
2014-01-05 4:01 PM
in reply to: crissy_jo

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by crissy_jo

Originally posted by Kristen

OK - so I am basically in your same place - got the sensor for xmas, did the FTP test and was way under the 200 FTP. So far I've only done some of the low FTP endurance rides, and I have to use a real light gear to do those and stay in the power zone. I imagine it will be much more telling when I do some of the power rides to see if the zones are right for me. I have no idea about spin bikes at the gym - haven't used those.

I requested that the guys at Trainer Road take a look at my settings and they corrected my power curve. I guess there are two options for my trainer, and of course I chose the wrong one. They corrected the watts and my FTP from 68 to 170 I believe. You might have the same issue. Look through the entire list of trainers and see if there is a BETA option and a another option to select for your trainer.

Thanks, Crissy - I don't think mine was quite as far off - my avg power was pretty close to the 170 you got. I think I have the right curve, just not so much power.
2014-01-05 5:57 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Reading through the posts I've come across a few things I'd like to address:


1. Tri Clubs.  I LOVE my tri club.  My club was great for training partners, friends who have the same interests, and a resource for brains to pick.  That said I'm not sure I get as much out of it as other people.  I think athletes who are into the social aspect or are driven by peers get much more out of it than I do.


2.  Aerobars.  Yes it is more aero to ride in your drops.  It's also more taxing IMO.  I think riding in your drops for sprints is a definite.  Olys are a bit of a stretch.  

2014-01-06 5:36 AM
in reply to: ccmpsyd

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by ccmpsyd

Originally posted by Brendab

I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have?

Thanks, Brenda

There are many bike/tri websites that offer good deals on bike components. Always good idea to read reviews too. I have Profile Design, which is a pretty reputable brand. There is no need to break the bank on them.

What distance do you plan on racing in the near future? Reason I ask is because I have been told that the time/speed benefits from areo bars during sprint/oly races are really negligible. I have also been told (by a reputable source) that one can go faster if they ride on the drops of a road bike vs areo bars on short course races. The benefits of areo bars can be seen, however, on long course races. So, depending upon the type of helmet you have, you may want to invest in a good areo helmet, as they really help riders, vs areo bars. The reason, apparently, that areo bars don't really add that much in terms of time reduction/speed is the differences in the geometry/design of a road vs tri bike.

Riding in the drops, however, is tough to do throughout the course of a race. Not sure I could do it.

Hope this helps


What kind of helmet does everyone ride with or recommend?
2014-01-06 6:38 AM
in reply to: DDVMM

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by DDVMM

Originally posted by ccmpsyd

Originally posted by Brendab

I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have?

Thanks, Brenda

There are many bike/tri websites that offer good deals on bike components. Always good idea to read reviews too. I have Profile Design, which is a pretty reputable brand. There is no need to break the bank on them.

What distance do you plan on racing in the near future? Reason I ask is because I have been told that the time/speed benefits from areo bars during sprint/oly races are really negligible. I have also been told (by a reputable source) that one can go faster if they ride on the drops of a road bike vs areo bars on short course races. The benefits of areo bars can be seen, however, on long course races. So, depending upon the type of helmet you have, you may want to invest in a good areo helmet, as they really help riders, vs areo bars. The reason, apparently, that areo bars don't really add that much in terms of time reduction/speed is the differences in the geometry/design of a road vs tri bike.

Riding in the drops, however, is tough to do throughout the course of a race. Not sure I could do it.

Hope this helps


What kind of helmet does everyone ride with or recommend?

I did a fair bit of research last year and wound up getting the Giro Air Advantage2 (more for price). There are others that are similar and are quite good such as Bell, Rudy or Stryker (I believe) and some are higher priced. They all are dorky and make me, one, look like a tool.
2014-01-06 8:10 AM
in reply to: DDVMM

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by DDVMM
Originally posted by ccmpsyd
Originally posted by Brendab I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have? Thanks, Brenda
There are many bike/tri websites that offer good deals on bike components. Always good idea to read reviews too. I have Profile Design, which is a pretty reputable brand. There is no need to break the bank on them. What distance do you plan on racing in the near future? Reason I ask is because I have been told that the time/speed benefits from areo bars during sprint/oly races are really negligible. I have also been told (by a reputable source) that one can go faster if they ride on the drops of a road bike vs areo bars on short course races. The benefits of areo bars can be seen, however, on long course races. So, depending upon the type of helmet you have, you may want to invest in a good areo helmet, as they really help riders, vs areo bars. The reason, apparently, that areo bars don't really add that much in terms of time reduction/speed is the differences in the geometry/design of a road vs tri bike. Riding in the drops, however, is tough to do throughout the course of a race. Not sure I could do it. Hope this helps Chris
What kind of helmet does everyone ride with or recommend?


I wear a Bell Javelin.  I like it a lot.  I recommend going to try on helmets.  For instance the Giro Selector doesn't fit my head.  I like having the shield on the front of my helmet too.  I'm not overly keen on wearing sunglasses on the run so a shield on my helmet works wonders.

2014-01-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by uhcoog

Originally posted by DDVMM
Originally posted by ccmpsyd
Originally posted by Brendab I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have? Thanks, Brenda
There are many bike/tri websites that offer good deals on bike components. Always good idea to read reviews too. I have Profile Design, which is a pretty reputable brand. There is no need to break the bank on them. What distance do you plan on racing in the near future? Reason I ask is because I have been told that the time/speed benefits from areo bars during sprint/oly races are really negligible. I have also been told (by a reputable source) that one can go faster if they ride on the drops of a road bike vs areo bars on short course races. The benefits of areo bars can be seen, however, on long course races. So, depending upon the type of helmet you have, you may want to invest in a good areo helmet, as they really help riders, vs areo bars. The reason, apparently, that areo bars don't really add that much in terms of time reduction/speed is the differences in the geometry/design of a road vs tri bike. Riding in the drops, however, is tough to do throughout the course of a race. Not sure I could do it. Hope this helps Chris
What kind of helmet does everyone ride with or recommend?


I wear a Bell Javelin.  I like it a lot.  I recommend going to try on helmets.  For instance the Giro Selector doesn't fit my head.  I like having the shield on the front of my helmet too.  I'm not overly keen on wearing sunglasses on the run so a shield on my helmet works wonders.


I agree about the visor. Mine does not have a visor. I wear sunglasses on the run a lot and tried wearing them when I ride but I do not like it because I wind up looking over the bridge of the glasses. So now I do not wear anything, which stinks sometimes because I may get hit with a stray bug or get teary gong down fast descents esp when it is cold. I may try to find better glasses.
2014-01-06 12:17 PM
in reply to: ccmpsyd

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by ccmpsyd
Originally posted by uhcoog

Originally posted by DDVMM
Originally posted by ccmpsyd
Originally posted by Brendab I'm going to take your suggestions and get some aerobars for my bike and then get it refitted. I've been looking at aerobars and there's SO many choices. Would love to get a "good" used set if at all possible and do see them on BT classifieds. Any suggestions OR is anyone ready to sell one they have? Thanks, Brenda
There are many bike/tri websites that offer good deals on bike components. Always good idea to read reviews too. I have Profile Design, which is a pretty reputable brand. There is no need to break the bank on them. What distance do you plan on racing in the near future? Reason I ask is because I have been told that the time/speed benefits from areo bars during sprint/oly races are really negligible. I have also been told (by a reputable source) that one can go faster if they ride on the drops of a road bike vs areo bars on short course races. The benefits of areo bars can be seen, however, on long course races. So, depending upon the type of helmet you have, you may want to invest in a good areo helmet, as they really help riders, vs areo bars. The reason, apparently, that areo bars don't really add that much in terms of time reduction/speed is the differences in the geometry/design of a road vs tri bike. Riding in the drops, however, is tough to do throughout the course of a race. Not sure I could do it. Hope this helps Chris
What kind of helmet does everyone ride with or recommend?


I wear a Bell Javelin.  I like it a lot.  I recommend going to try on helmets.  For instance the Giro Selector doesn't fit my head.  I like having the shield on the front of my helmet too.  I'm not overly keen on wearing sunglasses on the run so a shield on my helmet works wonders.

I agree about the visor. Mine does not have a visor. I wear sunglasses on the run a lot and tried wearing them when I ride but I do not like it because I wind up looking over the bridge of the glasses. So now I do not wear anything, which stinks sometimes because I may get hit with a stray bug or get teary gong down fast descents esp when it is cold. I may try to find better glasses.


I personally find it dangerous to ride w/o glasses.  Road debris has hit me several times square in the glasses on a training ride or the visor during a race.  I'd hate not to have had eye protection there.

2014-01-06 12:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by DDVMM

What kind of helmet does everyone ride with or recommend?

My helmet is a regular bike helmet from Lazer. I think it was around $50, and adjusts very nicely. Not one of the aero helmets, I'm not a contender for any big prizes or long distance rides where I feel I need a space helmet. Maybe when I get good enough to be top 3 overall I will upgrade and sacrifice my looks, until then I'm still slow enough for people to see and recognize (and make fun of), so looks are more important.

I always wear glasses. Way to much debris out there. I have several pairs and my favorite for riding are frameless sunglasses. The ones I currently wear are Tifosi (Vogel), for no other reason than those were the only frameless ones available at the store. I can't stand the frame of the sunglasses getting in my field of view, but I would chose sunglasses or clear saety glasses with a frame over none at all.

Edited by crissy_jo 2014-01-06 12:48 PM
2014-01-06 1:02 PM
in reply to: crissy_jo

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Alright ladies and gents I am in need of stuff to watch while on the trainer.  What are y'all watching at the moment?

2014-01-06 3:55 PM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by uhcoog

Alright ladies and gents I am in need of stuff to watch while on the trainer.  What are y'all watching at the moment?

Do you mean aside from Dr. Who?

Have you consumed the Breaking Bad liquor yet?
The Wire is a MUST
The Netflix series with Kevin Spacey (I forget the name)

For recent long rides (3hrs range) I enjoyed watching multiple Ironman World Championships for a bit of inspiration....but that gets old.

I find it is hard to watch something when I am doing intervals or the last bit of the ride when I am pushing I switch to music.
2014-01-06 4:00 PM
in reply to: crissy_jo

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by crissy_jo

Originally posted by DDVMM

What kind of helmet does everyone ride with or recommend?

My helmet is a regular bike helmet from Lazer. I think it was around $50, and adjusts very nicely. Not one of the aero helmets, I'm not a contender for any big prizes or long distance rides where I feel I need a space helmet. Maybe when I get good enough to be top 3 overall I will upgrade and sacrifice my looks, until then I'm still slow enough for people to see and recognize (and make fun of), so looks are more important.

I always wear glasses. Way to much debris out there. I have several pairs and my favorite for riding are frameless sunglasses. The ones I currently wear are Tifosi (Vogel), for no other reason than those were the only frameless ones available at the store. I can't stand the frame of the sunglasses getting in my field of view, but I would chose sunglasses or clear saety glasses with a frame over none at all.

Funny...I kind of threw away the notion of trying to look good as soon as I wore my tri kit to races....particularly when all the ladies in my household get a good chuckle with me in it...something to do with the swirls. So, a goofy helmet....least of my concerns if it shaves some time off.
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