BT Development Mentor Program Archives » The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-03-25 6:33 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Good morning everyone

Super workout this morning - as the snow melts, my times are creeping down - and I see the bike getting stonger - well maybe not as gased when finishing the bike portion - but a super morning in Michigan - 24 outside and loving not haveing to put on all my layers. Plus the snow missed my town completly - bonus!
Now all I need to do is don't eat garbage at work today! Wish me luck.

Hi Molly welcome to the mentor group.

hope everyone has a wonderful training day -

2014-03-25 7:52 AM
in reply to: mollydickinson

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New user
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Welcome Molly! I am preparing for my first Tri in two years, and 2nd one ever. It is in 11 days. What are you strong in? What are you little anxious about? I am not good on swim, doing it last sounds tough. Great that you are doing bricks right now, I did my first brick bike and run yesterday, 16 miles on bike, 1 mile run - legs were shot, and wobbly.

Good Luck

2014-03-25 7:55 AM
in reply to: Paper Boy

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hi, guys! I don't normally share my workouts here in the forum, but yesterday I had an equally frustrating and rewarding workout. I did a 25 minute run, followed by a 20 minute swim. The run was rotten. I only started running in December, but I'm finding that any run I do over 20 minutes sends my pace into the crapper. Its very frustrating. I had gotten my pace down to a 11:30 mile, but on a 25 minute run, by pace creeps up to 12 or even 12:30. Ugh!!! I try not to get too wrapped up in the numbers, and just put one foot in front of the other, but it's hard to watch things backslide like that.
But then I went to the pool and banged out 12 laps in 20 minutes. A PR for me! It was all arms, using a buoy. The sprint tri I'll be doing in June is actually a modified sprint, and is only a quarter mile swim, so its nice to know now that I'll be able to bang it out with no problem.

So, I guess we take the good with the bad, huh?

Any tips you have for getting my times down again are much appreciated. I am now using Zoot running shoes which I have noticed help me a lot in avoiding a super hard heel strike and I feel like I'm pushing off much stronger. Also, my longer runs tend to be part road and part trail, so maybe the trail/dirt/gravel/trees, etc are slowing me down and I don't realize it? Yes, I'm looking for any plausible excuse.

Thanks guys! Hope you are all having a great week!
2014-03-25 7:59 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
I feel good!!!

Swim is getting there. What a difference a swim coach makes! I did about 800m workout this morning, with the last 300m testing my stamina. She is really pushing me in that area. The stroke changes are kicking my butt, my lats are sore from properly pulling. My core weakens and I have tendency to allow my hips to sink as I get tired, but I am aware of it and working on it. It sure does feel good for my first 100m though. So I am pumped with my improvement, my coach said she was stoked

Did my first brick yesteday, legs were complete jelly on run. It didn't help that I started downhill, then straight uphill. joints little sore after that pounding. Bike was good, considering, I just need to drop more weight, so I am not packing this gorilla on my back up hills. I will say me and gorilla fly down the hills though. :-)

2014-03-25 8:31 AM
in reply to: coachrains


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Thanks for the welcome, y'all!

I'm definitely anxious about the swim -- I am a TERRIBLE swimmer. Words cannot express how bad. I took a few private lessons in December, then 8 weeks of a masters class this spring, but my technique is so bad, I wear myself out and barely get anywhere. If it turns out I love triathlons, I anticipate hundreds of dollars in private swim coaching in my future Thankfully this sprint's swim is only 300m (up-and-back each lane of a six-lane pool). At the time trial, it took me over 10 minutes. I had to take some breaks at the wall, do a little breaststroke, but I made it through. I am pretty sure I will be at the back of the pack by the end, so I don't anticipate having to worry about someone passing me in the pool, I will just take my sweet time. My goal for this triathlon is really just to finish, but secretly in the back of my head I really want it to take less than 2 hours. We'll see.

I definitely think the run-to-bike transition is way easier than bike-to-run. I've done some bike-to-run and definitely get the jelly leg feeling! I don't have it at all with run-to-bike. I just hope I don't fall over trying to get from transition area into the pool after bike loop!!

My 5k pace is normally about 10:00, but I will probably go much slower than that (11:30-12:00) during the run portion of this tri to save my legs. My normal run distance is 4-5 miles so I'm not worried about the run at all. I just bought a new-to-me used bike for $200 so I don't have to ride my mother-in-law's old beach cruiser which weighs about 40 pounds for this pretty hilly 13-mile bike loop. I won't be fast on the bike, but I'm not worried about finishing it. I just want to make it to the end with enough energy not to drown in the pool!

I hit up the gym for Body Pump with my favorite instructor this morning, but went light on the weights so I don't risk hurting myself this close to race day.
2014-03-25 10:57 AM
in reply to: mollydickinson

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by mollydickinson

Thanks for the welcome, y'all!

I'm definitely anxious about the swim -- I am a TERRIBLE swimmer. Words cannot express how bad. I took a few private lessons in December, then 8 weeks of a masters class this spring, but my technique is so bad, I wear myself out and barely get anywhere. If it turns out I love triathlons, I anticipate hundreds of dollars in private swim coaching in my future Thankfully this sprint's swim is only 300m (up-and-back each lane of a six-lane pool). At the time trial, it took me over 10 minutes. I had to take some breaks at the wall, do a little breaststroke, but I made it through. I am pretty sure I will be at the back of the pack by the end, so I don't anticipate having to worry about someone passing me in the pool, I will just take my sweet time. My goal for this triathlon is really just to finish, but secretly in the back of my head I really want it to take less than 2 hours. We'll see.

I definitely think the run-to-bike transition is way easier than bike-to-run. I've done some bike-to-run and definitely get the jelly leg feeling! I don't have it at all with run-to-bike. I just hope I don't fall over trying to get from transition area into the pool after bike loop!!

My 5k pace is normally about 10:00, but I will probably go much slower than that (11:30-12:00) during the run portion of this tri to save my legs. My normal run distance is 4-5 miles so I'm not worried about the run at all. I just bought a new-to-me used bike for $200 so I don't have to ride my mother-in-law's old beach cruiser which weighs about 40 pounds for this pretty hilly 13-mile bike loop. I won't be fast on the bike, but I'm not worried about finishing it. I just want to make it to the end with enough energy not to drown in the pool!

I hit up the gym for Body Pump with my favorite instructor this morning, but went light on the weights so I don't risk hurting myself this close to race day.

I also buy used bikes from time to time, If there is time before your race you may want to get a tune up at your LBS - maybe put in new tubes for the tires, and replace anything else that looks worn out, cables, break pads, whatever.....just a thought.

rock on - pb

2014-03-25 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4916679

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hour of Yoga today to loosen everything up a bit
2014-03-25 4:00 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by Clarkey77

Hour of Yoga today to loosen everything up a bit

Here, Here! I'm off to teach an hour of Ashtanga Yoga!!
2014-03-25 4:57 PM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Paper Boy, I bought my bike used through a bike shop so it came with a tune up. Really sweet guys who own it

Loving hearing about all the yoga. I feel like the core strength I get from all those planks helps me keep my hips up in the water while swimming.

Edited by mollydickinson 2014-03-26 10:00 AM
2014-03-26 10:03 AM
in reply to: mollydickinson


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Woke up to a balmy 28 degrees and car doors frozen shut! Luckily, by the time I meet a friend for an after-work run, temps should be up in the 40s. At least we'll have beautiful scenery--we're trail running around an island in the middle of the James River. Still keeping my workouts easy and light in this two weeks leading up to race day!


2149937.jpg (171KB - 7 downloads)
2014-03-26 10:22 AM
in reply to: mollydickinson

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by mollydickinson

Woke up to a balmy 28 degrees and car doors frozen shut! Luckily, by the time I meet a friend for an after-work run, temps should be up in the 40s. At least we'll have beautiful scenery--we're trail running around an island in the middle of the James River. Still keeping my workouts easy and light in this two weeks leading up to race day!

Dang - those are some green trees - everything in Michigan is brown and color at all at the moment.

2014-03-26 10:32 AM
in reply to: Paper Boy

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
So what is everyone eating?

1 kid out of the house, 1 18 year old son who is gone 2 dinner meals a week.

We have our stand by meals, but man some days I just don't want to cook. Now with that said - I live 4 min from the market and would say I swing in all the time to pick up a few of this and that. So no issues on haveing food to cook. Just no planning on our part. (I kinda like having frig empty-ish)

Give me some easy ideas to feed 2 to 3 people or just tell me what your having for dinner tonight.

Last night - Fajitas

2014-03-26 8:05 PM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Back in the saddle after missing five days because of illness; it will probably be a few more days before I get back in the pool. I got my trusty Schwinn Sierra back from the bike shop yesterday, and I am now able to ride it comfortably with the shortened crank arms. I took it out for a quick spin before crisis line duty tonight. It feels good to be able to ride again! I may need to take it in for some chain adjustments after I get my other bike back as it doesn't seem to want to switch to the biggest front chain ring.
2014-03-27 10:08 AM
in reply to: burner2


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Originally posted by burner2

Back in the saddle after missing five days because of illness; it will probably be a few more days before I get back in the pool.

Wanting to swim train when you're sick is THE. WORST. I had a cold over the winter that kept me out of the pool for a couple weeks (I still biked & ran) because it was just too hard to breathe. Glad you're feeling better!

I have a short bike-swim (50 minute bike, 20 minute swim) workout scheduled for today. Exercise bike at the gym isn't quite like road riding, but better than nothing, and easier to transition to the pool if I'm already checked in to the gym, bag in the locker room, etc.

What do y'all have on tap today?
2014-03-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: mollydickinson

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Super Morning at 33 degrees - yay the end must be near! Heard it will be in the 50's on Sunday!

80 min on Bike and ran 50 min this morning....So hit my weekly running goal - not sure what the weekly bike total is at the week I'll be adding two more sections - so if all goes as planned - and two moons aline w/ mars, i'll be at 18 miles a night for the bike! We'll see.

Pot roast and carrots for dinner tonight.

Romantic night away for me and the Wife Friday...we are both excited - it has been a long time since my last night off the route.

30 min on treadmill when I get home.

Hope everyone has a super training day.
2014-03-27 8:18 PM
in reply to: #4916679

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
13 + mile bike yesterday

Today nice brisk walk 1.5 miles at work

Then 60 bw squats and core tonight

Looks like everyone is putting in work

2014-03-27 9:46 PM
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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Clarkey, Gr8 job on walking during work!!!

Paper Boy, you rock & enjoy Friday night!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone

Edited by The Padre 2014-03-27 9:48 PM
2014-03-28 1:29 AM
in reply to: pfomalont

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
I did my first brick today! Eight miles on the bike--I live on a mountain, so it was six miles uphill, climbing 400-500 feet in elevation, above the snowline, and then two miles downhill--followed by 2.4 miles walking. I thought it would be easy, even though I've read tons of advice about how difficult it can be to run after riding, but, oh, boy! Forget practicing my racewalking technique--I could barely shuffle forward; walking a straight line fast was completely out of the question!

My bike route is one I last rode last summer and has a couple of particularly challenging hills, one I always walk up because it's nearly vertical, and then another with a moderate 10-15% grade that I was able to ride up last year. However, whether my legs aren't powerful enough or my lungs aren't clear enough yet, I had to walk up it today. But, give me a couple of weeks, and I'll be cruising up it like it's not even there.

By the way, if you're not familiar with it, ( is a wonderful website that will tell you the elevations of your walk/run/bike route and help you pick one that's as flat (or not!) as you want. For people like me who live in the mountains, it's an absolute gem! I even use it to check out routes before races so I know what to expect.

Happy to have completed my first brick, especially since I now know what I'm in for. I will try to practice those every week or so. I'll also be joining a gym in April for practicing in inclement weather and also for strength training. Since it's open 24/7, I can stop by after my pool nights.

Oh, and I finished adding my March data to BT, and it seems I've lost 20 pounds this month. I had no idea!
2014-03-28 9:01 AM
in reply to: burner2


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Great job on your super hilly bike ride, burner2! You are a beast!

My bike-swim workout yesterday went ok, but I warned my cheering squad (mom & husband) afterward that the swim finish would involve a lot of breaststroke, backstroke, and resting at the wall, and not a lot of super speedy freestyle, definitely no flip turns.

Forecast for my very first ever triathlon next Sunday is overnight low of 36, followed by a high of 60. So I'm guessing while I'm running & biking in the morning it'll be somewhere in the 40s, maybe low 50s? Definitely need to bring a windbreaker for the bike, and SO GLAD that it's reverse so I don't have to get out of the pool and bike with wet hair.

After this I'm moving to Tahiti.
2014-03-28 8:03 PM
in reply to: mollydickinson

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Great job on the brick!

I have one planned for Sunday.

Today - 4 miles on the dreadmill It was warm enough but raining so I did it inside.
3.6 running .2 warmup and cool down. 48 min total, but 3.5 in about 38 min give or take.
I ran 3.1 miles, caught my breath then sprinted approx. .3 miles (for me) at 6.5.

tomorrow approx. 10 mile bike in the AM - then Trimania Boston, then a swim in the afternoon 1000 yds min.

Sunday - Brick.
Probably about 8 miles on the bike and 2 run.
2014-03-29 9:53 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN

Thanx so much 4 turning us onto the site!! Super cool. I am going to plat w/it a lot more.

Also, keep walking after the rides. The bricks will get a weeeeee bit easier over time & your legs will become more conditioned in the weeks to come.


Whats the week look like before next Sundays race???


Enjoy the brick on Sunday!!! Keep us posted.

2014-03-30 9:22 AM
in reply to: #4916679


Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Thanks for the kudos on the 32km hilly run. I'm hoping some good came of that 'cause it didn't do anything for my confidence. Actually really shook it. I've been quietly training for a marathon in early May but haven't registered because I might do the 1/2. Mostly because my schedule is making it a huge challenge to fit the 30+ km runs in. Wanted to do another 32k yesterday while away at my daughter's dance competition but only had time for 23. So..I'll consider it a cut-back week and go longer next week (if i decide to do the full). I keep flip-flopping.

For now I'm just doing Spin classes once a week, for a couple of reasons. One because I've been focusing on the run training for the early May race, and the other because my pedals are on their way here from Florida. Bike currently has no pedals. After the May race I'll take a week or 2 rest then switch gears to Tri-focused training. My Tri is in Aug, so I have plenty of time.

Best of luck with your race!

Le' Ann
2014-03-30 9:44 AM
in reply to: The Padre

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Grand Junction, Colorado
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Hey All,

Radio Show Today……. March 30th……….3pm-6pm…… Mt Time Zone…… Stream Live…… www dot kafmradio dot org……. I am cover the On The Trails show

Enjoy Your Day & Thanx For Thinking Of Others
2014-03-30 11:09 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN

Friday - a nice long run, for me - 4 miles
Saturday AM - easy 10 mile bike
Saturday AM/Day - Trimania Boston where I had a GREAT time and got energized.
Saturday PM (4) - 45 min in the pool

Sunday AM!!!
9 mile Bike
2.75 mile Run
half hour each.

Goal was 8 mile bike 2 mile run, I feel I beat that nicely and I could have kept going on the run.
I actually stopped at half hour because I beat the plan and didn't want to overdue it!
Wanted to go at least a half hour in each! Feeling good!

Looking forward to Pauls results!
2014-03-31 7:10 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Other Way - Training by Feeling and Racing to Train - OPEN
Well, I wanted to know exactly how bad the transition can be from bike to run, so I did my first "real" brick yesterday. I did a hilly 9.2 miles on the bike, and I had no goal for the run. I've heard such horror stories, that I my only goal was to move forward . But I wound up shuffling down the driveway, and started running about a halfway down the block after I decided, "oh, what the hell, I'm going for it". I only ran for a mile, but it was a solid mile at a good pace (for me).

For me, the physical pain was in my inner thighs and hip flexors. I'd be very interested to know what physical and mental challenges others face in this transition and how you work past them? Only other physical thing I've noticed is my back was tight in the pool this morning.

Based on yesterday's experience, I am now planning to run a little after every bike ride (2x week), just to help my body get used to that transition.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
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