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2015-01-06 4:43 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by cwpeters

Originally posted by Burd

I would love to regroup and come back in. A few BDASes ago I was extremely active but it died off on the last go. I've still been training just nothing hard core. Hurt my knee on my last race in Sept but I think it's nearly 100% and it's time to start building the base miles again.

I need to get my a$$ in gear since I dropped the cash on 2 big races for '15. I'm doing Florida 70.3 in April and IMFL in November. Would sure rest my mind some if my run was longer than 3 miles I would have to say my overall fitness is still OK but my run fitness is at the bottom of the toilet.

Thanks David for the poke to get back in the group...I needed that.

Glad to see another Florida face in the group. I was thinking about getting a countdown to pitchers and catchers going to counterbalance all of the hockey talk.

Pitchers and Catchers report for the Indians in 44 days. Better yet - 47 days until the Daytona 500!

2015-01-06 4:45 PM
in reply to: Jeakins

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Jeakins

Hi I would like to come back if you all will have me.

NAME: Jeff

STORY: Played all kinds of team sports as a kid and right through university up until our first child… 7 years ago. I have struggled with weight all my life but the sports kept it in check. Without sports not so much. Started training for Tri’s in Jan of last year and completed a ½ sprint intro to triathlon and a sprint triathlon. Really enjoyed the training and experience. I started 2014 at 265 lb and managed to get to 240 lb by mid-summer. Then in the fall I fell of the wagon and all around me was good food and great beer. So I am starting 2015 at 254 lb. At least some progress year over year. Motivating factors for me and triathlons are: weight loss, health improvement (no issues currently but I can’t stay at this weight and not expect issues), and the fun, excitement, and sportsmanship of the races. I have battled with plantar fasciitis and can attest to going slow in the beginning and avoiding the injury to start is the way to go. Also PT and great suggestions from this group help too!

FAMILY STATUS: I am happily married to a fellow triathlete (who is the one who encouraged me to give it a shot in the first place) with 3 children, 1 girl who is 7 and 2 boys 6 & 3. The older 2 competed in their first kids of steel last summer and are excited to do it again!

CURRENT TRAINING: Winters in Calgary are not very favorable to outdoor training (right now it is -15C and snowing) so I am often relegated indoors. I am doing a mix of running (indoor track at the YMCA), cycling at home on the trainer either watching TV (Go Canada Juniors! Great Game last night), or doing Spinerval videos (Troy you are a bastard!), trying to swim at least once a week at the Y. I am also doing some strength training, primarily my core and the occasional Insanity video. If you are not familiar with Insanity videos, my wife calls it Aerobics for Men, LOL. It is mostly cardio but with enough strength training mixed in that you should be sore the next day .

2014 RACES: 1 Mini Sprint, 1 Sprint.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Goal of 3 sprints this year. Already signed up for one in May and considering the early season Mount Royal Sprint Tri in April. Last year the Mount Royal tri had the bike section cancelled due to heavy snow so it became a Swim-Run event. (FYI these are both pool swims).

BEER PREFERENCE: IPA’s and porters. Part of my weight loss plan is to reduce the quantity of beer I drink . So I figure I will increase the quality . Skip all the cheap stuff and really enjoy what I do drink. I guess I better stick with it to avoid the Coors Light Penalties!

WEIGHT LOSS: Big plans this year. Goal weight is 190 lb. This is my doctor recommended weight. I am apparently one of those people for whom BMI is not a great standard as at 190 lb and 5 ft 9in my BMI still isn’t in the normal range but when I get there my doctor and I can re-evaluate. I am very broad across the shoulders and apparently have a high bone density (I guess this is a good thing).

Here is to a new year and a great season to come!

Welcome back Jeff! Glad to have you!
2015-01-06 4:47 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by Qua17 The alarm went off at 5 and was in the pool by 5:30. 250 yards... Day 1 of the 21 day workout challenge - Done!

Alarm went off at 4:30am(frig!). On the track for a 2.5mile run followed by on the bike for 30 minutes. DONE!

Nice start, both of you!

Yesterday I only managed 500 yards in the pool, my shoulder was nagging me and I didn't want to push it too much. Today I went for an easy pace 4 mile run.

Mark - sorry about the sore wing, but Kudos on the back to back workouts!
2015-01-06 5:46 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Coors Lite Penalty if I fail.

Who's with me?

Me!!! I'm 5/6 as of today (yesterday was an intentional rest day...and for me rest days still include exercising dogs either on a leash or a dogsled).

For the next several weeks I am biking or running daily with one rest day per week. Once we get to Idaho/snow I'll be substituting some of those with XC skiing...the goal is simply cardio exercise for a minimum of 40-60 minutes per day (I have to burn a minimum of 400 calories). Come mid-March I'll revisit the pool.

Let's do a weigh-in and activity report at month's end. Complete with a pictured toast of either one's favorite beverage or warm Coors Light. I'm okay with it being more frequent (weekly?) if that will help motivate people. (and it's not like I'm not going to toast something at least once a week)

2015-01-06 6:32 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Dave you will be back in the swing of things and at your fighting weight in no time. I am in for a challenge. I am mostly run focused until my marathon and not swimming until i heal from my elbow surgery in a little under 3 weeks. I am def in for the weight lose thing. I maintained over the holidays but would like to get to 220 or lower for race season.
2015-01-06 8:19 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Great job on the workouts, everyone!! I am living vicariously through you for a bit. The back is better but as it turns out, that knee that has been bugging me...tendinitis. My PT said it's okay to try some light biking on my trainer but not to put it on the highest gear. Run a mile, roll, run another mile and call it a day. It looks like I will be doing a lot of swimming over the next month - not that that's such a bad thing. I start teaching next week for the spring semester so that will at least keep me on my feet moving. Silver lining...
On the beer front....a dear friend is turning 40 - she is friends with the guy who owns Switchback Brewery...we're throwing her a surprise themed birthday party at the brewery's tap room!! Beeeeer!! Ah, good times. Saturday night I will be dressed as Stevie Nicks plugging down some good beer with my hubby dressed as Geddy Lee. (That's for you guys north of the border!)

2015-01-06 11:06 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Need clarification on a CLP.

Today's plan was a speed workout, however after 4 consecutive days of workouts including my first group ride since June, the body was a little beat up. Skipped the planned training and went for a 45 minute walk with the wife. So, CLP or not and does the walk keep my streak alive?

I'll start the weight loss challenge:

Start - 1/2/15 - 295.8

Goal - 1/11/15 - 290

2015-01-07 7:47 AM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I'm sure it's right in plain view but I couldn't find what the challenge is for this month. Let me know and I'll jump on in.
2015-01-07 8:02 AM
in reply to: #5080544

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Same, didn't see a challenge for this month. Can't run anyway but maybe I can swim it or something?
2015-01-07 11:07 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey Guys,

I am probably at 5-6 warm coors lights by now....

Sick wife, sick daughter, means no real time for anything in the past two days. I have never felt more helpless in my life as when my little girl is in pain or not feeling well and I cannot fix it right away. Sucks

On a positive note, everyone is on the mend and I am looking to sneak in a swim at the pool tonight after work! First workout of 2015 hopefully!
2015-01-07 2:22 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by justinfss Hey Guys, I am probably at 5-6 warm coors lights by now.... Sick wife, sick daughter, means no real time for anything in the past two days. I have never felt more helpless in my life as when my little girl is in pain or not feeling well and I cannot fix it right away. Sucks On a positive note, everyone is on the mend and I am looking to sneak in a swim at the pool tonight after work! First workout of 2015 hopefully!

If you hit six coors, you have to drink them out of your old running shoe...a hurting kid is 10x worse then getting hurt yourself. Get them healed up!

2015-01-07 3:32 PM
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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
**slinking back in with tail between legs**

Can I come back, even though I was a terrible mentor group member last time and dropped off the face of the earth?!? My only excuse is that I went to Egypt and must have left my motivation there, cause it sure wasn't around when I got back!

I can post my bio later today.

Edited by drfoodlove 2015-01-07 3:34 PM
2015-01-07 7:19 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by cwpeters

Need clarification on a CLP.

Today's plan was a speed workout, however after 4 consecutive days of workouts including my first group ride since June, the body was a little beat up. Skipped the planned training and went for a 45 minute walk with the wife. So, CLP or not and does the walk keep my streak alive?

I'll start the weight loss challenge:

Start - 1/2/15 - 295.8

Goal - 1/11/15 - 290

I am in but not sure what order your dates are in here, are we doing weekly weigh ins?

Start 1/1/15 - 256

Goal 200
2015-01-07 8:08 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Sick kids are the worst! Just gotta give them what they need. LOT OF HUGS!

Current Weight: 245

Goal Weight: <215

I'm not a fast weight loss person. I've been steadily adding in workouts since Nov 29th, and have yet to loose a single pound. So I will try my best at a pound a week.

Any tips, I'm all ears!

Workout wise, I'm shooting for something everyday this month (except the 2nd and 3rd that were scheduled off).

2015-01-07 8:53 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Originally posted by cwpeters

Need clarification on a CLP.

Today's plan was a speed workout, however after 4 consecutive days of workouts including my first group ride since June, the body was a little beat up. Skipped the planned training and went for a 45 minute walk with the wife. So, CLP or not and does the walk keep my streak alive?

I'll start the weight loss challenge:

Start - 1/2/15 - 295.8

Goal - 1/11/15 - 290

I am in but not sure what order your dates are in here, are we doing weekly weigh ins?

Start 1/1/15 - 256

Goal 200

I wasn't sure how to do the format so I went with my weight closest to the 1st and what I thought would be a good first weigh in date. Please feel free to change things up. We could do an overall weight loss goal but I thought a weekly goal might be more motivational.
2015-01-07 8:57 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

**slinking back in with tail between legs**

Can I come back, even though I was a terrible mentor group member last time and dropped off the face of the earth?!? My only excuse is that I went to Egypt and must have left my motivation there, cause it sure wasn't around when I got back!

I can post my bio later today.

Gretchen - there is no blame/shame. We are thrilled to have you back! Looking forward to seeing the bio when you get a chance!

2015-01-07 9:03 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by cwpeters

Need clarification on a CLP.

Today's plan was a speed workout, however after 4 consecutive days of workouts including my first group ride since June, the body was a little beat up. Skipped the planned training and went for a 45 minute walk with the wife. So, CLP or not and does the walk keep my streak alive?

I'll start the weight loss challenge:

Start - 1/2/15 - 295.8

Goal - 1/11/15 - 290

CLP = Coors light penalty - its what you earn when you do something like skipping a workout for a lame reason... As in... I was gonna go do a brick but I decided to sit on the couch and watch a rerun of the Gilmore Girls. The opposite of a coors light penalty is the cold and tasty beer you should give yourself for losing the weight.

Going for a walk with your wife totally counts and is a smart move considering how much time away from our better haves we spend thanks to all the training we do.

Congrats on the weight loss! Keep it up!

2015-01-07 9:12 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
A quick checkin before bed...

I'm 2/2 on the 21 day workout challenge thanks to getting in a bike ride after getting home from work. It was seriously chilly 10F with a windchill of -8 (and that doesn't include biking into brutal wind gusts....

But the upside is - I reconnected with part of what makes tri so fun - and that's pushing past perceived limits and doing something that most people think is crazy. It's my thing - better yet -IT"S OUR THING! Let's be sure to celebrate that in ourselves and in each other.

Tomorrow's plan - Up at 4:30 and in the pool near work by 5:30. The sauna had better be working is all I'm gonna say.
2015-01-07 9:38 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I just figured out how to use this forum, my apologies for joining then being silent. So I've been working out and have an indoor tri next weekend. It's a 10 minute swim, 30 minute guided spin and 20 minute run. Feels like a mini sprint to me. So, has anyone done an indoor tri before? I have a 10 minute transition that I'm hoping to change from my suit to dry clothes. Is that enough time? Anyone have tips?

Also, while I'm not training hard right now I'm staving lately. Aside from hard boiled eggs what are some good protein packed, non processed snacks that you eat?

Oh! And I bought some goo for next weekend. I've never used it. Should I try it out before the race day? I'm freaked out about eating that stuff- after all, it's called goo... Or just give it a go race day if I feel low fuel and hope I don't vomit?

I Swam a strong 20 minutes tonight. Up at 6am for a 3 mile treadmill run tomorrow morning, sadly this will be my first indoor Thursday morning run of the winter but the feels like temps where I am are expected to be -16. Too cold for outside running.
2015-01-07 11:35 PM
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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Smiley9188

I just figured out how to use this forum, my apologies for joining then being silent. So I've been working out and have an indoor tri next weekend. It's a 10 minute swim, 30 minute guided spin and 20 minute run. Feels like a mini sprint to me. So, has anyone done an indoor tri before? I have a 10 minute transition that I'm hoping to change from my suit to dry clothes. Is that enough time? Anyone have tips?

Also, while I'm not training hard right now I'm staving lately. Aside from hard boiled eggs what are some good protein packed, non processed snacks that you eat?

Oh! And I bought some goo for next weekend. I've never used it. Should I try it out before the race day? I'm freaked out about eating that stuff- after all, it's called goo... Or just give it a go race day if I feel low fuel and hope I don't vomit?

I Swam a strong 20 minutes tonight. Up at 6am for a 3 mile treadmill run tomorrow morning, sadly this will be my first indoor Thursday morning run of the winter but the feels like temps where I am are expected to be -16. Too cold for outside running.

I have not done an indoor tri, but 10 minutes seems more than enough time to change. The best advice is to practice EVERYTHING you are going to do on race day BEFORE race day.

Lay what you plan on wearing on the bike & run (top, bottoms, socks, shoes...) on the bedroom floor, put on your swimsuit and hop in the shower, then go through the entire process of quickly drying off, getting out of the wet suit and into the dry clothes. This is actually much harder than it sounds because the dry stuff will stick to your skin. If possible, go with loose fitting items instead of skin tight articles. A tip for the socks, put them on when you are laying everything out, then roll them down from the calf/ankle to the toe. Leave about 2 or 3 inches unrolled and leave them in the openings of your shoes. When you get to T1 (transition 1) you can stick your toes in then just use your palms to unroll them. Even better, skip the socks altogether unless you're doing a HIM or IM.

As for the Goo, try that ahead of time as well. Some people have GI issues with gels. Better to find out when running around your neighborhood than in the middle of a race. Besides, some flavors taste like crap. The recommended usage is one 15 minutes prior to activity then 1 every 45 to 60 minutes during the race. Make sure you have water to take with them.

Good luck and don't hesitate if you have more questions.


Edited by cwpeters 2015-01-07 11:36 PM
2015-01-07 11:44 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Got in my 30 min run before the polar vortex reaches south Florida and drops our temps into the upper 30's for 2-4 hours.

I actually feel bad for you guys and gals up north. I spent 2 years in Minnesota and 6 in Wisconsin so I know what you're dealing with. Stay warm and be safe on the roads.


2015-01-08 10:02 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Dragged my butt onto the cycle trainer last night to keep the streak alive.

Up this morning for more biking!

Last night finally weighed in...239--brutal. Weight in this morning after biking-236 lbs

would like to be down to 200 by July 12....26 weeks approx.

As for this week, just want to stay consistent.

2015-01-08 10:16 AM
in reply to: cwpeters

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Never done indoor tri, but sounds like a great way to start and reduce stress in future races. As suggested, I would not try anything new on race day - try all the gear, prepare it carefully the day before, and yes, 10 min is plenty of time for the transition without running. My suggestion regarding fuel, have a good breakfast (again, nothing that you have not had before) and 15 min prior to start have a gel and some water. May be you will just need fluids during your tri, and then enjoy a nice lunch after the tri with a great beer to celebrate!!
2015-01-08 10:19 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
My favourite snack is hummus&tomato sandwich, but it could be also a nice dip for carrots or celery. I also usually carry with me a handful of nuts to much in between meals to avoid reaching home at night and eat as much chocolate as possible!
2015-01-08 10:21 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
So time to take it easy this period Jennifer, hope you get better soon! Meanwhile, enjoy the party, sounds like you're gonna have some fun!
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