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2016-01-31 6:00 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by soccermom15

So I tried my first run yesterday morning using the Maffetone HR method.  A few observations:

1. I figured at my normally slow running pace, I wouldn't have too much trouble keeping under 128 bpm.  I was wrong (really wrong!).
2. Even at my new, even slower running pace my HR still jumps to the low 130's after about 30 seconds or so, but... 
3. My HR drops back down to the high 110's pretty quickly, so I'm still basically doing the run/walk that I had been, it's just that the intervals are shorter than the 2/2 I was using before.
4. Was it a little frustrating/annoying to be constantly stopping and starting?  Yes.  Will I stick with this?  Yes, and here's why.  My "A" race isn't until August 22 and I am determined to get there injury-free and well-trained.  And if that means that for now I have to run/walk at a very slow pace, then that's what I'm going to do.  I'm trying to focus on the longer term.

Interesting tidbit - I did a run last Sunday with the exact same miles (4.24) using a 2/2 run/walk and my overall pace for that run was only 6 seconds per mile faster than the run yesterday.  Granted, conditions were a little different between the 2 runs (different locations and I wasn't paying attention to my HR last week), but I was surprised that the overall paces were so similar. 

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Hey Janet,
"Frustrating/annoying"? You're on the right track! For myself, I find it takes at least 15 minutes of very very slow running, keeping my eye on the HR monitor, and taking frequent short walk intervals to keep it within bounds. I think of that as my body & especially heart warming up. After that I can chug along a little faster with my HR more steady without me checking it every 10 strides. I don't know how cold it is in Missouri, but the colder it is outside the longer my warmup usually takes. I'm dressing more warmly than I used to also, because if I'm cold the frustrating warmup period is even longer.

2016-01-31 6:10 PM
in reply to: ellenbwolfson

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by ellenbwolfson


I am a 63 year old Vermonter looking to do my 3rd sprint this summer. I have been running for about 10 years, competing in a few half marathons and one full marathon, and planning to do several half marathons in May and June this year. I run (slowly) year round with a running group, including through the (very long and cold) Vermont winters. I recently got a Cannondale road bike complete with clip in pedals to replace my old hybrid, so I am hoping to amp up my biking.

Anyway, I would love to join your group.



Hi Ellen!

Welcome to the group!  Sounds like you have running down so there might need to be a bit of a focus on the swim and the bike.  We have a good group of people here that will be happy to answer questions and offer guidance whenever you ask.

2016-01-31 6:12 PM
in reply to: CL001

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by CL001

OK, I did the LT test today. My average HR for the 20 minutes was 168 with a peak of 186. So that puts my Z2 between 142 and 149...sound about right?

Steve, I got the Run Less Run Faster book yesterday and started reading it. So far it looks like they recommend running by pace and not the HR.

The authors are very focused on correct pacing in the book. I don't think it's that they bring HR into the equation as much as they use the self testing to determine your aerobic capacity and they then build the correct race pace and tempo run pace to match your fitness. The point is to have the correct pacing objective for every training run. One run is about increasing your VO2 with appropriately paced intervals, one run is tempo to get you really dialed in on correct race pace and the 3rd is slow....and that's where the HR levels will really help so you keep your HR well in the Z2 level.

Since I've been Tri focused I haven't used the book as much. That said, I did use the intervals and tempo runs in their program about three years ago to get to a sub-20 5K in a run only event. So I'm reasonably sure if you select a realistic goal based on your aerobic performance they lay out, the training plans can get you to a decent finish.

I have to say, I'm jealous of your 168 average HR. At 60, my days of a 168 HR are long gone.

2016-01-31 6:18 PM
in reply to: kashart06

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by kashart06 Hello, call me Kat, please. I am 64, turning 65 this year. I have been toying with the idea of getting into tri's for the last year or so. I think it's time to actually commit to it. I hope you will accept me into your group. I need your wisdom experience and butt-kicking experience. Currently I am 20lbs overweight and only running a slow mile (4 - 5 mph), really a walk. I so admire all of you, I hope to be part of your group.

Hi Kat!  Welcome!

I should warn you, once the tri bug bites you, it doesn't often let go!  Back when I first started, I absolutely HATED running.  Actually you couldn't call what I did running at all.  I couldn't walk a mile, let alone run one.  Look forward to answering any questions you may have.

2016-01-31 6:28 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by soccermom15

So I tried my first run yesterday morning using the Maffetone HR method.  A few observations:

1. I figured at my normally slow running pace, I wouldn't have too much trouble keeping under 128 bpm.  I was wrong (really wrong!).
2. Even at my new, even slower running pace my HR still jumps to the low 130's after about 30 seconds or so, but... 
3. My HR drops back down to the high 110's pretty quickly,

Hey Janet,

It wasn't completely clear to me if your HR is jumping before you are warmed-up or after you are warmed-up and you begin to run, so a couple comments addressing both situations -

It isn't uncommon for HR to rapidly rise if you aren't fully warmed up.  It will come back down as your body gets warmed up or obviously if you reduce the effort.  People that experience this often don't notice the phenomenon because they simply aren't paying particularly close attention to their HR.

Ditto what Scott said about HR spikes. I always track my HR on my runs. Each time out to run my HR spikes the first mile out the door. I really don't notice it other than an initial breathlessness, but it definitely spikes on my Garmin. My HR has hit as high as 212 in the first EASY warm up mile. For example, yesterday on my regular Saturday 11 mile long run my average HR was 133 for the full run. My HR spiked in the first 1/2 mile up to 176, even though I was running very easy on a long descent down to the riverfront trail. According to my Garmin HR graph, my HR dropped into the training zone about 8 minutes into the run and stayed there until the climb back up the hill at the end of the run.

2016-01-31 6:34 PM
in reply to: kashart06

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by kashart06

Hello, call me Kat, please. I am 64, turning 65 this year. I have been toying with the idea of getting into tri's for the last year or so. I think it's time to actually commit to it. I hope you will accept me into your group. I need your wisdom experience and butt-kicking experience. Currently I am 20lbs overweight and only running a slow mile (4 - 5 mph), really a walk.
I so admire all of you, I hope to be part of your group.

Hey, Kat,
I'll offer you some special encouragement. You have me beat by a little, but I was 63 when I did my first triathlon. I tried a relay with my 2 grown daughters and had so much fun I went on to do more...and more...and more!
I had never done any running, had swum a little all my life but found I knew nothing and was afraid of the water to boot, and had a too-big 30-year old steel hand-me-down bike. I was only 15 lbs overweight, but that quickly turned into 27 lbs as I learned the hard way that doing triathlon did NOT mean I could now eat as much as I wanted.
At that time, which was a short 5 1/2 years ago, I was still working; and running, biking & swimming was primarily stress relief. I had no particular plan, and liked the fact that I didn't have to do the same form of exercise every day. When I retired almost 2 years ago, I didn't plan on dedicating myself to my sport, but that's what I found myself doing.
If you look around at your (our!) age peers, you'll quickly see they fall into 2 easily recognizable groups: those who are fit and those who are not. The unfit ones appear 10-20 years older than the fit ones. They have many more chronic health conditions and their activities are more limited. I decided I wanted to join the fit ones. Two years ago I participated in the National Senior Games and met women in their 80's who were competing. It gave me a totally different vision of aging than what I'd previously held; it was a new future I claimed for myself.
You're miles ahead of where I was because you've joined this group. I'd also recommend seeing if there's a triathlon club near you, and joining it. You'll get a wealth of information about local resources, and probably make some friends. Triathletes are for the most part welcoming & non-judgemental.
I hope we see you sticking around this forum. Ask any question you have and people will jump to help & encourage you.

2016-01-31 7:01 PM
in reply to: CL001

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by CL001

OK, I did the LT test today. My average HR for the 20 minutes was 168 with a peak of 186. So that puts my Z2 between 142 and 149...sound about right? 


Here is what I got for your zones:

  • Z1     < 142
  • Z2     144-150
  • Z3     151-159
  • Z4     160-167
  • Z5a   168-171
  • Z5b   172-178
  • Z5c   179-dead

Remember when we're talking about training zones, we're talking about a continuum across the heart rates.  Things don't magically happen at a specific heart rate.  For example, you don't suddenly reach your maximal lactate steady state (a more precise way of referring to lactate threshold) at precisely 168 beats per minute..  It happens across a range of numbers that may have some variance from day to day for various reasons.  With that in mind, your zone of 142-149 is no more or less correct than my calculation at 144-150.

Even when you are working out using pace as a guide, it is still beneficial to know your HR zones.  Pace may or may not be an accurate indicator of effort.  Hills, wind are two variables that immediately come to find that can alter pace relative to effort.  By knowing you HR you can always gauge how intense the effort was.

Hope that all helps a little bit.

2016-01-31 7:13 PM
in reply to: lutzman


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Hello and thank you for such a great welcome. My first challenge is how to start while letting my runners kne heal. I read about running in a pool. That sounds like a possibility. What do other people do with this situation?
2016-01-31 7:48 PM
in reply to: 0

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by lutzman

Ditto what Scott said about HR spikes. I always track my HR on my runs. Each time out to run my HR spikes the first mile out the door. I really don't notice it other than an initial breathlessness, but it definitely spikes on my Garmin. My HR has hit as high as 212 in the first EASY warm up mile. For example, yesterday on my regular Saturday 11 mile long run my average HR was 133 for the full run. My HR spiked in the first 1/2 mile up to 176, even though I was running very easy on a long descent down to the riverfront trail. According to my Garmin HR graph, my HR dropped into the training zone about 8 minutes into the run and stayed there until the climb back up the hill at the end of the run. Steve

Hey Steve,

I didn't elaborate in my earlier post because it wasn't clear if Janet was referring to before or after she was warmed-up.  However, since you bring up the HR spike before you were warm-ed up, I thought I'd share a possible explanation for the HR spike for anyone that might be interested.

When we first begin to exercise, oxygen demand by the muscles increases. Metabolic processes speed up. More nutrients are used resulting in more waste being created. To perform as efficiently as possible the cardiovascular system must regulate these changes and respond to the body’s increasing demands. It does that by raising HR and increasing stroke volume to regulate cardiac output (cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate).

Stroke volume is the amount of blood ejected per beat from the left ventricle and is measured in ml/beat. Stroke volume increases proportionally with exercise intensity. In untrained individuals stroke volume at rest averages 50-70ml/beat increasing up to 110-130ml/beat during intense physical activity. In elite athletes resting stroke volume averages 90-110ml/beat (explaining a lower resting HR in trained athletes) increasing to as much as 150-220ml/beat. Upon the start of exercise, it generally takes 3-5 minutes before stroke volume begins to increase, often taking several minutes to reach maximum stroke volume.  As stroke volume increases, HR may come back down as the body strives to maintain equilibrium. 

This is why you often hear the recommendation to gradually warm-up - 10 minute walk then 10 minute jog, or easy jog for 15 minutes, etc.  The point is to allow time for the various physiological systems and muscles to respond to the increased demands of exercise and prepare the body for more strenuous efforts.

Just a side note, it is equally important that we allow a cool-down period at the end of exercise to gradually bring the cardiovascular system and muscles back to a resting state.

Happy training everyone!

Edited by k9car363 2016-01-31 7:48 PM
2016-01-31 8:30 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Hey!!! Am I too late to join? I'm Sarah. Used to frequent BT regularly but life got busy and I had a couple of injuries and thus goes the story... I've done a few sprints and one Olympic but didn't do any last year. I run mostly now and have done a bunch of 5ks and half marathons over the last 10 years (oddly I hated running at first - started at 43 with running/Tri stuff) but now I enjoy it. I'm not fact, pretty slow. But I enjoy the training for health and sanity reasons Anyhow..I'm 53 as of Dec 2015 and would like to get another tri on the books this summer and if anything by committing to this forum - maybe it will keep me focused and help get me up at 430 again so I can hit the pool.
2016-01-31 8:30 PM
in reply to: BbMoozer

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
PS... that pic of me is like 6 years old LOL

2016-01-31 8:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Hello. My name is Guido Magliato (magliato - BT screen name). I'm happy to see a group like this one. I have a swimming/water polo background and joined the tri community in my 20's. I left it for about 25 years as family and career took front seat. I have started to race again and the training attitude has definitely shifted from race to win (not that I ever did) to be competitive but stay healthy and injury free.

I'm struggling with time to train (as I imagine we all do). I am trying to get two training sessions per sport and add some lifting. My goal is to do a HIM. It certainly is a goal beyond that which seems logical based on time. It may be more reasonable for 2017 but I haven't let go of the thought of doing one the end of 2016.

I hope I can add to the forum and I appreciate and learned from the posts I have already read.


Edited by magliato 2016-01-31 9:54 PM
2016-01-31 11:40 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

A welcome to Dave, Ellen, Kat, Greisman, Sarah and Guido.  I hope you'll each get involved in the discussions and ask questions.  It is the best way to learn and help others.  I also recommend using your training log to keep track of all your workouts.   It is motivational for you and helpful when you ask some questions about training.  My training log book is open to anyone who might care to have a look.  

Dave - Do you have an accessible pool in your area?  What about proximity to a good swimming lake in the summer?  Look for Tri groups in your area to learn where to workout/train.  

Ellen - I'm quite slow on the run myself but I do get a bit faster each year.  I'm still planning to run a 30 minute 5K.  Maybe 2016 will be the year.

Kat - I injured my left knee shortly after I started running 4 years ago (at 61).  Initially it is important to rest the knee as much as possible.  You could try swimming without bending your knee when kicking but if it seems to aggravate your knee - stop (DDT rule - if it hurts Don't Do That).  For myself I found Voltaren Emugel quite helpful and if the problem is annoying/lingering consider "superfeet" shoe inserts.  As it eases up and you slowly start running again avoid hard running surfaces until you know you can handle it.  I hope that helps.

Guido - Water Polo!  I swim with a 70 yr old Brit expat that still talks about his days playing water polo.  Sounds like it can be pretty hard.  Really good training for open water mass swim starts, eh.


I was surprised when I filled out my log yesterday to see that I swam 13hrs 6 minutes and 26246 yards for January.  I biked (trainer) 16 hours 6 minutes and 235 miles.  I've only just started running again but I managed a slow/modest 15.17 miles in 3 hours.  Looking forward to starting February.  Swim and run tomorrow.


Edited by wenceslasz 2016-01-31 11:44 PM
2016-02-01 7:59 AM
in reply to: lutzman


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Scott & Steve,

I hope that i am not resending this post....I apologize if this is a repetition (learning not to push the tab key)

I would like to join your group.

I am 63 years with my last triathlon being the 2004 World Championship in Hawaii. Leading up to this event I trained 15 to 20 hours per week which lead to the family asking me to retire. After returning from Hawaii I hung up my Kestrel till last month.

During Christmas my youngest son challenged me to signup with him for the Santa Cruz 1/2 IM. This will be his first IM and my first in over 10 years. I was hoping that the "masters" focus will get me to the starting line without injury.

I consider myself a newbie since it has been so long.

1) I heard that my 2002 carbon Kestrel is not legal since it does not have a down tube
2) My Helmet has expired, i do not remember people checking the date on helmets, just simply whether you had that still the case?

I look forward to the groups activities and experiences
2016-02-01 12:21 PM
in reply to: kashart06

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by kashart06

Hello and thank you for such a great welcome. My first challenge is how to start while letting my runners kne heal. I read about running in a pool. That sounds like a possibility. What do other people do with this situation?

Hi again Kat,
I have used pool running quite a bit to help with injuries & swear by it. Here's a website with instructions:

I'm not sure if your "runners' knee" is actual runners' knee (Patellofemoral syndrome, which I may have misspelled); or other knee soreness associated with running.
For the first, which I did have in the beginning, I needed to strengthen my quads, but was barred from doing any quad exercises in which the knee is bent more than about 30°. This meant no squats, lunges, ordinary knee or leg extensions etc. There is an exercise called "terminal knee extensions" that I did until my quads were strong enough to hold my kneecap in the right place.

Many knee problems are actually the result of weak hips. You can do a set of exercises similar to these:
This is also a long-term proposition.

The best thing of all is to see a physical therapist and have your knee diagnosed more precisely. Before I started in triathlon, I was afraid my "bad knees" would prevent me from doing it. They'd only been hurting for about 10 years. A friend convinced me to see a PT, and within 3 weeks of doing his exercises I was fit to start running.
Don't give up.
2016-02-01 8:34 PM
in reply to: kashart06

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by kashart06 Hello and thank you for such a great welcome. My first challenge is how to start while letting my runners kne heal. I read about running in a pool. That sounds like a possibility. What do other people do with this situation?

I looked at your training log and there is nothing there!  I was looking to see what kind of volume you have been doing leading up to the knee pain.

My first inclination would be to take a few days off to let your knee recover and heal.  While you are down, you might try to figure out what is causing the problem.  The two primary causes of "runner's knee"  - aka Patellofemoral pain syndrome - are improper form and increasing mileage to rapidly.  Other causes are direct trauma to the knee, foot problems, weak thigh muscles or a muscle imbalance.

To speed the recovery you can:
  1. Rest the knee. ...
  2. Ice your knee to reduce pain and swelling. ...
  3. Compress your knee. ...
  4. Elevate your knee on a pillow when you're sitting or lying down.
  5. Take anti-inflammatory medications. ...
  6. Practice stretching and strengthening exercises, especially for the quadriceps muscle group.

Once you have ZERO pain, then I suggest starting back with very low mileage and easy pace.  When you start back, that might be the time to consider aqua jogging or something similar.  Once you start back, use caution building your mileage back up by strictly adhering to a 10% build each week.  For example, say you run 10-miles your first week back.  The following week, you add 10% - 1 mile - and run 11-miles that week, and so on.  Yes, it will take a few weeks to build volume back up, however you will be doing it slowly so it will be less likely to cause injury.

Hope that helps.

2016-02-01 8:39 PM
in reply to: BbMoozer

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by BbMoozer Hey!!! Am I too late to join? I'm Sarah. Used to frequent BT regularly but life got busy and I had a couple of injuries and thus goes the story... I've done a few sprints and one Olympic but didn't do any last year. I run mostly now and have done a bunch of 5ks and half marathons over the last 10 years (oddly I hated running at first - started at 43 with running/Tri stuff) but now I enjoy it. I'm not fact, pretty slow. But I enjoy the training for health and sanity reasons Anyhow..I'm 53 as of Dec 2015 and would like to get another tri on the books this summer and if anything by committing to this forum - maybe it will keep me focused and help get me up at 430 again so I can hit the pool.

Hey Sarah!  Nope, not too late.  Welcome to the group.

You still have the running base, so now we just need to get you in the pool and on the bike.  If you shoot me your phone number, I will call you every morning at 4:00 a.m. so you can get to the pool!  

Seriously though, this group is a good bunch of people that will answer questions and provide some motivation.  Summer is a long ways away so there is plenty of time to get ready.


2016-02-01 8:47 PM
in reply to: magliato

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by magliato

Hello. My name is Guido Magliato (magliato - BT screen name). I'm happy to see a group like this one. I have a swimming/water polo background and joined the tri community in my 20's. I left it for about 25 years as family and career took front seat. I have started to race again and the training attitude has definitely shifted from race to win (not that I ever did) to be competitive but stay healthy and injury free.

I'm struggling with time to train (as I imagine we all do). I am trying to get two training sessions per sport and add some lifting. My goal is to do a HIM. It certainly is a goal beyond that which seems logical based on time. It may be more reasonable for 2017 but I haven't let go of the thought of doing one the end of 2016. I hope

I can add to the forum and I appreciate and learned from the posts I have already read.


Hi Guido,

Welcome to the group.  I played water polo way back in high school.  That seems like a lifetime ago!  I wasn't very good, but I was a fast swimmer so I always started, sprinted for the ball, then got yanked at the first whistle.  I was OK with that as my focus was on swimming, not WP.  I only played because that was what the swimmers were supposed to do.  Don't know who created that rule but they obviously weren't concerned with furthering swimming careers.

Anyway, the art of training is to train with the least volume to obtain the desired adaptations.  When are you hoping to do a HIM and what type of actual training volume have you been doing?  I tried to look at your logs but they are currently restricted so I couldn't see anything.  A HIM is not an un-obtainable goal, but it is somewhat ambitious if you haven't been training regularly.  We can chat about it more when you get some time.

This group is a good bunch of people that are happy to answer any questions you may ask.

2016-02-01 8:54 PM
in reply to: HRobison67

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by HRobison67

Scott & Steve,

I hope that i am not resending this post....I apologize if this is a repetition (learning not to push the tab key)

I would like to join your group. I am 63 years with my last triathlon being the 2004 World Championship in Hawaii. Leading up to this event I trained 15 to 20 hours per week which lead to the family asking me to retire. After returning from Hawaii I hung up my Kestrel till last month.

During Christmas my youngest son challenged me to signup with him for the Santa Cruz 1/2 IM. This will be his first IM and my first in over 10 years. I was hoping that the "masters" focus will get me to the starting line without injury.

I consider myself a newbie since it has been so long.


  • 1) I heard that my 2002 carbon Kestrel is not legal since it does not have a down tube
  • 2) My Helmet has expired, i do not remember people checking the date on helmets, just simply whether you had that still the case?

I look forward to the groups activities and experiences


Hello Hugh,

Welcome to the group.

I have a Kestrel Talon - absolutely LOVE that bike!.  I didn't know they made a bike that didn't have a down tube.  Diamond bikes are increasing becoming very popular and they don't have a down tube so I can't imagine there is a problem with USAT.  ITU might have issue with it.  I suggest you do a google search for both USAT and ITU bike rules and verify what the specifics are.

I have never seen people check dates on helmets, however, that said, if the helmet is expired, I strongly encourage you to replace it.  There is a reason they expire.  You don't want to find out the hard way that it no longer offers the same protection it once did.

Just my humble two cents.

2016-02-01 9:26 PM
in reply to: lutzman


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Are u still accepting members. If so how do I join?
2016-02-02 5:55 AM
in reply to: Rikhrndz

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by Rikhrndz Are u still accepting members. If so how do I join?

Hi there, yes we are still open. 

To join simply post a short bio using this general format - we have several new people and it will be helpful if you all do this so get to know a bit about you.

NAME: Your username / first name

STORY: A short paragraph of who you are, why you triathlon

FAMILY STATUS: Family situation (single/married/family)

CURRENT TRAINING: How you train in general (what race distances in 2013 or any races so far in 2014, technical or not)

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Just a little summary of what you have recently done.

UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: If your season is ready, list your races, if not, your training goals.

WEIGHTLOSS: And any weightloss goals that you have (or the weight lost so far as a triathlete).

2016-02-02 6:12 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Housekeeping Stuff

Hey Everyone!

Wow, in just a couple days we have added several people.  Personally I like when the group becomes large and lively!   I thought it might be helpful if I created a list of current group "members"  I have attached that below.  If you don't see your screenname/first name please let me know so I can make the correction.  Also, a couple of you haven't posted up a bio, that would be helpful so we don't have to call you "hey you!"

Also, sometimes when questions are asked it is helpful if we can look at your training logs.  Especially when it comes to injury related or training related questions.  I believe the default training log setting is that they are private - meaning that only you can see them.  To change the privacy setting, click on your screen name at the top right of the page, select 'settings,' then select 'training log settings.'  Under training log settings, select 'privacy.'  You have a couple of options - a) everyone - meaning the public at large, b) registered users - meaning anyone who is a BT member, c) friends - only your friends would be able to see your logs.  This one is a bit more difficult in that you would need to add the BT members as friends so they can see your logs.

Certainly nobody MUST open up your logs, but we can better answer questions if we can see your training history.

Happy training everyone!

(gray guys-gals group.jpg)

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2016-02-02 6:18 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Housekeeping Stuff

Opps!  One other thing.  I think most of you already have it, but can you make sure your name is added to the bottom of your posts?  You can setup a signature line so it adds it automatically.  It helps so we don't have to hunt down your name!


2016-02-02 6:36 AM
in reply to: 0

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by HRobison67 

I heard that my 2002 carbon Kestrel is not legal since it does not have a down tube


Your questions got me thinking.  I really like the Dimond Bike, which is considered to be a "beam bike" with no down tube.  So I did a bit of research.  The rules are pretty ambiguous for many of the sanctioning bodies.  However, that said, it appears that "beam bikes" or "soft ride bikes," those bikes without a double-triangle frame or no down tube, are currently legal under USAT and ITU rules, however illegal under UCI rules. 

That said, triathlons are typically open to anything that has brakes.  Some races are beginning to restrict riders to a road or tri-bike (dis-allowing mountain bikes and beach cruisers.  I think at the end of the day you are likely not going to have problems.  If in doubt, send the race director a picture of your bike before you enter to be sure.

Just in case you have an extra $15,000 laying around -

Edited by k9car363 2016-02-02 6:37 AM


2015-dimond-triathlon-bike-premium-build-44.jpg (181KB - 2 downloads)
2016-02-02 10:47 AM
in reply to: k9car363


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
I would like to join the group.

Name: Pete (Pete82Adams)

I'm 55, and just did my first sprint triathlons last year. In June of 2014, my then future SIL did Ironman Coeur d'alene, and we drove to Idaho with my daughter to cheer him on. After that, I decided to try it. I've always been active, even if i'm not very good. I did 4 sprints last year. It's a good way for me to be active and channel my energy.

I've been married for 27 years and have one daughter (and son-in-law).

Current Training - 5-6 workouts per week, semi-organized. We just moved from Dallas to Austin, so my training has been massively interrupted.
working on building up running. i've had 3 knee operations and am terrified of having more. so i have been very slowly ramping up my running 5-6 times a week, low mileage run/walk.

This year's races: 4 sprints.

Upcoming races:no plan yet, but probably a few sprints starting in May. I'm considering the Austin half Ironman (just don't tell my wife).

Weightloss - i want to lose 10 pounds and get down to 180. i think that is my right weight. I was there but the move has played havoc on my life and diet.

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