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2007-05-25 1:37 PM
in reply to: #812393

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
emac21 - 2007-05-22 4:41 PM
JBD - 2007-05-22 2:29 PM

My first sprint is in two weeks, any tips you can share?

Sweet!  Are you getting excited?  You should be coming up on a nice taper week!

My first was in March and it was a blast.

My only advice is to go and have fun.  I found everyone to be helpful, so get there early, watch how other people have their transition set up, make sure you know the site layout and transition entries, etc.  Kick back and have a good time.  I was much more stressed on my 2nd tri because I forgot to have fun.

2007-05-25 1:49 PM
in reply to: #817088

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
run4yrlif - 2007-05-25 11:13 AM

Hey group! What does everyone have planned for the weekend? I'm running 8 miles tomorrow and riding 50 on my fixed-gear bike on Sunday...

2nd tri & First Oly distance in Austin texas..

decided to visit an ex girlfriend the day before the race and that has me more nervous than the tri..
2007-05-25 6:22 PM
in reply to: #802336

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Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
I'll be working this weekend, That's the main reason my wife wants to kill me. I told her I would drive up to Souris River Country Club in Minot to pre-golf the course with her. She took second last year and wants to win this year. She is claiming she cannot find her notes from last years tourney.
I usually work 20 days on and 10 days off. My Boss called asked if I would fill in for the weekend I didn't even ask how high I should jump. I just jumped being the new guy at the job. I must be getting better because I'm working with an inexperienced geologist.

Tri-wise I did buy a Speedo swimsuit, not the crotch-hugger but the one that looks like bike-shorts without the pad. I though I was thin until I put on the Speedo. I better be more hydrodynamic in it. Drove 79 miles to Williston, ND only to find the pool closed early for the weekend. Might make the drive again tomorrow afternoon swim is from12-3pm.

I did go to the Tomb of the Unknows & the Vietnam Memorial one Memorial Day in the 1990's it is still vividly burnt into my memory. No matter what your political preference never forget the soldiers serving for our country. If you didn't serve or cannot serve in the military you should still do what you can to make your community & country better. This is from Tweed Roosvelt, talk, I was at a fund raiser he spoke at last year.
2007-05-25 9:28 PM
in reply to: #817382

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Edited by Bopper 2007-05-25 9:28 PM
2007-05-26 11:11 AM
in reply to: #802336

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

Today was spinning and ST, trying to squeeze in an OWS but there may be a change of venue... something about the family wanting to see Shrek the Third may trump my trip to the lake.  In that case I'll go swim in the outdoor pool at the club.  If enough kids go down the slides at once maybe it will feel like open water .

Tomorrow I have a long bike ride planned followed by a 5K run.  More importantly is the 90 minute massage afterwards.

Monday is a rest day.  Usually this idea makes me twitch an break out in hives but I'm really looking forward to it.  Must mean I need it.

Happy birthday, Aimee...  I think it's today! 

Hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.

2007-05-26 4:05 PM
in reply to: #817357

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2007-05-26 4:20 PM
in reply to: #817382

Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

Gaarryy - 2007-05-25 2:49 PM 2nd tri & First Oly distance in Austin texas

Good luck, Gaarryy!  I know lots of people doing that race and am going to try to catch the webcast... what's your bib #?  Oh, and good luck with other thing, too .

2007-05-27 3:14 AM
in reply to: #802336

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
How to questions.
How do I put in a hyperlink to a website in the body of the message.
How do I refer back to another persons message so everyone else knows what I'm responding to.
I have a link to everyone's blog training log except Houston-tri-momma. Do you have a log you would like linked Houston-tri-momma?
2007-05-27 6:27 AM
in reply to: #818497

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2007-05-28 5:39 PM
in reply to: #818509

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Bopper - 2007-05-27 5:27 AM

Pollywog - 2007-05-27 4:14 AM How to questions. How do I put in a hyperlink to a website in the body of the message. How do I refer back to another persons message so everyone else knows what I'm responding to. I have a link to everyone's blog training log except Houston-tri-momma. Do you have a log you would like linked Houston-tri-momma?

Response to a couple questions.....

1. To paste a hyperlink into a message, or anywhere, go to the webpage. Highlight the address in the address bar, right click and select copy. (or press Ctrl-C when you have the text hilighted). Then go to the message, or wherever you want to paste the hyperlink. Put the cursor where you want the hyperlink. Right click, select paste (or press Ctrl-V) and voila... hyperlink is there.
You can also just type the address there.... typing the address using the three www's and the .com or whatever preface it is ... (i.e. will automatically make a hyperlink.

2. Refering back to some one elses message is VERY easy.... do you see the two buttons in the top right hand corner of this message box.... there is "Quote and Reply.... if you press quote... you get the text of the message you're responding to at the beggining of your response. If you press reply... you get the message your replying to at the bottom of the response page, so you can refer to it as you're typing.... but it isn't added to your response.
After you have posted (submitted) your response, and you realized you've missed something... you can edit your submissions. Look at any of the posts you've put up... you will see the same buttons at the top of your message PLUS an edit button. Comes in handy if you hit the send button accidentally... or if you're like me and forget to add something to that submission.

3. Houston tri momma may have her training log set as private.... as is her perogative... she can share it with us... or leave it private... that is her choice. We will support her in everything she posts on this message board. And... you can always send a quick inspire ... just to be nice.

Hope I was able to answer some of your questions.... feel free to ask more if you wish... someone should be able to answer them.

Off for a quick morning swim... enjoy your day. Hope your wife isn't to upset with you for working this weekend

Thanks Bopper. I must be blind I did not see the quote button. I forgot you could make your log private if you wanted to. I was thinking I was missing a step to create a link.

Hey, what does a 6' 3" guy wearing spandex standing at the side of the road look like. My imagination has left me. That's my next step scan photos and load up an avatar. This is my attempt at an internet joke.
2007-05-28 6:00 PM
in reply to: #819521

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2007-05-29 1:57 AM
in reply to: #802336

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Trying to link to a photo of me. I don't have a mtb but used a loaner, The bike jersey is an early 90's Nashbar polypro. The Maah Daah Hey trail is a blast to ride.,%20pre-dee...
2007-05-29 11:51 PM
in reply to: #818229

the colony texas
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
milaminute - 2007-05-26 4:20 PM

Gaarryy - 2007-05-25 2:49 PM 2nd tri & First Oly distance in Austin texas

Good luck, Gaarryy! I know lots of people doing that race and am going to try to catch the webcast... what's your bib #? Oh, and good luck with other thing, too .

Thanks to everyone for the good luck wishes.. I'm sure you have seen other post that the entire event was cancelled.. the area was getting lots of rain in the past few days and sun evening to mon morning got another 8 inches.. up stream from the swim is some sort of dam. (whats a fish say when he swims into a wall?? Dam!) I crack myself up .... anyway they had to keep opening up the floodgates so the current was too much to allow any swimming. The road for the bike course was nearly a river..

oh well on to the next event

2007-05-30 8:18 AM
in reply to: #817205

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

markz - 2007-05-25 1:09 PM  Jim - so you too have fixed gear bike? Could you, or anybody, explain to me please this fascination? They are so popular now, every messenger in Chicago has one.

First of all, riding a fixie is just plain fun. No gears make for pretty simple, quiet riding. But the main reason I like it is it makes me a better cyclist. It teaches you to climb efficiently, and builds a ton of strength. And also builds an efficient spin--you can't help but be efficient when you're flying down hills at close to 40mph and cadences approaching 200rpm.

2007-05-30 9:31 AM
in reply to: #819521

Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
Pollywog - 2007-05-28 5:39 PM

Bopper - 2007-05-27 5:27 AM

Pollywog - 2007-05-27 4:14 AM How to questions. How do I put in a hyperlink to a website in the body of the message. How do I refer back to another persons message so everyone else knows what I'm responding to. I have a link to everyone's blog training log except Houston-tri-momma.

wait - my logs are "private" - it's not set that way... oh wait try houston-tri-mama that should fix it.

Edited by houston-tri-mama 2007-05-30 9:32 AM
2007-05-30 4:27 PM
in reply to: #821799

Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
run4yrlif - 2007-05-30 8:18 AM

markz - 2007-05-25 1:09 PM  Jim - so you too have fixed gear bike? Could you, or anybody, explain to me please this fascination? They are so popular now, every messenger in Chicago has one.

First of all, riding a fixie is just plain fun. No gears make for pretty simple, quiet riding. But the main reason I like it is it makes me a better cyclist. It teaches you to climb efficiently, and builds a ton of strength. And also builds an efficient spin--you can't help but be efficient when you're flying down hills at close to 40mph and cadences approaching 200rpm.

Thank you Jim for the explanation.
So it is like riding the one at the gym with the fly wheel. Pardon my ignorance - do you have any brakes on it?

2007-05-31 4:30 PM
in reply to: #821799

the colony texas
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
On a fixed gear, do you have to always be pedeling?? can you coast at all?

at my LBS, the employees are always talking about single or fixed gear bikes and this indoor track with the high banked corners for racing.
2007-05-31 10:19 PM
in reply to: #802336

Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED
On the fixie you are pedaling all the time. You have to be a super good bike rider to ride one at 40mph & near 200rpm downhill, or you have to be totally crazy.

The singlespeed's back wheel is not fixed so you can coast.
Here are a couple links if you're courious about fixed gear and single speed culture. Super-Rookie is a Fixed Gear guy from the Velodrome world. He is or was a bike messenger.

CRC coffee bar is the other kind of fixed gear guy & single speeder.
2007-06-01 9:15 AM
in reply to: #802336

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED


 I think if you come clean and tell everyone that you are riding your Huffy Thunder Road, people will understand.  I actually was the unfortunate rider of a fixed gear without brakes (disclosed later to me) down through a steep pasture with lots of bumps.  I was about 9 at the time and still was able to have kids, but boy did the stop hurt.

2007-06-01 9:19 AM
in reply to: #802336

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: run4yrlif's group-CLOSED

Anyone got any fun workout plans for the weekend?

Anyone going to Macon for the RnR 1/2 (not me). 

I plan on a long bike ride, hopefully I can talk my friends into Silk Sheets, and probably a long run on Sunday.  

I recommend my workout yesterday for nice results...I was exhausted.  Basically, I ran a brisk 3 miles on the tread mill and immediately went into spin class (with a spin seargent, no slacking), followed by an immediate job to the treadmill for another brisk 2 miles.  It was a quick butt whopping and I was bushed last night.

2007-06-01 9:23 AM
in reply to: #825376

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2007-06-01 11:59 AM
in reply to: #825376

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Edited by Bopper 2007-06-01 12:00 PM
2007-06-01 12:09 PM
in reply to: #825719

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2007-06-01 12:16 PM
in reply to: #825736

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2007-06-01 12:17 PM
in reply to: #825749

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