BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-03-06 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4648663

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-06 12:07 PM

Nailed 100 yards in the pool toady without stopping.  Did it breast stroke but the point is I did it.  At this rate I will be ready for the 400 in May for sure even if I have to float it, lol.  The 100 breast was 3:22, not sure if this is fast or slow nor does it matter yet but it gives me a starting point to work off of.  Only did 400 total but was a hard 400.  Back at it tomorrow.

Leaving the house in 30 minutes for the doc.  I'll be sure to post it up what he said.  I'm itching to get back at it but a lot slower and shorter this time

Great job on the swim. I have been in your shoes/flippers

2013-03-06 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
P90x arms for 30 minRowing 200 strokes1450m pool taper swim10 minutes aqua joggingI tried several miles jogging yesterday without the same leg problem but not great either. On a positive note, today is my birthday and I finally hit 200lbs. Start was 285 two years ago.
2013-03-06 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4648767

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

bobddsmd - 2013-03-06 12:47 PM P90x arms for 30 minRowing 200 strokes1450m pool taper swim10 minutes aqua joggingI tried several miles jogging yesterday without the same leg problem but not great either. On a positive note, today is my birthday and I finally hit 200lbs. Start was 285 two years ago.

Happy birthday Dr. Bobby.  With it being your special day - I think you should celebrate your milestone (a huge congrats by the way) with plenty of good beer!  You've come a long way and have much to be proud of!

Glad to hear that the knee is getting better!  Just think of how much you'll be able to lose now that you are healthy as you head towards your spring HIM.  Onward!

2013-03-06 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4648663

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-06 12:07 PM

Nailed 100 yards in the pool toady without stopping.  Did it breast stroke but the point is I did it.  At this rate I will be ready for the 400 in May for sure even if I have to float it, lol.  The 100 breast was 3:22, not sure if this is fast or slow nor does it matter yet but it gives me a starting point to work off of.  Only did 400 total but was a hard 400.  Back at it tomorrow.

Leaving the house in 30 minutes for the doc.  I'll be sure to post it up what he said.  I'm itching to get back at it but a lot slower and shorter this time

Alex - Go big or go home.  Nice work on the swim.  At this point, it doesn't matter how you do it as long as it is getting done.  3:22 is a good time per 100... If you are able to add in some crawl over the next two months - you will get even faster!

Sending positive vibes that you get good news from the doctor.  I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes! 

2013-03-06 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4648767

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Have a great birthday Bobby!
2013-03-06 2:46 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
The doc has spoken.  Nothing to be worried about.  Lots of fluid around the knee and some tendonitis.  I have to get off the motrin because I would have to take 800 every 4 hours instead put in 2 naproxen(sp?) in the morning and 2 at night.  Have to wear a sleeve on it to reduce the fluids and no running.  I can still swim and got the clearance to bike.  Even if it doesn't hurt give it a minimum of 2 weeks he said.  They are calling to schedule my MRI to clear everything since I have this all planned.  Better safe than sorry.  Turns out he is an ex-triathlete and marathoner.  Gave me some great tips on training  

2013-03-06 3:32 PM
in reply to: #4648767

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

bobddsmd - 2013-03-06 12:47 PM P90x arms for 30 minRowing 200 strokes1450m pool taper swim10 minutes aqua joggingI tried several miles jogging yesterday without the same leg problem but not great either. On a positive note, today is my birthday and I finally hit 200lbs. Start was 285 two years ago.

What a great birthday present to yourself!  Congrats on the weight loss!

2013-03-06 4:48 PM
in reply to: #4649011

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-06 2:46 PMThe doc has spoken.  Nothing to be worried about.  Lots of fluid around the knee and some tendonitis.  I have to get off the motrin because I would have to take 800 every 4 hours instead put in 2 naproxen(sp?) in the morning and 2 at night.  Have to wear a sleeve on it to reduce the fluids and no running.  I can still swim and got the clearance to bike.  Even if it doesn't hurt give it a minimum of 2 weeks he said.  They are calling to schedule my MRI to clear everything since I have this all planned.  Better safe than sorry.  Turns out he is an ex-triathlete and marathoner.  Gave me some great tips on training  
Wow! Great news. A little surprised that livin in paradise hasn't used up all your good Karma and I glad to hear that be cleared you for the bike. The fact that he is a triathlete is a huge bonus! Take it nice and slow and before long - you be able to brag again about how far and how fast you ran. Looking forward to those posts!
2013-03-06 4:54 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
So I'm back on the bike for the first time in 10 days. And I'm praying that the plumbing doesn't get sore again...I simply can not wait to get back outside after being stuck indoors for 3 months... Almost done with that book - Iron War. What a great read. I know I will never race in HaWaii and I am fine with that - but I get so inspired by the stories that come out of that race. One day I will complete that distance and then I'll wait until Kevin qualifies for it before I go out there and cheer him on in person!
2013-03-06 6:37 PM
in reply to: #4648663

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-06 1:07 PM

Nailed 100 yards in the pool toady without stopping.  Did it breast stroke but the point is I did it.  At this rate I will be ready for the 400 in May for sure even if I have to float it, lol.  The 100 breast was 3:22, not sure if this is fast or slow nor does it matter yet but it gives me a starting point to work off of.  Only did 400 total but was a hard 400.  Back at it tomorrow.

Leaving the house in 30 minutes for the doc.  I'll be sure to post it up what he said.  I'm itching to get back at it but a lot slower and shorter this time


Great Swim Alex! It is going to come quickly! just stick too it!

2013-03-06 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4648767

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

bobddsmd - 2013-03-06 1:47 PM P90x arms for 30 minRowing 200 strokes1450m pool taper swim10 minutes aqua joggingI tried several miles jogging yesterday without the same leg problem but not great either. On a positive note, today is my birthday and I finally hit 200lbs. Start was 285 two years ago.



You are the man! very inspirational my friend!

Happy Birthday Bobby!

2013-03-06 6:41 PM
in reply to: #4649338

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-03-06 6:37 PM
Burd - 2013-03-06 1:07 PM

Nailed 100 yards in the pool toady without stopping.  Did it breast stroke but the point is I did it.  At this rate I will be ready for the 400 in May for sure even if I have to float it, lol.  The 100 breast was 3:22, not sure if this is fast or slow nor does it matter yet but it gives me a starting point to work off of.  Only did 400 total but was a hard 400.  Back at it tomorrow.

Leaving the house in 30 minutes for the doc.  I'll be sure to post it up what he said.  I'm itching to get back at it but a lot slower and shorter this time

great advice Justin! It takes a while but it will come. It has probably taken me a year to finally feel comfortable with the swim.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. No beer. Race mode is starting. (at least for a few days)


Great Swim Alex! It is going to come quickly! just stick too it!

2013-03-06 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

No specific training today, but I played around in the park with my dog and got her good and tired out because we had company over for dinner and I wanted her to be well behaved.


As for the questions about the test, I think I have tried to normalize my stomach issues for most of my life, and have had some pretty bad periods of discomfort and inconsistency in my bowels, "Stomach Area". This is what led to the decision for it, it was a live blood analysis by Rocky Mountain Analytical, in the fine print I see that the samples we analyzed at US BIOTEK, Seattle WA...going to have to do some googling after this post now....


    I am going to try and stick with the no dairy, no Eggs, according to the test, my intolerance to Gluten is moderate, while off the chart for the other two. So I am going to take it easy on the beers, but I am by no means quitting, I am going to keep them as rewards and go for Quality over Quantity, as well as sampling all gluten free brands I can get my hands on.

I do want my gut to heal, but I am never quitting Beer....Never...

Edited by justinfss 2013-03-06 6:45 PM
2013-03-06 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4649344

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-03-06 7:43 PM

No specific training today, but I played around in the park with my dog and got her good and tired out because we had company over for dinner and I wanted her to be well behaved.


As for the questions about the test, I think I have tried to normalize my stomach issues for most of my life, and have had some pretty bad periods of discomfort and inconsistency in my bowels, "Stomach Area". This is what led to the decision for it, it was a live blood analysis by Rocky Mountain Analytical, in the fine print I see that the samples we analyzed at US BIOTEK, Seattle WA...going to have to do some googling after this post now....


    I am going to try and stick with the no dairy, no Eggs, according to the test, my intolerance to Gluten is moderate, while off the chart for the other two. So I am going to take it easy on the beers, but I am by no means quitting, I am going to keep them as rewards and go for Quality over Quantity, as well as sampling all gluten free brands I can get my hands on.

I do want my gut to heal, but I am never quitting Beer....Never...

I feel for your struggle with the foods.  My son is allergic to peanuts, treenuts, shellfish, and peas.  The peanuts and treenuts are so bad we carry an epi pen.  Point of this is it can be tough at first to adjust but then it just becomes part of everyday living and you don't even think about it.  Your belly will thank you in the end. 

2013-03-07 7:37 AM
in reply to: #4649344

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-03-06 6:43 PM

No specific training today, but I played around in the park with my dog and got her good and tired out because we had company over for dinner and I wanted her to be well behaved.


As for the questions about the test, I think I have tried to normalize my stomach issues for most of my life, and have had some pretty bad periods of discomfort and inconsistency in my bowels, "Stomach Area". This is what led to the decision for it, it was a live blood analysis by Rocky Mountain Analytical, in the fine print I see that the samples we analyzed at US BIOTEK, Seattle WA...going to have to do some googling after this post now....


    I am going to try and stick with the no dairy, no Eggs, according to the test, my intolerance to Gluten is moderate, while off the chart for the other two. So I am going to take it easy on the beers, but I am by no means quitting, I am going to keep them as rewards and go for Quality over Quantity, as well as sampling all gluten free brands I can get my hands on.

I do want my gut to heal, but I am never quitting Beer....Never...

Glad to hear you are getting the info you need to fix your tummy issues.  And while I'm sorry to hear about the need to cut back on your beer intake - I think using beer as rewards is a good one.  Plus - it will help you with your weight loss - so at least you've got that going for you which is nice.

Onward my friend...

2013-03-07 8:06 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

1x2,000 yards in the pool this morning, continuous.

Lap swimming is a strange cross between zen meditation and solitary confinement. It's transcendent drudgery.

2013-03-07 8:39 AM
in reply to: #4649822

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
mirthfuldragon - 2013-03-07 7:06 AM

1x2,000 yards in the pool this morning, continuous.

Lap swimming is a strange cross between zen meditation and solitary confinement. It's transcendent drudgery.

x2. I am seriously considering looking at some kind of music system to kill the pain...well as much as possible!Laughing

2013-03-07 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4649344

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-03-06 5:43 PM

No specific training today, but I played around in the park with my dog and got her good and tired out because we had company over for dinner and I wanted her to be well behaved.


As for the questions about the test, I think I have tried to normalize my stomach issues for most of my life, and have had some pretty bad periods of discomfort and inconsistency in my bowels, "Stomach Area". This is what led to the decision for it, it was a live blood analysis by Rocky Mountain Analytical, in the fine print I see that the samples we analyzed at US BIOTEK, Seattle WA...going to have to do some googling after this post now....


    I am going to try and stick with the no dairy, no Eggs, according to the test, my intolerance to Gluten is moderate, while off the chart for the other two. So I am going to take it easy on the beers, but I am by no means quitting, I am going to keep them as rewards and go for Quality over Quantity, as well as sampling all gluten free brands I can get my hands on.

I do want my gut to heal, but I am never quitting Beer....Never...

Have you talked to your doctor about these results? Are there other tests you can do? If this is the issue I would start by eliminating one at a time and see how you feel. As far as gluten, there are some gluten free beers out there...the one I tried tasted like my old sweat sock but they did have other types...good luck on getting that straightened out!

2013-03-07 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4649881

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
thor67 - 2013-03-07 9:39 AM
mirthfuldragon - 2013-03-07 7:06 AM

1x2,000 yards in the pool this morning, continuous.

Lap swimming is a strange cross between zen meditation and solitary confinement. It's transcendent drudgery.

x2. I am seriously considering looking at some kind of music system to kill the pain...well as much as possible!Laughing

You think someone still not completely comfortable that over thinks everything would benefit from music also to relax some?  I have a pair of JLab GO headphones with MP3 built in and use them for running since they are waterproof.  They also boast that you can swim with them.  Just wondering if that would do me more harm than good.

2013-03-07 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4650079

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-07 9:11 AM
thor67 - 2013-03-07 9:39 AM
mirthfuldragon - 2013-03-07 7:06 AM

1x2,000 yards in the pool this morning, continuous.

Lap swimming is a strange cross between zen meditation and solitary confinement. It's transcendent drudgery.

x2. I am seriously considering looking at some kind of music system to kill the pain...well as much as possible!Laughing

You think someone still not completely comfortable that over thinks everything would benefit from music also to relax some?  I have a pair of JLab GO headphones with MP3 built in and use them for running since they are waterproof.  They also boast that you can swim with them.  Just wondering if that would do me more harm than good.

Just depends on the individual. If you can focus on your technique with the tunes going than no problem. 

2013-03-07 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4650209

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
thor67 - 2013-03-07 12:11 PM
Burd - 2013-03-07 9:11 AM
thor67 - 2013-03-07 9:39 AM
mirthfuldragon - 2013-03-07 7:06 AM

1x2,000 yards in the pool this morning, continuous.

Lap swimming is a strange cross between zen meditation and solitary confinement. It's transcendent drudgery.

x2. I am seriously considering looking at some kind of music system to kill the pain...well as much as possible!Laughing

You think someone still not completely comfortable that over thinks everything would benefit from music also to relax some?  I have a pair of JLab GO headphones with MP3 built in and use them for running since they are waterproof.  They also boast that you can swim with them.  Just wondering if that would do me more harm than good.

Just depends on the individual. If you can focus on your technique with the tunes going than no problem. 


I think this would be cool to try, but I do enjoy the feeling of self awareness that comes with a long set under the water alone with my thoughts........WHOA..... little 'deep' there...Pun intended!!

Great job on the swims!

once you feel comfortable swimming that long non-stop a cool thing to try when you have an hour to kill is the 1Hr swim...I think the US Masters program calls it the US POSTAL SWIM. Have you guys heard of this? I tried it last year, just basically swim as far as you can in 1 hour. I will have to check but I think I did 121 laps (3025m ). Talk about getting zoned out!

Alex, I googled those headphones, look super cool! I say whatever helps you relax and get in the zone!

2013-03-07 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
First day out on the new bike.  Holy cow road bikes are different.  Just went up and down my street for almost 3.5 mi and they are fast.  Little wobbly but that was to be expected.  Clipping in and out was easier than I imagined.  Gonna have to take more rides to be able to hold my line better.  I'm sure that will come with more time on it.
2013-03-07 12:39 PM
in reply to: #4650298

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Burd - 2013-03-07 12:52 PM First day out on the new bike.  Holy cow road bikes are different.  Just went up and down my street for almost 3.5 mi and they are fast.  Little wobbly but that was to be expected.  Clipping in and out was easier than I imagined.  Gonna have to take more rides to be able to hold my line better.  I'm sure that will come with more time on it.


Have we seen a picture of this steed yet???? If not get one up here!! We have some much snow here that I need a good drool over some bike porn to snap me out of the winter blues!

2013-03-07 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Here she is.  I thought carbon was going to be out of my price range but found this used.  He took super great care of it.  The only chip in on the crank where his shoe hit it.  He said it was used on a trainer 95% of the time and only outside for maybe 2 weeks total.  Looking at the condition I am inclined to believe him.


20130307_140427.jpg (62KB - 11 downloads)
2013-03-07 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4650486

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Burd - 2013-03-07 2:10 PM Here she is.  I thought carbon was going to be out of my price range but found this used.  He took super great care of it.  The only chip in on the crank where his shoe hit it.  He said it was used on a trainer 95% of the time and only outside for maybe 2 weeks total.  Looking at the condition I am inclined to believe him.

Nice bike! Im so jealous of you right now. Your out riding and here in New England Im watching the snow fall.  Ive been staring at a starter road bike my wife got me but with the weather and all the dirt on the roads its too dangerous to attempt a ride.

3.5mi seems like a good starter ride to get the legs warmed up. Glad youre back in the saddle!



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