BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-06-17 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2927135

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-06-16 11:56 PM
furiousferret - 2010-06-16 7:12 PM
PennState - 2010-06-16 5:56 PM No tri club for me. I do train with a good group of guys in town on a semi-consistent basis. For today's training, I got a 50 mile ride in. Anyone else?

Roughly 2k swim this morning.  First time in an Olympic pool, first time swimming with a masters group.  I didn't actually swim with them just got put off to the side and did some of the drills the coach told me to.  I'm getting a lot of good information to improve my stroke.

I'll probably swim and run tonight since we were kept late =\

What did you think about the masters group?  There is one a mile from my house that meets weekly, but I haven't ever gone.  I've always got the impression they were focused on pure swimming and not swimming for triathlon.  I've always viewed masters classes as trying to make you faster, where I'm looking to get better at swimming in order to conserve energy.  Do you think the masters groups are something an IMer should do? 

I'd recommend it for anyone who wants to 'compete' in tri's.   The coach at this group had everyone doing specific sets according to our goals and was proactive in correcting problems.  He definitely isn't trying to make me faster, but more efficient.   That in turn will make you a faster swimmer.

Our group (and most others) is tri friendly, but I've heard of ones that aren't as well.  I think these days they accept triathletes because its a huge base of swimmers (memberships).  Our coach is a triathlete so he tends to train me more for tri's than swimming (i.e. less kicking)

 I say compete because it seems harder than swimming 'on your own program' but you have a coach who makes corrections and hence improvement should come faster.  If you are already there like Sara or Fred it may be less beneficial but for new swimmers its a huge help.

2010-06-17 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-06-17 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2928260

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-06-17 1:33 PM Got a brief lunchtime swim in, hoping for a run later. Anyone else training?

Trainer for an hour this morning, hoping for a run after work as well.  Hoping for a longer OWS tomorrow.

2010-06-17 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Frustrated this week.

I'm in a training class out of town for a few weeks, and we've been kept late every night.  

What's worse is every day he says we'll get out around 3:00 pm, so I plan a big ride, eat a big lunch, then I'm still there at 6:00 pm.  A few times as he wraps up a 'one more thing before you go' comment turns into a 2 hour tangent.  Its at a point no one asks questions for the fear of a 2 hour answer.  I don't mind working late just tell me.

I guess its a habitual thing because his boss came in on Friday and told him to let us go.  He's just one of those guys that works every night until 10:00 and doesn't understand why people want to leave. 
2010-06-17 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
On the road for work, was able to get a ride in tonight but not as long as I would have liked.  I get nervous riding on strange roads, especially at sunset.  I guess I can't complain as I did get in just over 27 miles. 

With all the taper talk I am going to assess my plans for HIM and IM.  My HIM is on the 18th of July and the IM is on the 12 of Sept.  Currently looking at building over the next 3 weeks.  This was supposed to be a bigger week for me but travel/work are impeding my efforts.  Looking at getting in a long run and ride over the next three days and maybe a OWS.  

On the taper front I am thinking about a lower volume week leading up to the HIM, but maintaining higher paces/efforts, just lower duration. 

2010-06-17 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-06-17 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Thanks for posting the websites! I'm hoping to get around to seeing them ASAP. 

This week has been a ridiculously low volume recovery week. I was super tired Mon-Wed from my training trip to Lake Placid.  I lost my mojo and wasn't interested in triathlon activities-so I CLEANED instead! Wow! What a difference in our home!!!!

Today was a massage day. Oh baby, that felt good!  The massage therapist said my upper body was such a mess that there wasn't time for legs, so next week that'll definitely be on the menu.  

I did some P90X tonight... I haven't been diligent with my stretching and I felt it during the yoga!!!  I think with IMLP getting so close that I NEED to devote one night a week to getting limber-NO INJURIES FOR ME!!!!!!  So I think I'll combine my yoga and massages on Thursdays so it'll be nice n relaxing.

My bday is next week.  What did I ask for?  Hubby to join me on a century ride. Ha!! "You know you're a triathlete when..." 
2010-06-18 1:47 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I got some good news and bad news today at work.  The CEO came in from San Antonio unannounced in order to deliver it (something I think is very admirable and speaks volumes for the company).  He came in to inform us that they will be closing our office on September 30th and moving everything to San Antonio and hiring contractors for the software we work on and we are all out of jobs.  I think it was really nice for a company to give their employees 3 1/2 months notice that they will be losing their jobs, unlike most that would have waited until the last day or something.  Unfortunately I'm not needed during the transition period because I've only been there for 2 years and was let go today (with severance, but not a huge one since I was only there 2 years).

So... how is this "good" news? Well, obviously I have to apply for other jobs, but it leaves a LOT of time to train everyday.  So, starting on Monday it will be likely you'll start seeing massive increases in my training log.  With the ability to now "train like a pro" and get a 5 hour bike ride in, take a nap and then do a 2-3 hour run or swim everyday.  The only obstacle I have to be careful of is doing too much too soon and risking injury.  Luckily, it comes at the point where I am about to start ramping up my training anyway.  The reason it'll start on Monday, is because I have a sprint tri on Sunday (first of the season).  Luckily almost all my races (except two) are paid for already, otherwise this season might have been down the drain financially.
2010-06-18 4:36 AM
in reply to: #2929340

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

WittyCityGirl - 2010-06-17 10:16 PM Thanks for posting the websites! I'm hoping to get around to seeing them ASAP. 

This week has been a ridiculously low volume recovery week. I was super tired Mon-Wed from my training trip to Lake Placid.  I lost my mojo and wasn't interested in triathlon activities-so I CLEANED instead! Wow! What a difference in our home!!!!

Today was a massage day. Oh baby, that felt good!  The massage therapist said my upper body was such a mess that there wasn't time for legs, so next week that'll definitely be on the menu.  

I did some P90X tonight... I haven't been diligent with my stretching and I felt it during the yoga!!!  I think with IMLP getting so close that I NEED to devote one night a week to getting limber-NO INJURIES FOR ME!!!!!!  So I think I'll combine my yoga and massages on Thursdays so it'll be nice n relaxing.

My bday is next week.  What did I ask for?  Hubby to join me on a century ride. Ha!! "You know you're a triathlete when..." 

Happy Birthday!!! Yay for June b-days! (Sunday for me!)

2010-06-18 4:37 AM
in reply to: #2929527

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

zionvier - 2010-06-18 2:47 AM I got some good news and bad news today at work.  The CEO came in from San Antonio unannounced in order to deliver it (something I think is very admirable and speaks volumes for the company).  He came in to inform us that they will be closing our office on September 30th and moving everything to San Antonio and hiring contractors for the software we work on and we are all out of jobs.  I think it was really nice for a company to give their employees 3 1/2 months notice that they will be losing their jobs, unlike most that would have waited until the last day or something.  Unfortunately I'm not needed during the transition period because I've only been there for 2 years and was let go today (with severance, but not a huge one since I was only there 2 years).

So... how is this "good" news? Well, obviously I have to apply for other jobs, but it leaves a LOT of time to train everyday.  So, starting on Monday it will be likely you'll start seeing massive increases in my training log.  With the ability to now "train like a pro" and get a 5 hour bike ride in, take a nap and then do a 2-3 hour run or swim everyday.  The only obstacle I have to be careful of is doing too much too soon and risking injury.  Luckily, it comes at the point where I am about to start ramping up my training anyway.  The reason it'll start on Monday, is because I have a sprint tri on Sunday (first of the season).  Luckily almost all my races (except two) are paid for already, otherwise this season might have been down the drain financially.

Sorry for the bad news, but I admire your positive spin on it. 

Good luck at your race this weekend! Have fun and race well!

2010-06-18 7:15 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Sorry to hear about your job, good luck with the training and finding a new one.

2010-06-18 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2929340

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
WittyCityGirl - 2010-06-17 8:16 PM Thanks for posting the websites! I'm hoping to get around to seeing them ASAP. 

This week has been a ridiculously low volume recovery week. I was super tired Mon-Wed from my training trip to Lake Placid.  I lost my mojo and wasn't interested in triathlon activities-so I CLEANED instead! Wow! What a difference in our home!!!!

Today was a massage day. Oh baby, that felt good!  The massage therapist said my upper body was such a mess that there wasn't time for legs, so next week that'll definitely be on the menu.  

I did some P90X tonight... I haven't been diligent with my stretching and I felt it during the yoga!!!  I think with IMLP getting so close that I NEED to devote one night a week to getting limber-NO INJURIES FOR ME!!!!!!  So I think I'll combine my yoga and massages on Thursdays so it'll be nice n relaxing.

My bday is next week.  What did I ask for?  Hubby to join me on a century ride. Ha!! "You know you're a triathlete when..." 

That's funny about the cleaning because my wife and I have kind of neglected our house over the last 6 months or so. We have a cleaning lady so it's not dirty but we needed to de-clutter. We spent about half the day on Sunday getting things ready to donate and throwing stuff out.We still have a ways to go but it feels nice to be more streamlined and efficient.

Not a big fan of massages. I feel all oily and stuff afterwards and they always rub too hard on my legs and they hurt. I joke with my wife that they need to open up a place that just scratches you called "The scratchin' post" or something like that. I would go there.
2010-06-18 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2929527

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-06-18 12:47 AM I got some good news and bad news today at work.  The CEO came in from San Antonio unannounced in order to deliver it (something I think is very admirable and speaks volumes for the company).  He came in to inform us that they will be closing our office on September 30th and moving everything to San Antonio and hiring contractors for the software we work on and we are all out of jobs.  I think it was really nice for a company to give their employees 3 1/2 months notice that they will be losing their jobs, unlike most that would have waited until the last day or something.  Unfortunately I'm not needed during the transition period because I've only been there for 2 years and was let go today (with severance, but not a huge one since I was only there 2 years).

So... how is this "good" news? Well, obviously I have to apply for other jobs, but it leaves a LOT of time to train everyday.  So, starting on Monday it will be likely you'll start seeing massive increases in my training log.  With the ability to now "train like a pro" and get a 5 hour bike ride in, take a nap and then do a 2-3 hour run or swim everyday.  The only obstacle I have to be careful of is doing too much too soon and risking injury.  Luckily, it comes at the point where I am about to start ramping up my training anyway.  The reason it'll start on Monday, is because I have a sprint tri on Sunday (first of the season).  Luckily almost all my races (except two) are paid for already, otherwise this season might have been down the drain financially.

Sorry to hear about you job. I've never gone through this so I don't really have an advice but I was glad to see you had apositive spin on it. Nothing more de-stressing than a nice 2+ hour bike ride.
2010-06-18 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-06-18 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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Edited by PennState 2010-06-18 9:03 AM
2010-06-18 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Pete..i am sorry to hear about that. it is a really tough break...although it seems like you are trying to stay as positive as possible...which is really the best thing you can do. Be safe training...and im looking forward to seeing your logs
Good luck!

2010-06-18 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2929855

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-06-18 10:02 AM I wrote something in my log about my swim tomorrow that I think is a real key to success in this sport. It's about training when you aren't feeling like training. Would love to hear the groups thoughts.

From your log:

"Was extremely tired but made it to the pool. The difference between being good and being really good is days like this. Getting it done even though you aren't 'feeling it'"

Fred i completely agree. Recently i have been so run down that i have wanted to skip sooo many different workouts. But i think the consistancy and the ability to get out of bed @4:30 when you know you arent feeling it...push your body...teach yourself that even when you think you have nothing you in fact have a A key aspect for triathlon. It is after these workouts that i tell myself " really have a shot at being an Ironman".
2010-06-18 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I've been working late A LOT recently and have totally had to dig deep for the workouts when all I want is to go to bed.  But I have NEVER regretted getting the workout in... which is a big motivation to get out the door.

The other night I got lucky.  HTFUed and started my 16 mile run (in the disgusting humidity) after the time I had originally planned to finish it.  I was treated with an nightime light rain that turned the fireflies and frogs into overdrive.  At one point, running along the road with trees that formed a canopy over it, I was literally just dumbfounded by how cool it was... hundreds of thousands of lighning bugs going nuts all around me and frogs calling away so loud it was deafening.

On balance - I think squeezing in a workout when you don't want to, at the expense of sleep, can catch up with you eventually.  I do it all the time, but if I string a few of them together I inevitably crash (sick, poor performance, unusually sore, etc).

There are several things I will sacrifice to get a workout in BEFORE I sacrifice sleep.
2010-06-18 12:27 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Pete- sorry about the news.  Funny thing is my Ironman training buddy thought she'd be in the same boat and kept saying "at least I"ll have more time to train!".  Good luck finding your dream job. =)

For training when you don't want to... that's what makes me feel like an's what makes me feel like all the people that sit on their butts all day are uber whimps!

(BTW, I was in Lake Placid last weekend for a training trip and there MUST have been at least 50 people up there for the Endurance Nation training rally... well at 8am on Saturday it was COLD and POURING out, but there were just four of us at the meeting spot for a 100 mile ride to Lake Champlain and back.  We felt like the most badazz athletes because all the other sissies stayed in.  We practiced the "infamous" descent into Keene and it gave us more confidence about race day because we were able HTFU-you can't predict the weather or how you feel on race day, so why not train under ALL possible conditions) <- no threats of t-storms, so that wasn't an issue
2010-06-18 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

I have always felt that the best workouts were the ones I didn't want to do, but did anyways.

2010-06-18 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2929527

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-06-17 11:47 PM I got some good news and bad news today at work.  The CEO came in from San Antonio unannounced in order to deliver it (something I think is very admirable and speaks volumes for the company).  He came in to inform us that they will be closing our office on September 30th and moving everything to San Antonio and hiring contractors for the software we work on and we are all out of jobs.  I think it was really nice for a company to give their employees 3 1/2 months notice that they will be losing their jobs, unlike most that would have waited until the last day or something.  Unfortunately I'm not needed during the transition period because I've only been there for 2 years and was let go today (with severance, but not a huge one since I was only there 2 years).

So... how is this "good" news? Well, obviously I have to apply for other jobs, but it leaves a LOT of time to train everyday.  So, starting on Monday it will be likely you'll start seeing massive increases in my training log.  With the ability to now "train like a pro" and get a 5 hour bike ride in, take a nap and then do a 2-3 hour run or swim everyday.  The only obstacle I have to be careful of is doing too much too soon and risking injury.  Luckily, it comes at the point where I am about to start ramping up my training anyway.  The reason it'll start on Monday, is because I have a sprint tri on Sunday (first of the season).  Luckily almost all my races (except two) are paid for already, otherwise this season might have been down the drain financially.

So sorry to hear about your job! Good luck with the search, and keep up the positive attitude.

2010-06-18 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2929527

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-06-18 1:47 AM I got some good news and bad news today at work.  The CEO came in from San Antonio unannounced in order to deliver it (something I think is very admirable and speaks volumes for the company).  He came in to inform us that they will be closing our office on September 30th and moving everything to San Antonio and hiring contractors for the software we work on and we are all out of jobs.  I think it was really nice for a company to give their employees 3 1/2 months notice that they will be losing their jobs, unlike most that would have waited until the last day or something.  Unfortunately I'm not needed during the transition period because I've only been there for 2 years and was let go today (with severance, but not a huge one since I was only there 2 years).

So... how is this "good" news? Well, obviously I have to apply for other jobs, but it leaves a LOT of time to train everyday.  So, starting on Monday it will be likely you'll start seeing massive increases in my training log.  With the ability to now "train like a pro" and get a 5 hour bike ride in, take a nap and then do a 2-3 hour run or swim everyday.  The only obstacle I have to be careful of is doing too much too soon and risking injury.  Luckily, it comes at the point where I am about to start ramping up my training anyway.  The reason it'll start on Monday, is because I have a sprint tri on Sunday (first of the season).  Luckily almost all my races (except two) are paid for already, otherwise this season might have been down the drain financially.


Glad to see your taking a positive spin on a tough situation.  Best of luck on your job search.

2010-06-18 11:08 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
So a few pics from my last ride (sorry for the massive size);

Angel Stadium, home of the hated Angels, enemy of the beloved San Francisco Giants.  I'd refer to them by their city but I don't know what city they represent now...

If you were to swim from Hawaii to California, this would be T1....

I'd show pics of me surfing, but they're far from flattering...

Edited by furiousferret 2010-06-18 11:11 PM
2010-06-18 11:18 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
So I have a training question for everyone;

after my IMSG fiasco I committed myself to do at least one 100 miler a month;  I think its a solid idea and I plan to do it next weekend but I have some minor calf pain.  Two weeks ago I cycled 5 days in a row (4 hard) which proved one too many.  I did 30 miles with minor discomfort, but overall an okay ride.  I haven't been hammering just cycling at a high cadence and a consistent hr level which seems to help alot. 

I really don't want to miss it as I think keeping commitments are crucial, not only for training but overall well being, but I also don't want to get hurt.  Should I do the century next week or skip it?
2010-06-19 12:26 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Just did a quick brick tonight. 45 min bike (14.1 miles) and 23 min run (1.9 miles). I wanted to do 30 min but the gym closed at 10pm. Oh well, I guess 7 minutes won't hurt me. Plan an hour run tomorrow and 1 1/2 hour bike on Sunday.

Hope everyone has a great Father's day weekend.
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