BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2011-03-31 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3422877

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

I haven't read the discussion in the main forum...  

My own weight-related concerns are what got me back into triathlon (as part of a new year's resolution).  I didn't like how I felt being heavy, and I was concerned about long term health.  I guess having little kids while approaching 40 can make you do crazy things...

I'd be curious to know if people in here think the social pressures to be thin/look good are higher now than they were many years ago?  (My impression is that the social pressure is higher.  I base this in part on the change in attitudes I've seen in my family members over the last ~25 years.  But that is obviously anecdotal...)

2011-03-31 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3422877

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

And speaking of weight loss, has anyone else noticed that losing weight makes them bike+run faster but swim slower for a given amount of training?  

2011-03-31 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

The weight question is, I agree, a touchy subject, but at the same time I think too many people side step the issue.  Let's face it, N. America has become an obese society, and something needs to be done to change that.  The flip side is that society portrays an "ideal " image of the thin (sometimes fit) woman and buff guy.  So I get that people end up going to extremes to try and make themselves fall into this "perfect" category, and with those people you need to be careful. 

As for all the overweight individuals, I feel it's a combination of things - a lot has to do with how society and technology have changed us.  Many households are now too busy to cook and prepare the same types of meals as a generation ago, too many people are working while at home or not coming home till really late, and technology has allowed for things to be "easier" - get my fast food, do my work while eating something from the microwave, drive down the road to buy milk rather than walk, etc.

Society has, for a very long time, portrayed images of "perfection" and then set about to make it seemingly attainable for everyone.  It's not, and as individuals we need to take some personal initiative to realize that it's not going to happen for most of us. We should focus as much as possible on a balanced lifestyle both for work/home as well as rest/fitness.

This is just me rambling, but I don't think we should be afraid of the subject, we need to engage people about how to be healthy, live well, take care of themselves.  The type of money spent to fight smoking should be used to promote a healthy and active life.  The message shouldn't mostly come infomercials selling snake oil (in many cases).

Take this as you will - I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum as someone who always wanted to gain weight.  I still get told I'm too skinny, but I'm reasonably okay with my physique.  I just want to ride faster...

2011-03-31 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3421132

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Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-03-30 9:31 AM

Getting some new tri goodies soon.

1. New race tires (Specialized Mondo open tubular, actually a clincher)
2. Garmin 405 (Great deal going on for $179 if interested)
3. Giro Advantage 2 Helmet (Broke my LG)
4. Nathan bottles for long runs.

Anyone else getting some fun new stuff?

I'm considering a compact crank - specifically to race Muskoka.  Just trying to figure out the least expensive way to do that.


2011-03-31 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Kathleen:  Those shoes are sexy Congrats.

As far as weight loss goes, I think it's a personal thing and I don't really think about it for anyone else but myself. I needed to lose about 20-30 pounds and just get in better shape so triathlon has been a big motivator for me. I think this next year I'll still stick to training off internet plans and mostly by myself. If I get into year three, I will look into coaching to get my swim and run times faster. I'm not too worried about my bike time because I know that I can get it faster on my own. The run is the thing that is really killing my total time. I know over the next year I can really shave down the time on that discipline.

Just finished my 2nd to last brick workout. 24 mile bike and 1.5 mile run. The heat here is starting to come out and play so I'll have to see how that slows me down. It's suppose to be in the high 90's tomorrow. That will be great for warming up the water. It might actually be 70 degrees by race day.

Time to spend some time with the wife now that my training is over. Maybe a little sunset hike tonight.

2011-03-31 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3424132

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2011-03-31 5:47 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-03-31 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!


March's totals:
Bike:20h 28m 57s  - 421.1 Mi
Run:18h 56m 17s  - 159.08 Mi
Swim:7h 28m 24s  - 24150 Yd
Broomball:2h 00m
Commuter Cycling:40m
Football:2h 00m
I had some issues this month with ear infection and a small recurrence in the other ear just recently, so swim is poor.  I would have liked a few more run miles, but I did add in a bit of intensity so I've got to accept the trade off between the two.  I'm pretty happy with my bike numbers.
2011-03-31 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3256949

South Alabama
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Swim                11050 yards            4hr 15min
Bike                  292.45 miles            15hr 27min
Run                  101.18 miles             14hr 47 min

Swim and bike down due to travel.  But, glad to get run numbers up.  April should be better.

2011-03-31 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Bike:11h 20m 30s  - 348.29 KM
Run:10h 38m 34s  - 134.33 KM
Swim:5h 20m  - 13792.44 M

Bit disappointed - the vacation messed with training a bit, but it was worth it to just get away with my wife for week.  As others have pointed out- looking for April to be a better month.

2011-03-31 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Bike:21h 35m  - 431.65 Mi
Run:18h 38m 09s  - 163.65 Mi
Swim:10h 18m
Commuter Cycling:4h 50m
Could be better, but I'll take it.  Last March I had all zeros due to an injury, so this year is a big improvement.

2011-03-31 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

March totals:

Bike - 415.19 miles (26h:14m:36s) Most biking ever in a month

Run - 23.63 miles (4h:55m:48s) Knee issues

Swim - 18,500 yds (7h:08m:45s) Most swimming ever in a month

Hiking - (2h:24m:24s)

The most training volume ever in a month 40h:45m

2011-04-01 5:52 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
March's totals:
Bike:19h 49m 18s  - 367.11 Mi
Run:14h 26m 10s  - 112.51 Mi
Swim:13h 08m 30s  - 48500 Yd

A little light on the bike and I should have run more.  When will I learn. 

Everybodys stats look good


2011-04-01 6:25 AM
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2011-04-01 6:27 AM
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2011-04-01 6:27 AM
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2011-04-01 6:28 AM
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2011-04-01 6:29 AM
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2011-04-01 6:29 AM
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2011-04-01 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Just have to say - you guys are awesome.  Some fantastic numbers put out by everyone.
2011-04-01 6:16 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-04-01 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Good job in March everyone.  Exciting many posting "most ever"  ... I had almost 24 hours bike, 17.5 run, and really psyched about 11 hours swim (yay this is a big bump for me... as I get a little better it is not as hard to go to the pool)


Interesting run thread Fred. I am thinking of doing like one 20 miler at some point and the rest maybe the 2:30 like people suggested.  Good info. Fred, really amazed you ran a 4:04 marathon in the IM with minimal run training... awesome!!

2011-04-02 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-04-02 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Congrats to all that had a good March.  Clear that this isn't a typical mentor group based on everyone's numbers!
2011-04-02 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3426405

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