BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-03-20 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3405249

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-03-20 7:56 AM
jsklarz - 2011-03-20 2:38 AM
Rudedog55 - 2011-03-19 8:46 PM
jsklarz - 2011-03-19 3:42 PM


Great Job Bro!!!  Awesome!!!!  Us big guys hate the hills, if it was flat you woulda been sub 1:45

thanks buddy!


Nice job Jeff-y!


Triple training day.  Run this morning, then an easy swim, pacing Shaun at an 8K this afternoon and then Tabatas on the bike tonight.  Going to end up with 21 - ish hours for the week.  Pretty tired.  One more week before recovery.


Kelly - you are a nut ball.  good luck to shaun

2011-03-20 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3405352

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
bwingate - 2011-03-20 10:39 AM

My race report for yesterday's 15k:

I was warned that this race would be brutal, brutal, it was tough, but not reducing-grown-men-to-tears tough.  It was also smallish and well organized.  One odd thing that I noticed was that I was pretty far down in the standings - I almost always am just ahead of the middle.  Took me a while to figure out that this race scares away the casual 5k run-walker because of the distance and the hills so it wasn't that I was pushed down in the standings, but there just wasn't the volume of casual runners in the race.

Great job!

2011-03-20 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Just curious....

When does registration for Ironman races typically begin?  How fast do they sell out?  I was going to do 2 HIMs next summer, but I think I'm going to do 1 HIM & 1 IM.  Why not?  I want to do Lake Placid, but I think it sells out quickly. 


2011-03-20 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3405592

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-03-20 3:25 PM

Just curious....

When does registration for Ironman races typically begin?  How fast do they sell out?  I was going to do 2 HIMs next summer, but I think I'm going to do 1 HIM & 1 IM.  Why not?  I want to do Lake Placid, but I think it sells out quickly. 


Depends on the race, but generally within a few hours.  LP, AZ, FL and Wisconsin will all sell out the day they open for registration (which is noon local time the day after this years race -- LP, for example, will open for registration at noon EDT on July 25).  This year Texas took about a month to sell out, my guess is that it will sell out much quicker for 2012 (2011 was the first year).  Louisville is slow to sell out (it take months).  If you want to do a race that sells out quickly the best way to make sure you get a slot is to volunteer at the race site.  By volunteering you get priority registration the next day (before public registration opens up -- I did this is 2008 in order to register for IMAZ 2009). 

For 2012, I'm planning on doing IMTX in May and IMKY in August.  I'll register for both on-line and I don't think either will fill up super fast.  If you want IMLP, I would strongly recommend volunteering.  LP has sold out in minutes in past years and is probably the hardest MDot to get into in the US. 


2011-03-20 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Ended up running an 8K today in 38:33. 

I am a bad wife. Was supposed to pace Shaun for his 8K (and keep the whole run in Z1) but Shaun pulled his back at about the 1 mile mark so he yelled and me and told me to go run on my own (and I did). I ended up running in Z2, which is faster than I was supposed to go, but I ended up with a decent time for a Z1/Z2-ish effort on a really hilly course:

Mile 1 - 8:39 / 145 bpm
Mile 2 - 7:49 / 159 bpm
Mile 3 - 8:24 / 161 bpm (all uphill)
Mile 4 - 7:21 / 159 bpm
Mile 4.95 - 6:18 (6:45 pace) / 164 bpm

2011-03-21 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3256199

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED


Hope everyone had a good weekend.  Fairly easy day today -- swim drills and lifting.  Have to be in court this morning so hoping to swim this afternoon and lift tonight.  Fun!

2011-03-21 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3405724

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-03-20 5:37 PM
jarvy01 - 2011-03-20 3:25 PM

Just curious....

When does registration for Ironman races typically begin?  How fast do they sell out?  I was going to do 2 HIMs next summer, but I think I'm going to do 1 HIM & 1 IM.  Why not?  I want to do Lake Placid, but I think it sells out quickly. 


Depends on the race, but generally within a few hours.  LP, AZ, FL and Wisconsin will all sell out the day they open for registration (which is noon local time the day after this years race -- LP, for example, will open for registration at noon EDT on July 25).  This year Texas took about a month to sell out, my guess is that it will sell out much quicker for 2012 (2011 was the first year).  Louisville is slow to sell out (it take months).  If you want to do a race that sells out quickly the best way to make sure you get a slot is to volunteer at the race site.  By volunteering you get priority registration the next day (before public registration opens up -- I did this is 2008 in order to register for IMAZ 2009). 

For 2012, I'm planning on doing IMTX in May and IMKY in August.  I'll register for both on-line and I don't think either will fill up super fast.  If you want IMLP, I would strongly recommend volunteering.  LP has sold out in minutes in past years and is probably the hardest MDot to get into in the US. 


Thanks for the information!  Why does Lake Placid sell out so quickly?  I won't be able to volunteer at that one, because it's a long drive and I have the kids.  I talked to my husband about it last night, and he thinks I ought to stick with 2 HIMs next summer (Eagleman & Rev3 Cedar Point).  My youngest (Frederick) will be 3 the following summer, so it will be easier to get in the training for the full Ironman. 

I'm going to run an easy 4 this morning.  Lots of stretches....I've had a little bit of pain again in the hamstring, groing, piriformis, etc.  I think the weekend's activities hurt the recovery a bit.  If the pain starts on the run again, then I'll ditch it and hop on the bike. 

My 6 year old is on spring break for the next 2 weeks, so it will be interesting trying to fit in my training. 

2011-03-21 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3256199

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

wow, two weeks of spring break!?! yikes!

Hoping to be able to get to the pool this evening after work, if not, I'll go run. I need to get back to my "rountine" this week for sure. 

2011-03-21 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3406251

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-03-21 8:01 AM
kaburns1214 - 2011-03-20 5:37 PM
jarvy01 - 2011-03-20 3:25 PM

Just curious....

When does registration for Ironman races typically begin?  How fast do they sell out?  I was going to do 2 HIMs next summer, but I think I'm going to do 1 HIM & 1 IM.  Why not?  I want to do Lake Placid, but I think it sells out quickly. 


Depends on the race, but generally within a few hours.  LP, AZ, FL and Wisconsin will all sell out the day they open for registration (which is noon local time the day after this years race -- LP, for example, will open for registration at noon EDT on July 25).  This year Texas took about a month to sell out, my guess is that it will sell out much quicker for 2012 (2011 was the first year).  Louisville is slow to sell out (it take months).  If you want to do a race that sells out quickly the best way to make sure you get a slot is to volunteer at the race site.  By volunteering you get priority registration the next day (before public registration opens up -- I did this is 2008 in order to register for IMAZ 2009). 

For 2012, I'm planning on doing IMTX in May and IMKY in August.  I'll register for both on-line and I don't think either will fill up super fast.  If you want IMLP, I would strongly recommend volunteering.  LP has sold out in minutes in past years and is probably the hardest MDot to get into in the US. 


Thanks for the information!  Why does Lake Placid sell out so quickly?  I won't be able to volunteer at that one, because it's a long drive and I have the kids.  I talked to my husband about it last night, and he thinks I ought to stick with 2 HIMs next summer (Eagleman & Rev3 Cedar Point).  My youngest (Frederick) will be 3 the following summer, so it will be easier to get in the training for the full Ironman. 

I'm going to run an easy 4 this morning.  Lots of stretches....I've had a little bit of pain again in the hamstring, groing, piriformis, etc.  I think the weekend's activities hurt the recovery a bit.  If the pain starts on the run again, then I'll ditch it and hop on the bike. 

My 6 year old is on spring break for the next 2 weeks, so it will be interesting trying to fit in my training. 

I think the biggest reason is that its the only race in the northeast (and fairly close to NYC) so its drive-able for a large number of people.  Also its been around ofr a while and is a challenging course at a cool venue (you bike and run by a bunch of the sites from the '32 and '80 Olympic Games at LP).

If you really want to do a full for '12, I would suggest doing Eagleman and if you feel good signing up for the full at Cedar Point.  It wont sell out quickly and you can make your decision a lot closer to race day.

Also Eagleman sells out super fast so make sure you know exactly when registration will start.

2011-03-21 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3256199

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Anyone know how to change the mileage on shoes for your equipment tracker? I only started tracking by shoe for running miles in January. So my purples ones have about 150 on them and the blue about 175 total?    I don't want to have to keep figuring it out in my head.


1/2 mary 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-03-21 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3406823

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2011-03-21 12:25 PM

Anyone know how to change the mileage on shoes for your equipment tracker? I only started tracking by shoe for running miles in January. So my purples ones have about 150 on them and the blue about 175 total?    I don't want to have to keep figuring it out in my head.


1/2 mary 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!


It should update automatically when you select the shoes as equipment when logging your run.  The total miles only pops up on your blog when you get within 10% of the lifetime distance you set.

Does that make sense?

2011-03-21 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3406823

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2011-03-21 12:25 PM

Anyone know how to change the mileage on shoes for your equipment tracker? I only started tracking by shoe for running miles in January. So my purples ones have about 150 on them and the blue about 175 total?    I don't want to have to keep figuring it out in my head.


1/2 mary 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!

You could go with my theory: I buy 2 pairs of shoes in January and 2 in June.  Rotate them among runs, throw out the pair that feels the slowest.  I dont put alot of stock in support, structure or any of that, but shoes do feel slow sometimes.  ALthough this year I bought a pair newtons and I hate them very much, so I will probably get a new pair sooner than June if, as I should, I run more.

BTW< the above is more of an insane brain dump than advice.

2011-03-21 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

hello from Dayton Beach! 80 and sunny here.  jsut finished my depositions.  Waves are too big for an ocean swim but I think I am going to hit the outdoor pool.  took a 1 hour recovery run this morning.  My day was: wake up at 4:30, work from 445-730, run 730-830, shower, eat, work from 930-3.  now i get some rare free/me time!

Should I go find the spring breakers???

2011-03-21 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3407211

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-03-21 3:13 PM

hello from Dayton Beach! 80 and sunny here.  jsut finished my depositions.  Waves are too big for an ocean swim but I think I am going to hit the outdoor pool.  took a 1 hour recovery run this morning.  My day was: wake up at 4:30, work from 445-730, run 730-830, shower, eat, work from 930-3.  now i get some rare free/me time!

Should I go find the spring breakers???

Please don't scare the spring breakers -- its not nice.

2011-03-21 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
I had to stop twice during my run this morning - I was struggling with GI distress & then my potty training 2 year old decided it would be funny to poop on the floor in the middle of the playroom.  EW.  How's that for a workout?!  Surprised
2011-03-21 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3407284

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

jarvy01 - 2011-03-21 3:43 PM I had to stop twice during my run this morning - I was struggling with GI distress & then my potty training 2 year old decided it would be funny to poop on the floor in the middle of the playroom.  EW.  How's that for a workout?!  Surprised


Just made me laugh out loud!

2011-03-21 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Got in a 3000 yd swim after work, my longest yet

Arms are tired, but I felt good.

2011-03-21 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-03-19 1:42 PM

Report from today's race, its a PR

Savin Rock HM (1:57:17 - garmin time, official results pending)


Nice job!!



2011-03-21 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3407284

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

jarvy01 - 2011-03-21 3:43 PM I had to stop twice during my run this morning - I was struggling with GI distress & then my potty training 2 year old decided it would be funny to poop on the floor in the middle of the playroom.  EW.  How's that for a workout?!  Surprised


I SOOOOO understand those workouts!!!

2011-03-22 4:48 AM
in reply to: #3256199

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good morning!

Up editing responses to Requests for Admission, then a recovery run this morning and a trainer ride tonight.

Weather is a little better today but still on the cool and windy side.  Looks like no outdoor riding this week.

2011-03-22 5:10 AM
in reply to: #3407284

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

jarvy01 - 2011-03-21 3:43 PM I had to stop twice during my run this morning - I was struggling with GI distress & then my potty training 2 year old decided it would be funny to poop on the floor in the middle of the playroom.  EW.  How's that for a workout?!  Surprised

been there done that - that is stop a work out to clean poop off the floor.  Your 2 year old should meet my almost 3 year old who is resisting potty training as if we are making her tear out her own finger nails. she'll hold it until she pees/poops on the floor.

2011-03-22 5:12 AM
in reply to: #3408019

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
alas, sitting in airport waiting to go back to the frigid north where apparently it has been snowing.  meh.  hope to get in a swim and/or ride later.
2011-03-22 5:28 AM
in reply to: #3256199

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

i cant seem to get going in the morning, i need daylight!!!!!

I also need to run...more...we have a little suare coming up!!!


Oh and this weather sucks, Jeff, you are not missing anything!!!

2011-03-22 5:33 AM
in reply to: #3408033

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Rudedog55 - 2011-03-22 6:28 AM

i cant seem to get going in the morning, i need daylight!!!!!

I also need to run...more...we have a little suare coming up!!!


Oh and this weather sucks, Jeff, you are not missing anything!!!

DST kills me.  I miss my morning light.

2011-03-22 7:04 AM
in reply to: #3408030

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
jsklarz - 2011-03-22 6:10 AM

jarvy01 - 2011-03-21 3:43 PM I had to stop twice during my run this morning - I was struggling with GI distress & then my potty training 2 year old decided it would be funny to poop on the floor in the middle of the playroom.  EW.  How's that for a workout?!  Surprised

been there done that - that is stop a work out to clean poop off the floor.  Your 2 year old should meet my almost 3 year old who is resisting potty training as if we are making her tear out her own finger nails. she'll hold it until she pees/poops on the floor.

My little guy is a complete pill with the pottytraining.  I've almost considered putting him back in diapers, but he starts school in September and he has to be trained.  I went in to get him up from a nap and found that he had hidden a poo in his pillowcase and then told me he couldn't remember where he put it.  Saturday he pooped behind my elliptical machine and then wiped it all over the back of the machine.  We've had to go on poo hunts, trying to find where this kid has dropped a deuce (down on my hands and knees trying to locate the origin of the stink).  It's been wrapped up in my curtains, in the hood of my 1 year old's shirt, etc.  My house is almost a health hazard.  LOL

I have a speed workout on the trainer this morning, and then I have swim drills & massage tonight.  It ought to be a really long day.       

Edited by jarvy01 2011-03-22 7:05 AM
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