BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open Rss Feed  
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2016-06-13 5:29 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Oh my gosh, I'm sorry those pictures are so big!!

2016-06-14 1:55 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Yes Jenn, got it - very helpful!!

2016-06-14 2:05 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
This Sunday had the Gran Fondo ride - never been in one of these before, and really enjoyed it - 8.30 am we left (almost 500 riders), so early morning as I had to drive about an hour to get there. Weather could not be better, we did 4 mountains in 100km in the short option (long option, 160km for next year..), climbs were at some points 8 to 14%, second climb was really long and it was timed for special prized (that obviously I did not win....). But after 4h and 39 mins, with 3 stops to eat (here they don´t "feed" you on the ride, you stop, walk to the food tables and grab what you need, drinks, fruits, pastries... and back to the bike) I finished #209 of almost 500 riders. I hope to do more of these, now I understand why Alan is hooked!

2016-06-14 4:33 PM
in reply to: #5158366

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Lazyish day here. Morning brick in early, then I spent most of the day reading Feed Zone Portables and making three of the recepies (Denver omlet rice cakes, apple cinnamon rice cakes, and potato sausage cakes). They are now all wrapped up in the fridge and just waiting to be tried! Of course, it is recovery week, so I'm not really doing any workouts that need fuel. I plan to eat them before masters swim as breakfast just to see how they work. Not sure I'm brave enough to try them on my Oly this weekend. I hate gu so much that I just might though!
2016-06-15 7:45 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Masters swim in the books for today. Bike planned for later this afternoon.

I ate a rice cake and a potato cake for breakfast before masters this morning. Both are a little bland for general eating, but I guess that is what you might want for on the bike. I liked both enough to eat them. Neither seemed to cause any gi issues at masters, and we did some hard sets this morning. Looks like I've found at least two winners for fuel!! Going to try to eat one actually on the bike this afternoon. I'm only riding 45 minutes, but I want to see the logistics of unwrapping something without using my teeth (they are wrapped in foil) while trying to stay vertical on the bike. Lunch on the go, if you will.

Happy training everyone!!
2016-06-15 8:51 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by Juancho

This Sunday had the Gran Fondo ride - never been in one of these before, and really enjoyed it - 8.30 am we left (almost 500 riders), so early morning as I had to drive about an hour to get there. Weather could not be better, we did 4 mountains in 100km in the short option (long option, 160km for next year..), climbs were at some points 8 to 14%, second climb was really long and it was timed for special prized (that obviously I did not win....). But after 4h and 39 mins, with 3 stops to eat (here they don´t "feed" you on the ride, you stop, walk to the food tables and grab what you need, drinks, fruits, pastries... and back to the bike) I finished #209 of almost 500 riders. I hope to do more of these, now I understand why Alan is hooked!


mmmmm, pastries......

2016-06-15 9:00 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
3,500 yds yesterday and 6.5 run with speed work. I am feeling it today! Shoulder is not super psyched.

Today is a brick that will have to wait until about noon or so.
Packing for camping this weekend. I'm trying to figure out how to fit some kind of training in while camping. I had hoped to at least swim and run but since we are now bringing the dog, we can't take her to the beach so swimming is now out. We have so much gear going I can't bring the bike. (we camp remotely and use boats to access the sites) So it looks like just running.

The first day of "Peak Phase" was yesterday in training and by this morning I've lost 3 pounds... I have got to figure out how to eat more calories. I am sick of protein shakes, can only eat so many of those. But I also went through a phase this past week where I lost my appetite; I wasn't even feeling that hungry after working out...more like a yuk feeling. I can't be over-training because I don't even always get all of my workouts in every week (sometimes miss one here or there) and my long rides are still not up at 4 hours yet. I'm just trying to be cognizant of my body cannibalizing muscle.
2016-06-15 9:02 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Masters swim in the books for today. Bike planned for later this afternoon.

I ate a rice cake and a potato cake for breakfast before masters this morning. Both are a little bland for general eating, but I guess that is what you might want for on the bike. I liked both enough to eat them. Neither seemed to cause any gi issues at masters, and we did some hard sets this morning. Looks like I've found at least two winners for fuel!! Going to try to eat one actually on the bike this afternoon. I'm only riding 45 minutes, but I want to see the logistics of unwrapping something without using my teeth (they are wrapped in foil) while trying to stay vertical on the bike. Lunch on the go, if you will.

Happy training everyone!!

If you have a bento box you could maybe put them in a ziplock snack baggie and leave the top of the ziplock open for easy access? That's what I've done with pb&honey sandwich squares.

You will crush your Oly this weekend!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!!!
2016-06-15 11:50 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by Juancho This Sunday had the Gran Fondo ride - never been in one of these before, and really enjoyed it - 8.30 am we left (almost 500 riders), so early morning as I had to drive about an hour to get there. Weather could not be better, we did 4 mountains in 100km in the short option (long option, 160km for next year..), climbs were at some points 8 to 14%, second climb was really long and it was timed for special prized (that obviously I did not win....). But after 4h and 39 mins, with 3 stops to eat (here they don´t "feed" you on the ride, you stop, walk to the food tables and grab what you need, drinks, fruits, pastries... and back to the bike) I finished #209 of almost 500 riders. I hope to do more of these, now I understand why Alan is hooked! Juan
mmmmm, pastries......

OMG the cinnamon buns at Panera!!!

2016-06-15 11:56 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Hey, everyone.  Back from Cancun (yes, I know, poor me...).  Got some runs in early before it got too warm, and also did some resort pool swim workouts.  Our last night we stayed at the JW Marriott (OMG that place is nice - better not get used to it!!), and their pool kinda snakes around the resort, so my daughter and I did some OWS practice in the pool.  Probably 120 yards end-to-end; it took a couple of lengths to get used to not stopping every 25 yards/meters.

Got in about 10 miles last week...knees are doing OK.  I'm feeling really good swimming - consistency is key there for me rather than volume.

Tossing around some ideas about a race or two this summer...stay tuned!

Oh, and good luck this weekend, Gretchen.  I love Olys - that's a sweet spot training and pacing for me.

2016-06-15 11:57 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Lazyish day here. Morning brick in early, then I spent most of the day reading Feed Zone Portables and making three of the recepies (Denver omlet rice cakes, apple cinnamon rice cakes, and potato sausage cakes). They are now all wrapped up in the fridge and just waiting to be tried! Of course, it is recovery week, so I'm not really doing any workouts that need fuel. I plan to eat them before masters swim as breakfast just to see how they work. Not sure I'm brave enough to try them on my Oly this weekend. I hate gu so much that I just might though!

I've never needed anything other than a little sport drink on an Oly.  I wouldn't be so sure I could take it stomach-wise at that effort level.

2016-06-15 12:07 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Got in a quick run and strength session this morning and then a quick lunch swim in the pouring rain.   The older ladies were getting into the deep end of the pool to do their water aerobics as I was packing up (and it was still pouring).  I told them they were FIERCE!!!  

2016-06-15 2:48 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

I've had to do some catch up so I'm sorry if I cover posts from awhile but there's a few things I want comment on.

Someone said they heard the diluting Gatorade or Powerade causes the body to digest it differently so the stuff in it doesn't get absorbed. This is not true. Your body pulls out what it needs from what it takes in, diluted or not. Obviously diluting it means your not getting as much with each sip so that may be why someone would think that it doesn't work as well but if there's sodium in it, the body will use it regardless of dilution. I highly recommending diluting any sports drink if you have GI problems with it. I find most sports drinks where you have to mix it yourself want you to use way more mix than you really need. Powerbar Perform I know for sure is a big one. I use about one small spoonful of that stuff in a standard sized camelback bottle not the recommended two full scoops. 

As for Nuun, I think Jenn said it didn't agree with her. Try mixing the Nuun the night before and then leaving it in the fridge. I find that just like pop it goes flat and loses all of its fizz. But make sure to put it in the fridge. Nuun goes a little wonky if left out for too long. (and only use half a tablet or even a quarter in each bottle)

Although I'm obligated contractually by my team to endorse certain drink mixes (use Enervit! It's what the pros use!) and gels and bars (Fruit 2 is great!), I generally find that most sport specific foods are just gimmicky over priced mumbo jumbo. An electrolyte drink is essentially sodium and potassium. Everything else (special formulas and blah blah) are just marketing crap. You can make your drink by using diluted peach juice (which isn't very acidic and therefore easy to digest) and some sea salt. I've gone on many long hard rides using nothing but sea salt and a few drops of concentrated lemon juice. My 'recovery' drink usually is just water with a sprinkling of sea salt. 

When it comes to gels, I've literally had everything there is possible to have between what the shop I work at carries and what I get from sponsors. My absolute favourite is E-load gels because they're liquidy and easy to swallow. My absolute most despised is Clif shots. They're like trying to swallow molasses and they get all over your fingers and stay gooey in your mouth. Once I gooped a bunch of Vanilla clif shot on my crotch... well... yea..  I hate Clif shots. 

I love Stinger Waffles. I highly recommend everyone who does IM events to try them (And any of that brand) because thats what all IM events will give out so its alway good in the event you need to grab some food from an aid station that you know what you're getting into. 

That being said, I'm a big fan of relying on aid stations. I hate carrying things with me when I'm racing. IM events give out quartered bananas on the bike and run (POTASSIUM!), Stinger waffles (SOLID FOOD!), gels and drinks. Use'em. Get your money's worth, IM isn't cheap. 

As for how much to eat and drink at events. I think I've mentioned this before but triathletes are a little bananas when it comes to how much food and water they carry. If you're on the bike for an hour or less, there is absolutely no need to ever eat anything. As for drinks, one bottle per hour. There's also no reason to use salt tabs or things like that for one hour rides or less. If your bike is an hour and your run is 45 minutes or less, one gel 30 minutes in to the bike is probably all you need. Taking a gel any later than that and it'll be too late to be of any use. And for short events where the entire thing is less than 2-2.5 hours, you probably don't need any drink mix at all. You won't be out there long enough to need it. Sure, drink it after to replenish but it's unnecessary for short events. 

I cannot tell you how often I see triathletes roll up to a sprint triathlon with bottles on their saddle, their frame, aero bottle on their bars, a top tube bag full of gels and a bento box with god knows what in it (charcuterie and cheese plate and a bottle of wine for a mid ride picnic I assume). It's silliness. 

Sure there isn't anything stopping you from drinking and eating whenever and however often but it won't really amount to much in terms of performance and for shorter harder events, you'll just be burdening your digestive tract when it doesn't need to be. 

(just as a side note, even though they're getting tub loads of free sport drink mix from sponsors, most pro cyclists and triathletes train with nothing but water in their bottles). 

2016-06-15 5:58 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
First of all, Alan, you have completely sold me on Stinger Waffles. I LOVE them!!! I will be buying them in bulk. Now I have to figure out how best to carry them on my tri bike (they don't fit in my built in bento box). They are soooo good - and I've only tried the regular ones! My new go-to tasty treat for bike, and they're easy to eat and not messy at all.

Second, in the Oly's I've done, I've only used one GU, and once I did two. For sprints I only bring a half a bottle of water if that.
2016-06-16 8:16 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by adempsey10

I cannot tell you how often I see triathletes roll up to a sprint triathlon with bottles on their saddle, their frame, aero bottle on their bars, a top tube bag full of gels and a bento box with god knows what in it (charcuterie and cheese plate and a bottle of wine for a mid ride picnic I assume). It's silliness.

OMG I just about spit out my coffee reading this part.

BTW...the cheese plate and wine are for the transition picnic.  I used to take so long my wife would ask it that was what I was doing. 

2016-06-16 8:18 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 First of all, Alan, you have completely sold me on Stinger Waffles. I LOVE them!!! I will be buying them in bulk. Now I have to figure out how best to carry them on my tri bike (they don't fit in my built in bento box). They are soooo good - and I've only tried the regular ones! My new go-to tasty treat for bike, and they're easy to eat and not messy at all. Second, in the Oly's I've done, I've only used one GU, and once I did two. For sprints I only bring a half a bottle of water if that.

^^^ Same with me - only I just use a little diluted Gatorade instead of a gel.  I tolerate it really well - at least the fruit punch flavor anyway.  And when I spill it all over myself it matches the red color of my kit. 

2016-06-16 9:35 AM
in reply to: #5186908

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
I'm slow, so it takes me longer to do an Oly. I need fuel. More trials of the real food fuel yesterday afternoon and this morning. So far, none have caused any issues when eaten right before swim, bike, or run. Even managed to eat an apple cinnamon rice cake on my bike yesterday. I really liked it, and it didnt cause me to need half a bottle of water to wash the sweet taste out of my mouth!

Up this morning to log a slog of a run. Ugh, it just didn't feel good. Plus, I ripped my month old running shorts. Not a great start to the day.
2016-06-17 7:55 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Last workouts before my Oly on Sunday. Masters swim this morning (2100m). 30 min bike and run in Z1 scheduled for later today, mostly just a safety check for the bike and a walk the kinks out run. Z1 isn't hard to get to. Then it is time to pack and try not to forget anything. I do most of my tris away from home, but I'm always worried that I will forget something very important, like my bike.

Anyone else racing this weekend?
2016-06-17 11:54 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Last workouts before my Oly on Sunday. Masters swim this morning (2100m). 30 min bike and run in Z1 scheduled for later today, mostly just a safety check for the bike and a walk the kinks out run. Z1 isn't hard to get to. Then it is time to pack and try not to forget anything. I do most of my tris away from home, but I'm always worried that I will forget something very important, like my bike. Anyone else racing this weekend?

No races for me, but I'm feeling a big ol' success in yours.

2016-06-17 11:55 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Bikram Yoga this morning - OMG I feel like I've been in a car accident, which means I did it right. 

2016-06-19 2:48 PM
in reply to: #5187173

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Just got in from a 4 day camping trip way off grid.

Gretchen, how did it go?!?!?! Can't wait to hear about it!!

2016-06-19 5:25 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Race report is up!

Overall, I'm really happy with my race. I got second place, Athena division! There are some definate places to improve (within my capacities), especially my leisurely swim pace today. It was my first OWS September, so I was more worried about panicing and getting off course due to poor sighting. Neither of those things happened, so I'm happy. Got a giant blister on my toe again. Going to have to figure that out.
2016-06-19 9:35 PM
in reply to: #5187637

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Great job, Gretchen!!! Aweome on that OWS! I would have freaked out if I hadn't done an ows since last fall.
2016-06-20 4:53 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Race report is up!

Overall, I'm really happy with my race. I got second place, Athena division! There are some definate places to improve (within my capacities), especially my leisurely swim pace today. It was my first OWS September, so I was more worried about panicing and getting off course due to poor sighting. Neither of those things happened, so I'm happy. Got a giant blister on my toe again. Going to have to figure that out.

Congrats Terminator! That's awesome. All that hard work does pay off!
2016-06-20 5:04 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
I raced this weekend with John Giza at a local Father's Day 5 and 10K. I'm proud to report that he PR'd the course. I on the other hand, for the vast majority of the race, was DFL. No excuses - I just don't carry my 240 LBs well. So with 4 miles today, I started pushing the pace and made a few passes and camd upon a 10 year old (lauren) who was doing her first 10k. She was doing great - and we struck up a conversation "I'm a 4th grader" "I'm a 6th grade teacher. Wouldn't it be great to beat a teacher?" Etc. At the 6 mile mark, the poor girl ran out of gas and stopped running. I got the people on the sidewalks to chant her name and she stayed just a few feet in front of me. Some guy jumped out of the crowd and paced her towards the finish line. It was awesome. The entire crowd was cheering for her.

I wasn't going to let her win so with about 100 yards - I started to sprint towards the line and to this girls credit she kicked it in and finished just in front of me. It was an awesome accomplishment. She came over later and told me that she couldn't of done it without me and I've got to say that made my fathers day. I was so proud of her and I hope her winning - and she did win, I really tried - will help create a life long runner.

I - on the other hand - managed to pull my right achilles again. God, I've got to lose the weight... It's killing me.
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