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2012-06-28 2:13 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Also at my lowest weight since the day i joined you all and knocked out a 500m swim this afto. not fast at 2.33/ 100m but i'll take it. My mojo must be up.Surprised

2012-06-28 2:28 PM
in reply to: #4285281

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 7:48 PM
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:45 PM




didn't actually do the relay, just ran some of the course before it got here and watched it with my daughter. chuffed about my time though.

Oh-right. I meant cool that you got to be part of all of that. I am obsessed with the summer Olympics. 

2012-06-28 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4285354

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 3:28 PM
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 7:48 PM
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:45 PM




didn't actually do the relay, just ran some of the course before it got here and watched it with my daughter. chuffed about my time though.

Oh-right. I meant cool that you got to be part of all of that. I am obsessed with the summer Olympics. 


Did you see any of the swim trials the other day?  SMOOOOKING fast  400 IM in 4:03?!?!  And that's why I'm an AGer

2012-06-28 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4285370

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-06-28 2:34 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 3:28 PM
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 7:48 PM
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:45 PM




didn't actually do the relay, just ran some of the course before it got here and watched it with my daughter. chuffed about my time though.

Oh-right. I meant cool that you got to be part of all of that. I am obsessed with the summer Olympics. 


Did you see any of the swim trials the other day?  SMOOOOKING fast  400 IM in 4:03?!?!  And that's why I'm an AGer

Yes! I've been watching it all! The swimming has been fun. I like the fire on the side of the pool haha. That might encourage me to speed up!

The Diving was happening just a little south of Seattle annnnnd to top it off we're heading down to Eugene this weekend for the wrap up of the Track and Field trials. I don't know if anyone has been following that 3rd place finish in the women's 100m but woooweeeee 

2012-06-28 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4285377

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 12:39 PM
Tripopo - 2012-06-28 2:34 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 3:28 PM
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 7:48 PM
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 1:45 PM




didn't actually do the relay, just ran some of the course before it got here and watched it with my daughter. chuffed about my time though.

Oh-right. I meant cool that you got to be part of all of that. I am obsessed with the summer Olympics. 


Did you see any of the swim trials the other day?  SMOOOOKING fast  400 IM in 4:03?!?!  And that's why I'm an AGer

Yes! I've been watching it all! The swimming has been fun. I like the fire on the side of the pool haha. That might encourage me to speed up!

The Diving was happening just a little south of Seattle annnnnd to top it off we're heading down to Eugene this weekend for the wrap up of the Track and Field trials. I don't know if anyone has been following that 3rd place finish in the women's 100m but woooweeeee 

That was quite something.  Have they made a decision yet?  I think I would want a run off if I was one of them.  Rather lose in a race than in a coin toss.

2012-06-28 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

THE race report is finally up. I'd sit down for this if I were you. With lots of food. You're going to need to last.

2012-06-28 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Welcome back, Salty!!

Allen - the signing up for the Olympic distance and getting to see the Olympic torch are both awesome, and it's so cool your little daughter had the opportunity to see the torch passing.  And congrats on that suh-mokin' run time!

Yanti - the Tour de France on your new TV may be the ticket to you taking a little rest and healing (maybe? possibly?)  Love watching the Tour!

Kate - just have fun with your first Olympic distance.  All the manatees are behind you and will send you our collective strength!

Janyne - we miss you!

TJ - you have plenty of time to train and can have a virtual training partner in Jo.  How exciting, the thought of your first HIM!

Tonight I'm planning on a good bike ride.  Last week I did the local TT course and placed 3rd from the bottom on Strava (time-wise, not reality-wise because Strava didn't pick it up for some reason).  I emailed Strava asking them to add my ride to the segment, as they call it, but when they did they mustn't have taken all my data over...I instantly became QOM with my blazing speed of 2,034 mph...WTF?!?  So I deleted the ride after all the effort of them 'fixing' it to avoid having the other riders think I did something to fudge my numbers, like rent the Leer jet or something, LOL!  So now I want to hopefully beat my last time and also have Strava pick it up on its own.  Hopefully my lingering sinus/cold issues don't slow me down too much.

Edited to add: YAY!  Just got an email saying the tri club's clothing order will be in on 7/6, just in time for me to sport my new gear at the Catfish Tri!  Glad it's making it in time, my other tri shorts have a small rip in the pad.   They may have another race in them, not sure.

Edited by melbo55 2012-06-28 3:12 PM
2012-06-28 3:15 PM
in reply to: #4285441

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
melbo55 - 2012-06-29 4:10 AM

Welcome back, Salty!!

Allen - the signing up for the Olympic distance and getting to see the Olympic torch are both awesome, and it's so cool your little daughter had the opportunity to see the torch passing.  And congrats on that suh-mokin' run time!

Yanti - the Tour de France on your new TV may be the ticket to you taking a little rest and healing (maybe? possibly?)  Love watching the Tour!

Kate - just have fun with your first Olympic distance.  All the manatees are behind you and will send you our collective strength!

Janyne - we miss you!

TJ - you have plenty of time to train and can have a virtual training partner in Jo.  How exciting, the thought of your first HIM!

Tonight I'm planning on a good bike ride.  Last week I did the local TT course and placed 3rd from the bottom on Strava (time-wise, not reality-wise because Strava didn't pick it up for some reason).  I emailed Strava asking them to add my ride to the segment, as they call it, but when they did they mustn't have taken all my data over...I instantly became QOM with my blazing speed of 2,034 mph...WTF?!?  So I deleted the ride after all the effort of them 'fixing' it to avoid having the other riders think I did something to fudge my numbers, like rent the Leer jet or something, LOL!  So now I want to hopefully beat my last time and also have Strava pick it up on its own.  Hopefully my lingering sinus/cold issues don't slow me down too much.

Edited to add: YAY!  Just got an email saying the tri club's clothing order will be in on 7/6, just in time for me to sport my new gear at the Catfish Tri!  Glad it's making it in time, my other tri shorts have a small rip in the pad.   They may have another race in them, not sure.

I think you are really just that badazz.

2012-06-28 3:40 PM
in reply to: #4284405

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ukweeble - 2012-06-28 8:29 AM

Flying update. Got back in from work around 12.30pm, slipped into my running gear and legged it to meet my 9 year old daughter and the rest of her class/school as they lined up to watch the Olympic flame run past. They all had to walk to the Robecca Adlington swimming center which was the closest point it passed. Thats the swimming center i learned to swim at as a kid and so did Miss Adlington, the current 2x gold medal olympic champion.

The weather was unbelievable. Thunder and forked lightening, torrential downpours. All the little ones were soaked to the skin, but we did see the classic sight of the flame being passed from one torch bearer to another, which was pretty awesome. The rain held off for that particular sight but started again soon after as i helped walk all the children back to school.

The head made the sensible choice of letting all the children go home early so we are stripped off and drying out before i have to head back to work

Allen - that gives me chills!! How awesome to see that! And those kiddos will never forget seeing it and what the day was like - what an adventure!  NEAT-O!!!!

2012-06-28 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4284522

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-06-28 9:09 AM

So here's the update on me ... finally went to the doc today (funny, the diarrhea and fevers/chills and fatigue didn't go away by themselves after the race).

Good news: bloodwork and initial tests are normal.
Bad news: My head says WOOHOO FREE PASS!
Good news: doc called me w/results AND a scolding that specifically stated this was NOT a free pass, especially since I still had yucky symptoms, dangerously low blood pressure, but also oddly easy bleeding/bruising, and a long list of dos and don'ts.
Bad news: I think I've already broken half of them.
Good news: I got a TV and cable service!

Many people probably sit around and watch too much TV, but in my case I think this is an excellent idea. Tour de France is right around the corner! I haven't bought myself a TV since ... geez ... 1997. Not kidding.

So the moral of the story is... if you get sick, buy a TV?  hehehe,   seriously though, he said you're NORMAL?!?!  Was he looking at the right results?? (No really, glad you're ok, babe.)

2012-06-28 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4284575

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
rrrunner - 2012-06-28 9:29 AM

Allen, that is soooo cool.  What an experience to share with those kids.  I would totally be willing to stand in the rain to watch the olymic torch go by!

Yanti, so glad your tests came back with good results.  Now SIT! RELAX! and enjoy watching TdF on your shiny new TV!

As for me I'm still up in the air about the HIM in March.  One minute I'm ready to sign up, the next minute I remember Moab and think I can't do it.  If I procrastinate long enough maybe it will sell out...

TJ - Moab was a b!tch, but it made you TOUGH!  If you can get through that, you can get through anything!  I'm behind you if you pull the trigger - you'll be great!!

2012-06-28 4:13 PM
in reply to: #4285422

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-06-28 1:57 PM

THE race report is finally up. I'd sit down for this if I were you. With lots of food. You're going to need to last.

Well I settled in to read it with a plate of chips and hummus and a Venti nonfat iced chai.  The chips and hummus didn't even last until the race start! I love reading your RR's! You truly are an inspiration.

2012-06-28 4:14 PM
in reply to: #4284962

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-06-28 11:56 AM

Well, I’m back. In one-piece-ish.

I flew into Mammoth and spent the first few days running and hiking the high desert with my parents. We then headed into Reno for the family reunion.  Yanti, you would have loved it. I was surrounded by piglets for the whole trip. Unfortunately they were mostly all related to me ; )

The following happened in Reno: I got a job offer at a certain “adult” establishment, I threw up in a planter box outside the hotel (not from the all you can drink beer festival we attended but from the over-indulgence in the all you can eat crab legs,) me and 22 of my cousins rented out a party bus on our last night in Reno. I don’t know that I can share any more details from that or I would have to kill you. All in all I got to see about 100+ family members.

(these are just a few 1st cousins, I have 30-something of them, no SOs included!)

I also got a fair amount of running in. Probably not the ideal for 4 weeks out from an “A” marathon but not terrible either.  


Oh geez, that sounds like FUN!  How cool that all you guys commit to getting together like that!  Good for you for getting some runs in AND enjoying yourself!!!

2012-06-28 4:15 PM
in reply to: #4285529

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriRx - 2012-06-28 2:42 PM
TriAya - 2012-06-28 9:09 AM

So here's the update on me ... finally went to the doc today (funny, the diarrhea and fevers/chills and fatigue didn't go away by themselves after the race).

Good news: bloodwork and initial tests are normal.
Bad news: My head says WOOHOO FREE PASS!
Good news: doc called me w/results AND a scolding that specifically stated this was NOT a free pass, especially since I still had yucky symptoms, dangerously low blood pressure, but also oddly easy bleeding/bruising, and a long list of dos and don'ts.
Bad news: I think I've already broken half of them.
Good news: I got a TV and cable service!

Many people probably sit around and watch too much TV, but in my case I think this is an excellent idea. Tour de France is right around the corner! I haven't bought myself a TV since ... geez ... 1997. Not kidding.

So the moral of the story is... if you get sick, buy a TV?  hehehe,   seriously though, he said you're NORMAL?!?!  Was he looking at the right results?? (No really, glad you're ok, babe.)


2012-06-28 4:28 PM
in reply to: #4285422

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

lunchtime run 5km!  Awesome.

Swim squad below:


200m Free
150m Free
50m Backstroke
150m Free breathe bad side
50m Breaststroke
200m Fists breathing every 3 (nearly impossible but I did it!)
150m Catch Up with 4 front sculls
50m Otter scull no kick


5X300M as below

250m Freestyle
2x25m Sprints with band round ankles NO PULL BUOY (I just about made it to the end of the pool!)

2.5km done woohoo!  in one hour!  I jumped out after one hour and they probably did another 500m.

2012-06-28 5:06 PM
in reply to: #4285644

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jobaxas - 2012-06-28 3:28 PM

lunchtime run 5km!  Awesome.

Swim squad below:


200m Free
150m Free
50m Backstroke
150m Free breathe bad side
50m Breaststroke
200m Fists breathing every 3 (nearly impossible but I did it!)
150m Catch Up with 4 front sculls
50m Otter scull no kick


5X300M as below

250m Freestyle
2x25m Sprints with band round ankles NO PULL BUOY (I just about made it to the end of the pool!)

2.5km done woohoo!  in one hour!  I jumped out after one hour and they probably did another 500m.

Wow! Nice job! I took some lessons early this year and he did the ankle band with no buoy.  That is tough!

2012-06-28 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4285422

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-06-28 2:57 PM

THE race report is finally up. I'd sit down for this if I were you. With lots of food. You're going to need to last.

Yanti - best RR EVER!  I can't imagine how long that took you - thank you so much for sharing! 

2012-06-28 10:54 PM
in reply to: #4285422

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-06-28 3:57 PM

THE race report is finally up. I'd sit down for this if I were you. With lots of food. You're going to need to last.

I would actually get excited to do that tri.  I may have to figure out how to do that one some day.  I wonder if I could pull off Big Sur Marathon every year (that race ruined all others for me) and the Bali International Tri. 

You were right.  You had to do it.  As long as there is air in your lungs, you have to do that.  What is a little typhoid?  This race so trumps rest!

Edited by jogo 2012-06-28 10:56 PM
2012-06-28 11:40 PM
in reply to: #4285760

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriRx - 2012-06-29 6:53 AM
TriAya - 2012-06-28 2:57 PM

THE race report is finally up. I'd sit down for this if I were you. With lots of food. You're going to need to last.

Yanti - best RR EVER!  I can't imagine how long that took you - thank you so much for sharing! 

A lot of napping, that's how long ... thanks for commenting ... BUDGIES AND CONDOMS! Ha ha ha ha!

2012-06-28 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4286018

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jogo - 2012-06-29 11:54 AM
TriAya - 2012-06-28 3:57 PM

THE race report is finally up. I'd sit down for this if I were you. With lots of food. You're going to need to last.

I would actually get excited to do that tri.  I may have to figure out how to do that one some day.  I wonder if I could pull off Big Sur Marathon every year (that race ruined all others for me) and the Bali International Tri. 

You were right.  You had to do it.  As long as there is air in your lungs, you have to do that.  What is a little typhoid?  This race so trumps rest!

Once you've done Big Sur and the Bali Tri, you really won't need to do any other races ... or really want to the most expensive thing is the airfare, which if you plan well in advance you can get for $1200-$1300 (if it ever goes down to pre-crazy prices, then $900-$1000). If you stay with me the accommodations are free and close, and even the most lavish feast here with lots of booze will cost you $15 tops.

2012-06-28 11:45 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

I did another OWS tonight--two in a row so far...tri club party tomorrow in the same location--and they're planning a swim as well...Try for three in a row?

Tonight's swim was special though...I met with the local swim meetup group--their swim goes from the shore of Beals Point all the way across to the beach on the other side of Beals....Which after measuring tonight, is about 1200 meters....I didn't make it to the other shore (those fast buggers had started their return to the beach--and I didn't want to be left all alone in boat and jet-ski infested waters!), but I did make it 1000 meters out to the far side--and then another 1000 back---so I got a 2000 meter workout tonight! It took me 55 minutes, which is kinda slow...more so considering that another swimmer had mostly lost her swim cap and was then doggy paddling on the return trip--I was unable to get more than 1 length or so in front of her the WHOLE way back....somewhat discouraging. In any case, I swam farther than I ever thought possible, I did not stop....and I kicked asthma's butt tonight. For that, I am happy. I now feel somewhat ready for the olympic swim portion....the bike and run...well, we'll see.

Edited by kgore 2012-06-28 11:46 PM

2012-06-28 11:48 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Oh, and Yanti--should I ever be able to afford plane tix, be forewarned, I will be there!!!! This would be the best destination race EVER!!!!

Of course, I would have to really force myself to not try and catch or at least enjoy looking at the geckos...

2012-06-29 1:11 AM
in reply to: #4286048

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
kgore - 2012-06-29 5:45 AM

I did another OWS tonight--two in a row so far...tri club party tomorrow in the same location--and they're planning a swim as well...Try for three in a row?

Tonight's swim was special though...I met with the local swim meetup group--their swim goes from the shore of Beals Point all the way across to the beach on the other side of Beals....Which after measuring tonight, is about 1200 meters....I didn't make it to the other shore (those fast buggers had started their return to the beach--and I didn't want to be left all alone in boat and jet-ski infested waters!), but I did make it 1000 meters out to the far side--and then another 1000 back---so I got a 2000 meter workout tonight! It took me 55 minutes, which is kinda slow...more so considering that another swimmer had mostly lost her swim cap and was then doggy paddling on the return trip--I was unable to get more than 1 length or so in front of her the WHOLE way back....somewhat discouraging. In any case, I swam farther than I ever thought possible, I did not stop....and I kicked asthma's butt tonight. For that, I am happy. I now feel somewhat ready for the olympic swim portion....the bike and run...well, we'll see.

Great effort.  And who knows, doggy paddle may be the future.

2012-06-29 2:47 AM
in reply to: #4286048

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
kgore - 2012-06-28 11:45 PM

I did another OWS tonight--two in a row so far...tri club party tomorrow in the same location--and they're planning a swim as well...Try for three in a row?

Tonight's swim was special though...I met with the local swim meetup group--their swim goes from the shore of Beals Point all the way across to the beach on the other side of Beals....Which after measuring tonight, is about 1200 meters....I didn't make it to the other shore (those fast buggers had started their return to the beach--and I didn't want to be left all alone in boat and jet-ski infested waters!), but I did make it 1000 meters out to the far side--and then another 1000 back---so I got a 2000 meter workout tonight! It took me 55 minutes, which is kinda slow...more so considering that another swimmer had mostly lost her swim cap and was then doggy paddling on the return trip--I was unable to get more than 1 length or so in front of her the WHOLE way back....somewhat discouraging. In any case, I swam farther than I ever thought possible, I did not stop....and I kicked asthma's butt tonight. For that, I am happy. I now feel somewhat ready for the olympic swim portion....the bike and run...well, we'll see.

Awesome!  I am the same - but thankfully Coach Johnny does a long circuit (round the shipwreck then out to the big yellow stick and back) or just the stick and back - guess which one I do and still I get swum over by the guns !  Oh well I have done the long circuit on a flat night.  And coming up to IM I'll be doing it every time.

55 mins is a good time.  took me 45 to do 1.9km in the HIM.  And that was very flat water.

Anyway - well done!

2012-06-29 2:48 AM
in reply to: #4286047

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-06-28 11:43 PM
jogo - 2012-06-29 11:54 AM
TriAya - 2012-06-28 3:57 PM

THE race report is finally up. I'd sit down for this if I were you. With lots of food. You're going to need to last.

I would actually get excited to do that tri.  I may have to figure out how to do that one some day.  I wonder if I could pull off Big Sur Marathon every year (that race ruined all others for me) and the Bali International Tri. 

You were right.  You had to do it.  As long as there is air in your lungs, you have to do that.  What is a little typhoid?  This race so trumps rest!

Once you've done Big Sur and the Bali Tri, you really won't need to do any other races ... or really want to the most expensive thing is the airfare, which if you plan well in advance you can get for $1200-$1300 (if it ever goes down to pre-crazy prices, then $900-$1000). If you stay with me the accommodations are free and close, and even the most lavish feast here with lots of booze will cost you $15 tops.

In the summer I swim with a lovely piglet who has a villa in your neck of the woods!  So if I'm extra nice to this piglet (shouldnt' be too hard!) I may have somewhere to stay anyway.  I so want to do this race and Melbourne's not far from Bali!

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