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2009-06-30 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2254290

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
surfnturf - 2009-06-30 2:29 PM
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:14 PM
surfnturf - 2009-06-30 1:50 PM
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 12:17 PM I had another run yesterday, and I'm attempting my first bike ride tomorrow, in preparation for next month's TdF challenge.
Good luck and don't do too much the first ride!!

Thanks! I'm looking forward to it; I'm going to ride to work tomorrow morning. It's kind of hilly, but only about 4.5 miles - and the hills on the way TO work are mostly down Wink.

We're actually considering moving soon, so I'm trying to decide if riding to work will still be feasible after that. We've already picked out a location. The good news is that the ride would be completely flat, both ways, but the bad news is it's approximately 20 miles... I'd have a few months to build up to that, so we'll see how it goes.
I just started commuting (home) a few times a week - it is only 10 miles but I LOVE it. I can't commute TO work b/c I don't have shower facilities and I am a big-time "sweat monster".

A lot of businesses here (mine included) have showers because there are many people who live in dry cabins. Having a shower at work is awesome. My primary concern about commuting that far is how much earlier I'd have to get up to make it to work on time. It might work better to only bike home, because then I'd have fewer time constraints.

Do you drive your car to work and then leave it there when you bike home? Or do you have somebody drop you off?

2009-06-30 5:43 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
Here's another question...

Are there good sites online to order tri gear (basic stuff, like a race belt, fuel belt, etc.)? I need to order some things but there's nowhere in town that's going to have them, so I'm turning to the internet.
2009-06-30 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
Also, is there any kind of body glide people specifically recommend?
2009-06-30 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2254303

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: June Bugs
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:36 PM

I just started commuting (home) a few times a week - it is only 10 miles but I LOVE it. I can't commute TO work b/c I don't have shower facilities and I am a big-time "sweat monster".

A lot of businesses here (mine included) have showers because there are many people who live in dry cabins. Having a shower at work is awesome. My primary concern about commuting that far is how much earlier I'd have to get up to make it to work on time. It might work better to only bike home, because then I'd have fewer time constraints.

Do you drive your car to work and then leave it there when you bike home? Or do you have somebody drop you off?

We only have one car and hubby works from home so it is easier to have him drop me off with my bike and then he can get the kids to camp or run errands and go home. Then, I bike home without them having to come back and get me. It's working out once or twice a week. Otherwise, I taxi the kids around and try to get work done in between which is a little exhausting.
2009-06-30 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: June Bugs
Okay June Bugs. I've gotta start doing nighttime routine with the kiddos so I may not be back to posting tonight.

It has been fun and I have enjoyed getting to know you all! Thanks for the inspires and support. I look forward to seeing you in future challenges or somewhere else on BT!! Take care and GREAT job!!
2009-06-30 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2254309

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: June Bugs
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:43 PM

Here's another question...

Are there good sites online to order tri gear (basic stuff, like a race belt, fuel belt, etc.)? I need to order some things but there's nowhere in town that's going to have them, so I'm turning to the internet.

Never answered this. I don't know of any online sites but I bet a lot of June Bugs (or others) do. We have an awesome running store and I get most of my stuff from them.

2009-06-30 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2254311

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searching for the elusive runner's high!
Subject: RE: June Bugs
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:44 PM

Also, is there any kind of body glide people specifically recommend?

Don't know of any as I have never had to use it. Sorry I'm not more help!
2009-06-30 6:34 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
wow! I just got back from my (extremely wet) run and was thrilled to see how many pages we have! I don't have time to catch up with all of them until tomorrow unfortunately, but woooohoooo wayy to go!
2009-06-30 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
so my run was extremely wet because like a bum I slept in rather than doing in the morning, so I got to finish up my goal in the pouring rain! Moral of the story: don't skip morning workouts!
2009-06-30 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2254309

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:43 PM Here's another question...

Are there good sites online to order tri gear (basic stuff, like a race belt, fuel belt, etc.)? I need to order some things but there's nowhere in town that's going to have them, so I'm turning to the internet.

i like performancebike.com for biking stuff, but have started using trisports.com recently. We as BT members get a 10% discount from trisports (more if you are a premium member I think). The bonus code is BT-W
2009-06-30 6:39 PM
in reply to: #2254311

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:44 PM Also, is there any kind of body glide people specifically recommend?

i thought 'Body Glide' was the brand. maybe I'm wrong.. it comes in grey deodorant looking thing. Thats what I use and I like it alot!

2009-06-30 6:39 PM
in reply to: #2254309

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:43 PM Here's another question...

Are there good sites online to order tri gear (basic stuff, like a race belt, fuel belt, etc.)? I need to order some things but there's nowhere in town that's going to have them, so I'm turning to the internet.

My favorite is www.trisports.com   I've bought tri-suits, gels, sportwash, and my garmin from them.  Embarrassed to say that last year I got a Christmas card from them. 
2009-06-30 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
oh man my 500th post! wooohoo I pulled it off!
2009-06-30 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2254341

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
surfnturf - 2009-06-30 7:10 PM
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:44 PM Also, is there any kind of body glide people specifically recommend?
Don't know of any as I have never had to use it. Sorry I'm not more help!

The brand I use is called "BodyGlide."  I use it on long runs in the tender "chafing spots" and also on ankles/arm/shoulders before putting my wetsuit on.  You can usually find it in most running stores.
2009-06-30 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2254393

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
doctorbob18 - 2009-06-30 7:38 PM
KrisSeer - 2009-06-30 6:43 PM Here's another question...

Are there good sites online to order tri gear (basic stuff, like a race belt, fuel belt, etc.)? I need to order some things but there's nowhere in town that's going to have them, so I'm turning to the internet.

i like performancebike.com for biking stuff, but have started using trisports.com recently. We as BT members get a 10% discount from trisports (more if you are a premium member I think). The bonus code is BT-W

OK, looks like we are simultaneously posting.  Yours may be the best one EVER!  I didn't know we got a 10% discount.  What hole have I been living in?  Jeeeezzz.  Wonder if they'd make it retroctive.Surprised  BTW, they have a 15% off sale going on right now to launch their new website design.
2009-06-30 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2254132

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: June Bugs
lkc01234 - 2009-06-30 5:13 PM I was at REI the other day...and almost bought a road bike on sale - - it's so tempting...I wanna know how much faster I can get!!

What are you riding now?

***new bike (?) toppage

Edited by MDHillSlug 2009-06-30 6:58 PM

2009-06-30 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2254134

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: June Bugs
lkc01234 - 2009-06-30 5:13 PM Anyone learn any lessons specific to running this month??

I learned I need to do a better job of stretching my hamstrings :-D  :-(

I learned I need to be more attentive to how my feet strike the ground: need to stay off my heels!
2009-06-30 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2253272

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
Artemis - 2009-06-30 12:52 PM 1) Farthest distance run - in training and in a race.

13.1 miles
2009-06-30 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2252572

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
lkc01234 - 2009-06-30 9:17 AM Doctor Bob - how was she?!?!?

(I mean the bike Tongue out)

she was... fast! :P
2009-06-30 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
ugh I really wish I could help get us to 100 more, but I have to get going
2009-06-30 6:55 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
it was so much fun doing this challenge with all of you! we did GREAT!!

2009-06-30 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs

Maybe I'll see some of you in the Tour de France challenge!!

2009-06-30 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Niskayuna, New York
Subject: RE: June Bugs
thanks so much everyone! i'll check in tomorrow to see how we ended up! GO JUNE BUGS!!!
2009-06-30 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
Great job Bugs!!!!  We are at 94.78%.  Lotsa running this month.  Even more post padding.
2009-06-30 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2182378

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Subject: RE: June Bugs
This has been a great team!!! Hope to see some of you in next months tDF challenge.
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