BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-03-21 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4669176

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Burd - 2013-03-21 1:36 PM Thanks but I need the help of all you folks that have raced before.  As May 11th gets closer I can't help but think I'm not going to be ready due to the knee problems.  It seems as soon as one thing feels better the other one goes to crap.  Is skipping the May sprint and doing a July race something I should be thinking of or should I be getting that out of my mind?  I go for my MRI on the 29th then the doc probably the following week so I will have an idea what's going on, he said it's just to be safe and not to worry at all.  I have a bazillion knots all over my good leg and think that may be where the new pain is coming from.  I'm just worried that I may not be ready.  Is this something everyone goes through for their first race or do I have reason to be nervous?  Who knows maybe it's my mind creating excuses.

I would say it goes through everyones mind. Don't give up. You can finish. You may have to back down your pace. Remember I have a HIM in two weeks and I still can't seem to run further than 3 miles at a time. Yikes.  We have put in the work and we have some base behind us. It will all be good.

2013-03-21 10:30 PM
in reply to: #4669724

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
BigDH - 2013-03-21 6:20 PM

so, hey.

Still alive.  Not really checking in.  My groin feels a bit better. Started running a bit this week.  Not too much pain.  It just feels like I should excercise it.  Not push it, but keep it mobile.

Anyways, started the 100 pushup challenge.  Doing it just about every day.  Using this app

it is free and cool.

Anyways, done week 2 and I did an exhaustion test.  Got 31 done.  A little less than I was hoping for.  But the app said I am on track to start week 3 so here it goes.


DH, Glad to hear from you.  Hope the recovery goes well, and you keep recovering while finding the balance that works for you.  you're the man.
2013-03-22 6:41 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

p90x core done this am.

hopefully a short bike and run later today. 2 mile run yesterday with no pain.....bring on 70.3Surprised

2013-03-22 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

I hate to admit it, but I'm falling off the wagon.  The house-shopping stress is getting to me, and my current contract is going completely pear-shape, and my workouts aren't happening, and my wife's sick, and I am stress-eating, and it's still too damn cold outside, and I look at the trainer with nothing but dread, and the treadmill is worse, and it's too cold to swim . . .

Excuses, excuses, excuses . . . the aspects of my life that I cannot control are causing enough distraction that I am losing control of those things that I can control, which is just breeding a vicious cycle.  

This time last year it was 85 degrees outside, and today it was 20.  Then again, this time last year, I did not own a bike, did not swim well, and hadn't run since gym class in high school.  

I have been on a nice long streak, and my fitness is still solid, so I am going to write off this week and start fresh next week.  

2013-03-22 10:10 AM
in reply to: #4670237

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
mirthfuldragon - 2013-03-22 10:59 AM

I hate to admit it, but I'm falling off the wagon.  The house-shopping stress is getting to me, and my current contract is going completely pear-shape, and my workouts aren't happening, and my wife's sick, and I am stress-eating, and it's still too damn cold outside, and I look at the trainer with nothing but dread, and the treadmill is worse, and it's too cold to swim . . .

Excuses, excuses, excuses . . . the aspects of my life that I cannot control are causing enough distraction that I am losing control of those things that I can control, which is just breeding a vicious cycle.  

This time last year it was 85 degrees outside, and today it was 20.  Then again, this time last year, I did not own a bike, did not swim well, and hadn't run since gym class in high school.  

I have been on a nice long streak, and my fitness is still solid, so I am going to write off this week and start fresh next week.  


Life will always get in the way but the important thing is your getting back into it. And with the list of things going on with you right now, I think we all would be feeling the same way. 

Edited by lp3510 2013-03-22 10:46 AM
2013-03-22 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Had the 5k run and the 1000 yd swim yesterday morning and played racquetball at night. knee was hurting a bit past few weeks but worse than normal last night. so I scheduled an appt with the orthopedic doc. (advice from my wife)  He could recommend surgery like the last doc or something different.  Either way Ill get some answers to the knee pain.

Bright side is if this doc recommends the same surgery as the other I should only be out of commission for a 3 to 7 days and back to full activity in a month. 

Icing and resting today and hitting spinning in the morning with a few pain relievers.

Eyes are still set on a mid June sprint.   

2013-03-22 2:13 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

I'm starting to think the good knee problems are muscle related, maybe a touch of IT band issues as well.  It started when I was pampering the bad one.  I can feel it all the way up to the hip and the knee itself just feels like it's not aligned right.  Maybe the muscles are pulling the patella all screwy (I'm no doc though just student of google).  After the ride today I rolled it and stretched and most the pain went away.  After sitting for some time it's back.  Just all tight and a tad of pain.  Gonna keep rolling and stretching and follow up with the massage on Tuesday and see what she says about it.

On a bright side, had a killer 1.5 hour ride today.  Was super nice outside.

2013-03-22 2:17 PM
in reply to: #4670237

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
mirthfuldragon - 2013-03-22 10:59 AM

I hate to admit it, but I'm falling off the wagon.  The house-shopping stress is getting to me, and my current contract is going completely pear-shape, and my workouts aren't happening, and my wife's sick, and I am stress-eating, and it's still too damn cold outside, and I look at the trainer with nothing but dread, and the treadmill is worse, and it's too cold to swim . . .

Excuses, excuses, excuses . . . the aspects of my life that I cannot control are causing enough distraction that I am losing control of those things that I can control, which is just breeding a vicious cycle.  

This time last year it was 85 degrees outside, and today it was 20.  Then again, this time last year, I did not own a bike, did not swim well, and hadn't run since gym class in high school.  

I have been on a nice long streak, and my fitness is still solid, so I am going to write off this week and start fresh next week.  

That's the perfect attitude to have.  Good work on turning a negative into a huge positive!  Enjoy the weekend and start next week off with a bang.  House shopping is just that, stressful.  It will be all done with soon and you'll have a shiny new house to call your own (keep your eyes on the prize).   Hope the wife gets to feeling better.

2013-03-23 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Worked at Clayton Lake State Park yesterday helping out with their marathon.  It was the first time we have ever had a marathon in one of my parks and it was outstanding, something we should definitely do more!  The group that put it on was great.  The were doing a series of 5 races in 5 states in 5 days called the Dust Bowl Marathon series.  They started out in Texas, went to Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and ended up in New Mexico.  These people were animals some of them even took on the Bataan prior to doing the Dust bowl series, then were catching flights out right after our race to catch another race the next day!  It was completely amazing!  I spoke with the coordinator and think we are going to try and coordinate a State Park marathon series where we have a series of races in my parks.  Think it would be great!  
2013-03-23 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

First soccer game of the spring season.  We won by a landslide and my son scored 4 times Must be the coach (that would be me again, lol)  Point of this story is a friend dropped his copy of P90X stretch off with me so I will be starting that tomorrow.  For those of you P90X'ers, how often do I do this?  Is it something I can do daily w/o injury?

Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend.

2013-03-23 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

By the way....I see they are opening a new mentor program in April.  What happens to us? :sadface

2013-03-23 3:50 PM
in reply to: #4671532

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-23 1:33 PM

By the way....I see they are opening a new mentor program in April.  What happens to us? :sadface

I was wondering that myself 

2013-03-23 7:16 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Well it has been a improvement. Neck killing me, shoulder killing me, numb hand, muscles feel pulled around shoulder...nerve issues apparentlly. going to physio and chiropractor. Have not been on bike, runners or swimming. Sleeping like crap. Familly tired of big old grouch dad and holidays start tuesday. Hoping some sand and ocean therapy help! sorry for being off the grid, just not feelin' the love with no training happening!

have a good weekend everyone!



2013-03-23 9:25 PM
in reply to: #4663648

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

jlangene - 2013-03-17 8:51 PM Survived the bataan finished in about 8.5 hours. Not as fast as I wanted but super proud I did it. Can't wait til next years event! I'll post more later but for now I'm eating steak and drinking guinness!


Congrats man! Great way to celebrate!

2013-03-23 9:26 PM
in reply to: #4669124

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Burd - 2013-03-21 2:10 PM Well don't I feel all beast today  Swam 1000 yards for the first time.  Did 50 freestyle without stopping finally.  Did 700 with the pull buoy and 300 without.  Not 1.5 miles yet but I'm catching ya Bobby, lol.


Awesome Alex!!! you ARE a BEAST!

2013-03-23 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Hey Folks,

First time in a few checking in here, but I am on my first 10.7 hour midnight shift so I should have plenty of time for getting all caught up on BT, as long as I don't get too many Medevacs(pretty much all that flies on the midnight shift here) buggin me.

Still haven't gotten back up to the volume of training I want to be at, but I feel a lot better and think I am ready to break out of this slump. Got one short swim in this week, and really wanted to get in a run, but no go....possibly tomorrow.

Winter is not loosening its icy grip here at all....last year at this time, we were pretty much snow free besides in the bush, This year I still have 8 foot snowbanks on my front lawn. It is depressing to say the least, and we are already planning our exit strategy to someplace warm for next winter.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

2013-03-23 9:37 PM
in reply to: #4671821

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-03-23 10:33 PM

Hey Folks,

First time in a few checking in here, but I am on my first 10.7 hour midnight shift so I should have plenty of time for getting all caught up on BT, as long as I don't get too many Medevacs(pretty much all that flies on the midnight shift here) buggin me.

Still haven't gotten back up to the volume of training I want to be at, but I feel a lot better and think I am ready to break out of this slump. Got one short swim in this week, and really wanted to get in a run, but no go....possibly tomorrow.

Winter is not loosening its icy grip here at all....last year at this time, we were pretty much snow free besides in the bush, This year I still have 8 foot snowbanks on my front lawn. It is depressing to say the least, and we are already planning our exit strategy to someplace warm for next winter.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Well Justin if it helps today was "only" in the mid 80s and I nearly got sunburned at the soccer game  10.7 hour shift?  That sounds like some race distance not a work shift!  Glad to see you back and at it again.

2013-03-23 10:26 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Signed up for swim lessons today.  Start next Saturday and it's weekly for the next 8 weeks.  I figure if I am putting in this much effort and work I can accomplish so much more if I'm doing it right and practicing the correct stroke from the start.
2013-03-23 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4671822

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-23 10:37 PM
justinfss - 2013-03-23 10:33 PM

Hey Folks,

First time in a few checking in here, but I am on my first 10.7 hour midnight shift so I should have plenty of time for getting all caught up on BT, as long as I don't get too many Medevacs(pretty much all that flies on the midnight shift here) buggin me.

Still haven't gotten back up to the volume of training I want to be at, but I feel a lot better and think I am ready to break out of this slump. Got one short swim in this week, and really wanted to get in a run, but no go....possibly tomorrow.

Winter is not loosening its icy grip here at all....last year at this time, we were pretty much snow free besides in the bush, This year I still have 8 foot snowbanks on my front lawn. It is depressing to say the least, and we are already planning our exit strategy to someplace warm for next winter.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Well Justin if it helps today was "only" in the mid 80s and I nearly got sunburned at the soccer game  10.7 hour shift?  That sounds like some race distance not a work shift!  Glad to see you back and at it again.


It doesnt help!!! haha


Yeah 10.7 hrs.....its going to be a long night....not even half way through yet....


mid 80's you say....hmmm I have a few extra days off next week, how would you feel about some house guests??????

2013-03-24 10:30 AM
in reply to: #4671863

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
justinfss - 2013-03-23 9:45 PM
Burd - 2013-03-23 10:37 PM
justinfss - 2013-03-23 10:33 PM

Hey Folks,

First time in a few checking in here, but I am on my first 10.7 hour midnight shift so I should have plenty of time for getting all caught up on BT, as long as I don't get too many Medevacs(pretty much all that flies on the midnight shift here) buggin me.

Still haven't gotten back up to the volume of training I want to be at, but I feel a lot better and think I am ready to break out of this slump. Got one short swim in this week, and really wanted to get in a run, but no go....possibly tomorrow.

Winter is not loosening its icy grip here at all....last year at this time, we were pretty much snow free besides in the bush, This year I still have 8 foot snowbanks on my front lawn. It is depressing to say the least, and we are already planning our exit strategy to someplace warm for next winter.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Well Justin if it helps today was "only" in the mid 80s and I nearly got sunburned at the soccer game  10.7 hour shift?  That sounds like some race distance not a work shift!  Glad to see you back and at it again.


It doesnt help!!! haha


Yeah 10.7 hrs.....its going to be a long night....not even half way through yet....


mid 80's you say....hmmm I have a few extra days off next week, how would you feel about some house guests??????

I think I have been punished by karma for bragging about the warm weather here.  I still haven't had a chance to try out the new bike on a good long ride.  Yesterday was 65mph wind gusts and today its 20 degrees outside!  Hoping that this afternoon gets to at least 40 with little wind where I can get out and go for a ride!

2013-03-24 4:09 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Went out for a ride this afternoon and it hurt!  I feel like when I was just starting!  The three weeks of not keeping up with my regular training have really taken their toll.  I am definitely going to have to get back with the program this week.  So I think my goals for the week are:

  • Monday - strength training at gym
  • Tuesday - 2 mile jog
  • Wednesday - 8 mile bike / strength training
  • Thursday - Brick
  • Friday - 4 mile jog / strength training
  • Saturday - rest day
  • Sunday - 12 mile bike

Hope everyone is doing well and keeping up with their goals!  

2013-03-24 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4671842

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

Burd - 2013-03-23 10:26 PM Signed up for swim lessons today.  Start next Saturday and it's weekly for the next 8 weeks.  I figure if I am putting in this much effort and work I can accomplish so much more if I'm doing it right and practicing the correct stroke from the start.

great idea!

2013-03-24 4:38 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed

finished my last day of peak training before taper with a 59 mile bike ride. 40 degrees with 30mph winds. I was frozen (Texas/Canadian).

Funny part was that my chain broke at about 15 miles into it. My bud and I were able to find the pieces. Not fun. Then my front derailer did not work (cables too loose). Therefore it made things interesting. Then his chain came off and he got a killer cramp at 50 miles. We really just had to laugh at the hole thing and agreed that it was an experience we would not forget.

The wind was great as our Galveston HIM in two weeks in notorious for 30mph crosswinds and it is usually hottttt. Therefore we will remember how cold today was and enjoy the heat. It is nice to have someone else to go through that with. It was pretty amazing we found the chain pieces in the dark gravel section that it came apart at.

I am going to try and focus a little more on running this week as I pull back on the bike and swim.

2013-03-24 4:40 PM
in reply to: #4671724

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
thor67 - 2013-03-23 7:16 PM

Well it has been a improvement. Neck killing me, shoulder killing me, numb hand, muscles feel pulled around shoulder...nerve issues apparentlly. going to physio and chiropractor. Have not been on bike, runners or swimming. Sleeping like crap. Familly tired of big old grouch dad and holidays start tuesday. Hoping some sand and ocean therapy help! sorry for being off the grid, just not feelin' the love with no training happening!

have a good weekend everyone!



but other than that how is it going?

None of that is good. Just think when you get back at it how lucky you are to be able to do what you do. I think your body is saying drink more beer and give me a break. Listen to your body.

2013-03-24 4:45 PM
in reply to: #4671531

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed
Burd - 2013-03-23 2:32 PM

First soccer game of the spring season.  We won by a landslide and my son scored 4 times Must be the coach (that would be me again, lol)  Point of this story is a friend dropped his copy of P90X stretch off with me so I will be starting that tomorrow.  For those of you P90X'ers, how often do I do this?  Is it something I can do daily w/o injury?

Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend.

I would do the stretch at least one a week, two at the most with the second one maybe just skip to your needed areas. Or you could break it up in 30 minute segments and do that 3-4 times a week.

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