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2008-05-08 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1389088

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
poweredbyfear - 2008-05-07 10:49 PM

Froglegs how about Donner Lake in Truckee, early July? I decided yesterday I'm gonna do the Oly there as a tuneup race.

Donner Lake is a fun race. The bike leg is tough, but very pretty.

I tried it last year, but DNF'd. I was coming down with a bug that didn't let me ride.

I have a question for you guys. How dorky is it to wear a Camelbak on the bike leg of an oly? (Or of any tri?) My first race is going to be in June in Sacramento. It's going to be hot and I'm going to need more than 2 bottles worth of fluids. (I'm a big drinker. ) Would this be totally out of line?

Edited by Roadie gal 2008-05-08 9:44 AM

2008-05-08 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Great job on al the races last weekend. Loved reading the race reports. I have no scheduled races until IM in June. In Nevada it is getting to hot now, lots went on the last few months! With the big trip to Idaho soon, I won't be able to travel for races, so I am on my own for now!
Had to skip a swim yesterday, and I might skip my short run today. Caught a stomach virus that wiped me out yesterday. Called off work today. Still feeling pretty weak. Luckily I haven't been sick during this training, so this is kind of a bummer. I don't like skipping workouts, but I don't want to stay sick either!

2008-05-08 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1389545

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Roadie gal - 2008-05-08 7:43 AM

I have a question for you guys. How dorky is it to wear a Camelbak on the bike leg of an oly? (Or of any tri?) My first race is going to be in June in Sacramento. It's going to be hot and I'm going to need more than 2 bottles worth of fluids. (I'm a big drinker. ) Would this be totally out of line?

Not dorky at all, and if helps you get thru the race then go for it. Good luck in your race!!
2008-05-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1389560

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
gettinfitnow - 2008-05-08 7:47 AM

Great job on al the races last weekend. Loved reading the race reports. I have no scheduled races until IM in June. In Nevada it is getting to hot now, lots went on the last few months! With the big trip to Idaho soon, I won't be able to travel for races, so I am on my own for now!
Had to skip a swim yesterday, and I might skip my short run today. Caught a stomach virus that wiped me out yesterday. Called off work today. Still feeling pretty weak. Luckily I haven't been sick during this training, so this is kind of a bummer. I don't like skipping workouts, but I don't want to stay sick either!


It's smart to take the time off to get well, especially with a stomach bug. Blechh! Who could train with that? I hope you feel better soon.
2008-05-08 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

re: camelback during race - I'd say anything you need to do to stay hydrated is cool by me, although you won't find many who use camelbacks on races.  You may want to see how many water bottles you have and where aid stations are and you may find you can get enough fluids from what's available on course.  But again, if a camelback floats your boat, who cares what anyone else thinks.

Donner Lake is a pretty tough race (I have a lengthy race report from last year) in a gorgeous venue.   You are at 5000 or so elevation so that's tough.  The bike has a big (but scenic) climb straight off the bat, rolling downhills before the turnaround, which means rolling uphills on the way up.  The run is a little bit longer at 6.5mi, but you run around the lake.  Those small hills on the back stretch will seem like small mountains.  But when you are done, the sun will be out and you'll be at the shore of Donner Lake and it will be fantastic.

2008-05-08 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1389545

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Don't ask me...everything I do is dorky!

2008-05-08 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I remember seeing a couple of folks with Camelbacks at Big Kahuna HIM last year when I was just a spectator. Like Donato said, check the course aid stations, there may be enough of 'em for your fluid needs. I drink alot of water too and typically there's enough stations to have you covered.

One thing I use is the aero bottle, mounted on my aero bars.... that really helps remind me to keep hydrated and drink constantly. So from that standpoint if a Camelback keeps you drinking then that's a good thing. Anyway when I come up on an aid station I fill up my aero bottle then toss the water bottle and grab a new one... so I always have 2 bottles.

Regarding dorky, well whatever works... better dorky than walking your bike or cramping on the run

P.S. If you drink alot plan to pee on your bike.... my beautiful new saddle, my nice bike shoes... still virgin, but next HIM I'm sure I'll be ready to pee in them. Sorry bike, sorry shoes.
2008-05-08 11:30 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Jim, way to go on signing up for Big Kahuna.  It's a fun event, esp. running through the loose sand to get to the finish.
2008-05-08 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Yeah Jim good deal! I watched Donato do Big Kahuna last year and I got hooked too and immediately signed up for IM Cal. It should be fun.
2008-05-09 12:04 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Oh yeah, it's gonna be fun! Thanks, guys. The hard part will be breaking it to my GF when she returns on Sunday...
2008-05-09 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: Friday's fun/non-tri question
Okay peeps.  What's the last movie you saw?  Thumbs up or thumbs down?

2008-05-09 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1392179

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: Friday's fun/non-tri question

I can't even remember the last movie I saw!!!

Being sick sucks!!!  I'm bored and I want to train!!!! 

2008-05-09 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
Being sick sucks big time! Hope you are feeling better Robin!
Today I just rode, which means I skipped all my swims this week, but I don't want to push it. I am feeling better today and hope to get to the long trainings this weekend! have a 70 mile ride and 12 mile run planned.

Last movie? When was the last time I had 2+ hours to dedicate to sitting in one place!!! It's crazy but I usually make my poor kids wait for DVD's because I just can't fit a movie in anymore. Especially now that they are so long! What happened to 1 1/2 and you were done? I think I did watch transformers over the winter during a trainer ride. Liked it more than I thought I would. Really didn't expect much going in! Last movie I saw in the theater was either the newest Harry Potter or Spiderman 3.
2008-05-09 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
The last theater movie for us was "Dream Girls"... but I watched Baraka again the other night at home.

Have a great weekend, all, and good luck to anyone racing!
2008-05-09 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Must've been the last Harry Potter Movie with my son...  We're more DVD renters

I watched a hilarious (not meant to be) C level creature feature called Ice Spiders.  Bad acting and giant spiders attacking people...

 Working on my run cadence, thanks for all the run feedback.

 Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

2008-05-09 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1392179

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Friday's fun/non-tri question
I can't even remember the last time I saw a movie in a theater either.  Last movie I finished watching was No Country for Old Men, which was a great movie.  I watched it while DW was out of town since she wouldn't be so interested in the violence and such.  I started watching the third Pirates of the Carribean movie, but am only about halfway through.  It's entertaining, but a bit all over the place.

2008-05-09 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

I've been watching TV for almost all of my waking hours since yesterday morning, and yet I have not watched a single movie, probably for the same reason I haven't spent much time on BT - complete and utter laziness.  Fortunately I work a 9/80 schedule and had today off anyway. 

I usually only get sick about once or twice a year, but I think this is the 3rd or 4th time in the last 6 months.  I wonder what that's about.  At least it happened this week and not last week!!!

2008-05-09 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1393323

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
froglegs - 2008-05-09 3:30 PM

I usually only get sick about once or twice a year, but I think this is the 3rd or 4th time in the last 6 months.  I wonder what that's about.  At least it happened this week and not last week!!!

Hi Robin.  I think I left you an inspire about this, but for everyone else out there - sometimes getting sick can be a sign of overtraining.  When you are in an overtrained state, your immune system can become depressed and make you more susceptible to getting sick.  Also, after a big race, your body's immune system will likely be depressed for 4-6 hours afterward.

I can remember doing Donner Lake as a tuneup 3 weeks before Vineman last year.  After Donner, I got sick after not having been sick for over a year.

As I get closer to my big races, I get very paranoid about germs.  I try very much to avoid touching my eyes and nose with my hands.  I use hand sanitizer too.  I take airborne (actually the walgreens generic version wal-borne) prophylactically, and take zinc at the first sign of not feeling well.

Edited by enginerd 2008-05-09 5:47 PM
2008-05-09 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1353607

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

I had a fellow BTer ask me some advice on his cycle training for half IMs next year.  Here's the advice I gave which may be useful to some of you:

A couple thoughts. First, aside from hill climbing, you'd pretty much always try to keep your cadence up because it is more efficient from an endurance perspective.

Second, it depends on your goals and what you mean by "better" cyclist? What is the limiter you are trying to address? Is it endurance? If it's that, the volume you have outlined (two weekend rides) should help address that. Remember, building your endurance/aerobic base can be done at relatively low intenisty. (As a reference point, I do almost all of my century rides with my wife and we often only average 10mph).

If it's hill climbing (which is present on both IM Cal and Wildflower), then you'll need to develop leg strength which will coming from climbing hills, and/or high intensity of some kind, and/or strength training. Last bit I'd add, aside from your weekend rides, is consistency in training. I'd say you'd want to be biking at least 3 days (if not more if possible) out of the week with your long ride once a week. One general measure of this would be your total bike volume a month let's say. I'm not exactly sure what a good target would be. Maybe 400 miles or maybe even 500? Not that you have to do this every month, but to work your way up to something like that as you near your IM Cal.

To be frank, I considered myself a weak cyclist after my first season and spent my second season (last year) and obviously much of this year already working on that and I think it's paid off. You have plenty of time before IM Cal and Wildflower and I know you have some cycling events so you can definitely develop your cycling quite a bit in that time.

Hope this helps. It's not gospel, but it's the best I know from my experience. 

2008-05-09 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1392698

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Subject: RE: Friday's fun/non-tri question
froglegs - 2008-05-09 12:51 PM

Being sick sucks!!!  I'm bored and I want to train!!!! 

Sorry you're sick.  The flu season this year has been brutal.

Last movie I saw - St. Ralph.  Thumbs up. Obscure Canadian film about a high school aged boy in the 1950s with a dream of winning the Boston Marathon.  Kind of sickeningly sweet, but I really enjoyed it.

2008-05-09 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
The last in-theater movie I went to was the last Harry Potter. We watched the DVD of Enchanted last week after it sat on the TV stand for over a month.

2008-05-09 11:36 PM
in reply to: #1392179

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Tucson, Arizona
Subject: RE: Friday's fun/non-tri question
The last movie I think we saw in the theater was Casino Royale.  Ha!  We never get to go any more.  The last rented movie was Michael Clayton which is a waaaayyy big thumbs up.
2008-05-10 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I have to qualify my answer because it was a DVD rental. Can't remember the last in-theatre movie we went to.
2008-05-10 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1353607

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED

Ok, it wasn't in the theater but last night I watched Apocalypto.  Moderately disturbing, but a decent movie.

I think I might go for a short ride today, and maybe lift some weights, which I haven't done in awhile. 

2008-05-10 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1353607

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: enginerd's group - CLOSED
I just want to say Good Luck to anyone racing this weekend.
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