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2008-10-14 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Pulaski TN
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
I am now 243 down from 245.

2008-10-14 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1674988

Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

9/22:  173 lbs.

9/29:   173 lbs.

10/7:  172 lbs.

10/14: 172 lbs.

Awe, doo doo.   Well, I am 49 and my hormones have gone stupid.  I've been told if I keep at it that one day my body will snap back into behaving properly in response to exercise/diet.  Hope it's one day soon!

2008-10-15 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Good morning. I haven't gotten on a scale yet but wanted to check in anyway. I'm waiting until after my tri on Sunday. I don't want to freak myself out.

Here's a little background ...

Highest weight 272. Did WW for a while. Did 1200 cal diet plan for a while. Then 1500. Then finally started working out. The lowest I got on my own was 182. Then put almost all of it back on. Hired a personal trainer and dropped down to 190 but then got lazy and lost all discipline with eating. Kept up the exercise but I know I've gained. I know I've gained quite a bit. I can feel it in my clothes. They still fit, but not the same. Not the same at all. I'm scared. I'm too afraid to get back on the scale before my first tri this weekend. I obsess and beat myself up mercilessly. So right now I'm living in denial. I will face reality on Monday.

That's when I'll really need you guys. I'm glad I'm addressing this now before I lose complete control over it. But I know I will be very, very hard on myself come Monday morning. It's a bad habit I learned early in life. Beating up on myself doesn't work but I keep doing it anyway. It's kind of on autopilot. I'll need you to help me back off and calm down and start positively addressing the situation.

I'm so glad you are there. Thank you.
2008-10-15 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
8/13 - 188lbs, the day I delivered baby #9

8/21 - 171lbs

9/16 - 162lbs

10/15 - 152lbs

So I have dropped 36 lbs, still have another 30lbs to go to get to my goal weight. But I am getting so many compliments on my look. I feel so much better, and definitely getting well toned!
2008-10-15 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1743827

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
cori_smelker - 2008-10-15 4:35 AM 8/13 - 188lbs, the day I delivered baby #9

8/21 - 171lbs

9/16 - 162lbs

10/15 - 152lbs

So I have dropped 36 lbs, still have another 30lbs to go to get to my goal weight. But I am getting so many compliments on my look. I feel so much better, and definitely getting well toned!

9 kids ~ that's amazing!  Congrats on the baby!!  You truly are an inspiration!

2008-10-16 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
9 kids is pretty incredible. You could have your own reality TV show.

As for me, I'm feeling a little more confident today. I mustered up the nerve to put on my "skinny jeans." And they still fit. So hopefully the scale won't be too demoralizing on Monday. If I can still get in my clothes, that's something for me to hang onto. I know I've gained weight and eaten too much lately, but at least the damage is contained to the scale and not seeping over into my wardrobe. That's progress because before I would just have let it keep sliding. Hmmm, another postive thought to cling to after I see my numbers on Monday.

2008-10-16 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Hey there,

Mind if I jump on board?

Since 9/16 i've lost 10.25 inches in body measurements and 8 pounds. W00t!

Since I started training i'm down ~10 pounds from 269 - 259. I didn't have a scale the first couple weeks so maybe I was a few pounds higher (eww).

I'm shooting for a modest 11 pounds to 1 Jan 09.

I should be able to resist everything except xmas cookies!

I usually allow myself one cupcake every sunday to tide me over the bad nutrition humps.

So inspired by all your stories.


2008-10-18 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1748324

Washington County, PA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
kirih - 2008-10-16 6:37 PM

Mind if I jump on board?

Welcome!  Please do jump on board.  It sounds as if you've already made some great progress!

2008-10-19 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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greensboro, NC area
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Last week 194.5.

Today 193.5

I'll take it.  I couldn't exercise most of last week so 1 pound down is fine with me.  Had to check in today because I am flying to Dallas tomorrow and will be gone until Friday on business.  I won't be able to check in to the blog for most of the week.  I guess it's the hotel gym for me while I'm out.  Hey, at least there's an indoor pool.  Do I dare???  I haven't started training for the swim yet and it's been years since I have done any kind of laps....

I hope I don't blow it down there.  I hear Texas BBQ is very good.

2008-10-20 6:45 AM
in reply to: #1738136

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
merlyn411 - 2008-10-13 10:22 AM

Starting weight:

9/22/2008: 227

9/29/2008: 225

10/6/2008: 223

10/13/2008: 222.5

10/20/2008: 219

2008-10-20 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1739876

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
otter_sh - 2008-10-13 7:36 PM 

Official Start weight 226.0

Official Goal - 205 by Christmas.

9/29 - 225.5 - Getting harder to lose, sinking back into bad eating habits.

10/6 - 223 - Went to camp for week-end.  Push-aways worked OK...

10/13 - 220.0 - Good week.  Keep on going everyone....

10/20 - 216.5 - Good week, however I am feeling tired and sluggish.  Business trip this week, so lets see how I do away from home.

2008-10-20 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1737988

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
nevergivin - 2008-10-13 6:09 AM

Goal 170 lbs, 7% BF

  • 9/22 187.5, 13.5 % BF
  • 9/29 179.5, 12 % BF
  • 10/6 182.5, 12.5 % BF
  • 10/13 182, 12.5% BF

  • 10/20 183 11.5% BF

Yuk!!!!!!!!!! I was trying to avoid gaining any muscle. I will get it right soon!

2008-10-20 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

10/13/08: 209.4

10/20/08: 206.2

Down 3.2!  Wow!  Probably due to the 5 mile run yesterday...

2008-10-20 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1738349

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
9/26 = 142
9/29 = 143.2
10/6 = 138
10/13 = 139.2

10/21 = 137.2

Keep up the great work everyone!
2008-10-20 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Last week 166

This week 164

Down 2 1bs.

2008-10-20 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Another week with no loss....  144 again today.

Spent the weekend at my daughters, and going back on Wednesday for 2 weeks.

I also did very little training last week, and haven't done anything since thursday... heading out now for a long run.

2008-10-20 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
No loss this week.  Holding steady at 181.  I'm pretty sure it is because I didn't do anything this weekend since I was preparing for my trip at the end of this week.
2008-10-20 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1740265


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
tri2692 - 2008-10-13 8:36 PM

Starting weight - 152

Last Week - 151.4

This Week - 150.6


Oct 20 - 153.6

I really don't know what happened this week.  I decided to buckle down and really track my food well, and I kept up with my training plan.  I thought I was staying within 100 calories of 1800 each day, not including a little extra nutrition after long runs.   This week, I'm going to concentrate on eating plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, maybe that'll help?  Wow, it's still really frustrating to gain that much unexpectedly. 

2008-10-20 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge


9/29 -  264
10/6 -  260
10/13- 259

10/20 - 259

holding steady...need to rein in the diet a bit more.

2008-10-20 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Finally got on the scale. 194. It's been months since I've thought about my weight or kept track of calories or even tried to lose. Last time I weighed, I think I was around 190-something. Pretty much where I am now. No where near as bad as I feared. I honestly thought I'd put on 20 lbs. That's the way it used to be before I started exercising. Unless I kept track every minute, I'd regain all the weight. Working out really does change your body. Thank goodness!

I am trying to get to 185. That's my doctor's goal for me. Ideally I should be around 165 but that's too far away to even contemplate right now. I came down from 272 and got complacent. Trying to settle into this new life and identity.

Now that I can shop anywhere I want, and people don't stare at me when I get on an airplane, well I just lost my motivation.

I am finding it again. My next goal is to get out of the 190s.

I am going to weigh every Monday and report it in my log as well as in this thread. Thanks for the accountablity everyone.

Edited by WhenAllElseFails 2008-10-20 1:57 PM
2008-10-20 6:17 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
  • 11 Oct:  weight 165  BF 34%
  • 13 Oct:  weight 162 BF 33%
  • 20 Oct: Same

While there's been no change I can't complain since I know what I did (or should I say, didn't do)!  Those damn M&Ms got the best of me a few times. 

Can I ask a few, albeit silly, questions?  If you don't mind assisting me in a few matters (that are really all over the place kind of questions), read on and feel free to answer all or part...

1) why do I feel guilty when I want to work out especially when I already spent time away from the house?  See, I leave Sam (my 8mo old baby girl) home with my hubby but I feel like since he's always working and trying to do homework so he can finish his degree that I'm somehow imposing.  What the hell is wrong with me ~ I know I shouldn't feel guilty about trying to better myself!?  There are already 2 nights a week that I absolutely cannot work out since my hubby has class so that leaves the other 5 days.  I really want to work out those other days but on the weekends I feel guilty ~ what gives??? 

2) I need to buy a bike ~ I don't even own one right now since the movers destroyed my last one (never mind the fact that it was just a dollar store mtn bike ~ not really but you get my point).  I know NOTHING about bikes and am wondering where to start, what I absolutely need, and what to look for?  I'm thinking I probably should go to a couple bike shops to see what's out there and get some opinions but I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for one.  Now, when I become a pro at this triathlon thing then we'll discuss getting the mother load of all bikes!   And finally...

3) How the hell do you get your profile pics to look like actual pics and not all pixelated?  Is that even a word?  Is it even spelled correctly if it is?  Either way, you know what I mean!

Edited by Happychick 2008-10-20 6:25 PM

2008-10-20 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1674988


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Forgot to post last week..


10/6: 176

10/20: 173


2008-10-21 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
9/22 - 126
9/29 - 125.4
10/6 - 124.6
10/13 - 122.4
10/20 - 121.8

I'm doubtful that this latest weight is accurate. I suspect I'm dehydrated
from the weekend. We'll see come next Monday! Now if I can just
maintain through the winter....
Congratulations on the losses everybody!!!!
2008-10-21 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Weigh in this week 126

down 2 from last week, but still up from the beginning of the challenge. I'm at home in Kalispell for a couple weeks and have internet again, so back to logging my food and getting the scale moving in the right direction

Great job everyone, and welcome to the new folks!!!

2008-10-22 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1674988

Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

9/22:  173 lbs.

9/29:   173 lbs.

10/7:  172 lbs.

10/14: 172 lbs.

10/21: 170 lbs.


Note to Michelle:  Please learn from my mistake.  At one time early in our marriage I put off time going to the gym because I felt guilty that I should be doing things at home, etc., and it became my routine. Flash forward 20 years and now I am 50+ lbs overweight and it is a battle to get into a new routine of exercise and good diet.  Don't feel guilty!  Your responsibilities will grow through the years and YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST before you can take care of everyone else.  A lesson I learned the hard way. 

Edited by sparkle 2008-10-22 1:56 PM
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