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2009-01-07 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1891622

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
bwoglom - 2009-01-07 9:28 AM

Good Morning everyone!

It was a rough night last night with the little one. I think he is teething again, so he was up every 1-2 hours. I guess that is what caffeine is for.

I have a lunch meeting so I am going to have to workout after work, I mention it because I have been known to bail on the post work workouts in the past and now I have you all to hold me in check.

Down to 200 even and am meeting with the nutritionist tomorrow so I feel I am in good position to achieve my weight loss goal for the year.

Have a good day!!

Congrats on the weight loss - you're doing great!

Sorry to hear about your little one's teeth...I remember that time! Now my eldest is starting to lose hers - at least a 6 year old teething is more bearable!

Now work out TONIGHT!

2009-01-07 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1892145

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
momandmd - 2009-01-07 11:48 AM

bwoglom - 2009-01-07 9:28 AM Good Morning everyone! It was a rough night last night with the little one. I think he is teething again, so he was up every 1-2 hours. I guess that is what caffeine is for. I have a lunch meeting so I am going to have to workout after work, I mention it because I have been known to bail on the post work workouts in the past and now I have you all to hold me in check. Down to 200 even and am meeting with the nutritionist tomorrow so I feel I am in good position to achieve my weight loss goal for the year. Have a good day!!

Oh, those long nights were so hard!  Then you'll wake up tomorrow, and that little crying teether will be sleeping until 11 and trying to figure out how to say more than "hi" to a girl without breaking into cold sweat and stuttering.  Sigh.

But no matter how tired you are after work today, get off your butt and work out!!!!  You wouldn't want to jeopardize going under 200 by skipping, right? One trick I use is to make sure I have a light snack about 2 hours before I am planning to work out- otherwise I am so hungry for dinner that workout plans go out the window (or into the refrigerator!).

Thank goodness my girls can't date until they're I don't have to worry about those boys in a cold sweat.
2009-01-07 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi Kim!

How you doing?
2009-01-07 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1892229

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
enders_shadow - 2009-01-07 11:14 AMHi Kim!How you doing?
I am not feeling as tired today, but my tummy is still not real happy with me. I am hoping training ends early again today so I can get run in at Riley. High is suppose to be near 60 so should be a good day for it.Oh yea! Down two pounds since Jan 1st! So far so good as far as weightloss with the new eating lifestyle. Now if I could just convince the tummy it is all good.
2009-01-07 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1891622

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

bwoglom - 2009-01-07 6:28 AM Good Morning everyone! It was a rough night last night with the little one. I think he is teething again, so he was up every 1-2 hours. I guess that is what caffeine is for. I have a lunch meeting so I am going to have to workout after work, I mention it because I have been known to bail on the post work workouts in the past and now I have you all to hold me in check. Down to 200 even and am meeting with the nutritionist tomorrow so I feel I am in good position to achieve my weight loss goal for the year. Have a good day!!


Congratulations on the weightloss! That is fantastic.


Well I do NOT have kidney stones, nor a uti nor anything else that major...thankfully.  What I do have is a groin injury that's escalated with me running more and more. So I'm not allowed to run for at least a week to a week and a half! I'm totally bummed But I can swim and bike ride for a little. I just cannot handle sitting still. Urgh.  Me so sad now.

2009-01-07 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1892273

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Triathlynne - 2009-01-07 11:30 AM

Well I do NOT have kidney stones, nor a uti nor anything else that major...thankfully.  What I do have is a groin injury that's escalated with me running more and more. So I'm not allowed to run for at least a week to a week and a half! I'm totally bummed But I can swim and bike ride for a little. I just cannot handle sitting still. Urgh.  Me so sad now.

That is awesome that it is nothing major, though I have some personal experience with the suckiness of groin injuries. Instead of being bummed about not running, but look at it as a week to focus on something else... like swimming! (((Hugs))) Hang in there! It will get better.

2009-01-07 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1892305

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
zenkimm - 2009-01-07 9:39 AM
Triathlynne - 2009-01-07 11:30 AM

Well I do NOT have kidney stones, nor a uti nor anything else that major...thankfully.  What I do have is a groin injury that's escalated with me running more and more. So I'm not allowed to run for at least a week to a week and a half! I'm totally bummed But I can swim and bike ride for a little. I just cannot handle sitting still. Urgh.  Me so sad now.

That is awesome that it is nothing major, though I have some personal experience with the suckiness of groin injuries. Instead of being bummed about not running, but look at it as a week to focus on something else... like swimming! (((Hugs))) Hang in there! It will get better.


I agree! Totally.  I am doing yoga with a friend on Thursday and a swim tonight! You can't stop this Scot! hahahaah

2009-01-07 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1892374

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hope you had a good swim.

I made it down to the gym and ran 3 miles on the treadmill. I forgot my ipod, so it was the longest 3 miles of my life. SO boring...

Edited by bwoglom 2009-01-07 7:52 PM
2009-01-07 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1889713

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

bwoglom - 2009-01-06 10:57 AM
Medusa_Ann - 2009-01-06 10:04 AM
My wife has that DVD, and I have done it a bunch of times. It is a butt kicker!! Those side lunges with the shoulder lifts at the end kill me. And level 2 with all the plank position stuff is just painful.

The lunges, the lunges!!!  I have made it through 3 days so far....but my legs are sooo sore.  How can I run ten miles and have no pain, yet 20 minutes and OUCH???  Insane.

I finally got in the pool today for a long swim.  Felt great!


2009-01-07 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
I swam 100 laps. Me so happy
2009-01-08 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1893586

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
bwoglom - 2009-01-07 8:50 PM

Hope you had a good swim.

I made it down to the gym and ran 3 miles on the treadmill. I forgot my ipod, so it was the longest 3 miles of my life. SO boring...

Ooh. That sounds painful. Good for you getting a workout in, though!!! Whoo whoo!

2009-01-08 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1893601

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Medusa_Ann - 2009-01-07 8:57 PM

bwoglom - 2009-01-06 10:57 AM
Medusa_Ann - 2009-01-06 10:04 AM
My wife has that DVD, and I have done it a bunch of times. It is a butt kicker!! Those side lunges with the shoulder lifts at the end kill me. And level 2 with all the plank position stuff is just painful.

The lunges, the lunges!!!  I have made it through 3 days so far....but my legs are sooo sore.  How can I run ten miles and have no pain, yet 20 minutes and OUCH???  Insane.

I finally got in the pool today for a long swim.  Felt great!


Good job! I hate lunges.
2009-01-08 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1893896

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Triathlynne - 2009-01-07 10:54 PM

I swam 100 laps. Me so happy

Nice swim...are you sure you dont' want to be MY mentor? I swam 13 laps.
2009-01-08 7:31 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Okey dokey, folks -

I'm not abandoning you but my presence may be iffy the next few days while I'm on my business trip. I'll be back Saturday, if not before. Train hard!

2009-01-08 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1894293

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Have a great trip!  We'll try to keep the thread off page 2 while you are gone.  What's everyone got planned for the weekend?  My goal is to get a run in on Saturday while I'm at the tournament. 
2009-01-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1895266

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Great job on the swim!!!

My plan this weekend is to run one day, bike the other. I need to check on the weather to see which one I do on which day. My hope is to ride my trainer for 1:15. I am supposed to only run 3 miles this weekend, but my wife wants to run 5, so I might tag along with her...

2009-01-08 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1894291

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

enders_shadow - 2009-01-08 5:31 AM
Triathlynne - 2009-01-07 10:54 PM I swam 100 laps. Me so happy
Nice swim...are you sure you dont' want to be MY mentor? I swam 13 laps.


Sure! I just prefer swimming over pretty much everything else!


Have a safe trip to SD!


I have yoga tonight and I need to calibrate my IPOD.  Also, my pain has moved again. I'm going to another Dr for a 2nd opinion. I think it's something else. 

2009-01-08 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hi, Guys!

Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been lurking and keeping up on y'all, just haven't had much to say, lol.

I want to do a long run on Sun. My longest is 7.1. I'm hoping to do 8. It'll be on the TM, so it'll be painful. I ordered a new iPod and I'm hoping it'll be here by then (got an email from Amazon that it shipped last night and it's only coming from PA). Sat, I have to honor my New Year's resolutions and do some strength and flexibility work. I need a break from cardio. I was dead last night in my cycling class and still ran this AM. And I'm planning on an early AM run tomorrow. Just gotta get through that, then Sat will feel like a day off, lol.

What kind of weather is everybody dealing with. We're having a nice little storm here. So stupid - yesterday, the roads were fine, but parking lots, sidewalks, etc were icy. School was cancelled. Today, the roads are outright dangerous and school is on. Lucky for me, I'm working at home today. Smile

2009-01-08 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Oooh to run!  To run! Lucky. 


We have major flooding going on here.   No one can get anywhere. They are all stuck in Seattle.

2009-01-09 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Sorry for the bad weather at both ends of the map! Be safe!

My biggest weather complaint (from sunny San Diego) is that the sun hasn't come up yet and (being on East Coast Time) I'm ready to get a run in NOW.

2009-01-09 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1896941

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
enders_shadow - 2009-01-09 7:24 AM

Sorry for the bad weather at both ends of the map! Be safe!

My biggest weather complaint (from sunny San Diego) is that the sun hasn't come up yet and (being on East Coast Time) I'm ready to get a run in NOW.

San Diego, I am jealous.

Came home last night to a screaming baby and a wife at wits end, so the workout got canceled for the night. I'll hit the gym during lunch today and maybe do something tonight if I have time.

Hope everyone has a good day!!

2009-01-10 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Yikes! Just got back to VA and found us at the bottom of the 2nd page. I'll check back in after I get settled.

Have a great weekend, all!
2009-01-10 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far...although it's still early Saturday morning here so there's a lot of weekend left.  I am hoping to get a ride tomorrow with Lynne (yay!) and today I should go do a long run but I am waiting for the rain to stop.  I have to keep up my daily pink squares, so far January has been good for me that way.  I've managed to log my nutrition all week,  and have eaten pretty well.  It's all in the mind.  I also drank over my 100 ounces of water every day.

I posted a pic in my blog yesterday of my new team uni for the LUNA Chix.  I am psyched!  What is everyone else up to?  Welcome home, Kristen!

2009-01-10 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hi, Guys!

Woke up with a cold and all I want to do is curl up in bed with a good magazine. But, had a bunch of stuff that had to get done (take Holly snowshoeing, clean the barn, pick up a load of hay). Now, it's all done and I can kick up my feet until I have to go back to the barn to feed dinner.

It was supposed to be a rest day anyway and I'm planning to do some strength and stretching after dinner. I'm assuming I'll get my second wind, lol.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!




2009-01-10 6:51 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi everyone!!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend

It was cold and windy out today, so I decided to ride my bike on the trainer and save my run for tomorrow when it will be a little warmer. My timing was good in that I got to watch the football game as I was riding.

Nothing else exciting going on here. My son is sick, so we took it easy today (it was a long night)

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