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2008-12-30 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

So, since you have run so much tell me if you will, what this means....

The arch of my foot keeps getting cramps here and there.  Not while running, just around the house.  What's that all about.  Also, my achilles are extremely tight in the a.m.  Can barely walk when I get out of bed.  Worse when I bike.  I admit I am not much for stretching (I can hear your tsk tsk), so I am sure you will have a thing or two to say.

2008-12-30 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Welcome aboard Terri and Babs - good to have more people to cajol us!Wink


2008-12-30 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1877596

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Buddaha1964 - 2008-12-30 9:27 AM And so it begins. 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning walk/run (ok slooow jog) for a total burn of 329 calories. I have to get an extra 171 calories to hit my goal of 500 burned per day. Had to stop for a dentist appointment. This brings up a question about how accurate my monitor is. I'm using a Polar S720i heart rate monitor. I've inputed my weight, height, date of birth and activity level. So how accurate is the calorie burn shown on the monitor. I'm just finishing up my second can of Diet Dr. Pepper and I haven't eaten yet today so my nutrition is not off to a good start. After my appointment I'm going to stop at the store and pick up salad fixin's, breakfast stuff as well as a large reusable water bottle and flavorings. George

I figured out once that I burn about 100 cal/mile..... I weigh about 145- so that is probaly close for you

2008-12-30 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1877743

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
BabsVa - 2008-12-30 10:46 AM NAME: Barbara (Babs)

STORY: see below

FAMILY STATUS: so very married :-)

CURRENT TRAINING: concentrating on swimming and lovin' it

THIS YEARS RACES: two sprints and a half marathon and a 5K

2009 RACES: sprints and an olympic and a half marathon

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm OK on that one

Woot woot! Thanks for letting me join your group. That's Babsie for you, late to the party per usual!

I'm *bleep* years old, and just aged up into a certain age group that for now removes me from competing against some of my awesome super-fit girlfriends. Yay! So this season I might have a chance at placing in my AG. Now I just need to get fast! [ uhh yeah that usually matters in a race ;-) ]

I did my first tri in 07 at age 47. Did two last year. All sprints. Also did some running races, most recently a half marathon with a finish time that would not be impressive to you REAL runners but I negative split the whole thing, remained uninjured and enjoyed it quite a bit. So what more can you ask for? [ uhh - how about being fast? oh yes, that ] I only started running in my early forties - as I said above, that's me, late to the party per usual!

My challenge is balancing it all. I have a super great hubby, who sadly does not do tri's or anything like that, but tolerates my passion for the sport. He's used to it, I've always been a bit on the hyper side and have always done something physical, though not necessarily competitive: dance, and horse riding mainly. We have two school aged children, and I am in a full time work/training program. It's a totally new career direction for me, and it is exciting and interesting to learn so much in the health and medical field. I love it. Maybe not so much the politics and bureaucracy but everything else.

As far as training and being a part of a mentor group - done it before and it's great. I love to cajole and encourage my fellow mentees. I  learned a lot in my training last year, my first 'serious' year of training, about what my limits are. I've got a road bike, no aerobars - think I will stay right where I am with that unless the economy gets a lot better ;-) and running trails is a passion of mine. Swimming is a challenge for me, too. I love swimming, but it does not love me. I'm slow as can be. But having fun, so who cares!  This season, the plan is to do a few races, nicely spread out over the season, and to tackle a new distance (Olympic). That's it! My challenge is balancing it all, and I admire you IM people but long course is just not for me. [ Tammy, how DO you do it all with three little ones, a job and all that training? I want to know more ] For now, I'll just focus on getting through a 1500 swim. :-)

I look forward to getting to know you all. Oh and I have tons of relatives in Wisconsin (Oshkosh-Appleton area)


We are happy to have you!

I went to college at UW Oshkosh

YOu know people as kme ALL I mean ALL the time how I do it... I have no idea I dontthinkits all that complicated.  I must be highly efficient or something?

At least you are loving swimming.... my relationship with swimming isnt going so well.

You have a great attitude...thats awesome

2008-12-30 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1878128

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Joe Runner - 2008-12-30 2:04 PM

So, since you have run so much tell me if you will, what this means....

The arch of my foot keeps getting cramps here and there.  Not while running, just around the house.  What's that all about.  Also, my achilles are extremely tight in the a.m.  Can barely walk when I get out of bed.  Worse when I bike.  I admit I am not much for stretching (I can hear your tsk tsk), so I am sure you will have a thing or two to say.

Terri- the firstthing Ithough if was your shoes.  You may need shoes with more arch.  Id ask djdavey (seriously he critiques every runners stride and their shoes  Ithink from working at FLeet Feet.

This does sort of sound like the beginning of plantar fascitis ... I looked up the CORRECT explanation of it.

And yes stretching will probaly help (Idont stretch much either unless Im inujred ...I know, I know.....)  maybe just ice your arch.

I learned how to tape your foot  for this... I learned at PT last year..... if you think it might help- let me know and Ill explain it to you

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia – a band of tissue connecting the heel to the forward part of the foot. It can also be characterized by stiffness and soreness along the plantar (bottom) surface of the foot. Typically the soreness and stiffness is worst at the beginning of an activity, and then subsides somewhat.

Stress on the arch of the foot, over-training and tight calf muscles are common causes of plantar fasciitis. Rest, icing after a workout, gentle stretching of the calf muscles and a reevaluation of your running shoes can help resolve the problem. If the arch of your current shoes doesn't fully support your instep, try switching to a running shoe with greater arch support.

2008-12-30 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1878319

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
keefmac - 2008-12-30 3:38 PM

Welcome aboard Terri and Babs - good to have more people to cajol us!Wink


Are you feeling better??

2008-12-30 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Today I was talking to one of my good friend/training partner and I was talkingabout my cool mentor group and he says...." those poor people- you are goingto train them to death..." 
2008-12-30 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1877593

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
CoachH - 2008-12-30 9:26 AM

Too high zones??...Must be out of shape   Wonder what these will look like on a fartlek run???  Swim later.

AM run:

42m 31s 5.06 miles 08m 24s/Mi

Avg HR: 159
Max HR: 180

The average HR is OK though!

2008-12-30 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1877743

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
BabsVa - 2008-12-30 10:46 AM NAME: Barbara (Babs)

STORY: see below

FAMILY STATUS: so very married :-)

CURRENT TRAINING: concentrating on swimming and lovin' it

THIS YEARS RACES: two sprints and a half marathon and a 5K

2009 RACES: sprints and an olympic and a half marathon

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm OK on that one

Woot woot! Thanks for letting me join your group. That's Babsie for you, late to the party per usual!

I'm *bleep* years old, and just aged up into a certain age group that for now removes me from competing against some of my awesome super-fit girlfriends. Yay! So this season I might have a chance at placing in my AG. Now I just need to get fast! [ uhh yeah that usually matters in a race ;-) ]

I did my first tri in 07 at age 47. Did two last year. All sprints. Also did some running races, most recently a half marathon with a finish time that would not be impressive to you REAL runners but I negative split the whole thing, remained uninjured and enjoyed it quite a bit. So what more can you ask for? [ uhh - how about being fast? oh yes, that ] I only started running in my early forties - as I said above, that's me, late to the party per usual!

My challenge is balancing it all. I have a super great hubby, who sadly does not do tri's or anything like that, but tolerates my passion for the sport. He's used to it, I've always been a bit on the hyper side and have always done something physical, though not necessarily competitive: dance, and horse riding mainly. We have two school aged children, and I am in a full time work/training program. It's a totally new career direction for me, and it is exciting and interesting to learn so much in the health and medical field. I love it. Maybe not so much the politics and bureaucracy but everything else.

As far as training and being a part of a mentor group - done it before and it's great. I love to cajole and encourage my fellow mentees. I  learned a lot in my training last year, my first 'serious' year of training, about what my limits are. I've got a road bike, no aerobars - think I will stay right where I am with that unless the economy gets a lot better ;-) and running trails is a passion of mine. Swimming is a challenge for me, too. I love swimming, but it does not love me. I'm slow as can be. But having fun, so who cares!  This season, the plan is to do a few races, nicely spread out over the season, and to tackle a new distance (Olympic). That's it! My challenge is balancing it all, and I admire you IM people but long course is just not for me. [ Tammy, how DO you do it all with three little ones, a job and all that training? I want to know more ] For now, I'll just focus on getting through a 1500 swim. :-)

I look forward to getting to know you all. Oh and I have tons of relatives in Wisconsin (Oshkosh-Appleton area)



Good to have you on board...Tammy had a good 'scheduling post...I will browse..  Enjoy

2008-12-30 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1877898

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Joe Runner - 2008-12-30 12:07 PM

Hi Tammy.  I am logging in with your permission.  Thanks much for allowing me to join in for your extreme knowledge....and tough as nails attitude. 

My name is Terri or Joe Runner on BT.  Why Joe with an "e" when I'm a female...because I was nicknamed waaaay back in high school as such.

My Story:  I am a mother of 3.  Two boys ages 8 and 7 and one girl 2.5.  I ran Cross Country all through high school and ended up hating to run after I went to college.  Actually tried to run on the Madison CC team but started too late and ended up quitting.  My priorities were definately screwed up in those days.  Met my hubby in the early 90's and he was a work out hound.  Started to run a little with him, but decided I really didn't like it and backed off again.  A friend of ours challenged him to a Triathlon about 5 years ago and it never happened.  Last summer he decided he was going to do a Sprint in Pewaukee and I decided it looked pretty tempting.  So, back to the running.  I could barely run 3 miles without dying.  Swimming?  I could splash with the best of them.  Made myself get in the pool and self taught the free style.  Still can only breath to the right.  Biking?  Huh???  My hubby bought me a Walmart special just in case I didn't like the sport.  This is definately the area is which I struggle the most.  After completing the Pewaukee Tri in July of '07, I was most of us are.  Signed up for Devil's Challenge and completed that as well.  If you look at my race log you can see that I really struggled with that bike.  Whew, a whopping 12 mph I think.  YOUCH.  Well, suffice it to say, I really didn't think I would be doing another tri after that horribly hilly event.  Until spring of '08 rolled around.

This past year I trained for my very first half mary (Madison) and completed successfully.  Proper training I lacked.  That race got the juices flowing to do a tri again and this time it would be with the correct equipment.  Hubby bought me a tri bike and a wet suit.  I am invincible now.  I completed the very first Cap View Sprint in June, The Big Foot Sprint in June, The Pewaukee Tri (oops I mean Du) in July, the Pleasant Prairie Oly (my first) in August and ended my season with another half mary with the Lake Country Half. 

2009 my schedule has two for sures...Madison Full Mary and Spirit of Racine HIM.  I may also do the Cap View Oly and the Pleasant Prairie Oly.  I really want to do well on the Marathon and the HIM I will be happy to finish.  I have no desire to do a full Ironman, not because I don't think I could do it, but because I would HATE all the training.

 In regards to weightloss.  I have won a couple of events because I have signed up Athena and the playing field was much lighter.  I would love to lose 10 pounds not because I have to, but because I truly think it would make me faster.  I am looking to better my times in all three disciplines.

Looking forward to this mentor-ship.  Thanks for letting me join at such late notice.

Hi there....good to read your bio...I am a CC coach at a local hs....Love the sport.  We actually have several kids who also do tris----I can somewhat still hang w/ them   Looking foward to following your progress....happy training.



2008-12-30 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1865199

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2008-12-20 7:08 PM

Ok- THIS is how I get things done  Everyone has different schedules so you have to find what works for you.

I NEED to train....serioulsy if I dont I am unhappy and if I am unhappy so is my family.  I mean I can take a day off and there are priorities that come first.  So.... I have learned- mostly thru IM training when you are out riding 5 hours then running when you get back that letting the laundry wait or having cereal for dinner is NOT a big deal.  I try to do something fun with the kids when I can..... anything- they are just happy to hang out with long this will last- I dont know?  ( they are 7).  I can take them to the Y with me when I swim- they do open swim in the kid pool.   If I need to they can bike with me when I run... there are great trails and bike paths we can go on.  They did 10 miles last year...not bad for 7 yo.  I do have to bribe them with Mcdonalds at the halfwaypoint though.  You can pull smaller kids in bike trailer- AWESOME bike training.  YPu can push smaller kids in the stroller- kids LOVE this...and awesome legs for you!  I ahve taken themto the track when they were smaller and they were happy to ride in circles and play in the sand pit.  SO there are ways to train when the kids are home.  YOu just have to want to do it.

My husband used to work 2:00 am til 10:00 am...... so I was very lucky to have him home in the afternoon to watch the kids (when he wasnt golfing.... you have to let the spouse have an hobby too) but now he has a new job but doesnt start til 9:00 so I amable to train in the morning before anyone gets up.... I only have about an hour but I LOVE this.  Totally worth getting up early.  Great time to get in a swim or run. 

I am lucky to be done working by 1 or 2 in the afternoon so I canget another workout in beofre the kids get home form school if I need to.  But I also have to work every Saturday and some Sundays.....which make LONG rides kind of tough.

There is always time before or after the kids are sleeping to train- it may take a while to get used to but it is there.   I mean how hard isit to go out for a 30 minute run?  If it makes you happier I think your families will be OK with it?

My husband has/had his issues with my training but I think he understands (sort of) that this is who I am and this is what I want to do.  I always try to let him do his golfing or hunting or whatever... if we have to get a sitter so we can both do what we want we do.  That doesnt happen often but its an option.

Before I signed up for IM again this year I asked my kids if it was OK and they said YES!!!  they love to watchme race and love to race themselves..... I mean what a great role model to have an IM for a mom  Even hubby said it was OK.

I dont kmow if Imentioned it but I had a documentay done on me (and two ther guys) training for and racing their first IM... there are insights from my husband and kids- which I have not seen yet but am very curious to see what they say.  I will let you guys know when it is finished it should have a TON of great info on training and time management things.  Should actually be pretty amusing.

It does not tak a lot of time to train for sprint.  It should be easy to work into anyones schedule if they WANT to.  You need to pick a race and train for it.  I need something to look forward to- I need a race almost every month.  Gives me somethingto look forward to and think about while I am training.  I suggest all of you plan something every month or two- even if its just a 5K.

Sorry this got really long and Im not sure if I actaully helped anyone at all....'s a good read...I too struggle w/ handling all the training.  Once school starts/teaching/coaching/training/dad/hubby/church.....yeah, it gets interesting....BUT it is doable...Happy training.

2008-12-30 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Got back on the treadmill for a 30 minute walk to finish off my goal cals for the day. 329 this morning and 264 this evening for a total burn of 593 cals for the day.

Set the bike up on the trainer for a change up tomorrow and ripped the stem off the rear tire . Going to start the day out having to change the tire or get back on the tradmill. Think I'll just change the tire. Think I hit or was below my calorie intake for the day, I don;'t want to come up below too often though. I also have a 24 oz. water bottle filled with Crystal Lite fruit punch for tomorrow gonna start making the swith over. Final tally for the day was nine Diet Dr. Peppers, no water.

What does everybody do to while a away the time when your not going anywhere fast?

2008-12-31 6:12 AM
in reply to: #1878673

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2008-12-31 1:30 AM
keefmac - 2008-12-30 3:38 PM

Welcome aboard Terri and Babs - good to have more people to cajol us!Wink


Are you feeling better??

I was thinking about a bike run today, but child number 2 is really struggling with a blocked head and I've been up since early hours with her and am totally choked myself today Frown - getting there though...Smile (I hope!)

(I had been hoping to make my calender for January totally peach coloured - I guess we'll just wait and see about the first week now!)

2008-12-31 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1879001

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Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Buddaha1964 - 2008-12-31 3:37 AM What does everybody do to while a away the time when your not going anywhere fast? George.

You mean on the trainer/ treadmill etc?

MP3 player - loud and thumping along (depends on the type of work out I'm aiming for, but the higher the tempo, the faster I go!)

Also, I watched this yesterday and certainly on the bike trainer, I find keeping track of a complicated routine helps to relieve the tedium!Wink 

These guys have some hellish workouts on their training site (with quite a few timing mistakes to liven things up!!)


Edited by keefmac 2008-12-31 6:31 AM
2008-12-31 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1878665

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
tripletmom01 - 2008-12-30 7:27 PM
Joe Runner - 2008-12-30 2:04 PM

So, since you have run so much tell me if you will, what this means....

The arch of my foot keeps getting cramps here and there.  Not while running, just around the house.  What's that all about.  Also, my achilles are extremely tight in the a.m.  Can barely walk when I get out of bed.  Worse when I bike.  I admit I am not much for stretching (I can hear your tsk tsk), so I am sure you will have a thing or two to say.

Terri- the firstthing Ithough if was your shoes.  You may need shoes with more arch.  Id ask djdavey (seriously he critiques every runners stride and their shoes  Ithink from working at FLeet Feet.

This does sort of sound like the beginning of plantar fascitis ... I looked up the CORRECT explanation of it.

And yes stretching will probaly help (Idont stretch much either unless Im inujred ...I know, I know.....)  maybe just ice your arch.

I learned how to tape your foot  for this... I learned at PT last year..... if you think it might help- let me know and Ill explain it to you

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia – a band of tissue connecting the heel to the forward part of the foot. It can also be characterized by stiffness and soreness along the plantar (bottom) surface of the foot. Typically the soreness and stiffness is worst at the beginning of an activity, and then subsides somewhat.

Stress on the arch of the foot, over-training and tight calf muscles are common causes of plantar fasciitis. Rest, icing after a workout, gentle stretching of the calf muscles and a reevaluation of your running shoes can help resolve the problem. If the arch of your current shoes doesn't fully support your instep, try switching to a running shoe with greater arch support.

DJDavey sold me my shoes....from Fleet Feet.  They also talked me into buying the Superfeet.  Didn't have problems before that, so I don't know if its coincidence or age.  I will have to see how many miles I have put on those puppies.  Gotta be nearing 300.

2008-12-31 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
I do a sculpt and strength (weights) class once a week.  Am I getting any benefit from lifting just once a week?

2008-12-31 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1879001

Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

What does everybody do to while a away the time when your not going anywhere fast? George.

Hey George - trainer time is time to watch a movie! I'm a little too antsy to just SIT and watch TV so trainer season is my movie watching season. Last winter/spring I had a Christopher Walken film festival going on in my TV room.

The treadmill was so hard for me at first, too. I would have to have incredibly uptempo motivating music to get me through - I mean sirens screaming in my ear. Think Fat Boy Slim, or Metallica. Eventually TM time became ... tm time (as in transcendental meditation). Well not quite, but I zone into a place that is "just move, just breathe" - assisted by music, of course, which I find I get very absorbed in. So, electronic assistance for me is a must.

Another option: spin classes at the gym. If I did not have a very convenient gym with a generous offering of spin classes, then I would get a spin class DVD. Some of them seem to be quite good. Maybe get a buddy to 'ride' with you to one of those. Or you can just watch a regular movie but make it something real trashy and make a game of it like: sprint next time Jean Van Damme pulls out a gun and don't stop until he puts it away. Now, THAT would be a good workout. 


2008-12-31 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Welcome Babs and Terri!

What does everyone have for 2009 goals/race schedule?

2009 Goals:

  • Run sub 2 hours at the Madison Half Marathon
  • Do my first Olympic distance tri
  • Do my first Half Ironman tri
  • Do 14:XX for Ironman Wisconsin part deaux
  • Trust the plan
  • Avoid injuries
  • Add back 5-10 pounds of pure muscle that were lost last year
  • Get faster at swimming and biking, the run is coming along nicely
  • Put on my clown hat and have fun

Race schedule:

  • Shamrock Shuffle 10K-Madison-March
  • Lake Monona 20K-Madison-early May
  • Madison Half Marathon-late May
  • Olympic Distance Tri-June (Verona, Capitol View, or ??)
  • Door County Half Ironman-July
  • Ironman Wisconsin-Sept

I like training a whole lot better than racing however, in order to improve I must get more experience racing and training at race pace.  I will never be fast but can definitely improve my biking and swimming times.   

2008-12-31 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1879001

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

I watch movies.  If I didn't, I would go nuts.  I have netflix, so I have really expanded the types of movies I watch, even though I tend towards suspense and shootem-ups.  I recently watched "Take the Lead" and "Freedom Writers" and really enjoyed them.


I tweaked my achilles this last summer when I was peaking before IM WI, and did a couple of 2 plus hour workouts on the elliptical.  Movies made it much easier.

2008-12-31 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Don't forget, registration for the Door County Tri opens on Jan 1st.

Has anyone come up with a hotel yet?  I'm goint to try to find something in Egg Harbor, but if that doesn't work, there's a fairly new Super 8 in Sturgeon Bay wich is about 20 miles away.  Thoughts? 


2008-12-31 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1879399

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
BabsVa - 2008-12-31 8:18 AM

What does everybody do to while a away the time when your not going anywhere fast? George.

Hey George - trainer time is time to watch a movie! I'm a little too antsy to just SIT and watch TV so trainer season is my movie watching season. Last winter/spring I had a Christopher Walken film festival going on in my TV room.

The treadmill was so hard for me at first, too. I would have to have incredibly uptempo motivating music to get me through - I mean sirens screaming in my ear. Think Fat Boy Slim, or Metallica. Eventually TM time became ... tm time (as in transcendental meditation). Well not quite, but I zone into a place that is "just move, just breathe" - assisted by music, of course, which I find I get very absorbed in. So, electronic assistance for me is a must.

Another option: spin classes at the gym. If I did not have a very convenient gym with a generous offering of spin classes, then I would get a spin class DVD. Some of them seem to be quite good. Maybe get a buddy to 'ride' with you to one of those. Or you can just watch a regular movie but make it something real trashy and make a game of it like: sprint next time Jean Van Damme pulls out a gun and don't stop until he puts it away. Now, THAT would be a good workout. 


I can do ANYTHING with my ipod

2008-12-31 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
Mrs Joe Runner did awesome on her 5K today
2008-12-31 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1879724

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!
retiretotri - 2008-12-31 10:38 AM

Welcome Babs and Terri!

What does everyone have for 2009 goals/race schedule?

2009 Goals:

  • Run sub 2 hours at the Madison Half Marathon
  • Do my first Olympic distance tri
  • Do my first Half Ironman tri
  • Do 14:XX for Ironman Wisconsin part deaux
  • Trust the plan
  • Avoid injuries
  • Add back 5-10 pounds of pure muscle that were lost last year
  • Get faster at swimming and biking, the run is coming along nicely
  • Put on my clown hat and have fun

Race schedule:

  • Shamrock Shuffle 10K-Madison-March
  • Lake Monona 20K-Madison-early May
  • Madison Half Marathon-late May
  • Olympic Distance Tri-June (Verona, Capitol View, or ??)
  • Door County Half Ironman-July
  • Ironman Wisconsin-Sept

I like training a whole lot better than racing however, in order to improve I must get more experience racing and training at race pace.  I will never be fast but can definitely improve my biking and swimming times.   

What was your or your coaches reasoning in not doing a HIM during your IM training?

2008-12-31 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1880332

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Waukesha, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

tripletmom01 - 2008-12-31 3:52 PM Mrs Joe Runner did awesome on her 5K today

As did our faithful leader.  She PR'd and is still not happy with her time.

2008-12-31 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1857658

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: tripletmom01 mentor group - FULL!!!!!

Im really unsure about my 2009 races Im thinking I want to do a lot of different ones then Ihave in the past.  ALready signed up for Triple T, and IMWI I am pretty sure about the Door County HIM then either Horribly Hilly Hundreds or High Clif HIM.

I am pretty happy with my 2008 totals.....Next year Id like to have about 50,000 more swim yards and 500 more bike miles

2008 totals
Bike:260h 47m 13s  - 3545.62 Mi
Run:222h 01m 43s  - 1542.39 Mi
Swim:98h 13m 15s  - 241424

My main goal is IMWI.. Id like to take an hour off my time of 12:29... yeah- that will be tough but so am I!
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