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2009-01-31 2:00 AM
in reply to: #1937191

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
krystyna47 - 2009-01-31 12:10 AM
juniperjen - 2009-01-30 7:24 AM

Happy Friday everyone!!

 So, I was wondering after swimming last night about people's strong sport.  do you have a leg of the triathlon you're much stronger at?

Hey Jen,

I'm much more comfortable swimming, and I do enjoy running a lot. I struggle picking up speed on the bike portion of the race simply because I only like biking outdoors (when everything is pretty) and so don't train much indoors for almost 5 months of the year. Damn these Canadian winters!! I also don't use the clipless pedals. I have yet to get truly serious about biking. I use my bike more as a substitute for a car (it has a milk crate attached to the back and everything) than for racing. 

What about you? And everyone else?


Krystyna you will get better at cycling if you keep at it. When I started out 2 years ago I would average about 20 km/hr and this morning I averaged 28 km/hr over 75k! I think with anything, if you keep plugging away at it the improvements will come, although sometimes they come very slowly

Clipless pedals and aero-bars also make a big difference to speed on the bike


2009-01-31 2:01 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Welcome to page 8!!!


2009-01-31 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

woo hoo for page 8!!

Thanks for sharing Magda and Krystina!

My weakest discipline is definitely the swim. Given that 6 months ago i couldn't swim at all.  I can put it together but i have no endurance on the freestyle. I was wondering the other night if i was progressing a little too slowly, given that i have been taking lessons for about 6 months and depending on the night I can't string together 100m of it without feeling like i am going to run out of breath!! But then, i really have to keep it in perspective. Six months is all i have.  So, i am doing pretty well.

As for biking I am also relatively new to it. I just got clipless pedals and shoes in the fall. I only got to use them a few times before it got too cold and now we're way to snowy.  But I am totally like Magda - I am in love with my pretty bike. It's a decent road bike. All i care is that she's pretty and she goes fast!

 Anyway, for this weekend- i am about to hop on my trainer for about an hour. And tomorrow will be a crazy long run. lots of chores to and then we're hanging out with another couple that does tris/runs.  It's nice to be able to really talk about training/racing with people who do it too.  just like this forum right?

Anyone a big fan of (American) football? It's the big weekend! DBF will make a bit pot of chilli and have buddies over for poker and game watching.

2009-02-01 2:50 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

As promised here is a photo from the Goth/Emo party. Sef & I are trying to look really depressed The party was a lot of fun. And NO, we don't normally dress like this, although come to think of it I think it would be fun to dress up for a tri like this, might be just a touch uncomfortable!!! LOL!!



2009-02-01 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

That's too cute Magda!! Looks like you guys had a great time! I also saw you got in a long run in the crazy heat! Way to go!

I just got back from my long run and it is the nice day we've had in a couple of months. 2 or 3 degrees C. Much more manageable than the really freezing - but we're on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Hard to get out in either the heat or freezing cold.

2009-02-01 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1939830

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2009-02-02 1:54 AM

That's too cute Magda!! Looks like you guys had a great time! I also saw you got in a long run in the crazy heat! Way to go!

I just got back from my long run and it is the nice day we've had in a couple of months. 2 or 3 degrees C. Much more manageable than the really freezing - but we're on the opposite ends of the spectrum. Hard to get out in either the heat or freezing cold.


I actually love running in winter - but saying that, our coldest winter mornings are about 35F at 6am climbing to a high of about 60F!!! LOL!

NICE run for you on Sunday - wow you run some amazing distances!!!



2009-02-01 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

So, I've stumbled upon quite a few articles in newspapers lately that have been reporting on athletes that are ultra-marathoners, defined as any distance longer than a marathon (42.2km) - and some run as far as 250km per ultramarathon. Now, that's just ridiculous! But, it has inspired me to train for longer distances (and to up my "comfortable" running speed).

My new goal (besides completing a half-ironman) is thus to complete one ultra-marathon in my life!

And, one question for all of you (running wise): what are fun training things you do while running? I love to set myself up a couple times a run for 100-200m distance sprints.

2009-02-02 12:16 AM
in reply to: #1940305

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
krystyna47 - 2009-02-02 9:56 AM

So, I've stumbled upon quite a few articles in newspapers lately that have been reporting on athletes that are ultra-marathoners, defined as any distance longer than a marathon (42.2km) - and some run as far as 250km per ultramarathon. Now, that's just ridiculous! But, it has inspired me to train for longer distances (and to up my "comfortable" running speed).

My new goal (besides completing a half-ironman) is thus to complete one ultra-marathon in my life!

And, one question for all of you (running wise): what are fun training things you do while running? I love to set myself up a couple times a run for 100-200m distance sprints.

Yeah, those ultramarathon people are crazy!!!  But then again, I think if you're a marathon runner, once you've done a few then you'd probably be tempted to step it up a notch. Like triathletes - we all start with sprint tris but most of us dream of doing a half or full ironman.

Jimmy (jrcody) from this group is aiming for an ultramarathon later this year - go Jimmy!

With regards to "fun" training things I do when running - hmmm. For me, "fun" and "run" do not go together LOL!!!!  But doing a few sprints in your run is definitely good for your fitness


2009-02-02 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Mostly what I do for fun when running is try new routes. i love exploring my neighbourhood. I would never know about so many places if it wasn't for running. When I need to be distracted we go through the "hip" area on Queen West and peek in all the windows as we run by. LOL! They're all too cool to be open or awake when we go by on a sunday morning. But i would never get there otherwise.

Having a Garmin really helps being able to go off the planned routes and try new roads

2009-02-02 6:34 AM
in reply to: #1940603

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
-- Did someone call me crazy? According to my last psych eval the doc said that I was "mostly harmless".

-- I can not say that I do anything "fun" on a run. I mostly zone out and don't even remember running But I am with Magda -- fun and run are definitely mutually exclusive.

2009-02-02 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1940660

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2009-02-02 9:25 PM

Mostly what I do for fun when running is try new routes. i love exploring my neighbourhood. I would never know about so many places if it wasn't for running. When I need to be distracted we go through the "hip" area on Queen West and peek in all the windows as we run by. LOL! They're all too cool to be open or awake when we go by on a sunday morning. But i would never get there otherwise.

Having a Garmin really helps being able to go off the planned routes and try new roads


A Garmin sounds like it would be very handy - it would save me having to meticulously map out my run on Google Earth trying to find out exactly how far I'd run LOL!


2009-02-02 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1940664

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

jrcody - 2009-02-02 9:34 PM -- Did someone call me crazy? According to my last psych eval the doc said that I was "mostly harmless".




2009-02-02 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Can someone help me out? I'm looking at used road bikes on Craigslist and found this one in my area. I know very little about bikes (no, really, VERY little... I just ride them, and know to wear a helmet).

Is this a good quality bike? 


2009-02-02 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Also, I am going to be in contact with the person selling it. Are there some key questions I should ask?

2009-02-02 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1942199

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Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
krystyna47 - 2009-02-02 7:50 PM

Can someone help me out? I'm looking at used road bikes on Craigslist and found this one in my area. I know very little about bikes (no, really, VERY little... I just ride them, and know to wear a helmet).

Is this a good quality bike? 


Krystyna - i don't really know much at all about them. I sure this is a fantastic bike - first thing would be to get yourself sized. If you haven't already.  I went to local bike shop and they have a thing I stood on and I was 48cm fitting. Not sure if you're tall or not but that frame would be way too big for me - I am 5'3".

I am sure the bike posted has great components because that's what DBF was looking for when I bought my Trek road bike. But then, all i can say is that my bike is pretty. Though, personally, I would think you can buy something you really like or a whole new for $1000 - there are lots of good starter bikes out there.  But if you like this, it fits, has good components and the price is right for you then by all means go for it.

And, maybe others agree? I don't know maybe I am a chicken but getting on a road bike with all that speed is pretty freaky (good freaky) the first few times.  

Best of luck!

2009-02-02 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1942535

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Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
juniperjen - 2009-02-02 10:47 PM

I sure this is a fantastic bike - first thing would be to get yourself sized. If you haven't already.  I went to local bike shop and they have a thing I stood on and I was 48cm fitting. Not sure if you're tall or not but that frame would be way too big for me - I am 5'3".

Hmm, I think I shall get myself sized this weekend. I too am 5'3", and for some reason I was certain my bike size was 53cm, but I really am not all too sure. I've looked up some sizing methods, and it seems that I should definitely have a smaller than 53cm bike.

Thanks for the tip, I plan on going to my local bike shop this weekend!  

2009-02-03 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1942199

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
krystyna47 - 2009-02-03 9:50 AM

Can someone help me out? I'm looking at used road bikes on Craigslist and found this one in my area. I know very little about bikes (no, really, VERY little... I just ride them, and know to wear a helmet).

Is this a good quality bike? 


X 2 what Jen says. Fit is soooo important!

I have never heard of that brand or components, but I am not much of a bike snob LOL and plus we probably get different brands here in Australia.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes

PS - $1000 would buy a good, brand new entry level bike here.


2009-02-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
Good Morning from CO. My last two days have been above 5500 feet. Now I remember why I hate running at altitude.
2009-02-04 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
So, what does it feel like to run at high altitude? I've heard of altitude sickness but I have no concept of it!
2009-02-04 11:41 PM
in reply to: #1944855

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

jrcody - 2009-02-04 11:51 PM Good Morning from CO. My last two days have been above 5500 feet. Now I remember why I hate running at altitude.

I've run at lower altitudes than that and all I can remember is just feeling really out of breath! Have you been transferred there for work?


2009-02-05 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1858074

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
I am in Colorado Springs for about 3 weeks on business and will head back to CA after that. As for running above 5000 feet it feels like you are short of breath from the very beginning of your run, also my heart rate stays high. I also had to take a few walk breaks on the up hill portions of today's run. I guess if you lived here for a long time you would not really notice it; but, for us people from sea level it is definitely noticeable.

2009-02-05 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Oh my gosh, I would love to experience high-altitude running! (... My next vacation will definitely take height above sea level into consideration!!) I think what will be most interesting is if quite a few weeks of training can be done at high altitudes, and then when you return to just about sea level... feel the difference running!

Let us know if there is one!

In other news, I got myself fitted at my local bike shop. I've got my eye on a Trek 1.2 WSD, 47cm frame. It is last year's model, 830$CAD tax included. The nice guy at the bike shop fitted the bike to me, I got to feel it out. It rides smoothly, and feels just right! Online reviews have been extremely positive as well. 

What do y'all think? 

Oh, and I'm testing out, and possibly joining, a running group! Does anyone here run with a group? Any experiences/thoughts you'd like to share? How is it different from running on your own?

Edited by krystyna47 2009-02-05 3:30 PM
2009-02-05 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1858074

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL

Krystyna -- oooh the Trek is soooo pretty! So are you going to get it?  I have the 1500 which was i think at 2006 model. Got it on the same kind of deal. I LOVE it!!  

For the running group: i currently have a running partner and we pretty run together all the time but I met her at the running room. I did all of my races but two by training with their clinics. I really enjoyed them I can tell you that I probably wouldn't have done it without the group!! I love the support, meeting new people and having people push/pull back when necessary. 


2009-02-05 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1947750

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
krystyna47 - 2009-02-05 1:30 PM

Oh my gosh, I would love to experience high-altitude running! (... My next vacation will definitely take height above sea level into consideration!!) I think what will be most interesting is if quite a few weeks of training can be done at high altitudes, and then when you return to just about sea level... feel the difference running!

Let us know if there is one!

All I can say is please replace me and let me go back down to sea level!!! I do not think that I want to experience high altitude level running again --- wait; I have to run again in the AM and have fun with more pain again!!

2009-02-07 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1858074


Subject: RE: Eurydice79 (Magda's) Group - FULL
Congratulations on the new bike. New bikes are a great way to inspire workouts! Although I was psyched to race with my new bike I was suprised how nice my normal rides were. This bike (Specialized-splurged for a carbon frame) is light and climbs like a dream. The right bike makes you and the bike feels as one. I have a funny body shape- long legs- short torso-so a pefect fit never happens- but the current one is close.

I have question for the group. I am someone who is prone to overuse injury. It's always something new each season. It usually goes away after a few months. I am not a workout gunner so I'm not sure why I am so prone. Never the less, I now have a new plantar fasciitis. Its been there for almost 3 weeks. I have done the RICE thing and cutback on workouts. I am now feeling myself become even more deconditioned. This is frustrating with race season close.

I will probably enter race season 1 month later than I had intended. My question for the group is would most of you push through the discomfort as long as it is mild? I will keep up the usual PF treatments. I have orthotics, I will stretch ect ect ect. Any other thoughts? I'm trying not to be such a wimp. Val
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