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2009-01-16 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1912441

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

Really not that big of a deal - no reason for an apology!

 Best of luck Eric!

2009-01-17 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1861698

Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Yep -- good luck Eric!

And glad to see other Eagles fans here -- Go Birds!

On a triathlon related note, any advice on how to deal with slow swimmers in the pool? I tried to swim today and was thwarted by a very slow swimmer in my lane. It was a crowded pool with only three lanes, but there was another lane that would have been more appropriate for her speed with fewer people in it. Is there a polite way to suggest that she switch?
2009-01-17 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1914146

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ivy, va
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

Hey mildew33 - my experience/perspective:

Before I put a toe into the pool I asked the reception crew what were the most crowded/best times for lap swim.  They had great suggestions.  I also met briefly with the head of the pool and asked him about various protocol.  He had great advice on how things are done and offered tips on being a courteous swimmer .  He showed me a few examples of pool etiquette (ex. putting a kickboard in at the edge to alert a lap swimmer you want to talk to them - request you join the lane, etc.).  The lifeguards also offered helpful ideas.

Maybe you could share your question/experience with the staff there.  At a minimum they should appreciate your feedback and may have suggestions as it's probably not a unique situation at your pool.

Hope this helps.

2009-01-18 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1861698

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

swimming in public/gym pools are quiet the experience.. as for pool etiquette.. is suppose to be the swimmer that's on the deck, looks to see what swimmer in a lane best matches there speed and experience.. This is so the if the pool were to get crowded with lap swimmers, you can switch from two swimmers swimming beside one another to swimming circles(swimming one behind the other) to get more people in the pool. swimming circles you can have 5 to 8 people in a lane. I hope that makes since. It rarely happens..

wisewilma, did make a good point about talking to the lifeguards to find out the busy times.. check that out first..

As you start to swim more, you will start the notice, selfish swimmer(don't want to share a the lanes) and generous swimmers (willing to share and swim circles if necessary..)

happy swimming
2009-01-18 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1861698

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Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

Hey Ya'll

Thanks for the motivation. I have to admit I got a little overwhelmed that past two weeks.

My excuses:

1) The weather has been awful across the Southeast the past two weeks or so. We had about 5 straight days of rain then it turned off really cold (which the entire country dealt with that).

2) Got a new roof put on so, that took a couple of hours of possible training time.

3) Got some info at work, that if I wanted to start my Master's in the Fall and if I wanted work to pay for it....I need to be accepted by the school ASAP, to get some funding locked in for me. This means taking the GMAT ASAP. So, I start cracking the study books and I soon realize I don't remember hardly anyting from 9th grade Algebra/Trig and that is like 85% of the quanitative section of the test. I'm not shooting for a extremely high score and I'm almost assured of getting accepted to a distance program at a local college, but I have set a goal of scoring 650. 600 should be adequate for any state college program. My GPA was average in my major (3.2).  So, anyway, I working on a plan and trying to get a tutor to help me with the math section. I haven't set a date for the test yet, I'm waiting to hear back from a possible tutor. I hope to get two all day cram sessions in and then just go take it.

4) The gym/health club I was looking at joining, use to have a Stroke Work for Triathletes class. Well, I found out they didn't offer that anymore, so now I'm looking for the best value in a gym close to home.

I haven't been a great teammate lately, but that is going to change.


2009-01-18 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1861698

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Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

<style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} It sounds like you have a pretty full plate these days, Eric. Good luck with all your endeavours and please let us know if there is anything we can do to help with the triathlon training aspect.


2009-01-20 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1861698

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Hey All,
I hope everyone had a great weekend..

I had a thought while driving into work today.. i wrote an article for my tri newsletter, about being prepared for anything on race day.. this article was because i was very under prepared for a race and i had read the article just a week beforet.. i guess what i'm saying is you don't pay attention to things sometimes until you need them..

This would be good for veterans as well as newbies..

if you want this article shoot me a "pm" with your email address.

Edited by momo 2009-01-20 8:42 AM
2009-01-20 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1861698

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New user
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Ok...I have a question for everyone.... Last night I had a crazy fun and difficult workout and every time I felt like I wanted to quit I just reminded myself of my looming deadline. (I am horrible at logging my whole workouts) At the end of the work out I felt drained and the more time passed after my workout I began getting this killer headache. I think it was because I was sweating buckets. My question is how much water should I be drinking in a day? Thanks for all the help.
2009-01-20 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1918094

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
kadams120 - 2009-01-20 12:17 PM

Ok...I have a question for everyone.... Last night I had a crazy fun and difficult workout and every time I felt like I wanted to quit I just reminded myself of my looming deadline. (I am horrible at logging my whole workouts) At the end of the work out I felt drained and the more time passed after my workout I began getting this killer headache. I think it was because I was sweating buckets. My question is how much water should I be drinking in a day? Thanks for all the help.

you should be drinking at least 3 liters of water a day any way. so with exercise that amount will increase.. on one of these pages on our group page.. i gave a description of how to determine your sweat rate so you can get hydrated properly.. (page 4).. i created a spreadsheet to help you determine that.. send me your email address and i will sent it too you.

but as a rule of thumb, you should be taking in 32-48 oz of fluid extra for any training over an hour.. in drinking.. mixed it with electro-lites and water... i tend to drink water when at home and gatorade when training (return to water when at home).. riding my bike i have three bottles 1 gatorade and 2 waters...

let me know about the spreadsheet.. i hope this helps a little.
2009-01-20 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1917715

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ivy, va
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

Mo this may be covered in your tri prep article, but do you (or any Team Mo members) have advice/articles on how you know if/when you're ready to attempt a tri? 


2009-01-20 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1919095

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
wisewilma - 2009-01-20 7:53 PM

Mo this may be covered in your tri prep article, but do you (or any Team Mo members) have advice/articles on how you know if/when you're ready to attempt a tri? 


are you talking mental prep, equipment prep or both?? i'll post something about that soon..

2009-01-20 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1919187

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ivy, va
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Actually I mostly meant physically. 
2009-01-21 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1861698

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Decatur GA
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
back from skiing in was extremely warm in the low 40's but the snow wasn't that great with icy patches...did well on the greens and black diamonds for Mo due to my last episode boarding and dislocating my shoulder..all in all a great time....did I mention the speeding ticket in Denver..ouch-that really hurts! Good to be back
2009-01-21 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1919897

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
r28723 - 2009-01-21 10:20 AM

back from skiing in was extremely warm in the low 40's but the snow wasn't that great with icy patches...did well on the greens and black diamonds for Mo due to my last episode boarding and dislocating my shoulder..all in all a great time....did I mention the speeding ticket in Denver..ouch-that really hurts! Good to be back

still jealous... the last time i went out... i got into a rut some how on my board.. nasty tumble from about the half way point of the mountain.. i think i blackout in the middle and came too at the base... all i remember is my neck being really sore.. so i went into the lodge for a few hours.. felt ok... when back to boarding... that was probably stupid..
2009-01-21 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1919387

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
wisewilma - 2009-01-20 10:22 PM

Actually I mostly meant physically. 

Look at the distance of the race you want to do. match that race to your training.. if you are doing that distance race in your training.. you are ready for the race..

example: tri 300m swim, 10 mile bike, and a 5k.. and you training for a month looks like 1800m swimming, 40 miles biking, and 20 mile running.. you can do the race and finish it. your frequency in training is what will gets you to the finish line.. the intensity of your workouts will dictate how fast you get to the finish line..

you will play a mental game with yourself.. i can't do it, i can't do what you will say to yourself, but deep down you know you can because of your training and motivated to do it.. that little voice is always going to be there!! you must find a way to put him on mute. i go through it before every race(right up until i hear the gun).. running or whatever

Your first race goals should be just to finish and have fun doing it(but give it what you got, don't hold back)! and after crossing the finishline get caught up in the emotions of the challenge you just completed.. the next race TRI HARDER.. your second race you have an idea of what going on..

Edited by momo 2009-01-21 9:44 AM
2009-01-21 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1919980

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ivy, va
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Mo that's enormously helpful.  Thank you.

2009-01-23 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1919980

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ivy, va
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Best of luck to RunGirlRun on her 8K this Sunday - You Go Girl!!
2009-01-23 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1924432

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Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

wisewilma - 2009-01-23 9:27 AM Best of luck to RunGirlRun on her 8K this Sunday - You Go Girl!!

 Thank you so much, wisewilma! I will definitely let you all know how I make out on Sunday.

2009-01-23 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1861698

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Decatur GA
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Will be thinking of RunGirl on Sunday..hope it's warm!
2009-01-23 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1924988

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Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

r28723 - 2009-01-23 12:09 PM Will be thinking of RunGirl on Sunday..hope it's warm!

It all depends on your definition of warm...It is supposed to be 15 degrees out.

2009-01-23 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1925287

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
Now that's chilly. Make sure you bundle up and enjoy!Cool

2009-01-23 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1920099

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Indianapolis, Indiana
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)


I second what Mo said. During my first race(sprint) I had the same concerns. You will finish! - the real question is how long will it take you. I really had to concentrate on running my own race and remember that the goal was to finish. There were over 500 people in the race and it seemed like everyone is moving faster than me! I also did not realize how much my adrenaline would kick in, especially during the swim. Here are my lessons:

1) Keep telling yourself that you can and WILL finish at every stroke/peddle/step.

2) Run your own race - meaning your own pace.

3) Use a HR monitor and REALLY pay attention to keeping your HR below your threshold. I didn't know the meaning  of this until the run - I felt like crap and had to walk until my HR came down. This is where I underestimated the adrenaline rush - which probably added 10bpm and caused me to push too hard too early. I now know that I can't sustain things in a TRI if I let my HR get above 180 for very long - pacing is the key to success in Tri's. I use my HR monitor every chance I get.

4) Don't get intimidated by the swim, but do understand it feels like chaos. I learned to wait and avoid the crowd at the start and how to position myself. Its better to loose a few seconds at the start than to have my confidence dashed because you feel like you are loosing the arms/legs battle. As for training, try and do an OWS with your local tri club or group - it's a slightly different feeling when you are used to seeing the bottom of the pool. I have also incorporated sprint drills to my swim workouts. 5-6X25 yds/m(fast!). These can help simulate the increased HR you will have at the start - the next step is to remember #2 and slow down.

5) Find a good race. Some races have lots of first-timers, some have LOTS of people, etc. etc. If you have some choices find out which ones have lots of first-time triathletes. Indoor triathlons in the spring are a great start and highly recommended since they will boost your confidence.

6) Have Fun and don't forget to celebrate after you finish. It's the feeling after the race that keeps you coming back for another race!

Best of luck!


2009-01-24 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1926124

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ivy, va
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)

Thank you for the thoughtful reply.  I (we) really appreciate your willingness to share your experiences and advice.  You've given us a lot to consider:  keep a positive mental focus, know your own pace/limits and stick to it, get familiar with the situations of a race, research the race, and most of all - enjoy!


2009-01-24 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1926124

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ivy, va
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
You also answered my next question which was if a race included a pool would it be considered a true tri experience.
2009-01-24 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1926599

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Momo's Group - (CLOSED)
wisewilma - 2009-01-24 9:18 AM

You also answered my next question which was if a race included a pool would it be considered a true tri experience.

in some way i think a pool tri is harder.. you are set out in 15s increments.. people fudge there 100m times.. so you will have someone super fast behind you.. a tri is a tri.. no matter where it is.
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