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2009-02-24 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1980513

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Wesley Chapel, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Right.  What Jenny said PERFECTLY and SUCCINCTLY!! 

2009-02-25 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1980518

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

So guys, I am seriously feeling exhausted today... dragging butt so to speak.  If you see my log for today, you'll see my swim was el sucko, really had to push myself to finish and not get out and enjoy the hot tub.  I had planned to do a bike ride this afternoon, but it's looking like major wind again today, and I just don't feel I have the energy to get out there and fight it.  I did my strength session yesterday, after a week off, so I'm feeling a little sore too.  I guess I am just having myself a pity party today, and I am being a very lame teacher as I am sitting at my laptop looking at all the cool tri gear I WISH I could buy while I have my students plugged into a movie... I mean, I am seriously TIRED today!

 Have any of you felt like this??  Maybe I've just pushed too hard for the last couple of days?  I sure hope I feel better tomorrow morning, hoping for another double day... swim in the a.m. and weights and treadmill in the p.m. and then back to school till 6:00 for parent conference day.  If I wasn't running low on sick days, I'd call in for this afternoon and just go home and sleep... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 

Edited by hildekq 2009-02-25 11:52 AM
2009-02-25 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1981324

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Wesley Chapel, FL
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Been there, felt that.  Can't imagine TEACHING on top of training!!  Be encouraged.  We've all been there.  And the best thing to do is whatever your body is telling you to do!  If it's rest, then rest.  If it's something FUN that's unrelated to training, do that!  For me, I'll occasionally take a day to inline skate (my "old" sport) or play tennis because I love them both and I enjoy something random every once in awhile!  Even if you have to take a few days off, that's okay too.  We'll keep track of you and make sure you don't fall totally off the wagon!  Heck, this sport is WAY too addicting for that!   
2009-02-25 1:50 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
I agree. I've especially had days like that when I'm stressed because of other things. Stress can cause a normal workout to seem twice as hard, and can really knock you flat. Rest and recover, you'll be back to your old self soon!
2009-02-25 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Hilde lately I feel like most of my days are like that. Fortunately I have an addictive personality to keep going! Cool Lots of encouragement from the group here on these sorts of days. Mostly what I have heard is keep at it, and know you are not alone. Chearing for you from down here in windy Florida!
2009-02-25 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1972131

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Hillsboro, OR
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Just wanted to check in and thank everyone for all the encouragement.

After posting last week, I went to the running store to get fitted for shoes on Thursday.  Yes, my first ever pair of running shoes.  The tears started to well up again talking to the saleswoman but I didn't bolt.

So Friday eve, I got on the treadmill and just did it.  I warmed up by walking for 10 min then started alternating one minute of running with five minutes of walking.  It felt pretty awkward but not completely awful.  And I was damn proud of myself when I was done.  Did it again Sunday night and things felt better and i am planning to repeat tonight.

Thanks again.  Such a great group to be plugged into.  I definitely think this could have waylaid all my plans if I didn't have a safe place to reflect and vent and even cry a little.


2009-02-25 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1872726


Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
i've had those days the last few weeks...take an unscheduled day off and rest!!  pay attention to your sleep patterns too--what a difference an extra 30 min. can do for you!
2009-02-25 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1981753

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
THANK YOU everyone for your understanding and support.... I pretty much think of myself as Superwoman or the Energizer Bunny and it is so unlike me to feel so sluggish.... I felt better after lunch, maybe I just need some more FOOD, so to cheer myself up I am going shopping on the way home and may even treat myself to some cookies, as I told Nadine in her blog.  Hopefully tomorrow is a new day and I will feel back to my old self.  I am so glad to have you all as my tri buddies!
2009-02-25 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now


Glad things are all good now, Hilde!  It is so great that we are all cheering for each other to stick w it and continue.  Jenn - proud of you too for sticking with it!  That proud feeling and the energy surge that we all experience from working out is one of the reasons why I am addicted!  If I am miserable during or do not want to go get ready for a workout - I think of that feeling and how much better I will be when I am finished.

Something else to check into is what you have eaten the last fews days.  Our nutrition has a lot to do with the slumps that we can get in.  On the flip side, when you have a great workout of swim bike or run, make a positive food log so you know what you have eaten recently and can duplicate it.

2009-02-28 1:17 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Hi Everybody!  Make sure you continue to check logs- we have a few people sick and some injuries too! 

PilatesTri (Lindsay) is doing a 5k on Saturday!  Let us all know how you did and how it felt!

Does anybody else have a race in the next week or so that they are doing?

2009-03-01 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Okay, so this is a very ambitious goal, so if I don't make it but make my normal goal I will be okay with that. I really want to start working on getting my run time down to 10min  miles. I know that a lot of people start out that fast. I started out struggling with walking 1.5 miles. So to me where I am is an accomplishment, and 10min/miles is a real goal. But I want to start trying to focus in on running while trying to keep up the biking/swimming.

So (attempt at) goal for this week, Swim two days 1000 yards. Gym 2 days, bike 2 days (I want to try to get up to 13 miles hopefully the wind will not be "against me," and run 4 days. I would like to do 2 days of attempt to work on speed with "sprints" 1.5 miles and 2 days of endurance focus working on doing 3 miles. On top of that I want 2 days of rest, and one day as a date day with hubby maybe walking around a theme park. All of my school work is done for the week, and on paper having a couple of very heavy workout days this is technically possible.

2009-03-01 8:10 AM
in reply to: #1989156

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

You GO Nadine, why you positively sound like a.... like a.... a TRIATHLETE!  I'm sure Jenny will chime in about your running, but here is my newbie 2 cents... I think from all I've read on this forum and in my tri training books, you want to be sure to have a REALLY good running base before adding speed work.  This is to avoid injury.  And supposedly, if you just add a 4th day of running to your training regimen, pure volume will start to bring down your run times per mile.  Increase your mileage to no more than 10% per week (so if you are running 10 miles a week now, only add an extra mile in there somewhere).  I m certainly with you on the getting down to a 10 minute mile, though!  I will be ecstatic the first time I can run one in the 9's or even, dare I say it, the 8's??!

 I am taking all y'all's advice and resting a bunch this week, because I really feel like crap.  The pink eye feels much better, but the cold has now moved into my chest and I sound like a barking great dane every time I cough. 

So I dropped off my bike for it's first tune-up, it will be ready on Wed., but I won't be able to get back down there until Saturday, so there will be no urge for me to get an outdoor ride in this week.  I was very pleased with the running store, and am happy with the new shoes I got.  Turns out I WAS running with the wrong kind of shoes... I had picked some "cute" ones that were the right price from the local sporting goods store, but they were stability shoes and I am a neutral runner!  And they didn't break the bank... I was prepared to spend $140 on the top of the line Asics, but ended up with $90 Saucony's, and they gave me a 15% discount!  The girl really checked out the bottoms of my old shoes, watched me walk in both directions, went and got some shoes and then had me run in them.  The Saucony's really felt the best, and the only downside is that they are red and white and I've been basing my tri wardrobe on blue because it matches my bike.  C'mon girls, matching is important, right?

 By the way, while I am posting here, I've been wondering... what kind of bikes do you all ride?  I have an entry level Giant OCR2 road bike with aerobars, clip in pedals, aerobar water system.  I really like it, but I gotta say, that all those guys that are posting pics of "their rides" has me drooling for a Cervelo tri bike!  And I have no idea if that is even practical for me, they just look so cool, and I picture myself being one bad grandma riding one! 

Edited by hildekq 2009-03-01 8:18 AM
2009-03-01 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Nadine - good job with your dedication and time management with trying to plan out your week.   You seem to on a mission and that is awesome!

As for the run, I recommend you continue to work on the endurance before you add in speed work.  If you are running 3 miles 3 times a week, maybe try to add another run in or if you want to stick with 3 run a weeks, just increase the mileage a bit.  (do keep in mind the 10% increase guideline as well)  It is a slow process but there is reasoning behind it all.  You are trying to increase your endurance which should be done aerobically while the speed work is mostly anaerobic.  If you stick with just building the base a bit more, build your endurance and the speed will start to come.    These are just my opinions!

2009-03-01 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1872726


Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now


listen to jenny's advice.  i've done so and finally beginning to see my times decrease some as well as indurance and mileage increase a lot (for me).  also, try to avoid speed work for now to avoid injury until you have that base established. 

TRUST JENNY---She definitely knows her tri. stuff!!

2009-03-05 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

been quiet in here, so figured i'd say a little hello. just to let you guys know, i had one of those days today where i just didn't have it in me to do anything. put it off all day long and wasn't looking forward to swimming or running tonight.  did it anyway. and feel great about my swim, and the ONLY good thing about my run is that it was with jenny. otherwise i felt elephant-esque. anyway...just a note to say we all have those days as proof of mine today!!

hope everyone is doing well!

2009-03-06 6:11 AM
in reply to: #2000696

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Clover girl, I'm SURE you could never run like an elephant!  More like a cheetah!  Everyone's logs are looking great and I'm anxious to get mine looking pink again, but I am not going to rush anything.  Sinuses are draining, now cold has moved into my chest, so more taking it easy till I get better.  Good thing for me is that the week after next is Spring Break with nothing planned so I will be able to hit it hard!  I hope I can start something easy by the end of next week, I'm sure I'm going to have to take it slow and easy before I'm back to where I was.  And whooo hoooo, as of this morning I have lost 40 pounds since last July when I started training for the Senior Olympics!!  I just have to be careful how much I shove in my mouth when my appetite comes back.

 TGIF girls!

2009-03-06 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2001200

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

40 pounds!  That is an achievement that not many people can do!  It amazes me that you lost 40 pounds and I can tell how much you love the sport too.  I bet you also feel better (beside being sick) now then before!  Congratulations to you.

Hope everybody has a great weeekend!  I plan on riding this weekend with clover and my hubby Sat morning.  Praying that my knee holds up and hoping that the cortisone shot worked so I can run more soon - I love the run!!!

2009-03-06 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

holy 40lbs! way to go...what an achievement. just awesome. very impressed, keep it up and get well soon!!!


2009-03-06 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Congrats on the 40! Have you went out and got a new wardobe yet? You are going to be sporting some thin people tri cloths once you get better!
2009-03-06 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Okay, I have been wondering this for a while but wasn't sure if I should ask or not. I was looking over clover's log and saw that she was working out with her dad. First, I'm jelous that ya'll have so many people to work out with. I'm trying to find groups in my area. I have been told its early in the season and the groups here are not organized yet when I have been asking around. I seems like the core group here all has a big happy healthy working out kind of family. What is your fitness family backgrounds? Do you come from the kind of familes that do put health/fitness first? If so I think that is so cool. I grew up on crisco and am one of the few women of my family under 200 pounds.
2009-03-06 11:02 PM
in reply to: #1872726

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Extreme Veteran
Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now


if you go to "forums" there should be a "florida" forum under "triathlon" and "introduce yourself." you may want to lurk/post in there to see if there are any group runs/rides that you can tag along with. the other thing is go to a local running/bike store and see when their group runs/rides are. we have a bunch of running and bike shops here in the dallas area that host a lot of group "dates."   all of that might help you out...not sure if you've ever checked out the florida forum before.  another idea would be to start a post in there, asking if there is anybody out there from your area who does group rides or is looking for a workout buddy. just a suggestion.

it's very easy for us (jenny and myself) because we live 2 miles from each other. my mom and dad live 2 miles from me in the other direction and we all belong to the same gym. it's a little "compound" esque but it works for us. i do not take it for granted, that's for sure.

i really suggest checking out that florida forum...and the running/biking shops, i think you'll find some ideas there.

ok...i have to go to bed now. riding in the morning.

2009-03-07 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2003270

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

No fitness background in my family, although my dad was a star college diver for the University of Buffalo.  Mom shattered her ankle when I was 6 months old and it's been pinned together for years, and really redefined her life.  She has never exercised, but diets all the time.  I do all my training totally solo, in fact I will probably do all my racing totally solo too.  I was just thinking about this last night.  Hubby definitely supports what I'm doing, but I haven't brought up whether or not he would actually attend my races.  I can't picture him just standing around waiting for me to finish.  I have a friend that also does some tri's, but she just had sinus surgery and hasn't gotten into her training regimen yet, although she is big on a master's swim team... which unfortunately does not fit with my work schedule.  I think if I had a run buddy, that would really help me, but... if you don't you don't, and I do envy all you Hogan people or whatever you are for you closeness!

And no new wardrobe exactly, I just buy things as I need them, but I know I will need spring/summer clothes really soon!  I had saved quite a bit from the last time I had lost weight (pre cancer), but also got rid of a lot.  I now have bins in my closet that go from size 14 to size 6!  And I'm wearing the size 6's!!  Whoo hoo!!

Edited by hildekq 2009-03-07 6:41 AM
2009-03-07 8:33 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

There might be some tri clubs that you could join normally for about $75 a year that have group workouts.  As Jen said, ask the bike shop or run store.  That might help...

What I have noticed is that the more you talk about tri, the more people are interested in it.  Is there anybody you could "recruit?"   Growing up, my family was not fitness first but my brother has done a tri just because my hubby, Jen and I talk about it so much.   Jen's dad, my father in law, is now very interested because (again) we talk about it so much and he is curious about our addiction.  Exercise can be contagious.

Have a good weekend everybody! 



2009-03-22 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now

Anyone got any cool plans/races for this week?

2009-03-22 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1872726

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Subject: RE: Tri-Z mentor group - Closed for Now
Clover, Bubbs is quickly becomming one of my faviorte parts of reading in this group, if he can facebook, he can BT. I really hope he starts blogging.
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