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2009-06-04 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2194002

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
fleetfeet_ch - 2009-06-03 11:59 PM Running today, if I can fit it into my teaching schedule.  If not, I'll tap it onto the end of tomorrow's 30 min (YIKES) swim.  For those of you who are strong swimmers, how long does it take to build up a reasonable base for swimming?  I'm still hanging on the end of the pool after every 50 m.  Do you find the triswimcoach drills helpful?  And, if you spend your whole workout doing drills does that count for your 30 mins of swimming?

Laura, if you are doing the 13 week sprint plan it should include your drills and workouts for swimming, if your not there is a ton of workouts geared twards sprint distance or right in that range. Drills should only be about 10% of your workout, warmup and cooldown are just as important and also a main set. For me to get past he 50 m mark it was trying to stay relaxed as much as possible, keep trying to add distance progressively and stay relaxed,dont get caught up counting laps or trying to swim perfectly, it does take time. As you swim pick one or two things to try to improve , and just do it over and over and you will get stronger.

Swimplan is a good website for people not swimming in masters, it will provide custom swim workouts for free,just need to register and give some info on swim ability.
For getting videos on drills use Go Swim.

2009-06-04 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2194243

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Sorry, but this is really exciting...

My first tri suit just arrived in the mail!  I feel like a real triathlete now, but I'm a little scared to try it on.  It looks very tight... Embarassed
2009-06-04 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2193879

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
I've done four sprints in the last 3 years--I hope to do two this summer, one in the beginning of August in Cleveland, one at the end of August in Erie. I was a sprinter in high school, and I also did some cross country in junior high and high school, so I've had some running experience, but that was over 30 years ago, so I don't know that that counts! I always joke that while most people have one strong event in the tri, I have none,  though I've come to learn that I seem to do best on the bike.
2009-06-04 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2194168

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
I did a chi running workshop this past winter and it was great! I had read the book, but having the physical training was amazing, it really transformed the way I thought about my body and posture--and running of course! Like anything, it is a practice, a lifestyle change.
2009-06-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2187352

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - RE-OPENED - JOIN TODAY!

ultrahip_00 - 2009-06-01 1:10 PM Hey lynne - why yes, you can join   are you doing moses lake again this year? 

Laura, are you using a mountain bike?  that is fine, and will work great for you first tri.  i would find a gear that you can spin around 90 rpm's comfortably.  you don't want to be too comfortable - but if you are spinning 90 rpm's, you will shift accordingly to get your resistance high enough.  if you don't have a bike computer w/cadence - you can always just shift your gears to an easy gear, and spin while keeping track of time for 10 seconds, and count the revolutions that you pedal.  90 rpm = 15 rpm in 10 seconds. 


Sorry been MIA past couple of days.


I am doing Moses Lake but just the Sprint.  I have this weird sensation that I might actually score some hardware.  Never felt that way EVER about a race. Woah. 


So reason I'm here:

Registered for my 1st HIM in September.  Recently quit smoking for GOOD! I mean it this time. I really just need somewhere/someone to advise me when I  need it no matter how rediculous my questions seem and to tell me it's ok for me to eat certain things that I refuse to give up but in moderation.

I'm a swimmer. Love, love, love to swim.  Biking is improving and I am gradually getting better at not falling over or becoming scared of those hills. 

Running. I just feel no major improvement, still sluggish and slow and I think it's my form.

2009-06-04 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2194243

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
fleetfeet_ch - 2009-06-04 6:02 AM OK, Mr. Acronym...what's Chi and BOP?


Im trying to learn myself about Chi Running, its a running form such as Pose ,evolution,etc.. Im not a great runner and has been a painful journey for me, Chi Running promotes injury free running changing your run form.

BOP is a tri term, Back of Pack or not so politely Dead Last! For me I get out of the water in the top 15-20%, hold my position on the bike, and watch everyone pass me on the run.

Sorrry, there was an acronym glossery at one time, now I cant find it, you will see a ton of them here, ask away if your not sure. Some of my favorites people always get wrong:

rtyp=run till you puke (how fast to go)

htfu=Harden the f*^k up (you did not go fast enough)

2009-06-04 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2194139

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Ringo311 - 2009-06-04 5:14 AM I was thinking of taking on this training schedule for swimming. My triathalon is in about 6 weeks so i'll probably taper towards the end. Im going to do drills to work on my stroke also. 

Someone suggested it on the forums - i cant remember which thread (it could have been this one). Does this workout sound reasonable? Will I be able to complete it?

What is your training backround with swimming thus far? i don't see any swimming in your logs.  that looks like a good way to get started - know that if you haven't really swam, it will take some time to get used to the water.  for me, it took some time to get used to regulating my breathing.  with running/biking, you can breath whenever you want.  with swimming, you have to learn to breath every 2 or 3 strokes, which takes some time.  a drill that i found helpful to learn this was to hold the wall (while facing it), and put your face in the water, kick so you are flat on the water like you would be swimming, now kick and practice turning your head to the side and back into the water.  this will get you used to being under/in water w/o the panic of being in the middle of the pool.  Also, make sure you breath out the whole time while your face is in the water!
2009-06-04 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Laura - as far as getting past that 50m phase - for me, it was just HTFU.  it seemed like i couldn't do more, but it hurt - as it it was tough - but i just decided to push it one day and do it - low and behold, i could!  not saying that will work for everyone though.

Lynne - moses lake should be fun! i wish i could do it this year, but racing the weekend before an A race doesn't seem like the best idea   i hope you have been getting out a lot in this awesome weather!
2009-06-04 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
For our runners, question about running shoes.  I'm currently running in two pair: one for street and another for trail.  How long do you run in your shoes before trashing them?  And, do you cycle through more than one pair for street?

All that talk of alcohol the other day, I decided to ditch my swim workout for dinner and a few drinks!!!!!
2009-06-04 4:30 PM
in reply to: #2195758

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Tim -

I typically wear high-end Nike running shoes and run 98% of the time on packed forest trails.  I change my shoes about every 500 km, although Nike tells me that I should be able to get about 800 km (500 miles) instead.  My knees can feel a soggy shoe so I change earlier rather than later to avoid knee pain.  I used to have two pairs that I rotated, but then I got addicted to logging my runs through Nike+ and got lazy about changing the pod every time I changed my shoes.  Now, I just get a pair I love and wear them to death.

I raise my glass to you...I had a nice cold beer tonight to get ready for my big swim/run day tomorrow.  If it's not raining, I might even jump on my bike and ride to the pool!  Good night all.  It's close to midnight here.

2009-06-04 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
i wear Brooks shoes and i have had good luck with them.  For a running shoe, they aren't too bad cost wise (all models seem to be around $100).  i got right around 400 miles out of my first pair (Jan-end of April this year) and i'm on my 2nd pair of the same model (Brooks Defyance). 

i recommend you go an actual running store and have them do a gait analysis (any good running store will do this) - so that you can get the correct pair of shoes for your feet/stride etc.

ooh, and i did buy some trail running shoes (North Face chunky monkey's ) but i haven't used them much - i just do all my trail running (about 25-50% of my running) in my normal shoes, which works fine. the trails i'm running aren't super crazy.

Edited by ultrahip_00 2009-06-04 4:42 PM

2009-06-04 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Mike, I did get fitted for my current shoes.  As you stated, it is really nice to have a shoe fitted for you instead of grabbing something of the shelf.  They were telling things about my feet, gait, etc that I never considered before in buying shoes.  I'm just toying with the idea of buying a second pair and alternating between them for the street.
2009-06-05 5:32 AM
in reply to: #2195830

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Agree with Mike that having help from an expert is a good idea.  Most running stores charge a little more for their shoes because of the service you get, but it's worth it in the end.  And their foot analysis tools are great.

Just wanted you all to know that I sucked it up and did 1200 meters in the pool this morning, in 30 minutes.  I only had to use my breast stroke for about 200 meters because I was in the slow lane and kept creeping up on someone.  Then I did a 5.5 km run.  I'm feeling pretty buff right now!
2009-06-05 6:36 AM
in reply to: #2194565

Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
ultrahip_00 - 2009-06-04 10:31 AM
What is your training backround with swimming thus far? i don't see any swimming in your logs.  that looks like a good way to get started - know that if you haven't really swam, it will take some time to get used to the water.  for me, it took some time to get used to regulating my breathing.  with running/biking, you can breath whenever you want.  with swimming, you have to learn to breath every 2 or 3 strokes, which takes some time.  a drill that i found helpful to learn this was to hold the wall (while facing it), and put your face in the water, kick so you are flat on the water like you would be swimming, now kick and practice turning your head to the side and back into the water.  this will get you used to being under/in water w/o the panic of being in the middle of the pool.  Also, make sure you breath out the whole time while your face is in the water!

I've done a little swimming but nothing measured or timed. My wetsuit came in yesterday, so im going to do a swim work out today at a nearby lake. In another week hopefully i'll get on this swim program. I have a small round pool (27') that I was hoping i could work on breathing or do some drills.

Edited by Ringo311 2009-06-05 6:44 AM
2009-06-05 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Laura - AWESOME JOB!!! HTFU works sometimes.

Bob - going straight for the real thing - open water?  do you have someone to go with?  if not, i would recommend staying in an area that you can stand up in if need be, atleast for the first little while.  open water can be a bit intimidating.  a couple things that may help:  when you are swimming in open water, you need to sight - because there is no black line and unless you are swimming in hawaii or something, you likely won't be able to even see your hands (water quality isn't great in most lakes).  what i do, is evert 5 or 6 strokes, is i lift my face out of water, and look ahead of me -- before you start swimming, look around and find a landmark that you can use to sight off of.  in races, there will be 4 ft tall buoys that are pretty easy to see.  i recommend using something large and colorful, if there is anything (house, island, it just depends what is around).  as you can imagine, you only have a second to look and make sure you are headed that direction. 

make sure you let someone know where you are going or have someone come with you.  definitly a good idea w/open water!  and have fun!
2009-06-05 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
^^^diddo^^^.  I would work on mixing site breathes into your normal breathing cadence while still in the pool.  It is quite awkward at first, but once you get the feel, it will make the ows easier.

Laura, are you just swimming for duratioin or have you started with drills?  Good job today.

2009-06-05 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
I had a question about transition when rigging shoes to bike, I watched the BT video and I cant figure out where Joanna Zieger is attaching her rubber band on the right shoe when leaving shoes on bike, I get the left side because I can hook onto my skewer release, what did I miss?
2009-06-05 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
i haven't watched that video or practiced doing that technique. . i usually just put my shoes on in transition.  i also don't do flying mounts - i figure it isn't worth it since i know i will mess up atleast once and the boys would not appreciate it! 
2009-06-05 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
I wathced the video too.  But was wondering how much time are you really saving with this technique?  Why not just step into your shoes, walk out of the transition, and fasten while riding?  I can't see myself riding or running without socks either!
2009-06-05 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2197007

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
Just swimming for duration.  I think I should probably start with drills next week, but I have to figure out a good time to go to the pool for that.  The Swiss love their indoor pools and it's always crowded.  If I'm going to do drills, I need to find a time when the lap lanes are pretty empty.
2009-06-05 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2197499

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
brick94513 - 2009-06-05 10:13 AM I wathced the video too.  But was wondering how much time are you really saving with this technique?  Why not just step into your shoes, walk out of the transition, and fasten while riding?  I can't see myself riding or running without socks either!

For me it depends where the bike exit is and where my bike is, my last race it was far and I could have probably saved close to a minute or two while tripping and grinding in my cleats, but really this is not my concern, especially during longer events where two minutes is the least of my worries. I destroyed a 225 dollar pair of carbon bike shoes and two sets of cleats over the last few races I have done. Running in transition barefoot is not a big deal to me since I do it after the swim.

2009-06-05 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2197580

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
This raises a question for me.  How are the bike positions assigned in the transition areas?  Is every race is different? Is it first come, first served?  And if that's the case, what time do you have to get there the morning of the race?

2009-06-05 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2197946

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
fleetfeet_ch - 2009-06-05 12:57 PM This raises a question for me.  How are the bike positions assigned in the transition areas?  Is every race is different? Is it first come, first served?  And if that's the case, what time do you have to get there the morning of the race?

Smaller races are mostly first come, larger and popular races are seperated by Pros, AG(age groups)Smile,Tri teams, disadvantage athletes.
2009-06-05 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
the timing is up to you. if you show up 30 mins before start time, you will most likely have to cram your bike in and won't have a lot of options for location.  if you show up 2 hrs before start - you can probably get whatever spot you want.  i usually show up atleast 1 hr to 1.5 hrs before a race so i have time to get my packet, set up my transition area, warm up, get nervous, etc etc. 
2009-06-05 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2099961

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Zurich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - Closed Again!
TY (Thank you) Laughing
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