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2009-05-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2144175

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Austin, Tejas
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I spent the $$ but I got em for like 25% off. Sooo worth it. Love em. Will take em to IM with me for the flight home.

2009-05-11 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2144183

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:52 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I spent the $$ but I got em for like 25% off. Sooo worth it. Love em. Will take em to IM with me for the flight home.

25% would be better. Almost got them when they were 20% off at TriSports cuz of a sale, but they ran out

2009-05-11 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2144187

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Austin, Tejas
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:53 PM

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:52 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I spent the $$ but I got em for like 25% off. Sooo worth it. Love em. Will take em to IM with me for the flight home.

25% would be better. Almost got them when they were 20% off at TriSports cuz of a sale, but they ran out

Date a bike mechanic... trust me.
2009-05-11 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2144196

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:55 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:53 PM

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:52 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I spent the $$ but I got em for like 25% off. Sooo worth it. Love em. Will take em to IM with me for the flight home.

25% would be better. Almost got them when they were 20% off at TriSports cuz of a sale, but they ran out

Date a bike mechanic... trust me.

Tee hee. There's a HOT one at one of the stores around here. But it's not close enough for me to go in there lots.

2009-05-11 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2144196

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:55 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:53 PM

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:52 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I spent the $$ but I got em for like 25% off. Sooo worth it. Love em. Will take em to IM with me for the flight home.

25% would be better. Almost got them when they were 20% off at TriSports cuz of a sale, but they ran out

Date a bike mechanic... trust me... and then dump him after you get all the gear you need for cheap


Edited by JChristoff 2009-05-11 3:56 PM
2009-05-11 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2144200

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Austin, Tejas
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
JChristoff - 2009-05-11 3:56 PM

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:55 PM

wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:53 PM

ATXtri - 2009-05-11 4:52 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 3:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I spent the $$ but I got em for like 25% off. Sooo worth it. Love em. Will take em to IM with me for the flight home.

25% would be better. Almost got them when they were 20% off at TriSports cuz of a sale, but they ran out

Date a bike mechanic... trust me... and then dump him after you get all the gear you need for cheap


Oh clearly you are mistaken. I wll never be finished purchasing all of the gear I need. When you get tired of him, move on to the next good looking mechanic...

2009-05-11 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2142468

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
i think i'm buying a kayak tomorrow.  sweet.
2009-05-11 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2144207

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Austin, Tejas
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
meherczeg - 2009-05-11 3:58 PM

i think i'm buying a kayak tomorrow.  sweet.

2009-05-11 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2144099

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 4:29 PM I have always been firmly in the "none or one" camp as far as having children goes.  Mrs Chad, on the other hand said she always wanted 2 or 3.

So does it make me a bad person for hoping that she had a miserable pregnancy and labor so she wouldn't ever want to do it again?  For the record, it all was pretty easy for her.  Well, except maybe a total of 35 minutes during the actual labor while drugs were wearing off and such.

My husband and I are the opposite.  I think he secretly hopes that the pill won't work and I'll get pregnant anyway.  In the meantime, he tries to convince me by encouraging me to visit people with babies.  Doesn't work.  I remember that they get big and you have to deal with icky things like potty training and vomiting, etc.
2009-05-11 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2144169

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Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
meherczeg - 2009-05-11 3:46 PM

mr2tony - 2009-05-11 4:43 PM Ima wait til I'm 50 and rich then knock up some 22-year old and give her $100K to raise the kid. That way I get a bloodline without having to worry about upkeep. Like having a nice car you pay someone else to fix.

google it, it costs a LOT more than 100K to raise a child to 18, and that's not including college.  of course, it would be your child, and therefore probably not smart enough for college.

I meant $100K a year, batch. At least it would be pretty like its daddy. I'd pick you to knock up but I don't do guys.
2009-05-11 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2144214

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

Artemis - 2009-05-11 5:02 PM
Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 4:29 PM I have always been firmly in the "none or one" camp as far as having children goes.  Mrs Chad, on the other hand said she always wanted 2 or 3.

So does it make me a bad person for hoping that she had a miserable pregnancy and labor so she wouldn't ever want to do it again?  For the record, it all was pretty easy for her.  Well, except maybe a total of 35 minutes during the actual labor while drugs were wearing off and such.

My husband and I are the opposite.  I think he secretly hopes that the pill won't work and I'll get pregnant anyway.  In the meantime, he tries to convince me by encouraging me to visit people with babies.  Doesn't work.  I remember that they get big and you have to deal with icky things like potty training and vomiting, etc.

Vomiting (beyond baby spit up) is super-gross. Potty training and other accidents, I've become immune to. When a 3-year old wakes up from a nap crying because he didn't make it to the bathroom in time, and has peed and crapped his cute little orange cargo pants, you just feel bad, and go clean him up

2009-05-11 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2144154

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:43 PM

THANK YOU!!! See, us single gals can't say this stuff, because we get the whole "you don't have kids so you don't know" crap. But I nannied for years - you don't think I don't know ANYTHING about babies and small children!?! All of the kids I cared for were under 5, and a few were infants when I first got to them. Yes, parents are ridiculous these days - I saw it all the time with the people I worked for.

It's not just because you are single.  I'm married and childless, so my opinion doesn't matter.  Never mind that my brother was born when I was 14 and my sister when I was 16 so I helped raise them when I was living at home.  I have lots of experience but my opinion doesn't matter at all.  It really makes me angry.
2009-05-11 4:05 PM
in reply to: #2144222

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

Artemis - 2009-05-11 5:04 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:43 PM

THANK YOU!!! See, us single gals can't say this stuff, because we get the whole "you don't have kids so you don't know" crap. But I nannied for years - you don't think I don't know ANYTHING about babies and small children!?! All of the kids I cared for were under 5, and a few were infants when I first got to them. Yes, parents are ridiculous these days - I saw it all the time with the people I worked for.

It's not just because you are single.  I'm married and childless, so my opinion doesn't matter.  Never mind that my brother was born when I was 14 and my sister when I was 16 so I helped raise them when I was living at home.  I have lots of experience but my opinion doesn't matter at all.  It really makes me angry.

Right - yeah, sorry, anyone who doesn't have children of their own doesn't know a thing about kids ...whatever, 'tards. I hate people like that.

2009-05-11 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2144175

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I LOVE them!!  Bryan was offering a 20% friends and family discount to Zoot.  Send him a PM.  I'm sure he'd send you the code.
2009-05-11 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2144218

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On your right
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Eh, puke is puke.  It's really not that bad.  However, the opinions of medical professionals shouldn't really be taken into consideration for things like puke and lots of blood, etc.
2009-05-11 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2144225

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

Artemis - 2009-05-11 5:06 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:48 PM

sidebar - I want compression tights. I am sore from yesterday and they would feel good. But they are expensive, even with the BT 10% discount. 

That is all.

I LOVE them!!  Bryan was offering a 20% friends and family discount to Zoot.  Send him a PM.  I'm sure he'd send you the code.

ooh! The code is actually right there in his blog - sweet! Thanks!

2009-05-11 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2144226

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 5:06 PM Eh, puke is puke.  It's really not that bad.  However, the opinions of medical professionals shouldn't really be taken into consideration for things like puke and lots of blood, etc.

There's a reason I didn't go to med school.  Don't mind dissecting animals or tissue samples, but I can't deal with vomit and blood.
2009-05-11 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2144226

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 5:06 PM Eh, puke is puke.  It's really not that bad.  However, the opinions of medical professionals shouldn't really be taken into consideration for things like puke and lots of blood, etc.

Vomit is the only thing that REALLY grosses me out. And things like bones sticking through skin or things like that. Fortunately, you don't see much of that in real life, in the burbs. I've seen plenty of kids with bloody lips, bitten tongues, stuff like that - the mouth bleeds a lot! But plenty of puke with kids. I've taken care of a couple of puking friends, and my tolerance has grown a little, but it's still nasty - mostly, the smell - makes me gag.

2009-05-11 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2144229

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

Artemis - 2009-05-11 5:07 PM
Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 5:06 PM Eh, puke is puke.  It's really not that bad.  However, the opinions of medical professionals shouldn't really be taken into consideration for things like puke and lots of blood, etc.

There's a reason I didn't go to med school.  Don't mind dissecting animals or tissue samples, but I can't deal with vomit and blood.

Yeah, seems like animal carnage is way less gross than human carnage. I was always jealous of the AP Bio kids who got to dissect a cat.

2009-05-11 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2142468

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

SO speaking of fuzzy animals, I went to find t he Zoot webpage, and wasn't sure if it was zoot.com or zootsports.com. Go to www.zoot.com. Although it was not the site I wanted, it was still happy (totally work safe, no worries).

2009-05-11 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2144232

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Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:09 PM

Artemis - 2009-05-11 5:07 PM
Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 5:06 PM Eh, puke is puke.  It's really not that bad.  However, the opinions of medical professionals shouldn't really be taken into consideration for things like puke and lots of blood, etc.

There's a reason I didn't go to med school.  Don't mind dissecting animals or tissue samples, but I can't deal with vomit and blood.

Yeah, seems like animal carnage is way less gross than human carnage. I was always jealous of the AP Bio kids who got to dissect a cat.

I'd rather kill a person than a dog. Just sayin' ...

2009-05-11 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2144234

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Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:12 PM

SO speaking of fuzzy animals, I went to find t he Zoot webpage, and wasn't sure if it was zoot.com or zootsports.com. Go to www.zoot.com. Although it was not the site I wanted, it was still happy (totally work safe, no worries).

Speaking of fuzzy animals. I finally got a chance to shave my legs and, uh, manscape last night. Whew!!!
2009-05-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2144235

Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.

mr2tony - 2009-05-11 5:12 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:09 PM

Artemis - 2009-05-11 5:07 PM
Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 5:06 PM Eh, puke is puke.  It's really not that bad.  However, the opinions of medical professionals shouldn't really be taken into consideration for things like puke and lots of blood, etc.

There's a reason I didn't go to med school.  Don't mind dissecting animals or tissue samples, but I can't deal with vomit and blood.

Yeah, seems like animal carnage is way less gross than human carnage. I was always jealous of the AP Bio kids who got to dissect a cat.

I'd rather kill a person than a dog. Just sayin' ...

I don't mean it in that way. I just ddin't get the willies from slicing frogs open and seeing a sheep eye or heart or fetal pig dissected didn't gross me out, but I HATE gory medical scenes on shows like Grey's Anatomy.

2009-05-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2144235

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On your right
Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
mr2tony - 2009-05-11 5:12 PM I'd rather kill a person than a dog. Just sayin' ...

I agree with this 100%. 

Edited by Chaderbox 2009-05-11 4:18 PM
2009-05-11 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2144238

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Subject: RE: TAN 75: Yanti wouldn't start me.
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:14 PM

mr2tony - 2009-05-11 5:12 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-05-11 4:09 PM

Artemis - 2009-05-11 5:07 PM
Chaderbox - 2009-05-11 5:06 PM Eh, puke is puke.  It's really not that bad.  However, the opinions of medical professionals shouldn't really be taken into consideration for things like puke and lots of blood, etc.

There's a reason I didn't go to med school.  Don't mind dissecting animals or tissue samples, but I can't deal with vomit and blood.

Yeah, seems like animal carnage is way less gross than human carnage. I was always jealous of the AP Bio kids who got to dissect a cat.

I'd rather kill a person than a dog. Just sayin' ...

I don't mean it in that way. I just ddin't get the willies from slicing frogs open and seeing a sheep eye or heart or fetal pig dissected didn't gross me out, but I HATE gory medical scenes on shows like Grey's Anatomy.

I mean it that way!!!
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