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2010-03-04 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hey everyone.

Well we are finally starting to see a few hints that spring is trying to arrive. The snow is melting, I can almost run on my favorite route in KOP where the trail thru the park is almost thawed out. Heck it is supposed to hit 50 this weekend. That and I saw someone running in shorts today. .

Keep everything in perspective. Identify the things that are important in your life and take care of them first and then find time for everything else. If that means skipping a workout or two so be it. However, I will say in times when things get really tough, a nice relaxing run always seems to have a very calming effect on me.

Remember this is fun.


2010-03-06 4:14 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
we had some lovely spring sunshine and even temperatures earlier this week, which was promising, although its cold again now...

I'd like a little advice on pacing my HM next weekend please. (LONG question coming up - sorry)

I REALLY want to do 2hrs, but my 13 mile run the other weekend was 2hr 7m so I need to push it a little further. All my training has really been around long slow distance runs, but on my long runs the last few weeks I've been increasing the pace significantly the last 3-5 miles. The results are that I've been finishing pretty fast and strong, but the slower miles early on are holding back my overall time. Last long run I tried to increase the pace from the start and it paid off with the above time but I didnt really have anything left in the tank at 10 miles to up the pace as I would normally do and slogged in the last few miles rather than my usual fast 'sprint'.

Today I did just under 5 miles after a couple of days rest, and I went out fast from the outset. I did the entire run in 41m averaging a 8m45s mile pace which is very fast for me. I was fairly consistent in the pace all the way round and finished pretty tired. It felt good but I'm not sure how long I could hold a pace like that for, and certainly not 13 miles!

My question i guess is this:

Do I start slower as I usually do, and pick up the pace about mile 8 and hit it hard all the way home, OR try and pace it more evenly all the way to leave myself less to do at the end? I'm worried about heading out too fast and blowing it all. The reason for asking is that the race has 'paced' groups and there is a 2hr pace group I could join. I guess this group will be running about 9m mile pace all the way and I'm wondering if trying to do that would be too much too early? Help please...
2010-03-06 7:50 AM
in reply to: #2711359

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
great question, I have always tried to maintain my pace through out the race from the 1st mile to the last. On my PB day for a HM I wrote on my hand the times I needed to be at at the 5k, 11k and 16k. I beat my expected time by almost a minute. I almost always where the pace bands during HM as well so I know where Im at. The pace bunnies are great as I was aiming for a certain time so I just made sure they stayed behind me.
That being said if you dont think you could maintain a constaint pace you could try:
you need to run a steady pace of 9:09 mile for a 2 hr HM
so you could add 30 secs to your first 5 miles = 9:40 mile
then the middle 3 miles run them at 9:00
then pick your speed up to 8:40 for the last 5 miles
good luck
2010-03-06 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
thanks Nate - I think that might be a good plan.

Luckily the route is on the F1 motor racing circuit and there are mile markers every mile so it will help me keep track of my pace all the way through.
2010-03-07 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Just came back from completing my 5K (I thought it was 4M originally) and it went well considering that I had to take time off training to face personal issues.  The sun was shining, the weather was cool, but great for running -- 37 deg, humidity 41%, wind 3mph.  Though I felt I was struggling up and down the hills of Northern Manhattan (Washington Heights), I managed to shave off 18 seconds off my average min/mile -- WOOO HOOOO Smile and my fear of being chased in by the clean up crew was not a concern.

What a way to come back to training.  As much as I hate being a tortoise, I still managed to stay strong throughout the race using a 5/1 routine that I was able to stick to with the help of my Podrunner Podcast, and positive mental coaching throughout.  I tried to do negative splits, but the hill work was killing me, so I just focused on staying on rhythm, taking advantage of declines to make up for some time.  I am so happy that I am showing improvement despite the bumps in the roads on the training path, I just thought I would share.  O!

Edited by BiafraGirl 2010-03-07 10:48 AM
2010-03-07 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Nice race Ony! You have been doing great this winter, so a little time off wasn't going to hurt you too much.

Damon. When it comes to racing I like to try and disengage my brain a bit and just let it happen. You do tend to run a bit faster in a race than training because: 1) the Adrenaline factor. 2) You are running with alot of other folks going at or about your goal pace. Both of these factors will help pull you to a faster time.

I will just try an run at a pace that feels a bit easy early on until the race starts to settle itself out. Even running at a pace that feels easy you will be surprised how fast that first mile or two are. After about 2 miles you start settling into a pace and feel more like you have in training. Going back to my original point, I try not even to look at my watch until about 10k. You can totally out think yourself in a race if you pay too much attention to your pace early on. Let perceived exertion guide you early on then look at your pace about 10K in (particulary the mile 5-6 and mile 6-7 splits) and see if you can adjust. I try and ramp the effort over the second half, what you really hope to accomplish is that from mile 5-11 you maintain the same pace, (but understand you have to work harder each mile to do so). THen the last two miles use it if you have it. Let the people around you at that point pull you to the finish, use them as a target or just borrow some of their energy but having people to work off helps a ton.


2010-03-08 1:51 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
congratulations Ony - great result and just the shot in the arm to lift the spirit as we enter spring!

Thanks Andy - I really appreciate the advice. I've been very laid back about the entire race since entering, as my proimary goal was just to finish and use it as a focus to drive my training. Since I suddenly got close to a respectable time I have become more obsessed again and started to worry about it a little more. I have done 13 miles so know I can do the distance now, so all my mental angst has shifted to the time. I suspect that your strategy might be just what I need really. My goal is still to finish and enjoy it, and 2hrs would just be the icing on the cake anyway.

I'm taking it easy this week, with only a fairly fast 5 mile run last wekend and a 25 mile fairly easy bike ride yesterday. I was going to do a couple of easy short swim sessions and 2x 30 min easy runs during the week and make sure I eat enough to be ready for Sunday. Does anyone have any other recommendations to prepare in the last week? I keep losing weight and am down now to 168lbs despite eating a little more the last 10 days so want to make sure I am in no way short of muscle glycogen ahead of the race.

I also plan to take my Camelbak belt pack I have used for all my long training runs. They give out bottles at the race but I like to sip regularly as I go, and at the race they just hand out energy drinks in bottles at 2 points and water at a couple more. Maybe its just psychological but I was just going to stick to what works for me - does that sound sensible?
2010-03-09 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full

I just ran in shorts and a t-shirt today. Spring is just about here! It is so much less of a chore to get out the door when the weather starts getting nicer. That just made my day and put me in a great mood. Days like today are why I love being a Triathlete!!!

Had to share, now back to work.

2010-03-10 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hello everyone, I'm still here.  We are wrapping up swim season with the age-groupers and it's put a bit of a wrench in my training.   Long 12 hour days standing on deck.  Sure was exciting though.  My son made it to STATE in 4 events!!

I love to hear about everyone getting ready to race, I think my heartrate just jumped up reading about your plans.

Bike and swim training have been a ton of fun.  Running is just a thorn in my side.  I'm wondering if I need to start worrying more about the progress of my knee.  First "B" race is in 10 weeks.  It's challenging just focusing on stability exercises.  When what I really want to do is just get my heartrate up and push through.  I have the need for speed!!

2010-03-10 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hi Marsha

Congrats to you son going to states, very cool.

I ordered a new bike a Kestral Talon Tri SL. I hate to put my beloved Specialized Allez Elite out to pasture but after 6 seasons, 4 Ironmans, 11 HIMs, and about 20,000 miles, she is finally showing her age. Great bike for $700 dollars. I do plan to keep her around for trainer duty. Hopefully the new bike will show up soon enough for me to get the fit tweaked in before my first Tri of the season and let me get used to the new geometry.

I listened to a cool podcast on evening. Every Wednesday at 8:00pm EST they have an interview with one of the pros they have lined up to compete in the Rev 3 series. Tonight Heather Golnick and Miranda Carfrae were live and answering questions. Its really cool to hear how they go about preparing for a race and how they plan to attack a tough course. I recommend it. Don't know who the guests are next week but it was a cool thing to participate in.

2010-03-12 5:50 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Andy - that Kestral is a very sweet looking bike. Hope you are pleased with it when it arrives.

Last minute nerves for me now as I wonder how its all going to go at the weekend. Somehow the race seems less important than the journey to this point, but I still put pressure on myself to deliver the goods.

On the subject of bikes, why is it we get the bug to focus so much on kit? I just cant stop looking at bikes and cycling clothing and gear now I've got back into cycling. My Look used to be my dream while hung on the wall yet after 6 months use it feels like I need a new one. The marketeers in the bike industry have a lot to answer for. I cant even imagine holding on to it long enough to do 20,000 miles on it like Andy on his Spesh!

2010-03-12 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
which Look do you have, last year I bought a Look 496 frame and then built it up myself. Love it and cant wait for the roads to get cleaned up so I can get outside.
2010-03-14 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Finished my first half marathon!!!!  Thanks everyone for the support.

2hrs 7mins so not quite the goal I was pushing myself for, but I'm happy nonetheless as I gave it 110% and finished the last 400m flat out and passed about 200 people!

The race was at Silverstone Formula 1 race circuit and that is one of the windiest places I have ever been. The last mile to the finish was into the most incredible headwinds I have ever experienced. It was THE hardest mile I have ever run and the closest I have ever come to walking, but I wouldnt give in and ran in as hard as I could.

I'm shattered now and know I gave it everything I had. I just am not yet fit enough to run a 2hr race so will keep at it and do another at the end of the summer or in autumn. The focus now is cycling and getting ready for 100 miles on July 4th. I must like a challenge....
2010-03-14 11:09 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Way to Go Damon. I try to not judge my perfromance solely based on a time goal. There are so many things out of your control, heat, humidity, wicked headwinds, sneeky hills, etc which can make a time seem alot slower than the effort. I always use the look in the mirror test at the end of the day. Given all the conditions, every thing that happened that was outside of my control, did I give forth my best effort. If the answer is yes the race is a success.

Of course the first time you do any distance you get a PR, so enjoy it. I have no doubt that you will rise to the occassion for the next big challenge as well.

Great job!

2010-03-16 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Great Run Damon, Running in the wind like that for 2+ hours is a HUGH gut check-you passed with flying colors.  That kind of 'intestinal fortitude' will pay off big later in the season when your body is tired and you need a strong mind to push through the pain/fatigue.  Nice Work!

As for me...I FINALLY got my new/used bike.  I work PT at a LBS.  Back in the fall a member of the local tri scene got his QR tri bike stolen from his front porch.  It was recovered a few weeks later, but by then the owner had settled with his insurance company.  Our bike shop will typically buy these bike from the insurance company (at a fraction of cost), fix them up and sell them to friends of the shop.  In this case, the owner called me and said 'jeff, this bike would be perfect for you-do you want it?".  Of course I did, but my funds were really low (single parent and all).  Long story short-I am the proud owner of a QR Caliente, Dura Ace/Ultegra mix.  Best part of the story...I paid 400.00.  Now I can afford some decent wheels and get a fitting.  This season my bike won't be the reason for my struggles. 

2010-03-17 10:52 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full

Very nice job on scoring the bike. Excellent bike and amazing price. Make sure you put it to good use this season.

It was absolutely perect weather out here today in Philly. 66 degrees, clear and sunny and just a touch of wind. I had to go and do an extra couple miles at lunch thanks to the weather. Its amazing how those aches and pains can fade away on day like today.

I listened to another great podcast woth Matt Reed on And next week they are going to have Craig Alexander the two time defending Ironman World Champion. He will be racing at the REV HIM at Quazzy (Middlebury, CT). You can call in questions or type is on the on line chat. The podcast is free to listen to and some of the info is very insightful.

I've got a 5k coming up the first week in April. I can't wait to just get out and let it rip.

Have fun!


2010-03-20 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2588732

Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full

Great deal on that Caliente Jeff, I mentioned that I bought one in October.  I still haven't been out on it, but it looks great leaning up against the wall.  However, I was able to make it outside on my  roadbike for a couple of rides this week.  I did a course that contains a lot of hills and I was pretty happy with the rides.  I'm down about ten pounds from the end of last year, and my climbing has definitely improved, although I still have a long way to go.

The las two weeks have been incredibly stressful.  After an 8 mile run a few weeks ago, I had some foot pain for a day after the run.  I've had tendonitis before in my foot, so I have taken the last 3 weeks off of running.  So I have that sinking feeling that I'm falling behind, but I'd rather  heal and struggle through the early part of the season than have it turn into something serious.  I have a question about it though.  If I have lingering doubts about my foot, is it better to take another week off, or is it better to test it and see.  I still feel some pain, but I'm wondering if it's not just psychosomatic(?) pain?

Also in the last week, my wife got a start date from her law firm.  They offered her a job after the summer, but confirmed the date this week, so it looks like we are moving to Chicago by January.  So now, we have to get the house ready to go on the market and  find an area in Chicago to live.  Good Times!!!   Marsha(or anyone else) if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


2010-03-21 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Okay, really?!?!?!  We had a gorgeous week last week, every last bit of snow melted and then WHAM, first day of spring and snowfall again!!!  This better be the last of it.  That's all I have to say.  Anyone else have cabin fever?

My knee is slowly strengthening.  Although I am being very cautious not to put too much stress on it.  Everything else is the same old same old.  My training the weekend was a big fat ZERO, but I got to watch my son kick some A** at the state swim meet, so it was worth the sacrifice.  Isn't that what we were talking about earlier.  It's all about balance. 

Bryan, I PM'd you about your move to Chicago.  Love to help in any way that I can.

2010-03-22 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Here's an awesome swim workout for those of you training for HIM or Ironman.

200 skp (200 swim, 200 pull, 200 kick)
Drill set:
4x100 :20 rest - drill down, swim back (finger tip drag, fists, freeze frame, catch-up, kick on side)
Main set:
1x1650 (that's swimmer lingo for 1 mile - even though a 1 mile is 1760 yards)
Broken as follows:
11 lengths :10 rest
10 lengths :10 rest
2 lengths :10 rest
1 lengths :10 rest

Pull set:
800 Pull
count your strokes every 4th lap (keep it consistent)

Kick set:
6x100 kick with fins :10 rest
Cool down:

Total yards = 4250
2010-03-22 3:29 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Well, the MRI on my calfs was finished; "No muscular abnormalities; however there are signs of muscle edema and previous trauma."  I don't know what that means, except there wasn't anything OBVIOUS wrong with my legs.   I don't know if I'm relieved they found nothing; or frustated I have no idea what to try and 'fix'.  PT is next and maybe some massage therapy.

Hope everyone is well-sorry I haven't been much good to the group, life has been getting in the way lately.
2010-03-27 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Some times you're the windshield, some times you're the bug.. Well this week was one of those bug weeks. It started off with a trip up to Oswego, NY for work. Got in the car it was 71 and raining, got out of the car and it was 39 and raining. The most miserable conditions I could imagine and the hotel didn't have a workout room and the only gym available was $8 a pop. So I decide I could shift my scheduled day off from Friday to Monday and avoid the wet and cold. The next day was about 35 and still raining and we didn't get back to the hotel until 7:30, so another day went by.

Then the fun began, the next day I started home late in the afternoon, at 5 pm I stop at a gas station in Clay, NY, buy an Arizona Ice Tea and some Red Bull, and then saw a Burger King and my mind immediately informed me I was starving. So I went over and got 2 Whopper Jrs and an order of Onion Rings. Well about 4 hours later I started feeling bloated and getting cramps. Just made it home in time for that to turn into feeling violently ill. So for the next 10 hours my body decided to purge everything. I felt like death warmed over as my body was revolting and there was nothing I could do about it. Finally by morning, I was done being violently ill, which saved me a trip to the hospital at least, but I was wiped out for the next two days and could even think of eatting something solid until Friday morning without feeling sick. Finally feeling myself today but it ended up being a totally lost week.

Let's put is this way, My new Kestrel Talon Tri SL arrived on Thursday and I haven't even taken it out of the box. You know I'm feeling bad when I can't even play with my newest toy.

BK is hazardous to your health.


2010-03-27 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2588732

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Thanks for the swim workout. Hopefully, I will have a opportunity to try it this week. Congrats to your son on State's. Very cool.

Check this out. My son has become a huge Iron Maiden fan helped out my the fact that I owned every Iron Maiden Album on tape and CD. Well surprise, surprise Iron Maiden is putting out a new album and world tour this year and they are coming to New Jersey so my son and I now have tickets for an Iron Maiden Concert this July. Funny how a heavy metal band can provide a bonding opprotunity.

Balance is everything.


2010-03-27 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2588732

Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Well it finally happened.  I got out on my tri bike.  Now this is my first high quality Road/tri bike, and It was AWESOME.  It was so much faster than my road bike and it was so much better climbing hills with this bike.  I rode with My brother in law who just bought a new Trek Madone, and while he's not the fastest in the world, I was pulling away from him without any effort I would have to slow down and stop for him to catch up, so we didn't cover much distance relative to time, but I can't wait to get out by myself to get a true test.  Also, it  was really windy out there, mostly a headwind, but It really didn't bother me too much.

What was I waiting for?
2010-03-29 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Andy, Sorry about the bug.  Glad you're feeling better.  It was the Whopper JRs that killed ya; best to go with 2 regular Whoppers.  Then you're too bloated to get sick.   Hope you get back at it soon.

Glad the tri bike is working out.  I haven't even ridden mine since it came home.  It's got crap wheels with a 9 speed cassette, so when I ride it it the shifters have to be in friction mode.  Still looking for some wheels that I can afford.
2010-03-29 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2588732

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Subject: RE: Southwestmba's group-Full
Hi everyone - seems like most of you are getting better weather and starting to get out again.

I've not been around on here at all as we have had some reasonable weather arrive, and i have been totally consumed by my cycling bug. I met up with a small local bunch of guys and we've been out riding constantly. I managed 200 miles in the last 8 days which is about 2.5x my previous highest week ever. Its been at the cost of running and swimming but I dont care right now. I'm feeling less tri focused and more cycling focused....shame on me!

I went out yesterday and completed my first ever sportive ride. 60 miles and THE longest ride I'd ever done. Broke EVERY rule as the day before I picked up a new bike and hadnt ridden it more than 5 miles before, didnt plan to enter the event so did far too many miles last week, never ridden over 43 miles to date (that was only last weekend) and basically just turned up without a clue and rode. Loved it, except the neck ache from having the bars a little too low....sorted today by flipping the stem.

More details on the bike here and its not quite what you expect to see on a tri forum and not quite the new shiny CF beauties you guys have been showing off recently!

Hope you're all keeping well and while my running and swimming has taken a back seat for a while, I still have some sprint races in the calendar so ought to keep checking in with you guys for inspiration and tips. Have a great Easter everyone

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