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2010-01-22 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Yay I can walk again.  Nearly fully recovered from the mary.  Those hills took their toll.  Workout wise I hit a couple short swims, did a 17 mile bike ride lastnight and will swim again tonight, a bit longer.  I have only 5 months now to rebuild for CDA.  Oh well, the good thing about doing a mary in the winter is that you can carry much of the run fitness through to the IM.  The downside is that I was only swimming and biking once a week and well all that fitness is pretty much gone at this point.  Fitness is always so much easier to lose than to get back, why is that?

Gosh I remember at like 16 going from nothing to being in shape for waterskiing in 2 weeks.  Ah well.   

2010-01-22 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2628352

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

FWSquatch - 2010-01-22 7:55 AM I hit the pool at 5:00 this morning and got in my swim.  I felt pretty good during the whole thing.  I've discovered the resting back stroke to help me catch my breath without totally grabbing the side and sucking wind!  I still have a long ways to go in the water.  I'm ready for a nice run with the fam this evening.

Use those recovery strokes instead of resting on the wall as much as you can!!  You'll be swimming miles and miles in no time!!!

Getting ready to hit the computrainer and suffer some hills.

2010-01-22 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2629289

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Melbourne FL
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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Man I'm tired today, woke up tired and still am feeling tired.  Just one of those days I guess.  Not working too late tonight because I have to work tomorrow to get caught up.  Good news is that I'll run 5.5-6 miles into work and then home later in the day to get in the miles I need.

Looks like cold man winter may come back with a vengeance.  I hope not, late Dec-early Jan sucked here in FL with the freeze and I don't want to run the HM in the cold!Tongue out
2010-01-22 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Question about Breathing & Swimming.

I jumped in the pool today for the first time in a very long time to get some laps in. I have been able to swim my whole life, kid stuff in the summers. Never been on a swim team. Mom was a lifeguard at our local pool. Played tag alot in the I have a good freestyle stroke.
BUT MAN, today's swim... Out of breathe easily!!!!! I did the 20 laps I planned to do as far as physically capable of doing them and finishing them. But after 1 or 2 laps I am breathing really hard and then I get fatigued. I would take a small break between every couple laps. I was also very concentrated on never pushing off the wall becuase I didnt want to have that extra help when I know I wont be able to push off the wall in the swim portion of the race.

Question... How do you increase your amount of laps and get your breathing under control? Any techniques, tips, etc. 

2010-01-22 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2629701

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Robin7 - 2010-01-22 5:19 PM

Question about Breathing & Swimming.

I jumped in the pool today for the first time in a very long time to get some laps in. I have been able to swim my whole life, kid stuff in the summers. Never been on a swim team. Mom was a lifeguard at our local pool. Played tag alot in the I have a good freestyle stroke.
BUT MAN, today's swim... Out of breathe easily!!!!! I did the 20 laps I planned to do as far as physically capable of doing them and finishing them. But after 1 or 2 laps I am breathing really hard and then I get fatigued. I would take a small break between every couple laps. I was also very concentrated on never pushing off the wall becuase I didnt want to have that extra help when I know I wont be able to push off the wall in the swim portion of the race.

Question... How do you increase your amount of laps and get your breathing under control? Any techniques, tips, etc. 

One lap at a time!  Sorry can't help with the swim much. 

Have you read Bigfuzzydoug's 10 points to swimming thread?  It just got bumped up on the main forum.  About 5 posts into it I attached all his text as a pdf file that you can download.
2010-01-22 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2629824

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Wow!  That thread is a swimming goldmine!  I think I doubled my knowledge of swimming just by reading it.  I can't wait to get to the pool and try this stuff out.  Thanks for the link.

2010-01-22 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Yay I got to swim 3x this week as I can't run.  Granted not far, but it is a start, 500, 1000 and 2000 yards.  I also managed a 3.25 mile walk during lunch.  That may have been overdoing it, shrug I will find out tomorrow am.  

I'll have to check out the swim thread, I want to be a faster swimmer even if I never get... fast or if it is that big of a deal for trathlon.  Although in theory I need to get 15 to 25 minutes faster at that drn 2.4 mile swim at some point.  
2010-01-23 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2591018


NE Texas
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Awesome swim posts... Sorry to hear about the illness traveling around. I bought an xterra wetsuit sleeveless. They are currently $99 for the 2009 vortex -new, which is the best value I have seen. The full sleeves were $199. Figure i will need one for the April ow swim and it will give me time to get use to it. I guess i will finish watching the total immersion dvd i have to get a set of drills to practice. It seems like there are more opinions on the swim than the other two disciplines. Finally, got outside for bike ride this morning; which was nicer than the trainer. Introduced strides into my runs greater than 40 mins. Haven't done this before but it is a nice change of pace for the longer runs. Also, just ran into a sight which tracks deals for outdoor sports. Every so often they post things tri-related at a bargain price. I thought I would share in case anyone didn't know. With the cost of the sport, it seems like every buck saved is a good thing. Again i need to say thanks to this group. It is fun and motivating to read the various posts because it help keep me going. All my training so far is solo. No tri-folks in the town that I know of. Thanks again.Cheers,James
2010-01-23 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I am the only triathlete in my county, I know how you feel.  There are one or two cyclist and one or two runners with no swimmers. 

The running plan I have been doing has 1 day with strides, 1 day of mile repeats, 1 long day, one recovery day.  So I wouldn't do strides on every run.  

 Short 1 hour bike for me today, hope the temp gets above freezing so I can go outside, otherwise it is drainerland.
2010-01-23 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Quite a sight, 6 kids in the swimspa with the current set on max (3.5 mph) trying to swim against the current at the same time.  Some toys make no sense financially, but in the moment they can be priceless.  Oh well poor but happy. Snowing outside.  Off to ride the trainer.  Have a great weekend all.

2010-01-23 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

That swim thread is great!  It puts all the things I say again and again into one nice consice thread!  I will just start referring my athletes to that - oh wait, then they might stop paying me to say all that : )

We are still stuck on the indoor trainer with yucky weather but I am hoping in the next week or two it will warm up above 40 to give me a chance at some outdoor riding!!

I would love, love, love to get a swimspa!!  I'm not sure how all 6 kids fit in there but it sure sounds like fun!!!!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!  I have a 2 hour run scheduled but my husband is on a ski trip so I will eek out a 1 hour run (3 x 2 mile loops that go by the house b/c while the kids are o-k to be alone for short spells I still don't trust my son not to do something foolish!!) and 1 hour on the trainer.  So is the life with children, but I would't trade it for the world : )

2010-01-24 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2629824

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Great swimming Thread thanks for sharing. 

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!  I now have a sick husband Frown

Edited by Mommyintraining 2010-01-24 8:56 AM
2010-01-24 9:01 AM
in reply to: #2631407

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I just fixed my wife's car which is a major accomplishment for me.  That really got my testosterone flowing.  Time to head for the gym to put it to good use.  Today I'm going to film my swim stroke so I can post it for critiques!  I know it's gonna be ugly, but I really think I could use some feedback on what to focus on.
2010-01-24 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2631414

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
OK, I'm back and I had a little problem with the camera casing.  It leaked!  Anyway, I got the camera drying out (it was an old one anyway so it's no big loss) and was able to pull a tiny bit of video of me swimming.  I know it's ugly, but I was hoping that maybe you guys could take a look and let me know what I should concentrate on first.  Here is a link to it:

I'm pretty thick-skinned so feel free to tell me everything you think I'm doing wrong.  
2010-01-24 12:15 PM
in reply to: #2631414

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Hi Everyone!
Did my double 6 mile runs yesterday and feeling good today.  Since I was using the HRM I did a 1 mile check near the end of the evening run to see where top of Z2 is for pace.  7:40 was the result so this should be a good starting pace for the 1/2M in two weeks.  Its only 2 weeks away so not too much more I can do for fitness gains.

Big football afternoon on tap.  Might get in a drainer spin before hand.

See you all on the flip side (Monday)!

2010-01-24 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2631622

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
FWSquatch - 2010-01-24 12:59 PM OK, I'm back and I had a little problem with the camera casing.  It leaked!  Anyway, I got the camera drying out (it was an old one anyway so it's no big loss) and was able to pull a tiny bit of video of me swimming.  I know it's ugly, but I was hoping that maybe you guys could take a look and let me know what I should concentrate on first.  Here is a link to it:

I'm pretty thick-skinned so feel free to tell me everything you think I'm doing wrong.  

Can't tell a lot from the rearward angle, you really need a head on shot.
So here's my uneducated non-swimmer feedback!Wink
1) Lose the drag shorts!
2) Looks like you are crossing the center line of your body on your right arm.  Can't tell much with the left arm.
3) May need to kick more from the hips then from the knees.
4) Legs look low, need to work on your balance, (see#3).

About all I can offer...

2010-01-24 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

I would start with one part of your stroke and work on that, then you can tackle others as you master each technique.  The kick is where I think you need to start.  You are kicking from the knee, watch this video and compare the first kick (correct) to the third (knee kicking, which is what you are doing)

Here's a great drill that works on your kick (from your hip and much, much smaller - think of the size of your body - and try to keep your kick about the same size as your body - your body is breaking through the water, with your kick you are creating a added resistance b/c your kick is much bigger than your body. - not sure I put that consicly, I have been home alone with kids for 5 days and my mind is fried.  AND it works on your balance and body posiition.  Think about extending long and again, breaking through the water with the smallest surface area as possible.  The less resistance you create the less work you have to do.  : )

PS - it's not that ugly!  You need to re-name the video - swim stroke, take 1!

2010-01-24 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Running Outside.
I realize now why I hear people say the dreadmill (treadmill). I ran outside for the second time in a week and it really is harder, a better workout, and I think a much better preparation for the real thing than a treadmill.  I dont think I will be able to go back to the treadmill. Might have to keep running outside even in this Central pennsylvania drizzle, fog, and 40 degrees.

2010-01-24 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2629824

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Donto - 2010-01-22 7:01 PM
Robin7 - 2010-01-22 5:19 PM
One lap at a time!  Sorry can't help with the swim much. 

Have you read Bigfuzzydoug's 10 points to swimming thread?  It just got bumped up on the main forum.  About 5 posts into it I attached all his text as a pdf file that you can download.

Donto, Thank you for the link. Helped alot.
2010-01-24 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Donto, I looked at your recent races and plugged in the numbers to a run calcualtor and put you at around an 8:24-8:30 pace for your HIM run.  You can kick the last 3 miles if you still feel strong, but that is what I come up with.  Your HIM run typically = your open marathon pace.  Pacing the bike will make or break your run.

I'm scared to videotape my swim, but know I need to do it.  There really is no way to know what your body is doing until you see what your body is doing.  It has been good to get to swim 3 x last week instead of 1x per week now that mary training is over.  Then I will have to figure out how to post it to something so folks can watch it.

Edited by Baowolf 2010-01-24 3:40 PM
2010-01-25 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Another really great page about freestyle kick:


2010-01-25 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2631904

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Baowolf - 2010-01-24 4:32 PM Donto, I looked at your recent races and plugged in the numbers to a run calcualtor and put you at around an 8:24-8:30 pace for your HIM run.  You can kick the last 3 miles if you still feel strong, but that is what I come up with.  Your HIM run typically = your open marathon pace.  Pacing the bike will make or break your run.

Baowolf, 1/2 Marathon not HIM is my race in two weeks.  I know I can do an 8 min pace for 13.1mi and jives with McMillan's run calc (7:59 or 1:44:25) using the Nov 15k result (with less run fitness). In that race I did 8min pace for the first 6 miles then neg split from there with 7:40, 7:30, 7:09, then ~6min pace for the last 0.32mi.  Both races are FL flat terrain except the 1/2M will have two 1/4 4% bridge climbs (bumps for some of you!).

Now what I'm note sure of is with the missing 3 weeks due to the calf injury is if I should go out at 7:40 and try and hold it the whole way or not.  Planning on doing a 11-12 miler next Sat. that I'll split into 4ths; WU, tempo, z2, tempo to see how things feel.
2010-01-25 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2632810

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Anyone here using a Glucosamine supplement?

I was skeptical but was a Sam's club 3 weeks ago and bought a liquid form that has 2000mg Gluc, 1200mg Chondroiton, 500mg MSM and 50mg Collagen. 

My thinkings so far.  My feet/heels/achilles feel much better, especially my problem right foot.  So are my knees (not big problems, just aches after long runs), hips and spinal neck (C5-7)/Lumbar L1-3 areas where I have reoccurring issues from a ski accident.  I figure that I'll stay on this until I finish this bottle and see what happens afterward.
2010-01-25 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Ah my bad.  Part of my dislexia... 1/2M =haim=HIM.  If the body holds, yes you should be stronger in the half mary.  We run similar speeds and my half is around 1:35:-1:40 ish, so ya see how that long run feels.   

I did some offside freestyle breathing lastnight.. er drowning.  Ya that was not so much fun.  I was having flashbacks to my strong side swimming 1 year ago.  It made me feel less bad about my strongside, well a little less bad. 

Skating rink on the roads this morning.  The town believes that because the ice will eventually melt, why bother sanding major intersections with hills.  After all the autobody folks need work in the recession. 
2010-01-25 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Ok too quiet out there...

1. What products do you use for nutrition during the race/long workouts?
2. How long of a workout do you do before taking in any calories?
3. What is your fluid intake for 60F vs. 80F vs. 100F for long workouts?
4. How often do you do each event per week?
5. What time of day do you do your workouts?
6. What do you do if you misss a workout during the week?
7. Do you run with your dog?
8. What do you were on race day?
9. What is your first memory? 8).

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