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2010-06-10 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2911956

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

I'm no expert, but I agree with you that the way to get better at s-b-r is to s-b-r or in your case mainly b-r.  That said, there is a place for strength training, especially core exercises.  In addition, plyometrics are a great exercise for running (and probably biking), but you have to be careful not to injure yourself with all the stress plyo puts on your joints.
I think if I were you, I would take the extra time I had from not having to do so much swimming and add extra run and/or bike workouts.  I try to get in 2 strength workouts (pilates, kettlebell) in a week, although lately it's been more like one and I always do some yoga positions after I run and I usually throw in push ups during my standard morning calf and hamstring stretches - which i have to do as I have issues with plantar fasciatis and tight hammies.

Maybe you could take the time you have from not doing as many swim workouts and add both run/bike and strength workouts with the main emphasis on the r-b ones. 

It will be interesting to hear what people who actually know what they're talking about chime in on this.


2010-06-11 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2906082

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
camy - 2010-06-07 3:49 PM

Congrats on the fun run! Glad to hear the shoes seem to be worth it.

Yeah, no kidding on the cold. I spent my Saturday contortioning myself around my vehicle in 90-100 temps getting the A/C to work again.

I had my first race of the season and it went mostly well. I'm very happy with my swim & bike, but had some muscle cramps in the quads for a good part of the run. With my lack of run training and sprained ankle this year, I wasn't expecting much for the run. I got off the bike 3'rd in my AG and finished 15'th. I'm not much of a runner to begin with, but never have I been passed like this. I'm not disappointed in the least. Truth is, I don't have the bike or run fitness to have pulled this off without issues.

Chris - just posted in your race report, but how much did you eat & drink prior to and during your race? I don't think you cramped due to lack of run training but more likely due to nutrition/hydration.
2010-06-11 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2906706

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
mw22 - 2010-06-07 7:22 PM

Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend. I finally got in my first tri this weekend, it was held by our local YMCA and they did a great job organizing it and getting sponsors.

As for me I finished 4th overall out of 50 entries, with a time of 1:14.33. The nutritional info that  Megan posted was a big help, I wasn't sure what or when I was going to eat until I read that.
Had a shake, choc bar and shot bloks a few hours before and felt good the whole race.

Maybe not good, but you know what I mean. But, I did learn a lot.

Thanks for all the info that is posted by everyone.

Awesome job! Happy to hear the nutrition info helped.
2010-06-11 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2911956

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
swayerm - 2010-06-09 6:07 PM

Question... put it out there to all, not just to Megan...

But how important is strength training in the scheme of things?
I mean, I don't swim as much as other triathletes, in the off season once a week if at all. I seem to gain more speed from more fitness, which comes from my running and riding...

But I also do a PT once a week which is a strength session. Should I be adding another one?

I am going to start a "hard core" challenge (core strength, lol, gay name, I know) with my friends starting Wednesday next week (16th of June) and wondering what people think about this kind of stuff.
Oh, and if you want to join me let me know, I'll post the link to the blog post and the instructions.



Strength training is important and I should be doing more of it. It is the one gaping hole in my training pan. I try to fit in some core and plyo exercises - especially during the winter months to build strength. However, once I get into race season I usually stop. Not sure if this is right/wrong.
However, I find it is difficult to fit it in with s/b/r training and it is always the first to go if I do not have time. That said, I will do s/b/r strength workouts (e.g. swim and run sprint sets, hill repeats on the bike/run) throughout the season.
since it's your winter, I would think it would be the perfect time to do a "hard core' challenge. Just don't skimp on the b/r. Because of your swim background, you could get away with skipping a few swim workouts as long as you get 1-2 sessions in per week.

2010-06-14 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2915129

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
jellyfish - 2010-06-11 7:40 AM
camy - 2010-06-07 3:49 PM Congrats on the fun run! Glad to hear the shoes seem to be worth it.

Yeah, no kidding on the cold. I spent my Saturday contortioning myself around my vehicle in 90-100 temps getting the A/C to work again.

I had my first race of the season and it went mostly well. I'm very happy with my swim & bike, but had some muscle cramps in the quads for a good part of the run. With my lack of run training and sprained ankle this year, I wasn't expecting much for the run. I got off the bike 3'rd in my AG and finished 15'th. I'm not much of a runner to begin with, but never have I been passed like this. I'm not disappointed in the least. Truth is, I don't have the bike or run fitness to have pulled this off without issues.
Chris - just posted in your race report, but how much did you eat & drink prior to and during your race? I don't think you cramped due to lack of run training but more likely due to nutrition/hydration.

I had my usual routine before and during the race. I ate some gronola bars and cliff bar when I woke up and in-route to the race. During the race, I had 280 cal of Infinit + water (aero-drink + 24oz bottle) on the bike and 2 gels (@10 & 30min), 2 cups gatorade, and 6 cups of water on the run.

I think what may have done me in was the day before. I replaced the AC compressor on my car and was basically outside from 10am - 6pm (it did get to 100*F) getting it done. I pretty much skipped lunch, as I just grabbed a handfull of lunchmeat ham. I tried to drink alot of water, but probably didn't do a good job. That evening, I tried to play catchup in both the food and water division, but it was probably too late. On race morning, I weighed myself and was probably down a pound or two. Prior to the race, I drank 4 1L bottles of water hoping that was enough. I guess there is a good chance that was the main cause, but I really don't like having that as my excuse when my training the past year and a half has been so light.

I did have another short (400m/11mi/2mi) race this past Saturday and fared much better. Albeit much shorter, I had a hard effort and didn't even feel close to sore anytime after. Two days after the Oly, I still couldn't use my quads (ie bend the leg) when walking.

Hope everyone is doing well. Anyone raced over the weekend or this coming weekend?
2010-06-14 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Your post was timely for me - reminding me to hydrate this week in prep for my sprint tri this weekend.  It is 100 degrees as I write this, so I need to be careful with the hydration.  I tend to forget to drink; not a wise thing to do.  Of course, I maybe getting more water then I asked for with my first ocean swim - although the inadvertant drinking of salt water during the race probably doesn't count as properly hydrating!
Glad to hear you had a better race last weekend.  Congrats!


2010-06-16 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
*Sigh* I was a total fail bus over the long weekend here is Aus.

Drove my best friends car off a cliff Friday night. We're both out of action for a few weeks while we recover.
We both walked away, but still a bit sore and sorry. The car didn't make it, we found out yesterday. At least we're both ok, right?

Means I can only do minimal training for a little while, so looks like it's my core challenge and that's it for the moment.
I am struggling to run, and my bike has been left at my parents place 2.5 hours away, and I can't get it until next month
Going to be an interesting one for me, me thinks
2010-06-16 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Wow! You certainly win the best excuse for not working out award!   Glad to hear you're both ok. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

2010-06-17 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2926703

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Extreme Veteran
Stamford, CT
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
OMG! Thank goodness you are OK. That sounds serious. At least it is winter season for you. Once you are feeling up to it, start building run mileage up slowly, do some swimming then hop on the bike when you are able to get it (or ride a stationary bike if you can).

Feel better
2010-06-17 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Thanks guys

My bad luck should be over now though, right? Last exam this afternoon (just about to leave) then I'll be peachy and trying to recover, lol.
2010-06-21 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
I have now completed my first ocean swim tri! It was a lot of fun.  Took 2d in my AG; of course there were only 7 in the group, still it is a second!  That makes my 3d tri and my 3d 2d place - one of these days maybe I can get a 1st...
I've posted a race report for anyone who's interested.

Hope everyone had a good weekend of racing or training.


2010-06-25 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Happy Friday (or Saturday for Jess)!  Anybody racing this weekend?  If so, good luck!

2010-06-28 12:25 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Monday mornings and the cold are the WORST combitation. Honestly, it was FREEZING here this morning!!

I've had trouble with motivation lately... if you look at my logs... well, don't bother!!

I've found a new wind of motivation though, and I need some advice... I am a little injured from the car accident (lower back) and am wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem running and riding... I have been pretty much give an all clear for light training, but am still fairly uncomfortable.
I see an osteo, but have been told not to go back there for a bit, and was wondering people's opinions of physio's vs chiros.
My mother has sword me against chiro's, but Superman sees one every 5 weeks... worth it or not?
Or sports physio a better move, so then I can maybe get some advice re ITB etc at the same time?

I think it's going to be a long week... :P

Hope you all had an awesome weekend!!!
2010-06-28 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

I'm with your mother on this one - go with the physio.  Get better.

2010-06-28 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Sorry, I've been MIA from here for a while.

Jess, sorry to hear about the accident and glad you are relatively okay. I do/did have back problems and was scared to go to a chiro. But, after talking to many people and their experiences, I now believe what their formal training is in is irrelevant. It's much more relevant to have someone who can understand what YOU need and get you it. I've been most impressed with a Physical Trainer I used for a knee problem I once had. He spend alot of time diagnosing it and had me doing these (what I thought was) crazy silly things that couldn't possibly help with my knee problem. He seemed very confident and took a ton of time to explain things in detail to me (but I still didn't believe him), so I followed his instructions exactly. One month later, I was completely rid of my tendonitis. On the other hand, I went in to a well-repected ortho surgeon complaining of my back problems. He completely brushed me off and told me I was just getting old, even though I repeatedly told him I've pulled back muscles many times, but this was different. In his diagnosis, he never once touched me to find my range of motion or "does this hurt", etc. A couple weeks later, I ruptured a disk in my lumbar. I've since found out of 2 friends that have had surgery from him with nothing but good things to say about him. Both of these were cut and dry surgery cases. I'm rambling, but I guess my point is that it's not the title, but the ability of the doctor that matters.
2010-06-28 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2933544

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, Texas
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Ann-Marie, congrats on a good race (t2 aside) and keeping your 2'nd place streak going! Who cares how many are in your AG, that is an impressive outing.

2010-06-30 1:45 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Superman's trying to help, he's booked me an appointment with his Chiro tomorrow night.
I guess we can only see how it goes right? He's been seeing the guy since he was about 9, and he's meant to be pretty good.

If all else fails, I'll have to find a physio. I don't really like picking stuff out of the yellow pages, bad experience have ensued, so first port of call will be my friend's physio...
I'll keep you all updated.

Had the worst night's sleep last night cos I couldn't get comfortable... but apparently my xrays are clear, so that's a good start, right??
2010-07-07 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2787624

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White House, TN
Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys, sorry I have been MIA. I'll have to go back and read the posts to catch up with you all. As for me I have not trained nor competed this season. We have had a family tragedy that has taken absolutey all of my time for what seems as the past several months. Doubt I'll anything now as I am mentally wiped out and absolutely motivated for nothing.. I am going for a liesure ride today.. We'll see what that sparks..
2010-07-14 11:15 PM
in reply to: #2787624

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

Where is everyone??

I have a 5km fun run this weekend, just not sure if I am allowed to do it yet...
I have had clearance from the chiro for riding and swimming though, so bonus there. Back into it as of yesterday.
Find out on Friday if I can run on the weekend or not!!

Will be interesting doing it without training (for me) so I guess we see what happens.

Where is everyone else at? Had any more races recently?
2010-07-15 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2981982

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Subject: RE: Jellyfish's Group - CLOSED

I think the mentor groups ended in early July (not 100% sure).  Even if they didn't, it appears most people faded away rather quickly.  Hope you get good news about your ability to run in the 5k.  Good luck!

My next race is on Aug. 1st; after that I'm considering signing up for an Oly in late Sept.

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