BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL! Rss Feed  
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2010-12-29 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
I just looked at yesterday's update and wanted to get a reply in quickly. If there's room for one more, I'd like to join this group. I'll check the current posts now to see if I'm too late

2010-12-29 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
NAME: Wooden Bell/Jason STORY: This will be my 4th year of triathlon, and I'm really hoping for a breakthrough year. Over the last few years, I've completed a sprint, and Olympic, 2 sprint duathlons, a marathon, a 1/2 marathon, and a handful of shorter distance road races. This past summer, I had my first DNF, and I am looking forward to taking care of that race this year (had 5k left and not enough time to finish under the 7hr cutoff). FAMILY STATUS: Married, with 2 kids (2 and 4)CURRENT TRAINING: Currently working 2 jobs (teacher by day, and blackberry tech support by night), so most of my training will happen early mornings or late nights. I will also try to take advantage of lunch hours whenever possible. THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): 3 5k's, 1 10k, 1 1/2 marathon (pace bunny), 1 sprint duathlon, and a DNF HIM. 2011 RACES:  hoping for a couple sprints, at least 1 Olympic, some running races, and an HIM in August. WEIGHTLOSS: I seem to hit 200 every Christmas, and this year is no different. 201 on the 26th, looking to get down to 170ish for the racing season. WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I love learning about triathlon, and hearing other people's experiences. I made th mistake of going into an HIM very under-trained last year, and I want to make up for it this year.
2010-12-29 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Sorry about the squished-together post. I'm on my iPod, and I guess it didn't want to keep the spacing as I had it.
2010-12-29 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3265995

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
jason welcome, you're the last for now.

Great to have you.
2010-12-29 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3265536

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
chmoore2 - 2010-12-28 10:34 PM

I have a feeling this group is going to be awesome. So much good info already and we are only about a week old.So i am still recovering from bronchitis/pneumonia but I think I am almost there. It has been a solid 2 and a half weeks since doing anything fitness related. Still having coughing spells just walking the dog. Today I have to admit i felt pretty good, i think i am am going to do a real short run tomorrow to see how it goes. I would like to be able to get back on my plan by Monday the 3rd. I think i will take the remainder of this week and keep it light to ease back into it a bit.I have been eating like I am working out and then some so i have some weight to lose from the holidays, but i don't regret that. Just need to refocus my efforts.Somebody asked about uploading Garmin workouts. I believe all the paid memberships allow this. I have been silver for a long time though so i am not sure. I love that feature though, use it every time i workout.

Unless the weather has warmed up a lot, for that first run or two you might want to consider a scarf or neck gator over your mouth for at least the first bit of the run. having that help warm up the air coming in will ease the coughing if its still an issue.
2010-12-29 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3266000

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is OPEN!
Wooden Bell - 2010-12-29 8:40 AM

Sorry about the squished-together post. I'm on my iPod, and I guess it didn't want to keep the spacing as I had it.

Heh, i'm more impressed you typed that all out on the ipod!

2010-12-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
At what point do you take a day off due to having some pain?  I started having some pain in my knee last night.  I wasn't doing anything strenuos at the time I noticed the pain.  The pain is not severe by any means, just a bit on an ache.  The only way that it is reproducible is if I squat all the way down.  There is no swelling or bruising.  I had a episode of petellofemoral pain syndrome back in Aug but this feels a little different.  I did a session on the trainer yesterday and had no knee pain during the workout.

I hate to miss a day especially after the way I slacked off over the holiday.  Today's planned training is running and swimming.  I would just go to the gym and see how things go but it is a 50 mile round trip, and with $3 per gallon gas that is a bit spendy trip for my truck.  Should I just suck it up and see how things feel or take the day off and re-evaluate tomorrow.
2010-12-29 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3266032

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
I'd personally do this (again, this is just me, these are your knees).

I'd head in, tri and do my run first, if it hurt, stop right there, and move the rest of the run to the pool (water running), and then get my swim in and head home.

I've had times in the past where i've had knee pain like that (normally lifting, or climbing on the bike), but it never bugs be anywhere else. A few times its gotten worse though.

I'd say give it a go today, if it hurts for more than a few steps on your run (give it 5 min to warm up and then see), then i'd get off. ice when you get home and repeat the icing every few hours as you go. You could have just tweaked it. If thats the case you should be fine to go now. If it still hurts, rest it and ice ice ice.
2010-12-29 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
That sounds reasonable.  I just remembered I have to go pay my taxes today.  After a $600 increase from last year I am going to be ready to release some energy.
2010-12-29 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3266077

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
inmyelement - 2010-12-29 9:17 AM

That sounds reasonable. I just remembered I have to go pay my taxes today. After a $600 increase from last year I am going to be ready to release some energy.

Gag, that sounds fun...
2010-12-29 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
The knee held up great at the gym.  The run was great!  For whatever reason it seemed effortless, so I kept upping the speed.  Ended up doing a half mile more than I usually do on a 30 minute run.  The swim went good as well.

On a side note, how much of an influx of people can I expect at the Y after the first of the year?  They are offering free day passes this week and were giving A LOT of tours today. 

2010-12-29 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3266657

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Totally depends on the type of Y/area its in.

The nicer the area the more likely it'll be packed right after holidays.

The one i used last year was in a fairly low income area and not much changed, a few more people that were not in school but that was it.
When i lived in Columbus and had a membership at the rec center, it would be jammed for the few days after new years, and would slowly return to normal within a week or two.

If you want the real entertaining time, watch out after the next summer olympics, my pool was packed with people trying to do the butterfly for a few days during/after phelps would swim. Was a fun time to watch.
2010-12-29 3:28 PM
in reply to: #3266767

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
newbz - 2010-12-29 10:21 AM Totally depends on the type of Y/area its in. The nicer the area the more likely it'll be packed right after holidays. The one i used last year was in a fairly low income area and not much changed, a few more people that were not in school but that was it. When i lived in Columbus and had a membership at the rec center, it would be jammed for the few days after new years, and would slowly return to normal within a week or two. If you want the real entertaining time, watch out after the next summer olympics, my pool was packed with people trying to do the butterfly for a few days during/after phelps would swim. Was a fun time to watch.

I found a similar impact at my YMCA.  I only go there to swim these I suppose I only have to watch out for the 2012 Olympics.

Our work fitness center does have a yearly challenge that runs from March to our fitness center gets really crowded during that time.  But most of those who join the challenge don't use the same equipment as me...they mostly take the aerobics classes they that area gets packed like a can of worms.

Edited by tri808 2010-12-29 3:29 PM
2010-12-29 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3266778

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
assuming it was not my morning workouts, i actualyl didn't mind it. I liked having other people around, as the winter can be a lonely time to train in colder places and it was nice to actually have adult contact (coaching high school kids and training alone limits that some).

As long as i can get my workout in, its fun having more poeple around.
2010-12-29 6:20 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Short treadmill run today.  2.64 miles in 20min - mostly easy, with a little acceleration in the middle.  5k Resolution Run on Saturday with over 300 runners... can't wait!  Looking to go around 21min, but faster is okay too   The weather is supposed to be nice (sunny and 2*C).

Deb - Where in Canada are you located?  I'm in NB.
2010-12-29 7:51 PM
in reply to: #3267036

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
got in a great run tonight, not quite the pace i was looking for but with the snow and ice i was happy with it.

8.3 miles in just under an hour.

I cannot wait for friday, i'm heading down to FL with family for a week of fun and running in the sun:-)

2010-12-29 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Fall River, WI
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
What is your take on Masters Swim classes?  The Y I go to has a first time class starting early Jan.  The cost is pretty fair from what I have seen in the area.  I swam a lot as a kid and had to problem re-acclimating to the pool.  With that, my endurance definitely needs work and I am sure that my form could use some help as well. 

Are these classes geared more towards someone with a better base or is this just what I need to build my base and do so without developing bad habits?

Edited by inmyelement 2010-12-29 8:09 PM
2010-12-29 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3267175

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
totally depends on the group/you.

Is it a class or a coached group to swim with?
Either way a group setting in swimming is almost always a good thing assuming you are not getting bad habits drilled in, swimming with others pushes you a lot more.

2010-12-29 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
My YMCA masters class has all ability levels.  I agree that the group setting pushes you more.  There is no way I do some of the workouts they lay out without having the peer pressure of quitting in front of everyone.

Heading out to my Wednesday masters class shortly.
2010-12-30 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3266818

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Woodbridge , Virginia
Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
newbz - 2010-12-29 4:54 PM

assuming it was not my morning workouts, i actualyl didn't mind it. I liked having other people around, as the winter can be a lonely time to train in colder places and it was nice to actually have adult contact (coaching high school kids and training alone limits that some).

As long as i can get my workout in, its fun having more poeple around.

the social aspect of training is always fun... even if you don't talk to one another.. crazy how that works..
2010-12-30 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3267691

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
yep it sure is.

I tend to probably make it worse on myself in that i often swam alone, almost always ride alone, and just this past fall started running with other people, so i was logging 16-24 hours of training by myself.
Having people around was a novelty to me!!

2010-12-30 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3267036

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Deb - Where in Canada are you located?  I'm in NB.

I'm in Cochrane, AB - right outside Calgary and close to the mountains.  Almost as far away from you as I can be while staying in the same country, but not quite.  Good to see another canuck around though.  If I slip and use km, at least someone will understand. 

I'm also doing the resolution run.  It's tomorrow.  I'm hoping to break the 30 minute mark on the 5k.  I know that doesn't seem fast to some, but for me, it would be great. 

I have a lot going for me.  I ran my first 5k in September with a time of 31:25.  I've lost almost 25 more pounds since then and I run way more.  I also finished that one feeling like I could have pushed harder.  It was my first race, so my main goals were to finish and to run the whole thing.  To do that, I set a pace that I KNEW I could run the whole thing at.  This time, I think I can push a lot harder.

The thing I don't have going for me is the weather.  It's going to be cold - likely around -20c (-4f).  I can handle that though.  I run in it often enough and I've got the clothing.  My bigger concern is that it may be slippery.  It warmed up earlier this week, so it melted some of the ice, then it froze again and has been snowing on top of that.  I will have to see what the pathways are like and decide whether or not to push the speed.
2010-12-30 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3268224

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
good luck with the 5k!! I hope you break 30 min.

With the snow/ice just be careful, slightly shorter steps will help since your feet will be under you more of the time.
2010-12-30 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!

Just stopping in to say Hi--I have been sick since tuesday.  I did have a good 45 inutes on the traininer on Monday!

2010-12-30 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3256274

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Subject: RE: Newbz' Spring Fling Mentor Group is FULL!
Deb, good luck with your race.  I'll probably be waking up late...slightly hung over, trying to watch football out of the corner of my eyes.

But I do plan to get in a run later that day...but no way in a race...and no way before 3 pm.
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